It had been a few months since they all defeated Ywach. The Soul Society was in repair and so were the shinigami and humans who took part in the war. Since then peace had reigned, Renji and Rukia surprised everyone by announcing their engagement and getting married only three weeks go.

Three weeks since the wedding..that's three weeks that Ichigo hadn't confessed his feelings for Orihime. Renji had somehow caught on to his feelings for the red headed beauty and convinced him to confess..but just as he was about to..he chickened out and told her to make some time next time so they could talk.

He has since been avoiding her, to worried that she'll reject his feelings, he's never felt so nervous in his life, Hell battling Ywach seemed easier than this..

Ichigo, still deep in thought, walked to his classroom with his bag over his shoulder when he heard a loud yell

" IIICCHIIIGOOOOO" Keigo ran up comically with his hands outstretched right up to Ichigo.

"Hey Keigo sup" Ichigo said calmly as he clothes lined his loud friend. Keigo fell the the ground with an audible thud.

"Ichigo why are you so mean too mee"!! Keigo fake cried.

"Its a bit early to be this loud isn't it Asano san" Mizuiro said not looking up from his phone.

"Stop calling me Asano San I thought we were friends", Keigo yelled as he went to his desk.

Ichigo walked over to his desk and sat, he stared down thinking about what he'd say to Orihime if she asked about what he meant at Rukia's wedding, he was at his desk table when he heard the sweetest sound.

" Good morning Kurosaki Kun" Orhime walked in with her ever present happy aura and breath taking smile. Tatsuki followed soon after.

Ichigo was so thrown off he jumped up out of his seat at her greeting, he composed himself quickly.

" M-Morning Inoue" He stuttered out. Damn he thought stay cool Ichigo.Orihime took her seat next to his and smiled bigger.

" So Kurosaki Kun what did you wanna talk about..I haven't seen you in a few weeks" Orihime asked innocently.

Ichigo choked on air he turned and looked at her slowly

" Uhh nothing.. actually we can talk about it some other time" Ichigo said rubbing the back of his head.

" Talk to her about what exactly", Tatsuki said as walked up to him.

Ichigo shrugged his shoulders and looked awkwardly at his feet acting as if he didn't know what she was talking about. well that's weird why's he acting all shy..thats not like Ichigo at all..Tatsuki looked closer at him he really seemed off..she couldn't place it, his face looked soft and almost..starstruck, like he was dreamily looking at something.. or rather someone. She followed his line of sight and saw him staring at Orihime who was nonchalantly un packing her school bag.

Tatsuki grinned wickedly and leaned in close to Ichigo, " Dont be chicken, ask her out already...make a move idiot", she whispered.

Ichigo let out a surprised sound and his eyes got wide. " Not now! I- I mean I dont know what your talking about", he stuttered and walked to his desk and sat angrily.

Just then Orihime got really close to his face " Oi Kurosaki Kun are you feeling alright..your face is red"?

" Ye Yeah I'm fine", Ichigo stammered " it's just hot in here".

"Well maybe if you closed your mouth..the room wouldn't be so full of hot air Kurosaki" Uruyu walking in with his hand on his hip. Chad followed close behind.

Ichigo glared " Shut up Ishida"

" You wanna make me Kurosaki" Ishida challenged.

Just as Chad was about step in between them, Ochi-sensei walked in

" Take your seats please" she yelled

Ichigo settled back into his desk and turned his attention forward. He glanced over at Orihime who had locked eyes with him and smiled radiantly, he fought back a blush and averted his eyes quickly.

This was gonna be a long day.

After a long dragged out lecture the bell finally rang signaling everyone to leave for next period.

Just as Ichigo stood up he heard his teacher's voice call out.

" Ichigo, Orihime, Sado, and Uruyu", Ochi-Sensei said firmly. " You four stay behind.

The group fell behind and let everyone else leave.

"As you all know, you four have missed a lot of school lately..and though you've all made up work and tests, your lacking in time and extra credit..and since graduation is only a short time away I have a solution", Ochi-sensei said in a serious tone.

The group looked on nervously leaning in waiting patiently for Ochi-sensei's reply.. They were expecting some crazy 50 page report or community service ...or worse summer school

Ochi-sensei smiled suddenly " How do you four feel about Musical Theater"?

" I can't believe it Ha Ha Ha Haaaa, tell me I'm dreaming, i cant picture it, Ichigo, Uruyu and Chad in a Inoue San definitely but...but.. Bahahaha" Keigo could hardly contain himself, he spat out his juice the moment we told him at lunch.

"Shut up" Ichigo said annoyed enough already.

"We have no choice, we missed too much school" Chad replied calmly.

" I still dont see why she's making us do a musical though", Ichigo pouted while taking a sip of his juice box.

" Dont you get it Kurosaki..a school play in theater is an after school activity like sports, when you add in all the time rehearsing your lines, and dress rehearsals it adds up all to the time we missed, not to mention how long the play lasts on opening night", Uruyu sighed.

" I think its Exciting", Orihime shouted as she walked up to the group of boys with Tatsuki next to her.

" You only say that cuz you'll be good at it Inoue", Ichigo said smiling slightly.

"What's wrong Kurosaki Kun, cant you sing"? Orihime asked with her head tilted.

"Ehh I'm not sure I never tried", Ichigo answered honestly.

"Well now you kinda have no choice Kurosaki, so you better be at the very least mediocore", Uruyu huffed.

" Oh like you can do any better Ishida, I bet money you sound like a strangled cat"! Ichigo screamed.

" I'll have you know I'm a very accomplished singer Kurosaki, someone like me is definitely more suitable for musical theater than you"! Uruyu yelled.

"Oh yeah well just for that I'm not going easy at the auditions later..I'm gonna get the lead roll"! Ichigo taunted confidently.

" We'll see Kurosaki..I'll believe it when I see it"!

" Well it might not be forget we are just jumping in with the theater class..those guys have alot more experience and seniority than we do" Chad piped in.

" Gee thanks Chad..but I really dont care either way to be honest..I just wanna get this over with"

" I think Kurosaki Kun would be a great lead..I think he could do it", Orihime said with a bright smile.

" Oh.. uh thanks Inoue" he blushed.

" We better get going..the auditions start soon", Chad stood up.

"Yeah let's get this over with" Ichigo sighed while rolling his eyes.

All four friends walked into the auditorium to see a group of kids standing in front of the teacher with scripts in hand. the entire class just stared.

Great Ichigo thought not like this isn't embarrassing enough.

" Why Hello children you must be the student Ochi-sensei told me about..come in come in..where just about to start"! yelled the very animated theater teacher.

Ichigo, Orihime, Uruyu and Chad walked up and stood behind the group.

"Now class these four will be joining us for our play since we were short characters. I'll introduce you.

The teacher looked at us. " Now if you'd be so kind as to state your names please"

"Uruyu Ishida", Uruyu started

"Sado Yatsotori"

"Orihime Inoue"

"Ichigo Kurosaki"

"Aw splendid thank you children, My Name is Mr. Kimimora, now as I was saying we will be doing the broadway play...Les Miserables"!!!

Every student in the class cheered

"Oh I love that play", Orihime squealed.

"Definitely a classic" Said Uruyu

"Hmm", Chad grunted

" Oh great isnt this play like during the French revolution or something" Ichigo asked.

"Why yes it is young man, you all seem to be familiar with the play, fantastic! Let's begin the auditions then..oh you four here are your scripts".

They each looked at their scripts and walked backstage. The four of them just stood off to the side of the stage while they watched everyone else audition..Ichigo had to admit alot of these kids had some serious talent.

Just then a girl with long black hair and black eyes walked up to Ichigo. She was rather small in stature scrawny almost, she had no curves and a regular size chest she was cute but nothing to over the top.

" Hey your Ichigo right"? she asked flirtatiously and she leaned in close

" Uh yeah..and who are you"? Ichigo glared and backed away from the girl.

The girl bit her lip and twirled her hair " I'm Kimiko Nohara, I'm the best singer in the class so I know I'll get the lead..I always do"

" So I just wanted to wish you luck..hopefully a handsome guy like you gets to be the lead guy so we can share a kiss huh"? Kimiko winked and strode towards the stage.

" Wow already got a girlfriend Kurosaki..we've only been here an hour" Uruyu taunted.

" Shut up Ishida" Ichigo shot back not even bothering to add spite to was ridiculous after all he was in love with Inoue.

Little did Ichigo know that Orihime saw the whole exchange and fought back tears..Could he really like that girl, she thought.

That Kimiko girl took the stage and started to sing. Ichigo and the rest had to admit that she had a great voice..she might just get the lead after all.

" Wow I guess she wasnt kidding I guess she will get the lead" Ichigo said leaning on a wall. Orihime fidgeted and looked at her feet, Chad saw this, nudged her and gave her a thumbs up. She smiled in return.

Kimiko walked back and blew a kiss to Ichigo who looked shocked.

Uruyu and Chad surprised even Ichigo at their singing and acting skills.. I guess Ishida isnt bad after all.

Next Ichigo was up.. Ichigo even impressed himself at how well he sang and how passionately he said his lines.

"Bravo, Bravo! That was wonderful I think we've found our Mauris!

" What me really", Ichigo said shocked.

" Oh I knew you get the lead cutie"! Kimiko yelled.

Ichigo walked backstage and stood next to his friends..still dazed

"Congratulations Kurosaki Kun", Orihime said happily.

Chad gave a thumbs up

" Not bad Kurosaki" Uruyu praised.

"Last to audition..Orihime Inoue"

Orihime skipped onstage smiling brightly.

" Well hello aren't you lovely dear..will you sing for us please..any song you want" Mr Kimimora said.

Orihime nodded " it's a song from another play I love from The Phantom Of The Opera called Wishing you were somehow here again.

" Oh I adore that song..please please proceed.

As soon as Orihime started singing the whole auditorium went silent..the deeper she got into the song the more beautiful her voice became.. Uruyu, Chad, and Ichigo's jaws dropped.

Her voice sounded so angelic it was almost unreal..the other students actually started to tear up at the beauty of her voice.

By end of her song Mr Kimimora was in full blown tears.. " That was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.. I think we've found our Cosette.

" Everyone class dismissed".

Orihime walked over to her friends with her head down, she looked like she was contemplating something.

" Inoue..that's was amazing..I mean I didn't know you could sing, let alone like that", Ichigo babbled surprised.

" Yeah congratulations Inoue san", Uruyu said proudly.

Chad gave a big thumbs up.

"Thanks guys I-

" Young lady that was amazing!! You have to be my Cosette, please say you will"! Mr Kimimora yelled excitedly.

" No Mr. Kimimora that's not fair I've been the lead in every play this year..she's not even in this class", Kimiko ran up to the group and pouted.

" Now now Kimiko she won fair and square dont be a sore loser.."

" Fine! I guess I'll just have to kiss Ichigo here in real life". Just then she grabbed Ichigo's face and kissed his cheek.

Ichigo sputtered and turned bright red, he meant to jump back and yell at her to get lost but he was so stunned no words came one had ever kissed him before.

Kimiko winked and walked away.

" Well Ichigo I guess you do have a girlfriend now" Uruyu said pushing up his glasses.

Ichigo was just about to yell Hell no and that he didn't like her in the slightest when Orihime spoke up.

" Mr. Kimimora..I- I'd actually rather play Eponine..

Everyone turned shocked

" B-but..why dear.. Eponine is supposed to be a plain looking girl whose love is unrequited..your more of a Cosette Beautiful, voice of an angel.. Why ever would you want to be Eponine.

Orihime looked at Ichigo and locked eyes with him smiled sadly then looked back at Mr Kimimora.

" Let's just say I know how she feels..I really resonate with her character..

Orihime then bows to him and walks away..leaving her three friends speechless.