Surprisingly the first day of school after the attack went rather normal for the young heroes of Class 1A. They still made jokes during lunches, Aizawa still taught with his dry tone, they still did some battle training over at ground beta, it was more or less a regular Monday for our young heroes to be. However, there are currently two students who are on the edge of their seats. Midoriya, who is terrified that he's spending an entire afternoon with a girl, probably the most beautiful girl in the class at that, and on the other end of the spectrum there is Momo, who is extremely embarrassed at the idea of asking Midoriya if he would want to be friends with her. The two have been sneaking glances at one another all day wondering if the other has forgotten the plans the two have made to each other. Oddly enough, or embarrassing enough depending on which one of them you ask they catch the other looking at them right before the final bell. Midoriya gives a quick awkward smile to the girl, meanwhile, Momo gives a stiff wave back.

"This is gonna be a long day." The pair think at the same time to themselves

"YAOMOMO!"Ashido shouts, flopping herself all over Momo's desk breaking the creation's girl from her thoughts "Please, please, please help me with our homework when we get back home. I totally forgot about it over the weekend and it's due in two days!" She proclaims as large amounts of tears begin to stream down her face as she shakes the girl back and forth.

"D-Does it have to be today?" The girl questions while still being shaken viciously by her overactive roommate "The homework is due on Wednesday, I am more than happy to help you all day tomorrow after class."

"NO! I promise Kaminari that I would help him buy some speakers for his tv since Sero is busy. So it has to be today!" She gets off the desk and gets on her knees grabbing the young girl by her skirt. "Please Yaomomo!"

"I-i'm sorry but I have plans today, so I can not tutor you today Ashido." Momo explains however Mina tuned out at the word 'plans' and grew a very mischievous smile.

"Oh plans, what type of plans are so important that you cant help your good friend out Yaomomo?" The acid quirk user insinuates causing Momo to grew a light shade of pink much to her amusement." So, who's the guy that got your attention Momo, Oh I bet it's Todoroki!" She basically screams causing Momo to cover her face in her hands in embarrassment as her seatmate turns his attention to both girls. He's looking at the two with a questionable face


"Todoroki I didn't know you were taking Momo out on a date today." Mina states in a matter of fact tone that causes the ponytail to quickly create some tape and put it over Mina's mouth. Her face is as bright as a tomato and her heart is rushing a thousand miles per hour.

"Sorry about disturbing you Todoroki, Mina is just being Mina is all." She states with a nervous laugh and Todoroki shrugs. He looks over to the girl who is trying to fan away the blush on her face and then looks down at Ashido who is struggling adamantly to melt the tape on her mouth, and then back to Yaoyorozu.

"I thought you were having lunch with Midoriya, I don't recall us having plans." He responds before going back to his thoughts however by that time Mina has melted the tape and is shocked at what she just heard

"MIDORIYA!"She yells for the third time since this conversation has started and Momo just wished she kept her mouth shut

"Y-yes." The two girls look up to see Midoriya and Iida in front of Momo's desk. Iida wearing a disapproving glare as he looks over to Ashdio and Midoriya is looking everywhere but towards Momo. Todoroki looks over at his friend and smiles at his predicament.

"You sly dog Midoriya," Ashido joked as she jumped up and basically tackled the young man out of his shoes. "I never would've guessed that under all that stuttering and mumbling was a smooth talker. So how did you ask Momo out? Was it super cute? Was it super embarrassing? Was it before we moved into the Guild, oh, or I bet it was during and you did it when no one was around." Mina begins to bombard the boy with multiple questions causing his face to overheat and him to cover it up with his. Iida sensing his friend's embarrassment steps into the rescue

"On the contrary Ashido, this is far from a date, Midoriya is simply telling Yaoyorozu how she can improve her quirk as well as go over some homework. Nothing more." Iida explains and just like that the girl's hopes and dreams are shattered and she sighs an annoying sigh

"Really, that's it? I should've expected that would be the case, no way Midoriya would ask a girl out, especially one like Momo." She groaned as the two members in questions shot Iida a look of gratitude that he returned with a slight head nod "Well, in that case, Midoriya can I have Momo for today, I really need her help with the homework, she's the only one who can get me to focus."

Iida not wanting Mina to ruin a lunch that is much needed for his student council partner quickly chimes in before Yaoyorozu can reply "In case you forgot Ashido,I'm second in the class when it comes to academics. The only person ahead of me is , any question you have for her, I am more than capable of answering." He rushes before mentioning with his head for the two to get out of there.

Not needing to be told twice, Midoriya grabs Momo by the hand and quickly rushes out the room. Causing a lot of stares from his classmates still left in the class but he doesn't have time to give it any thought. If he stayed he would've seen Uraraka breaking a pencil in half at the sight and Tsu taking a very noticeable step away from her. Mina pouts and stomps the ground as she sees her ticket to a free A just run out the room.

"No need to worry Ashido. I am more than happy to help you with your studies. How hard can it be?" Iida jokes only for Mina to sigh

'Poor boy doesn't know what he got himself into.' She thinks to herself.

A million thoughts are running through the head of Yaoyorozu as she sits across her green-haired classmate. The two have agreed to have lunch at a nice coffee shop called "God's blessing", it's rather cute but that's the least of her troubles. She was always dreading this day but after her talk with Iida she thought she'd be more prepared for it, but the exact opposite has happened. No matter how many scenarios she thought of, she didn't see one where she didn't make a full of herself in front of Midoriya. She knew her classmate would never make fun of her, but thoughts such as, "what if he already has too many friends'', "What if he only wants to talk about quirks", "what if I turn him away'". The girl's self-esteem was dropping with every seed of self-doubt planted within her head.

She looked up at the boy in front of her and saw his eyes quickly retreat to the other side of the cafe. She sighed inwardly, she knew Midoriya wasn't the best when it came to people, let alone those of the other gender. He's gotten better from what Uraraka has said but he stills fidgets when talking one on one with a girl, he's probably freaking out. So not only is the air thick with awkwardness, she's making Midoriya uncomfortable. "This was a mistake" Yaoyorozu thinks to herself, before looking at him again and locking eyes with the boy.

"Yo, how can I help you!" The two awkward atmosphere was interrupted by a bubbly blue hair waitress in a blue maid outfit. "My name is Aqua and I will be your server for the day."

"U-um I haven't really looked over the menu." Midoriya awkwardly says picking up the menu and hiding his face behind it "Y-you can go first Yaoyorozu."

The girl sighs outwardly before putting on a rather serious look on her face "Can I get an oak milk honey Latte and if you have any muffins left I would take one of those as well. Thank you very much."

"Coming right up! I'll be back for the bushy-haired boy's order later." Aqua proclaims and skips away causing the two UA students to look at each in confusion oddly enough it was Midoriya to break the silence first

"My hair isn't that bushy." Midoriya whispered and this statement causes Momo to quietly laugh to herself

"Indeed it's more so fluffy." The creation quirk user comforted running a hand through her classmates hair to express her point. However, after just running a hand through the boy's hair once, she instantly realized what she had done and immediately pulled a hand back. Her face flushes a light shade of red out of embarrassment "S-sorry I should've asked." She says and Midoriya hides his face behind his menu once again.

"I-its fine." The boy stumbles out still not showing his face and the two are back to square one. For what has to be the third or fourth time in a row the girl sighs before playing with the sugar packets on the table. "S-so" Izuku says, quickly catching the girl's attention.


"Y-your quirk,y-you said you wanted to talk about it." Izuku stumbles out "I have a lot of notes on it but I have some questions about it. I-if you don't mind that is." He quickly backtracks and Yaororozu smiles to have some sort of interaction between the two.

"I have no problem whatsoever Midoriya. That was the purpose of our meeting today, so ask away."

"O-ok." The boy quickly digs into his backpack and takes out a notebook, the exact same one that he tried his hardest to keep away from Mina and Kirishima the day they moved into their new home."So your quirk has to do with the amount of food you eat right?"

"Yes, for my quirk to work I use the lipids stored in my body to make it," She says activating her quirk and pulling out a sugar shaker "the bigger the object the more of this limited source I use, that's usually why you see me eat my own home cooked meals than the ones prepared at UA. But I assume you already knew this Midoriya?"

"Yeah," The boy laying the book on the table but still covering it so Yaororozu can't peek. "My question is,u-um, how do I say this without coming off weird." The boy starts to fidget again and Momo laughs to herself "How does use of your quirk affect your body?"

"I don't think I understand the question."

The boy sighs and looks across the cafe not looking her in the eye. "L-let's say you ate a lot for a week and for this example, gained a pound or two, is it possible for you to create something big enough that would lower your body mass or weight back to healthy size?"

"With the way you were acting Midoriya I thought the question would be worse. Yes it is possible, for example, if I were to create a car, creating something that large would require a great deal of energy, as well as time. But once it's completed it does stand to reason I would've lost a great deal of weight. This is why before I create something large, for example, a cannon I make sure I eat enough to have enough energy to which that wouldn't be a problem." The black hair maiden explains and Midoriya is frequently writing all of this down.

"That's so cool Yaororozu!" He yells catching the girl off guard "I knew a lot went into your quirk but it's insane how much preparation has to go into it for it to be useful. From the studying you do just so your quirk can create an object, to being quick enough to think on the fly to create it, as well as being mindful of your weight so you don't overwhelm yourself." He looks up from his boy with wildly excited eyes, which catches Yaoyorozu off guard "Your quirk is amazing and your ability to use it even more so, as much difficulty I have with my quirk, I wouldn't switch you in the slightest."

Yaoyorozu, surprised by the boy's barrage of compliments, is simply left staring at the boy in bewilderment. She has always been praised for her quirk, it's nothing new. She's also gotten praised for people wishing they were gifted with a quirk like hers. But looking at Midoriya who was rushing writing down things about not her quirk but also her, who was praising her ability to use it, was different. "It's nothing really,it's just a lot of studying in all honesty."

"I don't think so." Midoriya persisted "I know it takes a lot to master a quirk, a lot of patience, a lot of hardship, a lot of strife, a lot of determination." the young hero states looking at his arm riddles with injuries and scars "You shouldn't downplay how hard you work, I see the way you act during in-class training or really at anything in general Yaoyorozu, you work harder than anybody on your quirk. I think it's really impressive how far you came since the first day of class. I doubt me or anyone could master your quirk the way you have. It's simply amazing." He finishes with a small smile but Momo feels its filled with so much energy as if he means every word of what he just said

"Iida was right."


"You really do know just what to say." Momo says with a small smile of her own that causes Midoriya to scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Aw so cute!" The waitress from earlier gushes returning with Momo's order "We don't get a lot of young couples here, it's adorable, anyway here's your latte and muffin. Have you figured out what you want sir?" She questions but Midoriya has short-circuited from after hearing the word couple "Ok, ma'am would like to help your boyfriend?" She asks Yaororozu who is not doing much better than Midoriya

"Aqua, what did I tell you about bothering the customers." A brown hair rather bland looking man states pulling on the ear of Aqua "You're ruining our business." He turns his attention to the young heroes "My bad man, she's a pain, what can I get you."

"A-an Expres-so would be really n-nice." Midoriya stumbles out and Kazuma nods

"Gotcha, now come on you useless waitress."

"Kazuma! This hurts!" Aqua cries out to no avail

The two young heroes look at each other in confusion, their faces still red. This time it was Momo's turn to break the momentary silence.

"V-very unacceptable behavior."

"S-shes just joking Yaororzu she means nothing by it." Midoriya spills out

"I don't see what's funny in making fun of random people." The top student huffs out before taking a sip of her latte "Oh."

"Oh? Is something wrong with it?"

"Hm, oh sorry, I was gonna to continue my rant but this is actually a very good latte," Momo laughed awkwardly "how do you know about this place again Midoriya?"

The boy looks out the window and smiles slightly "Me and my mom found it one night while we were running errands. It's quiet, and not many people our age come by here, but it's a lively place as you can see by the waitress. I've only been here once or twice, this is the first time I'm here with someone besides my mom though."

"In that case thank you for inviting me, I'm very grateful. Though I'm not sure if i agree with your order."

"Why? I always order an espresso."

"Then that explains why you're always so jumpy." Momo jokes with a smile "Maybe you should try something that won't keep you so energized."

"D-did you just make a joke?"

"Yes, is that a problem."

"No of course not." Midoriya laughs with a smile "I'm not used to you or Todoroki joking that it catches me off guard when either of you do."

"I think i'm pretty funny," She pouts before gaining a rather large smile on her face "You follow hero news more than anybody in the class, did you hear about that kidnapping in Mustafu?"

"Kidnapping? No! What happened, which hero came to save them?"

"Oh you don't have to worry about that, it's all fine, the kid woke up." She spits out before laughing and leaving Midoriya puzzled. He thinks about it for a while before groaning outwardly

"That was so cheesy Yaororozu. Now me I like to dabble in good jokes, like those about unemployment. Sadly none of them work." He says with a small smile and this time it's Momo's turn to groan

"A pun? I expected better from you Midoriya."

"What's wrong never heard of the guy who lost his whole left side in a fight."

"No I have, he's all right now. How about the bee that couldn't make up his mind?"

"Ah a may-bee, oh did you know why towels can't tell jokes."

"Their humor is dry!" The two young heroes say at the time. They lock eyes before erupting in laughter.

"Jirou always pokes me with her earjacks whenever I make a you for not being as vicious Midoriya." Yaororozu states before taking a sip of her latte.

"I understand, Uraraka always makes me float and won't set me down till I apologize." The green haired hero confessed leading to the girl in front of him to laugh slightly

"Then puns can be our thing."

"Yeah," Deku gives her a smile that eases all seeds of self doubt she had earlier "it can be."

"How did we end up here!" Iida shouts

Soon after the two got home Iida sat Ashido at the table in the kitchen. The homework was nothing more than some math and some English, nothing they couldn't get through in an hour or two. Little did he know the challenge that would be getting Mina to focus on anything school-related. She would constantly check her phone for text messages, or go to the fridge for snacks, don't get him started on all the non related side questions she asked. So if you asked Iida how he ended up with 25 cards of different colors in his hand while Mina sits with a messily two. He'd be hard-pressed to give you an answer.

"I don't know prez, you just really suck at Uno." The Pink haired girl mocks throwing down one of her cards "UNO!'

"No,I mean playing this card game!"

"I don't know one minute you were showing me a problem,and you said the answer was one! And then I said Uno, and you said yes Uno is one in Spanish, then next thing I know we are playing Uno! which by the way, I'm kicking your butt in." She taunts and Iida, frustrated, throws his cards down on the table, and opens up a book.

"No more distractions Ashdio, let's do some real work." The class president demands and Mina sighs "It'll be over faster if you stop getting distracted."

"I know, I know, it's just so boring Iida. Just a bunch of numbers on the paper with no flair you know?"

"I understand your issue, but this is just as important as hero work. All great heroes aren't just good on the battlefield, they also excel mentally." Iida lectures and Mina groans before opening up her notebook and copying Iida's notes. "So what we want to do is isolate the variable and to do that we need to get everything on one side of the equal sign."

"Does it matter which side?"

"Not at all! While most prefer it on the left whichever side you use is entirely up to you. Whichever makes you feel more comfortable."

Mina nods and proceeds to continue on the problem with Iida giving her little pointers here and there "So I have an answer: what should I do from here? That should be it right?"

"Well, normally but we have to check it, so you should substitute your answer for X."

"Why do I have to check it? Isn't that what Aizawa is here for, why am I checking my own work." The acid girls complains

"How else are you gonna know if your answer is right?"

"I just did it so I know it's right! If it's wrong that's Aizawa's job to figure out, If I'm checking if it's right then what's the point of grading it. In that case, I can just give myself an A." Mina proclaims angrily as her roommate/tutor sweat drops not really sure how to respond to that

"The problem requires you to check your answers, it's not really Aizawa's doing."

"If i wanted to check my answer I would just play scrabble." The girl mutters under her breath and Iida once again looks at her in pure confusion.


"Yeah, you know the word game? I used to play it with my family all the time back at home, and I would also have to look my word up online to show that it was a real word. At least that's fun, this is just a bunch of nonsense, it's math, there's only ever gonna be one answer!" She explains while violently rubbing her hands through her hair

"Well I assure you Ashido, checking your answers is nothing like playing a game of S-"

"SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS IS NOT A REAL WORD!" The youngest of the Iida household shouts throwing a fist down on his table



"THAT MEANS I WIN!" Ashido shouts back jumping up from her seat which causes the chair to hit the ground


"And that is the story of how I helped a mall Santa save Christmas." Midoriya finishes his long story that leaves Yaororozu shocked

"Woah, I didn't know you could survive a jump from that high up. Did you break any bones?"

"Only a couple nothing like I do now. Maybe that's why I'm so used to it." He jokes before laughing a bit which causes his companion to laugh slightly with him.

"You're filled with a lot of surprises Midoriya, I'm glad we got to have this chat today. To be honest I thought this would be awkward and it did have some hiccups but I'm having a good time." The taller girl remarks circling the top of her cup of coffee. While the meeting did start off to a slow start after a while the two found a nice groove and didn't let up on the talking. Midoriya was really fun to talk to when he wasn't mumbling or apologizing. In fact, he was actually kinda funny, something she wasn't expecting to find out when she woke up today. They shared stories of their childhood, she talked about how she trained to win the national spelling bee while Midoriya talked about random things he did with his mom. However she did notice that he would fidget when she asked about his school life back then and would quickly change the subject, she decided not to pry but it was bugging her a bit.

"Same, you're actually way easier to talk to then I thought Yaomomo." The boy slipped out before quickly covering up his mouth with his right hand. He slowly removed it and started chuckling to himself "Yaoyorozu, I meant Yaoyorozu."

"Hm, what would be the problem Midoriya?"

"I slipped up and called you Yaomomo didn't want to make things weird." He said awkwardly looking around the cafe and the girl looked at him in confusion

"That's not an issue, Jirou and the girls call me Yaomomo, I don't see the problem with it."

"That's true but me and you aren't super close, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

Yaoyorozu smiled to herself at her friend's concern but she didn't really mind all that much. She suddenly thought of an idea that she thought would solve this small problem. "How about this, you can call me Yaomomo, and I'll call you Deku."She utters out slowly losing her voice as she heard her idea


"You're embarrassed to call me Yaomomo because we aren't very close, so if I call you your nickname it'll be fair because we'll both be embarrassed right?" She mumbles and the boy ponders about it his face getting a little flush but nods

"It is my hero's name, so I should get used to hearing other people say it, Yaomomo."

"Glad I could help Deku."

The two didn't look at each other but if they did they would see a very noticeable smile on the other's face. However, if they did look up,they would see two noticeable figures next to their table. A larger boy with wings and a boy with long stretchy eyes to be exact.

"See I told you Tsubasa, it totally was Midoriya." The boy with stretchy eyes says and Midoriya very slightly twitches a thing that does not go unnoticed by Yaoyorozu

The larger boy laughs to himself before putting a hand on his friend's shoulder "I wasn't too sure at first but after hearing that name it settled it for me. Besides how many people got hair like that." He reaches over and roughly rubs Midoriya's hair much to Momo's displeasure.

"Mid-Deku," Yaororozu catches herself deciding to use the nickname to maybe ease him a bit "do you know these two by chance?" She questions and the boy nods

"Y-yeah they went to my middle school, um the boy with the wings name is Tsubasa and the guy with stretchy eyes is Enji. They were friends with Bakugou." He said the last part in a mumble but audible enough that she was able to hear it.

Bakugou, of course, he would have something to do with this. She knew they weren't on good terms but seeing the why her friend was acting did not leave a good taste in her mouth.

"Still can't believe you went with that old nickname as your hero name. If I were you I would want to stay as far away from that name and anything associated with it. A stronger man than me for sure." Tsubasa confessed which lead to a "yeah" from Enji who agrees

"Let alone work with Bakugou, don't get me wrong love the dude, but he's a bit of a douche don't you think Deku."

The girl looked over to her friend who just nervously laughed and tried his best to look past the two. "Kacchan is a little bit of a mess, but he means good, I wouldn't call him anything like that." He rushes out and the other two boys look at each other with a dual look of being unconvinced.

"If you say so man, personally I wouldn't trust the dude if my life depended on it. He only cared about himself, I was so surprised when I heard he willingly worked with you to save that Island."

"You and me both, you may not believe it but he changed a lot since Aldera, even if it's small. He's becoming a real hero." Midoriya praises but rather or not he believes it or not is hard to tell.

"Speaking of surprises, so man I have to ask, how long were you holding out on us." Enji asks, sitting down and putting an arm around Midoriya who this time more noticeably twitches "We didn't know you actually had a quirk."

"Wait what?" Momo gasps, which gathers the trio's attention and Midoriya eyes bug out a little bit. To be fair what she just heard was something she never heard before nor was meant to ever did he mean actually had a quirk? Did he not have a quirk before? Or did he pretend not to have one, and if so why would he pretend to be quirkless? That's so out of character for her classmate that she can't even picture it, but at the same time, she can't picture him without a quirk.

"Shit." The future number one hero sighs under his breath

"Oh, who is this Midoriya, you didn't tell us you have a girlfriend." Enji remarks eyeing her up and down with a smile that leaves her disgusted "A good looking one at that, nice going man."

"She not my girl-"

"What do you mean, actually had a quirk?" Momo butts in leaving Midoriya in a panic state

"Hm you didn't tell her bro? That's not like you," The winged boy interjected floating to the other side of Deku "then again I probably wouldn't want to talk about that time either. But still you should be honest to your girlfriend about that type of stuff."

"Yeah, she should know that you were quirkless man." Enji continues and just like that the atmosphere becomes thick, between the two UA students as they look at one another like deer caught in a headlight. Momo from realizing she heard something she probably wasn't supposed to hear, and Midoriya from having one of his biggest secrets revealed without his permission.

"Q-quirkless? Midoriya isn't quirkless, admittedly his quirk is quite strange, but it's obvious he has one. You said it yourself you saw on the news how he saved Nabu Island." Yaomomo sputters out and the other two boys shrug.

"Yeah but that's the thing, for as long I knew Midoriya, he was quirkless, his mother came in to explain it to the class and the teacher explained it to us multiple times afterwards. So color me suprise when I find he got into UA with a cool quirk and was in the hero course no less. Which is kinda why we are happy we ran into you."

"Right, look man, I just wanna apologize for everything we did back in the day. It wasn't really cool to make fun of you for not having a quirk man. Seeing you at the sports festival was a real eye-opener man, like you don't even understand how bad I felt." Tsubasa confessed his hand clasped together and his eyes closed together.

"Yeah man we were just stupid kids man, we just did whatever Bakugou said. It's not much of an excuse but it's the best we can do, we hope you can forgive us for it man." This time it was Enji's turn to apologize but Yaororozu tuned out at one word. Bakugou. They only bullied him because of Bakugou, and just like that the gears started turning in her head. She remembered Bakugou calling Midoriya quirkless before but she didn't think much of it. But now everything makes sense; his hatred for her green-haired classmate comes from years of disrespecting him and being over him. The question was for how long was it.

"How long was this bullying?" Momo pressed and Midoriya seeing where this was going attempted to inject

"Apology accepted, it was so nice seeing you guys again but we really must be-"

"I wouldn't call it bullying per say but I suppose since we were like five. I knew Midoriya and Bakugou since we were kids and something about Izuku here just made Bakugou pissed." Tsubasa explained much to Momo annoyance. She could tell he was lying due to the look on her classmate's face, the look that said it was a lot more than playful teasing"What was the worst thing Bakugou did to Midroya?"

Enji threw his head back and scoffed quite loudly "What didn't he do to Midoriya would be the better question, but the worst thing? I would have to think about it, like I said dude really hated your green-haired boy toy here."

"G-guys that's enough, it's all in the past."Midoriya said getting up and looking towards Momo "Yaoyorozu can we leave?" He asked his voice a bit shaky and this was when Momo realized she was being selfish and nodded

"Yeah, we do need to get back to campus, it's getting close to curfew."She lied starting to get up and force her way out of the situation but right before she left the table Enji snapped his fingers as if he had a discovery

"Probably when he told him to jump off the roof because he didn't have a was pretty nasty, even for Bakugou."

Just like that, everything kinda stopped. Yaoyorozu stopped moving, Midoriya stopped panicking, it was almost like time stopped so they both could just digest what they heard. The look on Midoriya's face was a mix of anger and pain, as if he that entire day just ran through his head, and how hard he erased that from memory, it was his lowest point. Yaoyorozu just wore a blank expression, not sure on how to feel. She pulled out her wallet and dropped a heavy amount of money on the table, more money than they were charged by the coffee establishment. She then grabbed Midoriya by the arm and forced him past his two former classmates

"Thank you for informing me on what happened, and for apologizing to Midoriya. I am not his girlfriend, just a classmate and while your apology does not even begin to make up for what you did to him, it is appreciated. With that being said," She used her quirk and pulled out a staff "if I happen to see you around Midoriya again, I will not be so kind."

With that, she dragged Izuku out of the establishment and the two began a long quiet awkward walk back to UA.

"B6!" Tenya shouts out grabbing a white ping pong ball from a bag

"BINGO!" Ashido shouts jumping from her seat waving a sheet with numbers running up and down it

"How do you keep winning Mina? Is this rigged for you or something!?" Kirishima questions as his head slammed against the table.

Almost as if he has had an epiphany Iida throws the ping pong ball down to the ground in anger "Ashido! What the heck are we doing! How did we end up playing Bingo, we were just supposed to do some math and read over the writing from English class. How have we made no progress." He questions pacing back and forth, however, his eyes catch two bodies in the corner of his eye "KIRISHIMA!TODOROKI! How long have the two of you been here and why have you two not stopped us."

"I'm not really sure, one minute we were entering the house watching you two argue about scrabble. Next minute we are playing bingo, it happened in a basically a second" The hardening hero explains much to the annoyance of the class president

"I'm just here." Todoroki deadpans

"Thank you for your input Todoroki."

"I told you pres the only person who can tutor me is Yaomomo,she's the only one who can tolerate this." Ashido groans dramatically laying over on the table. "I don't know why it's like this,when I attempt to study I just get so distracted that anyone in the area gets distracted. One minute we're studying math, next minute we're playing just dance. It's like a second quirk or something."

"No, I refuse to believe there's no way I cannot assist you in studying." The class president announces to his three roommates who are sharing a look that screams disbelief "There's just something I'm missing."

"If only we had a clue."Kirishima adds and at the drop of the hat Mina is back with her same level of high energy

"CLUE! I haven't played that game in forever."

"I never played it." Todoroki admits and Mina gasps in an over the top fashion

"We have to play it!" In almost a second the acid girl is off to the top of the stairs and into her room.

This time however Iida takes a step back, and observes the chaos from the distance. Almost instantly the board game is thrown open and Mina is quickly explaining the rules, Todoroki is somehow managing to understand her while Kirishima seems to be lost. She then throws the dice and quickly does the math and chooses the room. This, however, catches Iida's attention and he is drawn but how quickly Mina is able to understand what's going on and jot down the notes of what Kirishima and Todoroki are saying. Suddenly he has an idea.

"Mina, what is the square root of 64?"

"Eight, now Kirishima was it with the candlestick in the ballroom?" She says not even batting the eye to the question and much to Iida surprise. So much so that he decided to push his luck

"Mina, what are the three variations of there and what's their meaning?"

"There, spelled t-h-e-r-e refers to a location or a place. Their, spelled t-h-e-i-r refers to something that belongs to someone. Lastly, They're spelled t-h-e-y-r-e is a contraction which means they are doing something like they're reading a book." She concludes and Iida runs over to the girl and shakes her viciously snapping the three of them from their board game infused distraction.

"Ashido, I figured it out!"

Class 1-A resident pink hair gossip girl is confused as to what her friend is referring too. She looks over to Todoroki and Kirishima and the two simply shrug "What do you mean Iida?" She asks only to be shaken some more by the blue-haired speedster.

"This whole time we were trying to get you to study by traditional means. However the answer was looking us directly in our faces," He lets her go and begins to smirk lifting his glasses back up to his eyes. "the key to getting you to study is for you to get distracted!" He shouts and the three look at him puzzled

"Iida, no disrespect, but that makes no sense." Todoroki berates in a dry tone

"Yeah, Iidabro you lost me." Kirishima adds

"Ashido's worst subject is English but she just explained a topic that confuses many people, even people who are fluent in English with no hesitation." He explains and Mina stares at him in awe

"I did?"

"You did! Maybe if we keep you distracted we can help you understand the source material!" He opens a textbook before looking at Kirishima "Kirishima! Get the Twister board, we're gonna teach Ashido logarithms!" He shouts with an enthusiastic smile and Ahsido jumps up in the air matching his energy.

"Right let's do this Iida!"

There was only one thought running through Midoriya's head right now. 'How the hell do I talk my way out of this one.' He looked towards Yaoyorozu and she had a blank look on her face, a look that said she didn't know how to feel. A look that says how can we trust him anymore. A look that he saw on so many faces as a kid, a look of pure disgust. He knew he couldn't hide the fact he was quirkless forever, but he didn't think it would happen so soon, let alone to somewhere he wouldn't say he is close friends with. If it was Todoroki or Uraraka maybe he would know what to say that would ease the tension but with Yaororozu he was in uncharted waters, and the last thing he needed was her telling the others.

"I'm telling Aizawa." Yaororozu said breaking the quiet and tight tension between the two classmates

"Wait what?"

She balled her fist up rather angrily "I said I'm telling Aizawa everything I heard, then I'm telling everyone else what I , I'm giving Bakugou a piece of my mind." She said in a matter of fact tone, no anger, no sadness, just a woman on a mission.

"Y-Yaoyorozu that isn't necessary."

"Well, I think it is."

"It happened in the past."

"Doesn't mean it doesn't matter"

"Me and Kacchan both-"

"BAKUGOU!"The girl shouted, looking at her green-haired roommate her eyes wide with anger, frustration, and mainly confusion. "His name is Bakugou, I don't see why you call him that. How you can call him that, after everything he's done to you. He's not a friend to you."

"I understand that it may seem that way, and Kacchan has done some mean things to me in the past but he's still a good guy underneath all of that." Midoriya tries to explain but Yaororozu just looks at him with the same confused and frustrated look.

"He told you to jump off the roof, because you were, because you were." She begins but can't say either because she can't believe it or because she doesn't want to upset him.


"They said you were quirkless, was that a lie, and if so why lie to them, why take the beatings and the bullying if you could fight back?" Her anger-filled eyes are replaced with those of worry and those who just want to help. With a deep sigh, Midoriya turns his face from the girl and focuses on the sidewalk, she already knows the truth might as well explain his side of the story

"At age four, I was diagnosed as quirkless." He begins and he takes a peek over at Momo who is hanging onto every word. He takes another sigh and continues "It crushed me, my dream ever since I was little, was to be a hero, just like all might. A hero who saves everyone with a smile. That's the type of hero I wanted to be, so when I was diagnosed quirkless I didn't stop. I would try to breathe fire from my mouth like dad or try to lift small objects like my mom. Anything to believe they were wrong, that I did have a quirk, that could be a hero."

"So you really were quirkless. In that case, the stuff they said about Bakugou was that true too?"

Midoriya averted his eyes but nodded before continuing "Me and Kacchan were friends growing up, really close friends. We used to hang out all the time and I thought he was the coolest person ever. I still do, Kacchan is amazing but once he got his quirk and once he found out I didn't things started to change. He became more violent, more hostile, and I couldn't keep up. I can't lie and say he isn't a reason for why I act the way I do now, and I don't know if I can ever forgive him for the way he treated me. But I don't hate him, I don't think I could ever hate him."

"Then your quirk? You said you're quirkless but here you are Deku," She responds and hearing her say his hero name does make him feel a lot better. "one of the best students in the class with such a powerful quirk. How?"

"I-I'm not sure." He lies between his teeth, she doesn't know about one for all and he would like to keep it that way. "To be quite honest I'm not sure where it came from. I just went to the entrance exam, quirkless hoping I'd somehow get into the hero course."

Yaororozu looks at him puzzled and Midoriya stares back at her. The two just stop and stare at one another, soon however, maybe on reflex, Yaororozu uses her quirk and summons another staff and hits her classmate in the back of the head with it. "MIDORIYA THAT WAS SO RECKLESS! YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN HURT OR WORSE!" She berates and the boy laughs nervously

"I-i know but this was my dream I had to try, and at first I felt I didn't belong, but then I saw Uraraka, hurt and trapped under a pile of rubble. Then I looked up and saw this giant robot come towards her and next thing I knew my body was doing what it does best, moving on its own. I jumped in the air and then all of sudden as if someone, anyone, heard my prayers I had a quirk and I managed to save her. Ever since then I've had my quirk and I've been training to hone it as my own."He balls his right fist up and looks at her with fire in his eyes "I'm gonna be the number one hero Yaororozu, and I will not let my past define me."

The girl looks at him and starts laughing to herself, causing the bushy hair one for all user to stare at her in awe. "You really are remarkable Midoriya. I always wondered what they saw in you. Iida told me that talking to you would be the right thing to do, that you would know what to say, because you always know what to say."

"Why do you need to talk to me? I'm no one special."

"That's the thing about Midoriya, you are special. You don't harm others because your whole life you have been harmed. You always tell the truth no matter what because you have lied and been lied too. You have never hesitated to help someone no matter their alignment because you were once helpless. Even now when I want to give Bakugou," She states, balling her fists up with frustration when she says his name. "everything he deserves for the way he treated you and everyone else, you still forgive him because you know what it is like to be forsaken. You are special Midoriya, you're the ideal hero, and I see what Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, and the rest see in you. Deku, which is why I wanted to ask you to be my friend." She stops and Midoriya surprised at the statement stops in his tracks too.

"What do you mean?"

"Midoriya, I feel like I'm the odd one out at the guild. You have your friend group, and Bakugou has his group, I'm the only one without a clear place of belonging. So I came here in hopes of maybe joining yours.I know it's a lot to throw on you, especially after everything I heard today but-"

"We were already friends." Deku says it is a matter of fact tone. One that catches Yaoyorozu off guard


"True we weren't really close, I can't deny we were always friends, at least I thought so. I don't think you have to ask me to be something we already were. If you want to be closer friends, then sure I'm more than happy to try Yaomomo." He says with a one million watt smile that nearly blinds Yaoyorozu with its brightness.

"You mean that?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?". He asks with a head tilt and the girl just giggles causing him even more confusion

"You really are something special Deku.I won't tell the others about what happened." She says smiling and Midoriya feels a wave of relief wash through him

"That's great, thank you so much Yao-"

"On one condition, you make an effort to stay away from Bakugou. That man is not your friend, i'm not asking you to cut him from your life entirely, I think that would be impossible. But make an effort to either stand up for yourself or at least stop calling him Kacchan. If you can do that, I'll keep your secret." She reaches out a hand for him to shake. He looks at it for a while and really ponders the pros and cons of this agreement. Seeing as this is probably the option with the least amount of drawbacks he shakes her hand

"I trust your judgment Yaororozu. You have a deal." With that, he shakes her hand and before the two can return to their walk Yaororozu gives the boy a small yank on the shirt which gains his attention

"It's Yaomomo, remember?" She asks giving the boy and one million-watt smile very similar to what he just gave her a few seconds ago and he only can only chuckle to himself

"Right Yaomomo."

"This was fun Midoriya, not what I expected, but fun." Yaororozu comments as the two reach the door of the guild just in time for curfew.

"It was certainly a day,I can say that." He sighs before laughing a bit "You mean what you said earlier, that you won't tell anyone about what you heard today?"

"Against my better judgment, I do promise to not tell anyone what I heard as it does seem to bother you a great deal. But like I said earlier you have to do your part to meet me halfway. I know I'm not like everyone else in the class due to my upbringing but I do know right from wrong Midoriya, and what I'm doing is wrong. So if you can help my conscience by at least making an effort to separate yourself from Bakugou I will keep my side of the deal." The long black-haired girl explains and Midoriya once again sighs before reaching for the door

"If that's what it takes I'll do my best to meet you halfway." He responds back before opening the door so his friend can come through. Only for the two to be met with a sight neither were expecting.

The sight before them is Iida holding a textbook, it looks to be a math one from their distance to the direction of Mina. However, Mina is currently in a crab walk position over Todoroki, who is twisted like a pretzel under the girl and over Kirishima. Somehow Kirishima, despite what his quirk would have you believe, is quite flexible and somehow manages to have his body on the respective parts of the board without knocking his two friends over. Meanwhile, you see Uraraka holding the spinner dictating the game and Bakugou attempting to and failing to hold a laugh in Todoroki and Kirishima's predicament.

"Ok, Mina right foot blue!"Uraraka shouts and the acid girl somehow manages to twist her right foot to the nearest blue dot on the board

"Now,Ashido what is the logarithm of a product?" Tenya asks her as Mina rotates her head in the boy's direction

"It's the sum of two logarithms with the same base when added together!" She shouts before her body gives out and loses its grip. This leads to her falling on top of Todoroki who falls on top of the three groan in pain, Midoriya decides it's best to open his mouth.

"Hey everyone, we're home."

"What was that?" Yaomomo questions this leads to Mina and Iida looking at each other before shrugging


"You two were gone all day, did something happen? I was worried." Ochako inquiries and the two heroes in question look at each other and shrug

"Not really, me and Yaomomo just talked for a while, sorry if I made you worry Uraraka. Should've sent a text when it started to get late on a school night." He went on but the gravity hero was distracted by the fact he called her Yaomomo

"Indeed I kept Deku out longer than we planned, it's my fault."The taller girl explains and at the sound of her using Midoriya's nickname you can visibly see Uraraka's soul leave her body.

"Who cares what the fuck shitty Deku did. It's his turn to make Dinner so get to it." Bakugou roared, catching a glare from Yaororozu but Midoriya grabs her by the back of her school uniform as a sign to calm down.

"Right, I'll get right to it Kacc-" He is interrupted by an elbow by Yaororozu "Bakugou.I'll get right to it Bakugou."

With that, the boy rushes to the kitchen, however, there is a look on the face of Bakugou. One of pure anger and confusion, however, if you look over to Yaororozu there is a smug look on her face. One of satisfaction as she smirks at the twisted face of her blonde roommate. However the entire display left the other four members of the household in shock.

"What did you two do all day again?" Kirishima asks, taking a noticeable step away from his friend.


20 pages. This chapter was 20 pages of work and stress. So I hope you all like it. As always leave a comment rather good or bad I love reading it. See you next chapter that I promise won't take 2 months to make