Summary: Kagome, reverted to thirteen years old, is trying to come to terms with the aftermath of Inuyasha's wish on the jewel. A second chance of sorts awaits her, but how will it play out? With the stoic Sesshoumaru masquerading as her parent, she's become a resident of Beach City.

Pairing: Steven x Kagome

Disclaimer: I do not own either series. Each belongs to their rightful owners.

Lacks canonicity.
Flashbacks/Past are written in bulk Italics.
Steven is 14 at this point.

Chapter One

The night air was crisp and a faint salty, oceanic scent wafted through the area when she finally stepped out of the dark car. It blended into the dark silhouettes of trees and large cliffsides, even more so now that the bright headlights were off. She had to stand in place for a moment so her eyes could adjust. As she stood by the closed door, Sesshoumaru walked freely ahead of her, gold eyes glowing inhumanly.

Kagome picked up the light pink bag she had set at her feet after getting out of the car. It was light and carried important things, such as a change of clothes and bathing necessities. The rest, Sesshoumaru already had delivered in the earlier hours.

As she walked up to the place she'd call home from here on out, she was able to tell the house was slightly larger in comparison to the ones she had seen on the drive over, and it looked like it was painted a white or light gray color.

The walkway was made of stone and grass, gradual steps leading up a small hill. She could hear the faint sound of nightlife all around, and she breathed a soft sigh. Walking up the terrain, she knew instantly why Sesshoumaru had chosen this place. The peaceful aura surrounding the entire place brought back pleasant memories of long ago. It was quiet, soothing, and spacious.

Sesshoumaru still had a heavy dislike for humans, but at this place, there didn't seem to be a thing such as neighbors as closer into town would have. It was secluded, comforting calmness seeping into every inch of land.

She followed Sesshoumaru inside the fully furnished building, smiling at the chosen decor. The colors, style, arrangement, they were all things she would have chosen for herself. Looking around, she was starting to believe she knew the answer to her previous question. Still, she needed to know for sure.

"I don't think you'd like this style," she said off-handedly. One look from him told her he knew what she was thinking. He was able to read her posture and tone so well, and she didn't know if it annoyed her that she couldn't hide things from him, or if it made her relieved that she didn't have to always say was she was thinking outright to him.

"Correct," he said as he turned on his heel. "I won't be around this place often," he added on then as he led her deeper into the building. "Your body is young, but your mind is not. You don't need someone with you all day and night. I'll be around if you need me, but you will be here on your own mostly."

"Huh?" Her heart began to beat faster at the idea of being out on her own here. She wasn't sure if he picked up on it or not. He didn't let it show if he did. "I-I figured you wouldn't hang around a lot but you're just leaving me here? Alone?"

Sesshoumaru didn't turn to face her as he spoke. "Perhaps I was wrong in my beliefs about you if you cannot stay on your own. If you are in so much need, then-"

"I don't need anything from you," she snapped back at him, irritation rising at his hoity-toity tone. "It's just that people tend to get curious if they realize a child is living alone."

He turned and glowered at her, and Kagome felt smaller than ever under the heat of his stare. Kagome looked away before shaking her head. She was about to say something else when he beat her to it. His icy voice made her flinch as if winter frost was biting at her skin.

"I will check in a few times monthly then," he said before turning on his heel and leaving the room they were in. After he was gone, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Ugh finally," she hissed as quietly as she could, hoping he wouldn't hear. Even if he did, she doubted he'd care for what she said. She tightened her grip on the bag in her hand and went to find her bedroom so she could finally get some rest. The long day of nonstop travel wore her down, and by now she wanted nothing more than a good night's rest.

After a quick shower, she sank down in the plush pink blankets of her new bed. Her eyes closed not long after her head hit the pillow, and the dark abyss of sleep crept up on her.

It was late in the morning when she woke up next. She sat up slowly, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she steadily got used to the sunlight peeking in through the ivory curtains. Kagome sat there for a moment as she woke up. As she felt her senses stirring back up, she was able to pick up on a lacking aura. There were faint traces, but that was it.

She wasn't sure when, but sometime in the night, Sesshoumaru had left the area. She couldn't pick up on a strong source of his aura. She wasn't surprised in any way, as it wasn't new. She didn't know what he did in modern times- she never bothered to ask and he never bothered to tell her.

Kagome threw the covers off her, and she was instantly hit with a chill of morning air as she exited the warmth. Before she went to get dressed, she carefully made her bed back up.

When she stepped into the bathroom, she flicked the light on and was greeted to the sight of her sleep-mussed hair. She picked up her hairbrush and began to brush the tangles out. She tried to avoid looking at it, but it drew her eye as she stared into the mirror.

The pink jewel peeking out from the top of her shirt called her attention without her even realizing it until she was outrightly staring at its sparkling surface. Kagome dropped her brush on the counter and delicately placed her fingers over the jewel. A frown pulled her lips down.

She wasn't upset that Inuyasha had loved Kikyo more than her. Sure, it stung to know that he loved Kikyo enough to sacrifice her, just to bring her back, but that wasn't what hurt her so much over this situation.

Kagome let her fingers drop from the jewel, and she gripped the sides of the counter with both hands. Her grip tightened until her knuckles turned white and a dull throb started in her fingers.

"Weren't we friends?" she whispered, speaking so quietly as if saying it any louder would have damning consequences.

Still, even after everything, she still didn't hate him. Whenever Sesshoumaru spoke badly of him, she was still tempted to stand up for him, despite what his wish had done to her.

Tears burned in her eyes, and she bit back a choked sob.

"I should hate you so much," she spoke through sputtering breaths as she began to cry. "Because of you, I have no one now. No one remembers me. I'm all alone!" She didn't want to be alone.

She risked a glance in the mirror, finding it hard to recognize herself as her younger self. She was smaller, and the baby fat she'd lost had come back. She looked into her reflection's eyes and sighed, letting her eyes close as a few more tears slipped down her plump cheeks.

"But… maybe this is my fault more than yours," she said then. "If I hadn't let you have the jewel, I wouldn't be in this situation, would I?" Kagome let her grip on the counter go slack as she stepped back. "I should hate you, but I don't. But maybe that's better off left kept to myself," she said as she left the bathroom so she could go get dressed.

She searched through her the clothes she had until she found something she wanted to wear out into town. She finally settled on a peony pink overalls dress and a pale blue undershirt.

After putting on her shoes, she headed out the door and took in the sight of her surroundings in the daylight. As she looked back over her shoulder, she realized that the house was, in fact, white. She trotted down the stones as she descended down the hill the house was built on. She could hear birds chirping as she followed a path she hoped would take her to the town.

She used her senses to find her way to town, seeking out the faint auras she could feel. She didn't know any of them, but she didn't expect to.

As she walked on her own, she peered in several windows, familiarizing herself with stores and restaurants alike.

Having lived in Japan for most of her life, she wasn't used to seeing so few people out and about. It was such a massive change from what she knew, and she didn't quite know how she felt. On one hand, it was like a breath of fresh air, but on the other, it seemed so strange. A smile that was a mix of curiosity and wistfulness appeared on her face as she turned in a small circle.

"You really couldn't have chosen a more different place, Sesshoumaru," she whispered under her breath.

Kagome let her attention drift from the thought of the silver-haired demon as she continued ahead in her exploration of the town that'd be her home for who knew how long. Before long she stumbled upon sand, leaving faint imprints of her shoes as she trekked across the warm, soft gound.

She eventually came across a spot shaded by an outcropping of rocks, and she decided it'd be a nice place for a rest. Kagome settled down on the sand, not caring if it stuck to her clothes as she stretched her legs out in front of her.

As she sat there, soaking of the faint sounds of water splashing in the distance, Kagome drew her knees up to her chest and folded her arms over her knees as she rested her head in her arms. She only let herself tune into her surroundings when she felt an approaching aura. She picked her head up some as she glanced off into the distance. Her eyes landed on the figure of a boy who looked close to her in age.

She could feel something off about him from where she was, and she didn't realize she was staring until he was looking at her, too. She felt her face flush in embarrassment at being caught staring and she looked away as fast as she could.

From where she sat, she could feel him coming closer. His aura was warm, friendly, yet there was something so distinctive she couldn't place about it, as well. Her expression contorted into a complicated one as she thought it over even more. She was so focused she'd nearly missed hearing him say something to her.


She jumped some when she heard him. He was much closer than she thought he was when she had zoned out for a moment. Kagome looked up at him in silence as she took in his appearance. She was able to see him much clearer than before.

Friendly, dark brown eyes looked down at her. Even out of the sun's rays, they looked like they were practically sparkling.

"I'm Steven, what's your name?" he asked when she had yet to respond to him. Kagome jolted some at the sudden question, and she let herself relax some as she answered him.

"I'm Kagome," she said, finally saying something in response to him. Her response made him smile.

"You don't look familiar. You're not from Beach City, are you?"

Kagome shook her head. "No, I'm not," she said. "This is my first day here, actually. Just looking around."

She was still trying to figure out what was so different about him, but her thoughts were cut short when a different kind of aura crept along her senses. With a panicked gasp, she bolted up and turned to the direction it was coming from.

"Get back!" Kagome shouted as she pushed him behind her protectively. A few seconds later, a scaly-skinned demon jumped from the rocks above them. She folded her arms over her chest, shielding the jewel from it as it lunged for her. Its claws knicked her arms and she lost her footing on the sand. She landed with a huff. Before it could attack again, she threw a pink barrier up to surround both her and Steven.

When the demon went in for another attack, it was singed to ashes the moment it touched her barrier.

"Ugh…" Kagome sat up and tucked her legs under her as she looked down to observe her bloodied arms. The cuts healed up not long after she had got them, but the blood was still staining her clothes.

"Are you okay?"

In dealing with the demon, she had forgotten about Steven for the time being. She whipped her head around when he was next to her in an instant, hesitantly reaching for her arms as if he was worried about hurting her.

"That's your first question?" Kagome asked dryly. "I figured you'd be more curious about that thing that just appeared," she said. A second later she was pulling her arms back out of his reach. "I'm fine, really."

It was at that moment that she realized her shirt had gotten ripped up some by the demon when it had attacked her. Kagome froze when the pink jewel was suddenly visible to the world around her.

"Are you su-"

She heard Steven's voice fall and she inwardly flinched when she followed his gaze to the fully visible jewel embedded in her skin. She bit her lip and scooted back some.

"Are you a Gem?"

She blinked in confusion at hearing the simple question. Out of everything, she hadn't expected that question. "No?" she said in response, it coming out as a question. "I don't even know what that means."

Steven subtly set his hand over the gem on his stomach at her confused response. She didn't look like a Gem normally would. At least, none he'd ever seen. She looked human, like him.

He didn't know what to do or say in this situation, but he knew someone who might.

C.R. Update for this.

Side note- what would be a good fusion name for Kagome and Steven?

Thank you for reading, and I hope you all enjoyed. Hopefully I caught all the errors before posting but if not sorry

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Bye for now~