*New York*

After calling Hank, Erin turned her laptop on and started searching for flights to Chicago. She wanted to leave as fast as she could. She had already wasted too much time in this city, the faster she left, the faster she would see him. As she searched, she realised that tomorrow's flights were already full. That was ok though, she needed time to pack her things.

Over the past year Erin hadn't done much to her apartment, the furniture was already there when she started do rent it and she only had a couple of things that were her own. She had some books sitting on the shelves, some plants, a TV and, mostly, framed pictures scattered through the rooms. The apartment wasn't very big and, between undercover assignments and her case load, she hadn't spent much time here, so she hadn't felt the need to add more.

The pictures were mostly of her family, memories of good times spent either at Molly's or at the 21st. There was one where Adam, Antonio and Kevin were picking her up, one with Kim sitting in the breakroom laughing, several of Camille, Justin and Nadia, but, most importantly, next to her bed, she had photos of the most important people in her life, Hank and Jay.

On her right bedside table she had a picture of her and Voight, sitting on the hood of her 300 a few years ago, with the gear on, smiling happily after a bust. On her left bedside table was a photo that she cherished immensely, her and Jay with paint all over their faces, happily smiling as Kim took a picture of them when they were painting their room, after Jay had moved in. That day was one of the happiest she had ever experienced, the whole unit had helped Jay move in his stuff and redecorate the apartment, while drinking a few beers and telling old stories. It was then that she had seen Hank smile for the first time since Justin died, and it had made her so happy.

So, considering that she didn't need more than a day to pack her things, she booked a flight for the day after tomorrow. She was getting nervous, this was a big step, one that will change her life forever. Not wanting to dwell on what was to come, Erin decided to go to bed, so that she could wake up bright and early tomorrow and pack up her belongings.

As she fell into a restless sleep, all she could think about was Jay. Did he move on from her, was he with someone else, would he be able to forgive her? On the other hand, she was worried about her transfer, she didn't know her new co-workers and she would have to prove herself worthy once again. Of one thing she was sure, it is going to be one hell of a ride.

*Next day*


The next day, at 9 am sharp, Voight, Jay, Antonio, O, Kevin, Adam, Kim and Haley were all huddled around the crime board. After Voight's request yesterday, all of them contacted their CI's and tried to find some kind of lead that could take them to the people responsible for the heroin overdoses. Everyone told what they did or not find, coming to the conclusion that Kim and Atwater's CI was their best bet.

"His name is Manny, he's from my neighbourhood. When we were kids he got into some bad stuff, but after getting out of juvie he's been mostly a model citizen." Atwater explained " He works in his uncle's auto shop on the South Side".

Burgess continued "While we were on patrol he helped us a couple of times, his job allows him to hear without being seen. According to him, last week he heard a guy named Fred Maxwell talk to a buddy while they were getting their car fixed. Apparently, a big shipment of heroin was arriving that night, and it was supposed to be very potent." As Kim explained to everyone the intel, she put up on the board the names and pictures of everyone she mentioned.

"Ok, do we have an address?" asked Voight.

"Yeah boss, right here." Atwater then showed him the address.

Antonio then intervened "Even if we wanted to have a look on that location, we have to find more than just here say. We can't go in blind".

"We won't, I don't wanna spook these guys, so let's do our homework. Halstead find me every associate of this guy, I wanna know who is the head of the operation. Upton I want financials of each and everyone of these punks, even of their families. Antonio help her. Al get me the warrant, we do this one by the book. The rest of you, go do surveillance on the house, I wanna know who goes in and out. Let's get to work people!" Everyone complied to the orders, the faster they made arrests, the better.

After everyone knew their responsibilities, Hank returned to his office, calling Kim to talk.

Burgess got up, and while she did, glanced at Atwater and Adam, panicked. She was confused, she couldn't think of a reason why they had to talk. But Voight was in a good mood, so she was hopeful it wasn't something bad. "Go get the cars while I'm up here" she said to the guys.

As she entered her boss' office, he gestured for her to shut the door and sit down. "Is something wrong Sargeant?".

"Don't worry Burgess, nothing is wrong. I need to talk to you about something… unexpected." Voight told her calmly, he thought she should know, she could help control the situation. "Look kid, I know you sometimes talk to Erin. I got a call from her last night."

Kim was very shocked that this was the subject, sure she had stayed in touch with her friend, but nothing they talked about pointed to what she would hear next.

"Erin is coming back to Chicago" Kim almost thought she had heard wrong.

" Sarg that's… amazing. She's coming Home" She was so happy, her best friend was coming back. Suddenly she remembered something " Sir, oh my god, what about… does he know?"

Both of them knew whom she was referring to. "No Burgess, not yet. That's where you come in. She is going to arrive and her first instinct is going to be to see him, even though that's a terrible idea. She has to figure out her life first. I will talk to her, but in the event that she shows up unannounced, I need you to have an eye on Jay. Upton is his partner, but she doesn't know enough to help him. I can't have him crash and burn in the middle of a shootout." Voight was praying this wouldn't go terribly wrong.

"Of course, I will keep close attention" Kim was almost bouncing off the walls. She left Voight's office with renewed energy, making Jay throw her a weird look as she passed in front of him, and when Adam asked her why she looked like she had swallowed a clown, she only said "Boss just wanted to tell me to keep an eye on you, your jokes have been getting much worse, he's worried." Burgess laughed at his expression.

As they got in the car, he responded " Ahaha hilarious Kim, real funny".

*Next day*

Erin had packed her whole apartment and bags yesterday. She was finally on the plane to Chicago. She couldn't believe it, she was an hour and half away from everything she so desperately craved. She talked to Voight again yesterday, he was going to pick her up from the airport when she arrived, so they could go to his house and unpack her things. She had been able to have her bigger things transported to Chicago, and they would be stored until she found a place. That hurt, she had to find a new place, she couldn't just go home, to him. She didn't even know if he still lived there, but she was guessing he did, because if he sold it, the bank would've had to notify her. She pushed those thoughts away, Hank told her not to worry about that and she knew that she would always be welcome in her childhood home.

She wondered if Jay suspected anything. They hadn't spoken since that day and she never returned his calls, she wouldn't have been able to talk to him. She was ashamed of how she dealt with the situation, but at the time she had to clear her head, be selfish. She loved him, with all her heart, but she didn't think he wanted her anymore and Chicago was turning into a nightmare, she felt suffocated.

Now she felt different, all she wanted was to go back, take back what she did and fight for them. She would've found another job there, eventually, and if she was strong enough, cut Bunny out for good.

But she knew well enough that, at the time, she didn't have strength to fight anymore.

So, while looking into the clouds, she decided that maybe coming to New York had had an upside. She finally figured out what was really important: Jay and her family. A few years ago she probably would've said that her job was the most important thing in her life, and, to this day, she loves what she does, it's part of her, but being apart from them made her realize that it wasn't what made her happy. He was, Chicago was.

Soon the plane made its descent into Chicago and forty five minutes later she had her bags. As she strolled through the airport, she started to get nervous. She knew this wouldn't be easy. She let a lot of people down and there were apologies she had to deliver. But, as soon as she saw Hank, those worries were temporarily forgotten. He was waiting for her at the arrivals bay, holding a plaque with her name and a daisy in his hand, her favorite. She ran as fast as she could with her bags in toe, and gave him a big hug. She was home.

Voight was smiling ear to ear. He was happy that she was finally here, where he could protect her and help her surpass her demons. But he was also happy because for the first time since she left, he didn't feel alone.

"Hi Hank!" She said while she hugged him " I missed you." She had tears in her eyes as she looked at him.

He cleaned the small tears off of her face and said "I missed you too Kiddo. Oh come on, don't cry." The truth was he was almost spilling some tears as well.

"What do you mean don't cry, you are crying too, have you gone soft?" She was showing him that beautiful smile she had, that she only showed when she was really happy. That was good, it means she wasn't regretting this.

"Oh you are seeing things, c'mon let's go, you have a busy day ahead." Voight took her to the car and started driving to his house. During the 20 minute ride, they caught up with each other, ignoring the big elephant in the room, and just enjoyed each other's company.

When they arrived, both of them took her things inside and she noticed that everything was like she remembered, it was like she never left. Her room remained untouched. She smiled, she felt Home here.

After they had some breakfast, she changed into a pantsuit and fixed her appearance a little bit. Then, when she went down the stairs, Voight gave her the keys to her Jeep. Erin had left in a hurry last year, so she asked him if he could keep it in his garage, since she wouldn't need it in New York. She took them and went to the garage. Voight had kept it clean, she noticed as she entered.

She had to go introduce herself to her new boss at the FBI headquarters. She would start officially start tomorrow, but she thought it would be nice to get her bearings ahead.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" Hank said, worried this might be too much for her, too soon.

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself. Besides, I'm just going to get to know the place, see what cases they are working on, meet my boss and all that." She was nervous, but also excited for a new challenge.

"Ok, I'm going to work, we have an open case, so I don't know what time I'll be done, but I will try to make it to dinner time" He gave her a kiss on the forehead through the window of the car and said their goodbyes.

Erin started the car and headed to the FBI office. She had been there a few times a few years ago, and it was in the same building where she worked for the task force a few years prior, so she knew the way. She took her time, taking in the streets she knew like the back of her hand, thinking about a time when she drove through said streets with Jay.

As she arrived to her new place of employment, she parked the car and entered the building. There she went through security and showed her badge, making the receptionist promptly explain to her what floor she should go to. As the elevator finally opened, she took the view in. The office was modern, similar to the New York one, with a open plan concept and windows that overlooked Chicago. In the waiting room she was directed to her boss' office and suddenly realised, as she read the name on the door, that this was gonna be different than what she had envisioned. She arrived in Chicago only 3 hours ago, and the city was already playing tricks on her.

In bold letters, the plaque read Special Agent David Lang. God dammit, what the hell had she pulled herself into?

Hi guys! I hope you like this one. I know I know, Erin hasn't met Jay again yet, but you have to be patient, good things come with time ;). Thank you for the kind reviews on the last chapter. Someone asked me if Antonio will be part of this fanfic, and he is! Also, Olinsky is still alive in this one! Please review! I will be posting again soon! Bye!