Maurice Moss quite enjoyed running his own computer shop. After years of slaving away at the IT department of a large cooperation, being his own boss was a welcome change of pace. Business was booming, at it were, and his regulars were for the most part rather nice. Some customers were mulling about the shop, while he was helping a nice elderly chap with his iPad.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed a strange lady stepping into the shop. This lady seemed to be in her forties and had a somewhat wild curly mane... Seeing his own curly mane was hardly tamable, he felt quite a bit of sympathy for her. But that what not what struck him as odd: her way of dressing made it look as if she had stepped right out of a Victorian period drama.

How odd? Could she be a cosplayer? He'd met one or two sometimes, but no cosplayer had ever been inside his shop. The woman had a large bag with her and seemed a bit skittish, scowling at everyone and everything in the shop and not daring to approach some of the computers on display. The woman queued up behind the elderly gentleman and waited impatiently, glaring at the old pensioner ever so often.

After the old pensioner was quite happy to be able to unlock his iPad again, the man thanked him and turned away. The woman with the curly hair practically rushed the counter, reached down to fish a small desktop from the bag and plonked it on the counter.

"FIX IT!" the woman demanded with a harsh tone.

"Hello, Turning it on and off again computer services, how may I help you today?" Moss gave the woman his best toothy smile.

The woman blinked, then narrowed her eyes. "Are you taking the piss?" she hissed. "I just told you to FIX IT!"

"Right, sorry," said Moss. "I always have a little bit of trouble when customers deviate from the script. Let me just inspect the patient."

Moss looked over his glasses to inspect the case. "Ahah, I think I see what is causing the trouble. There is a big smoldering hole in the side of your computer case."

"I know there is a hole in the side of the computer case!" the woman now snarled. "FIX IT!"

Moss rubbed his chin, took a penlight from his pocket and peered through the hole. The hole itself was sizable and seemed to have been burned through the aluminium. Whatever has caused this had exploded inside, melting portions of the motherboard, shattering the graphics card and basically fried the CPU.

"Huh..." said Moss. "I need to ask you a few questions."

The woman muttered something under her breath about something called 'muggles'. "Fine! If it gets this fixed faster, I will answer."

"What exactly where you doing at the time of the incident?" asked Moss.

The woman seemed a bit cowed, perhaps a bit embarrassed. "Minecraft," she whispered softly.

"Excuse me, what was that?" asked Moss.

"MINECRAFT!" the woman shouted. "Sodding MINECRAFT! Are you happy now?!"

Moss held up his hands. "Now, now, madam. That is nothing to be embarrassed about. I realize that Minecraft is a bit mainstream but it could have been worse. It could have been League of Legends. I'm not here to judge you, madam..."

"Black!" the woman pressed.

"Tell me in full and complete detail the events leading up to the incident," said Moss.

The woman, madam Black, took a few deep breaths. "I like building games, alright?" she spat, a little flustered. "They're relaxing. Especially after a hard day at work."

"Like I said, nobody is judging you. Building games are quite alright. Now Hentai games would have been a different story, but we won't talk about those in this house. "

Madam Black pursed her lips, still glaring at him. "I was making a perfect replica of Diagon Alley in Minecraft with all the shops, the same layout as the real thing and including the Leaky Cauldron. This was my third attempt and I finally had everything down to perfection! And then... then..."

Moss felt the need to take a step back as madam Black looked as if she was about to explode. "A SODDING CREEPER SHOWS UP AND CHOSES TO EXPLODE IN MY POXY GUNPOWDER STORE, BLOWS UP HOURS OF WORK AND... then this happened!"

Moss found his ears ringing and took another glance at the smoldering hole. "A creeper did this to your PC?"

"No," spoke madam Black rather sheepishly. "BUT IT IS THAT CREEPER'S FAULT!"

"Madam, I'll be quite honest, this machine has been pretty much destroyed," said Moss. "You can sort of tell by the fact that you can follow the trail of burned bits falling off of it back to the bag you pulled it from."

"Oh, typical!" Bellatrix huffed. "How am I supposed to relax after work now?!"

"If this is what happens when you relax, I'd hate to see what happens when you are active," said Moss.

"Oh, trust me," grinned the woman. A most unsettling grin. "You would hate that."

Moss scratched his chin. "Hard drive looks salvageable, so there's that. But I think I know a thing or two which can help you relax far more."

"Oh?" madam Black raised an eyebrow.

"Follow me, please..."

Apparently intrigued, madam Black did just that.

Hermione and Cassie entered their maisonette after a visit to her parents and put away their coats. "Bella!" she called up the stairs. "We're home!"

No reaction.

"She's probably playing Minecraft again," their curly-haired daughter smirked. Indeed, Bellatrix had always claimed that computer games were foul, immoral things. But that was before Cassie let her play a few. Her wife still has her obsessive nature and Minecraft was her current one. Still, that was a tad more wholesome than some of the other games out there. Even if there had been evenings when Hermione had had to drag Bellatrix to bed by her ear.

Cassie ran upstairs and Hermione slowly followed.

The library was mostly Bellatrix' domain and her workplace, but part of it had been turned into a small computer corner. The desktop and monitor once belonged to her dad and, though old, were sufficient enough for Minecraft. In fact, the only things Bellatrix knew how to do with the computer was how to turn it on and to click on the Minecraft icon to make it run.

"Uh, mum," said Cassie, her head popping out of the library just as Hermione came off the stairs. "You might want to see this..."

When Hermione entered the room, she blinked. Oh, Bellatrix was indeed playing Minecraft, but her computer corner had completely changed: instead of the old desktop and monitor, Bellatrix now had a three-monitor setup. Next to the desk on the ground stood a massive black desktop tower with all manner of RGB lighting and whirring fans. Topped off with an expensive looking soundbar and... was that a racing chair her wife was sat in?

"Bella," Hermione blinked. "What is this?"

"It's a computer mum," Cassie said, practically salivating. Finding a booklet near some empty boxes on the floor, she leafed through it. "What?! This setup is better than mine!"

"Jealous?" Bellatrix asked without looking up from her game. "I now have all I need to play Minecraft."

"You don't need all of this to play Minecraft!" Cassie retorted. "That game would run on a potato! Like granddad's old PC!"

Hermione frowned. "You set all this up yourself?"

"Indeed!" Bellatrix said proudly. "The nice Muggle at the shop wrote me a very comprehensive guide. All very step by step. Oh and when I told him I like building games, he also gave me these."

Bellatrix pointed to a stack of PC game cases. Cities Skylines, Planet Coaster, Stranded Deep, Kerbal Space Program, Planet Zoo and Jurassic World Evolution. Not titles of any games Hermione recognized, but Cassie certainly did. "Mum? There are all some pretty intense build games," Cassie bit her lip. "You are really going to have to watch her sleep cycle. If you don't, she'll be playing all night every night."

Hermione sighed. "Just great," she muttered. Oh, she was quite happy that her wife was actually getting into a hobby she really liked, but... let's just say that she was intimately aware of her wife's obsessive nature. Sometimes it felt very much as if Hermione was raising two children in this house.

"Oh, Cassie?" asked Bellatrix. "Could you take those games and make the little start picture icon thing appear on the screen for me?"

Cassie let out a frustrated groan. "Her computer blows mine out of the water and she doesn't even know how to use it! Fuck my life!"

"Cassie!" Hermione admonished. "Language, missy!"

"Sorry, mum," Cassie pouted, before putting her hands on the playing Bellatrix' shoulders. "Mum could we... build a dinosaur park together? It'll be fun."

"Dinosaur park, ey?" Bellatrix rubbed her chin. "Does it have creepers?"

"No, but it'll have T-rexes."

"Do those explode?" Bellatrix asked with a dangerous edge on her voice.

Cassie frowned. "No, but they probably eat people if they escape."

"Oh, well, that's alright then," Bellatrix nodded. "They're probably just muggles anyway."

Hermione snorted and kissed the top of her wife's head while she was playing. If there was one thing she had learned, it was that life with Bellatrix held many surprises.