I do not own Totally Spies.


Both Sam, Alex and Clover sat in the cafeteria as Seniors, only a month to go until all three of them split for university.

However, there were certain people who were counting down the days until they no longer had to go this high school.

You would think going to Beverly Hills High school would be a dream come true but it was not, it was one of the worst places on the planet that judged you on looks and money.

Suddenly the tv in the hall changed again, to show a man relaxing on the beach.

He wasn't even good looking.

"Hi, I am the principle of Be Cool U" said, the man. "I know the name is lame but what my school stands for is anything but lame. Our mission in life is to make the youths of the world enjoy the last speck of their youth"

Here Sam mimicked. "Is your youth hell? Do you constantly count the days until you're an adult where nobody cares who you were in Highschool?"

Alex then mimicked. "Do bullies shove you in the locker and force you to do their homework for them? Do people snicker behind your back, do you have to use underhanded tactics for anybody to notice you? Do you count down every hour, every day so that you can leave high school for good?"

Clover than mimicked. "Then Be Cool U is the perfect University for you. We will turn you from a big fat 'No' into a big fat 'Yes'. Our courses will make sure you are the eye of the crowd and the life of the party. Your Youth is fleeting. What are you waiting for? Just take the test and we will see you on the first of September"

And then the advert ended and all three girls turned to each other before bursting out laughing.

"Okay, that has got to be hands down my favourite advert of this season" said, Sam.

"Can you imagine what kind of people would answer that call?" said, Clover. "Nobody with any kind of self-respect."

"I wouldn't be surprised if nobody takes the test" said, Alex. "It would be majorly embarrassing if it got out"

All three laughed, unaware that a glass wearing nerd, named Arnold Jackson had just finished the test on his laptop.

Sam, Alex and Clover, were three of the most popular girls in the school.

They lived in a completely different world.

They would never know what it was like to have everybody who wasn't a certain tair in looks ignore you.

They wouldn't know what it was like to be swirled, to be tripped, to be shoved into a locker and have your clothes and stuff stolen on a daily basis.

They don't know what it was like, to have to constantly find a reason to go to school in the morning because you would have never gone willingly otherwise.

While they could laugh at the advertisement, the advert spoke to Arnold Soul.

The advert wasn't for them, it was for people like him.

The people who the world beat down constantly and could only raise if they start their own company or go into something smarts related.

Of course, Arnold never told anybody about taking the test, he was sure if anybody else took the test within the school, they would do anything they could to hide it from the rest of the population because their last month will be the worst month of their lives if it got out.

Arnold forgot about the test through the following month and it wasn't until he came home after enduring graduation that he received a message.

'Congratulations Arnold Jackson on your successful application to Be Cool U. If you're still interested, please reply back'


He blinked.

He had completely forgotten about this and he had made his mind up to go to Harvard.

But the more he thought about it, the more he remembered what it was like on open day.

He saw the current students of Harvard, everybody talked posh, they walked posh, they dressed posh, rich cars lined the campus like crazy and servants followed them everywhere.

Could he really fit in there?

He got the strong feeling, smarts is only part of being able to fit in and that Harvard was even more shallow than Beverly Hills high.

Sure, going to Harvard, you got major bragging rights but would the attention get him to enjoy his years there?

Like the advert said, he only had a couple of years of youth left, did he really want to spend it in a place where he would be judged immediately?

And Sam, one of the smartest girls, had decided not to go Brown and instead go to Malibu U.

Surely, he could do it too.

So he accepted the proposal and sent Harvard a message saying he was declining the invite, feeling like he had destroyed a bright career in the process.

If this University could really turn him into somebody even Sam, Clover and Alex will be chasing after, then Harvard can go to hell.

And of course, his parents were surprised that he no longer wanted to go to Harvard anymore but he had this kind of hope in his eyes that they never saw in their son before when he told them about a school that just opened up.

During Summer break, he got pamphlets, an ID card after he had sent a photo in, a mediatory kit and notification that a bus would take him.

Thankfully he didn't live close to any popular kids from Beverly Hills High or he would be hiding his face.

The school was a dormitory and the higher the grades you had in high school and contributions, the better the place you got.

Arnold could not believe it when he was sent pictures of the place he would be staying in since he got all A+ for years straight and joined everything he could.

It looked like a world class hotel room.

Surely this was photoshopped?

While those who had it all were enjoying their summer vacation, he was studying and playing RPG games with his 'nerd' club, because nobody was inviting them to something better.

And then the first of September arrived and the bus came, he rolled out of the house in his lose green polo shirt and suit pants and glasses, he walked up the steps and immediately turned.

It was like walking into reject city.


People who were still wearing hideous braces.

People who still have really bad ache.

People who were going to be short and wimpy for the rest of their lives.

All the big fat 'No's' that couldn't be fixed where here.

He continued walking only to be shocked to find the whole of Beverly Hills chess club here.

They stared at him.

He stared at them.

He sat down next to the president of the chess club.

"No, way. You guys took the test as well?" he said, shocked since all of them had been accepted into prominent universities.

"Ur, well. The advert kind of got to me" said, Daryl, the president of the Chess club.

Everybody else agreed, nobody told the other because of fear of it spreading to ruin their lives further.

"Well, at least I know people here." said, Arnold as the bus drove off, all the passenger's glass was tinted so even though the university name was on the bus, nobody could see who was inside which protected them from any shame and laughter.

Arnold was delighted to find internet on this bus and that he could charge his stuff while they drove an hour away.

When the bus stopped, it was in the middle of nowhere so nobody could see them.

They all stepped off and found a massive gate and a plac that said 'Be Cool University' written in gold in front of them.

The car park had several buses, already here.

People not just from Beverly Hills had answered the call and were waiting for somebody to show them to their dorms.

A man came to his group and looked just like a movie star.

Everybody stared.

"Hello, I will be escorting you to all your dorms. Everybody has already been given your room key. Make sure you don't lose it. If you do, its 200 for another" said, the man casually making all of them gulp.

And then he turned and they followed him inside.

The University, all the universities were laughing at, actually had an amazing campus.

Spa building.

Outdoor and indoor swimming pool building.


Movie theatre.


Food booths.


Rent a bike trailer.

Rent vehicles.



Shopping mall.

This wasn't a university.

This was a town.

Everybody was shocked and gave a look of awe everywhere.

You really couldn't judge a book by its cover.

And then they came to the dorms and each dorm was named after an animal and people began walking into their new rooms, each room was like stepping into a penthouse.

The group began to thin rapidly, and Arnold found that there was only him left when they went to a premium suit and he opened his door.

It was like all his handwork had finally paid off, the moment he opened that door.

The room he saw, was far nicer than a penthouse in Malibu U.

"Holy cow" he said, looking at the high-end food machines, lights, gamer chair, massive flat screen, bed, balcony that had jacuzzi.

He was in love.

And then he saw somebody else in the room.

It was a skinny guy dressed as if he was going for an interview.

"Who are you?" he said.

"It looks like I'm your new roommate" said, the guy. "My name is Trent. A week from now, I was supposed to start an internship with a girl named Mandy at Malibu U. But my parents made me come here instead"

Wow, the guy screams 'I'm going to be head butler', Arnold couldn't help but notice.

"Well, my name is Arnold Jackson. And I just graduated from Beverly Hills high" said, Arnold. "I think I know which Mandy you're talking about. She's infamous at the school. You're going to get nothing but yelling and tantrums, if you work for her. I heard she switched University's and is now going to Malibu U. I should know, I was in a club that celebrated her." before he said. "That is a piece of my life I want to forget"

The guy's parents had made him dodge a major bullet.

"Anyway" said, Trent. "I would appreciate it if you keep you place clean and tidy. My parents sent me here because they want me to stop doing everything for people and do something for myself. They think it would teach me how to have a backbone"

"Well. no worries" said, Arnold. "You won't even know I'm here." he went to the smoothie machine and his eyebrow rose seeing the overly complicated smoothies that a popular person would like.

Chocolate, strawberry?

The machine had never heard of them.

Arnold decided to use the small cups to try each combination of smoothie displayed on his side, with each flavour, he was asked to rate it.

He quickly found out that there was some truly god-awful flavours and Arnold cursed himself for trying them.

"What are you doing?" said, Trent.

"Trying to see if I like any complex flavours" said, Arnold. "You can come and try some, if you like."

Trent looked surprised and said. "You want me to try some?"

"Yeah" said, Arnold. "You said your parents sent you here, so that you can do things on your own? We'll, why not see what kind of smoothie you like? Have you never brought a smoothie for yourself before?"

Trent was silent because he had not, he came and saw there was a tray of tiny cups, thank god and on his side, options came up, for his first smoothie.

Both of them ended up going through smoothie hell together, they rushed to the bathroom about a dozen times.

The system saved the smoothies they actually did like and when all combinations had been tried out, both of them were asked to pick from the smoothies they liked, which would be their favourite.

It was a learning experience for both of them.

Both of them had been surrounded by glamorous people who ordered super complex drinks and now, they too could order these complex drinks, while knowing what they were ordering should taste like so they weren't novices.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Trent answered it.

"Hi, were your new neighbours. We were wondering if you want to go with us to check out the campus" said, a voice Arnold recognised as he came from the bathroom.

Arnold ran and saw it was the chess club and some other guys.

"Of, course we would love to" said, Arnold as Trent looked surprised and his pals looked not surprised to see him, here.

"Maybe afterwards, we can play Dungeons and Dragons?" he said and so many eyes lit up.

He had been right.

These were his people.

"Come on, Trent. Do you really want to spend your time indoors when you can live?" he said, to Trent. "I highly doubt any of us are going to ask you to carry stuff. We've been carrying stuff for others for years. Like the adverts say, it's time for us to live a little"

And then Trent hesitated but joined them.

For the first time, they were in a place where they could be themselves and not be expected to be shoved into a locker or expect to follow somebody else's lead


But tomorrow, they will begin their transformation into some of the coolest people on the planet.

And scene!