Rory and Lane were sitting on the couch in the Gilmore house. Anna was sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table. Lane dumps a bag of new CDs onto the table. "Wow, you went new CD crazy!" Rory looks at all of them.

"They just had an amazing selection today." Lane shrugs.

"The best of Blondie, Kraftwerk, Young Marble Giants, Yoko Ono… really?" Rory gave Lane a judgmental look.

"A very misunderstood artist and the Beatles would've broken up anyways." Lane defends her music choice.

"Have you shared this theory with anyone?" Rory smiles.

"I know it, Yoko knows it, and Sean knows it. Julian's still in denial but what can you do?" Lane said as if she had a conversation with all of them.

"Even if that's true, it's still hard to forgive her when I could have gotten another Beatles album or two." Anna grabs Yoko Ono's CD to look at the back for the song titles.

"But, what if those albums were trash and tainted their legacy. In that way Yoko Ono saved them." Lane grabbed the CD from her.

"I'm going to pretend like you didn't mention trash when talking about the Beatles." Anna let the hypothetical argument go.

"Ok, I must listen to anyone named Claudine Longet." Rory took the CD out and put it in the player.

"Rory…" Lane turns to her friend.

"Yes, Lane?" She answers.

"I have a favor to ask you." She told her. Anna, being her nosey self perks up to hear this.

"Uh-huh?" She nods that she was listening.

"Well, you know Dean?" She spoke of him because he was a part of the favor.

"My boyfriend?" Rory smiles at her nervous friend.

"Yes." Lane nods.

"Yes, I do." She nods.

"Ok...well remember I was telling you about his friend Todd?" Lane brought up the time she talked about him at the canned food drive.

"Todd. Yes." Rory nods that she was keeping up with this beating around the bush favor that Lane was asking for.

"Have you met him?" Lane asks.

"No." She shook her head.

"Well, he's cool," Lane told her.

"Good." She smiles.

"Really cool," Lane stretches out.

"Good again," Rory shrugs. She was happy that Dean had a good friend, but didn't understand what Lane was getting at.

"Really, really cool," Lane went on.

"Good still holds." Rory tilts her head.

"My god Rory, she wanted Dean to set her up on a date," Anna yells, running out of patience.

"Hey. I'm studying in there." Lorelai came out of the kitchen to tell them.

"We know, if not you would be out here with us." Anna looks up at her mother.

"I have like 6,000 pages of case studies to memorize and this whole big test on the Wal-Mart phenomena coming up on Friday and because I have a life and a job, and since business school is not the only thing I have to concentrate on, I'm behind, and I'll probably fail and then that little 18-year-old annoying gnat who sits behind me will get another A and make that I'm smart you're dumb face to me for the rest of the week and I'll be very upset and will possibly cry." Lorelai rants.

"The music and Anna is too loud." Rory got where her mother was going.

"Hey!" Anna pouts, she only yelled once.

"Yes." Their mother nods.

"Got it," Rory turns the volume down.

"Thank you," Lorelai goes back into the kitchen.

"So anyhow, I was wondering if you could talk to Dean about maybe talking to Todd about me." Lane got to the first part of her favor.

"I guess." Rory shrugs. It was a simple favor. She didn't know why Lane was so nervous to ask.

"And then maybe you could ask Dean to ask him out... for me." She added on when she saw Rory and Anna's confused faces.

"Good, because I don't think Dean would want to go out with Todd. It might screw up their friendship." Rory teases.

"And then I was thinking that this date could maybe happen this weekend." She got to the second part of the favor.

"Huh." She looks unsure if she could make that happen.

"Sunday preferably," Lane had this timed perfectly in her head.

"Well..." Rory was about to explain that she couldn't make any promises that Todd would say yes.

"After church," Lane went on.

"Lane..." Rory was worried that she was getting her hope up.

"But don't mention church," Lane told her.

"Okay, hold on a sec..." Rory got interrupted by Lane again.

"Unless he's into church," She looked unsure if he would be.

Lorelai came back into the living room. "Hey, uh, now it's too quiet."

"I'll turn it up." Anna turns the volume up.

"Thank you," Lorelai starts to leave, but stops to listen to the music. "Who the hell is that anyway?"

"Claudine Longet," Rory told her.

"The chick that shot the skier," Lorelai gasps.

"Uh, sure, why not," Rory shrugs, having no idea what her mom was talking about.

"Wow, renaissance woman." She went back into the kitchen.

"You want me to set you up with Todd?" Rory looked back at her friend.

"Yes and I was thinking that you and Dean could come with us so that it's not that big of a deal," Lane asked for the last part of the favor.

"If Rory goes, I want to go." Anna got up to sit next to them on the couch.

"Well, ah..." Rory stumbles.

"You don't want to do it?" Lane asks.

"No, I…" Rory didn't want to, but she wanted to say it nicely.

"That's okay I understand… no big deal. Hey, Grand Daddy new album used… I love a bargain." Lane picks a CD off the table to change the subject.

"I just really don't know this Todd guy," Rory told her.

"I do." Lane nods.

"You've met him twice." Rory put up two fingers.

"But the third time's a charm" Lane put up the three fingers.

"How do you know this guy's right for you?" Rory didn't want to sit through an awkward evening.

"She doesn't know if Todd is the right guy, but she has to find out. We as her friend owe it to her to be by her side to see it through. We weren't there with Rich and looked at what happened." Anna pleads with her sister. She always pictured them going on triple dates and having fun while all being in love.

"Okay so…." Lorelai came back in and turned off the music. "How important is this whole business school thing anyway? I mean, so what if I never run my own inn? I like my job, I like my house, and I like my life. And I certainly don't want to be one of those people who are never satisfied with what they have, you know? I mean some people don't have legs or arms. I have legs and arms. What more could I possibly want than legs and arms? I mean, I could take all the classes in the world, that's still not going to give me what I already have."

"Legs and arms," Rory said slowly, so her mother could hear how insane she sounded.

"Yes... Am I sounding completely crazy?" She asks.

"Yes, you are." Her daughters nodded.

"Wal-Mart is boring!" She whines.

"Study!" Rory points to the kitchen. Lorelai groaned as she went back into the kitchen.

"So?" Anna and Lane turn to Rory.

"So?" She echoes back.

"Rory?" Lane whines.

"Okay." She gave in.

"Really," Lane wanted to make sure she would do it.

"Yes Yoko," Rory smiles. The girls share a group hug.

"So whatcha doing?" Lorelai came in to break up the hug to sit in the middle of them.

"So, how do you feel about going on a triple date?" Anna asked Tristan. It was a half-day, so they were going to lunch and then a movie. Right now, they were at Red Lobsters.

"With who," He asked.

"There would be us." She points at him and herself.

"Obviously," He took a bite of a biscuit.

"There would be Rory and Dean, along with Lane and Todd. It's this Sunday." She took a biscuit herself.

"I didn't know that Lane had a boyfriend." He leaned back as the waiter put his combo of lobster and crab in front of him.

Anna got her shrimp scampi. She waited until the waiter walked away to tell him, "Todd, not her boyfriend. He's a potential boyfriend."

"Oh no, don't tell me this is their first date." He groans.

"What's wrong with that?" She asked.

"First dates are awkward enough, without adding other people to the mix." He shook his head, not wanting to go.

"Then don't think of it as a date, think of it as us all hanging out." She rephrased it.

"Does Todd know that this is a date?" Tristan wondered if they were trapping the guy.

"Yes, well I don't know, Dean is going to ask. He's Dean's friend" She explains.

"Poor Dean," He felt for the guy.

"So, you'll come?" She needed him to come or she couldn't go.

"Why do we need to go? If he's Dean's friend, can't just Dean and Rory go?" He sighs.

"Because, I've always dreamed of us all going on couple retreats," She told him.

"Retreats? No way in hell." He shook his head.

"This isn't a retreat. This is a simple movie and dinner date, but it's a start." She reassured him that it would only be one night. For half the night they wouldn't have to even talk to anyone, because of the movie.

"Fine, I'll go, but this is the last time I do this with a couple that is going on a first date." He cracked open his crab.

"So, I can count on you being there for Todd and Lane's second date." She teases. Tristan shot her a dark look, "Just kidding."

It was Sunday night, the Gilmore Girls plus Lane and Sookie were getting ready for their dates. Anna did Lane's hair and makeup before she went downstairs to get dressed from Rory's closet. Anna brushes her hair and lets her natural waves fall down her back. She painted her eyelids a gold-ish brown and put on mascara. She put on a pale pink lipstick and light pink blush. She put on an off the shoulder black and gray striped sweater and black tights. She slides on a pair of gray sweater trimmed buckle boots. She slipped on the Pandora bracelet. She threw her black and white Marie from the Aristocrats cross-body purse that had a pink bow keychain on it over her shoulder.

She walks to Rory's room. "The story we are telling mom is that we are meeting Dean and Tristan at the movies. We just happen to run into Dean's friend at the movies." Lane whispers to her.

"Okay," Anna nods. They walk out of Rory's room to see Lorelai waiting for Sookie at the bottom of the stairs.

"We're going," Rory yells to her mother after putting on her jacket. She hands Lane and Anna theirs.

"Oh, where," She turns to them.

"We're going to a movie with Dean and Tristan." Anna puts on her black jacket.

"Nothing dirty, violent or French please," She told them.

"The Emperor's New Groove then." Anna nods her head.

"Are you going to be home late?" Rory asks her mom.

"Well, there's a bit of doubt as to whether or not we'll ever actually get out of the house at all tonight. Sookie please!" She yells up the stairs.

"Ok! I'm here, I'm down." Sookie came down the stairs looking very pretty in a red dress that had butterflies on the skirt.

"You look beautiful, Sookie." Anna gave her two thumbs up along with Rory and Lane.

"Thanks, girls." She smiles bashfully at them.

"Wow! Hey, where's your coat?" Lorelai smiles at her best friend.

"It's upstairs." Sookie points up the stairs.

"Aren't you going to need it?" Lorelai asks.

"Oh well, it got caught around the thing, and then when I twisted around to get loose, and then the choking started. I'm free now." Sookie spoke of her clumsy nature.

"Ok. I'll get you something to wear." Lorelai went to look in the closet by the door that had all types of outerwear in it.

"I would appreciate that," Sookie said.

"Bye." The teens waved.

"Bye kittens," Sookie yells as they walk to the door.

"Bye girls," Lorelai said when they passed her.

They walked to the bookstore that was turned into a theatre for the night where the boys were waiting outside for them. For some reason, they were standing at different sections of the line. Dean towards the front, Todd was few people behind him, and Tristan was a couple of people behind him. The girls went to the dates. "Hey," Anna went to stand by her boyfriend.

"Hey." He wraps his arm around her shoulders.

"At least we're only two people behind, so we can eavesdrop," Anna whispers as she stares at the back of Lane and Todd's heads.

"That was my goal." He rolled his eyes.

"And the amazing thing is, all these girls are screaming and none of them are getting the joke. He's playing the character of a rock star. I mean Beck is a genius and all these stupid girls are screaming at him just because they're buying into the rock star image. I love Beck. I understand Beck. And the Foo Fighters, Gods. I mean, have you heard the acoustic version of Everlong? I can't even talk about it you know? Hey, you know who I've gotten into lately? The velvet underground… oh and Nico, she's an amazing depressing scary German chick. I have the CD if you want to borrow it sometime. What kind of music do you like?" Lane rumbles on and on while Todd looks around like he is trying to find a way out.

"My god, get off the topic of music," Tristan whispers feeling second-hand embarrassment for the girl.

"I don't know… whatever." Todd shrugs.

"AH, he's not even trying." Anna glares at the back of his head.

"Fugazi?" Lane notices his shirt.

"What?" He wasn't sure if she was speaking English at this point.

"The band on your shirt," She points to his shirt.

"Oh, huh, pretty cool picture." He looked down like it was his first time seeing it. Anna hides her face in Tristan's arm to cover up her groan of irritation.

"You don't know what's on your shirt?" Lane realized the guy she was checking out for months was an idiot.

"It's my sister's." He told her.

"Oh." She faced forward not knowing what else to say. Rory looks behind to smile at her, she smiles back. Seeing Rory remind Lane of another topic they could talk about. "Well, what about books? Do you like books?" Todd shrugs his shoulder. "Magazines?" His response was a glance. "What about school? What are you majoring in?" She knew he had to have an answer for that.

"I was thinking about majoring in gym." He told her.

"Gym?" She asked, not knowing that was an option.

"If I major in gym, I only have to take 4 classes my senior year." He smiles, proud of his plan.

"Oh, cool." She nods with a head full of regrets.

"Does Dean hang out with this guy to feel smart?" Anna rolled her eyes as the line moved.

"The movie was good." Tristan stretches as they walk out of the bookstore. The movie tonight was Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman.

"Allison Hayes looks stunning in it." Anna thought something was alluring about beautiful women in black and white.

"Yeah, the giant chick was hot. It was a good flick." Todd nodded along.

"Yeah, not bad," Dean agrees.

"Lane, what'd you think?" Rory looked to her friend that was walking behind them.

"Uh, I think it's late and I should be getting home." Lane put her hands in her pockets.

"Really?" Todd asks.

"Yeah but it's been fun." Lane gave a weak smile.

"Oh come on. Let's go get some ice cream or something. We can eat it fast, get that freezy brain thing going. It's cool." Todd looked at all of them for approval.

"I'm down for the ice cream, but not for the brain freeze. Although, I will watch you get one." Anna smiles at the giggling idiot.

"So tempting and yet…." Lane was going to reject him when she was interrupted.

"LANE KIM!" Mrs. Kim came down the road yelling in Korean.

"My mom!" Lane gasps.

"My mom!" Anna and Rory whine when they see that Lorelai was behind her.

"Two moms, that's gotta be bad," Todd looked at the two older women running over.

"Only if it's your mom," Anna sighs.

"Mama, I was just about…." Lane met her mom halfway to get yelled at in Korean some more.

"Mom, I can…" Rory tells Lorelai.

"So not the time Rory," She shook her hand as she walked over to them.

"You lied to me!" Mrs. Kim shouted.

"I'm sorry." Lane looked down at her feet.

"Get home right now!" She pointed down the road. The Kims made their way back to the house, one angry and the other scared.

"Whoa, rough family." Todd felt bad for the girl.

"What's going on?" Dean looked at his girlfriend.

"Oh, a bit of information was left out of the mom packets tonight," Lorelai explains.

"I'm sorry." Her daughters told her.

"Ok. Mother/daughters #2 are leaving now. Say bye Rory, Anna." She gave her daughters a pointed look.

"Bye." They told their boyfriends.

"I'll, uh, call you later," Dean said. Lorelai made a noise of disapproval. "I'll call you tomorrow." He rephrased. That got a hum of approval from their mother.

"Me too," Tristan nods to Anna.

"Bye Guys." Lorelai drags her daughters away.

"That's Rory's mom? She's a babe man!" Todd yells as they were walking away.

"And what were you two thinking?" She hissed at them.

"It was mine and Lane's idea mom, we drag Rory along. She didn't even want to do it." Anna defends her sister.

"No, it's my fault too. I didn't have to go along with it." Rory shook her head.

"This isn't about you guys going on a date. This is about lying. You lied to me, me! What is that nonsense all about?" She throws her arms out.

"I shouldn't have done it. I know I shouldn't have done it." Rory admits. Anna stayed silent since she had no doubts about doing it.

"Damn right you shouldn't have done it." She snaps.

"But Lane wanted to go out with Todd, and of course she couldn't tell her mother so I didn't tell you so you wouldn't have to lie for us," Rory explains why she did it.

"You lied to me so I wouldn't have to lie to Mrs. Kim?" Lorelai wanted to make sure she got that correct.

"Yeah," Anna nods, even though she wasn't there when they made up the lie. It sounds like a damn good reason to lie.

"Oh my God, you really are my daughters." She sighs.

"I'm sorry." Rory apologized again.

"I have to know where you are at all times, especially when you have my shoes on." Lorelai points at Rory's feet.

"I know." She nods.

"This whole trust thing only works if it goes both ways kid." She points to herself and then them.

"I hated doing it," Rory said.

"Me too," Anna nods along.

"Good." Lorelai was happy about that.

"Would you have?" Anna wonders if tonight could have ended better.

"What?" Lorelai asked.

"Lied for us?" Rory had the same curious thought her sister did.

"To Mrs. Kim?" She now got what train of thought they were on.

"Yeah," They nod.

"No." She shook her head.

"Why?" Rory thought Mrs. Kim was ridiculous, so she didn't see the harm in lying to her.

"Because that lady's scary," Lorelai told them. Anna had to agree, she looked like a bat out of hell when she was running down the road earlier.

"Mom," Rory whines.

"I can't lie to another mother. That's breaking the code." She spoke about the mother's code again. The one where mothers respect the rule the other sets for their kids even if it's different than theirs.

"So then what were we supposed to do tonight?" Anna asks. Was Lane supposed to live a loveless life to please her parents?

"Look, I know that Mrs. Kim and Robert Duvall in The Great Santini share a striking resemblance, but she is Lane's mom. She has the right to tell Lane she can't do something, you have to respect that and I really have to respect that." She explains to them.

"So we were in a no-win situation tonight." Rory sighs. For Anna that made her feel better about lying. At least Lane got to go to the movies with a guy she thought she liked. That was more than what she would have got if they told the truth.

"Yep," Lorelai nods.

"Great." Rory sighs.

"Sorry…. Hey, you know the one good thing we all learned from this?" She smiles at them.

"What?" Her daughters asked.

"That I'm a babe." She teases.

Rory and Anna climb the tree to get to Lane's bedroom window. Rory knocks on the window. Lane opened it as the sister sat on the roof in front of her dormer window. "Hey."

"What's up Rapunzel?" Anna smiles.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but in all my various fantasies about who might appear at this window, neither of you ever actually made the list." She teases.

"Lair," Anna winks.

"So how are you? I haven't heard from you in days." Rory asked.

"I'm ok, I guess." She shrugs.

"I was afraid to call." She thought Lane might get more time added to her sentence if she did.

"I think that's best for now." Lane looks back for any signs of her mother.

"Your mom's really mad, huh?" Rory sighs.

"The words convent and Siberia were both used several times and at least once as a combo," Lane told them.

"I'm really sorry Lane." Rory apologizes.

"It's not your fault." Lane shook her head.

"I shouldn't have arranged it. I should've..." She would have gone on, but Lane stopped her.

"You arranged it because I asked you to and I'm really glad you did." No matter how much trouble she got in she didn't' regret that night.

"You are?" Anna was surprised. She always regrets something when she got in trouble and she never even got grounded before. The most she got was a time out and that was as a toddler. Now, she would just get the cold shoulder for a while.

"If you hadn't set me up with Todd, then I would still be in love with him." Lane couldn't believe what a moron she was to think Todd was her soul mate.

"Not the guy for you?" Rory laughs.

"Not the guy for anybody who can read, write, talk, or function on a basic human level." Lane thought that Todd needed to find a Beavis to his Butthead.

"I'm sorry." Rory felt bad that she struck out at love again.

"I was so bored that night I couldn't see straight. I've been on Korean meditation weekends that have had more laughs." She explains to them what a bad time she had.

"He liked you though, Dean told me." Rory smiles at her.

"I know, he called here," She said.

"You're kidding." Anna gasps. Stupid people have the biggest balls.

"I pretended to be my mother and wouldn't allow me to speak to him. Is that mean?" Lane asked.

"I think he'll survive. He and Dean went muffler shopping today." Rory shrugs.

"Yeah, he seems like the type to bounce back fast." Anna didn't think he had the attention span to mourn an almost lover.

"That's good." Lane nods. She didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, no matter how stupid they were.

"So how long before you can get out?" Rory didn't know how many more times she could climb that tree.

"I don't know. Right now I have to be in the house at all times except for school and church." Lane sighs.

"She didn't give you a time frame at all?" Anna was surprised. Mrs. Kim has always given a time frame, sometimes Lane could get out early for good behavior.

"Nope," She shook her head.

"I miss you." The sisters told her.

"I miss you too." She smiles at them.

"Is there anything I can do?" Rory asks.

"Yeah, don't tell anyone I went out with Todd." She would be mortified if anyone found out.

"Promise," Rory nods. The girls shared a quiet laugh but went silent when they heard a noise.

"I got to go." Lane closed the window.

"Bye." The sisters climb back down the tree.

Rory and Anna walk into Luke's with their mother who was waving her exam paper around. "An A, I'm very impressed." Rory smiles at her.

"And annoying boy behind me?" She was ready to give the cherry on top of her great day.

"Yes?" Anna asks.

"B+" She smiles in triumph.

"Loser," Rory teases.

They sat down at a table. "I know, it's all very exciting. Ooh, hey did I tell you that Sookie and Jackson have another date tonight." Lorelai gave them more good news.

"What is that? The third one this week?" Rory thought that had to be a record.

"I'm cupid. I can see love in the air." Anna wiggles her eyebrows.

"Stop with the eyebrows, they're not even here." Rory rolls her eyes at her before smiling at their mother. "That's so great. I'm happy for them."

"I know it is. Of course, if she tells me the story of how Jackson cultivates his own mealworms to help fertilize his plants one more time, I'm going to Romeo and Juliet them both." She took off her jacket and scarf.

"It's sweet." Rory insisted.

"Mealworms," She gave her a look.

"It's not the worms it's about her being proud of her man." Anna thought it was cute how much puppy love Sookie was in. It looks adorable on her.

Rory's pager beeps making Lorelai tell her, "Hey, you know the rules. No pages before French fries."

"Oh my God, it's Lane!" She stared down at it in amazement.

"Oh, you're kidding." Lorelai looked to see that Lane's number was on there.

"I got the cellphone, let's call her." Anna pulls their shared cell phone out of her jacket pocket. The girls stood up to make the call outside.

"Where are you going? I want to hear." Lorelai looks up at them.

"Outside," Rory points to the door.

"Why?" She asks.

"Because Luke hates cell phones," Rory waved at the sign he had up that said no cell phones.

"So," She shrugs.

"I do not want to incur the wrath of Luke. He is my boss." Anna reminds her.

"Why not it's fun," She tilts her head like she was confused by their loyalty to the man.

"We'll be back." They walk out the door.

Anna dials the number and puts it on speaker. "Rory? Anna?" Their best friend's voice came over the phone.

"Lane?" They scream into the phone.

"I'm standing in the yard! I'm standing in the yard!" She jumps up and down.

"Oh my God, she let you out!" Rory and Anna jump up and down also.

"I can go as far as the sign." She looked to make sure she wasn't before said sign.

"That's so great!" They cheered at the progress.