I'm still looking for a beta, so if you are interested please PM me :)

WARNING: This story will contain rape/non-con, smut and torture scenes. If you don't want to read those or they make you uncomfortable, please leave and don't read further.

She despised it. Every single moment of it. But she had to endure it all, to ensure her family's safety. It was all she ever thought of when she got on these trains. Every time Kaia set one foot into the horrible city, all she wanted to do is run back to her home. To District 10. She spent too little time there with her father. But she is left with no choice, but to be here. Where president Snow wants her to be. She had to be strong, like always, and cling to the thought, that she would be home in a week already. It would only be a short stay because three days later the annual Reaping would take place again.

Yet again.

It felt like the last Hunger Games were only last week. Both tributes of 10 died on the first day. The girl right in the bloodbath of the Cornucopia, the boy shortly after her. He managed to escape at first, but the careers found him before sunset. Kaia couldn't even remember their names. It seemed like her brain tried to protect her after all these years of being a mentor to two kids, just to see them die two weeks later. But their faces lingered in her nightmares, and never went away again.

But even though her tributes died, the last Hunger Games had a big impact on everybody. Since Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark did that stunt with the poisonous berries everything was different. Maybe the people living in the Capitol didn't notice it, but the president made sure, that the victors were aware of it. Never before did she have this many clients. It was as if they tried to sell them even more, to make the residents of the Capitol forget about the two winners from 12. Not that it was effective or doing that job in any way. The people were still obsessed with the star-crossed lovers.

Kaia sometimes wondered if Katniss and Peeta had the same fate as she did. She knew that many of the victors were forced into this situation. Gloss and Cashmere from 1 for example. And Finnick Odair of course. He was everything Snow wanted in a victor. Charmingly funny, handsome beyond compare and his eyes and smile had a way to make you feel like you were the only person in the room. He made it all seem easy when Kaia struggled so much every time, she had to do it. In the beginning, she told herself, that it would get easier, that she wouldn't feel so dirty afterwards, but that was still the case. She could pretend to enjoy it, to humour her clients, but the self-loathing after the deed was done never got better. It was the worst when she had bruises all over her body and had to call a prep team to make them disappear so she would look pretty for the next customer Snow sent her way. It was a never-ending circle of hate and despair.

Kaia sighed as she looked out of the window. She had a luxury suite on the train, that brought her from her home to the Capitol. The second she sets a foot into the room, an avox would appear and bring some kind of refreshment. But now the ride was almost over. Kaia could already see the skyscrapers of the city on the horizon. She just wanted to get over with it as fast as humanly possible, so she didn't take any more time than needed to get out of the silver train.

There were a few paparazzi waiting for her, but she didn't give them much of her attention. She just smiled shortly at them and then turned towards the exit. An avox was carrying her bag and followed her without making a single sound. Kaia hurriedly left the train station and greeted her chauffeur. She already checked her schedule and knew, that she had little time to get ready for the evening.

She had a client with a supposedly unusual request. Kaia wasn't informed what that contained exactly, and she wasn't sure if she had wanted to know it beforehand or didn't want to think about it until she had to face the situation. All she knew was that she had to get ready to be on a glamorous party, pretty dress and everything else that entailed, and she only had 2 hours left to do so. A prep team would be waiting in her apartment, and Kaia knew, that they wouldn't waste any minute.

The second she entered her apartment in the city centre there were multiple pairs of hands grabbing her. One girl with magenta hair, that was twisted into a weird updo, waxed her legs while an older man, his name was Morty, pulled at her hair. Kaia didn't say too much to the prep team. She knew by now, that it would be easier and faster if she just shut up and didn't complain about it. She could hear her stylist going through a dozen dresses, that she brought with her. Cissy was always a bit over the top, but she had a good heart when she wasn't forcing Kaia into a skin-tight number. She was brainstorming with the makeup artist about the look that they would want to try for the evening. Kaia couldn't care less. She knew that she would look good, because they would ensure that, so she would be presentable to the people at the party.

"What do you think about green, dear?", asked Cissy, when they couldn't decide. Kaia rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, sure.", she said, while she grimaced at the pain due to the styling of her hair.

She always preferred it the natural way it is. Her long dark brown hair fell in soft curls and waves, while her bangs framed her face that was covered in tiny freckles. Kaia didn't like it when the makeup artist tried to cover them. They were a part of her, and she felt strange without them. As if something was missing.

In the end, Kaia was wearing the green dress Cissy was talking about. Her prep team laid everything down. When she saw that not a single piece of underwear was presented Kaia turned to Cissy. The woman was in her late thirties but her dark skin showed no effect of time. She was still flawless with her golden dreadlocks, and the pale purple eyes.

She shrugged with her shoulders and said:" I don't know. That was part of the request, dear."

Kaia nodded without saying anything about it. She didn't want to think about it. Maybe because of the lack of underwear the whole thing wouldn't last as long. The brunette tried with every fibre of her being to stay positive. Panic wouldn't change anything. Not at all.

Only twenty minutes Kaia Brooks stepped out of the fancy car that had picked her up and took a look around her. She was standing in front of a ginormous mansion as she expected. Most people that were able to afford a victor had this kind of luxury. She tried to take a deep breath, but the tight bodice of her emerald green dress constricted her every move. She was aware of why it was chosen for an evening with a client. Her boobs were pushed up as far as possible, while her waist appeared tiny. Cissy told her a hundred times that she looked gorgeous, but Kaia thought that the effort was wasted on yet another capitol party. The dress pooled at her feet, which made it hard to walk in those damned 4-inch heels they had insisted upon.

Paparazzi were screaming for her. They tried to get over the iron fence, but the security didn't let them. Kaia greeted them with a short wave before she lifted the seam of her dress with one hand and started to walk to the grand front door of the party location. The entrance hall was beautiful, but Kaia couldn't be bothered to really look at it. After almost 6 years of being a victor and being forced to attend this kind of events, this stuff didn't interest her anymore. To her, every house and garden looked the same and the at first impressive buffets were nothing new anymore.

"Kaia, thank god that there is at least one person with a brain present.", a familiar voice called.

"Jo! I'm so glad you are here."

Johanna Mason was one of the few victors Kaia would talk to. They came to a weird understanding when Kaia's little brother Tarek died in the arena only one year after his sister was there. The small woman had dark hair that went to her shoulders. Her tiny frame was hilarious considering that Johanna was one of the most brutal but badass people Kaia knew. She saw how her friend won her hunger games and it wasn't pretty to watch. One of Kaia's own kids from district 10 became one of Jo's victims. At the time she thought that tribute from 7 was completely mental, but now they relied on one another. Johanna was one of the only people Kaia could trust these days.

"Those fuckers really went all out. I have never seen so many of us on an event that isn't about the hunger games.", Johanna mentioned quietly, so no one but Kaia could hear her.

She scratched at the sleeve of her light blue dress. The victor from 7 hated anything related to the capitol. Even though she looked stunning in die dress it didn't fit her one bit.

Kaia shrugged and answered:" Everything is about the games. I guess they want people to forget about the last winners. I've never had so many clients before, Jo." She whispered the last part.

She knew that Johanna didn't want to know about that part of her friends' life and what the president made her do, but sometimes Kaia couldn't help herself. Who should she talk about it if not Johanna? Surely not her father, who was only a shadow these days. He didn't blame his daughter, Kaia knew that, but she couldn't help but see the despair in his eyes.

Her mother Sonia had died during an epidemic that has caused thousands of deaths in district 10. The meat they all ate was contaminated. Sometimes Kaia couldn't remember how her mother looked like or how her voice sounded when she sang them a lullaby, but on other days those details seem so clear and fixed into her mind. Her mothers' death was a long time ago. She was only 8 and Tarek 3. She still grieved sometimes but ultimately, she was glad that her mother didn't have to see her daughter in the arena, and how that changed her.

Tarek was a lot worse to accept. He was a joyful boy. Handsome, every girl in his class had a crush on him. He had the same icy grey eyes as herself. Something they got from their mother. But unlike her own dark brown hair, he had strawberry-blond curls like their father. He was a jokester and could make her laugh so hard that she cried. The day his name was picked from that bowl her heart stopped for a second. Until that moment she had wondered what president Snow would do to make her regret her refusal, but then it was clear. He had made sure, that her poor innocent baby brother would be picked for the 70th annual Hunger Games, exactly one year after her. He was only 13 and didn't stand a chance. He had tried to be strong for her and their father. He wouldn't let the tears fall when he stepped upon the stage.

The following weeks Kaia did everything in her power to train him and make sure that he would make it. The older victor from 10, Harvey, a man in his fifties, tried to console her when he died. He survived the initial fight at the Cornucopia. He had turned and ran for his life as she told him. That year the arena consisted of a sunken city. Many died in the first few days due to lacking swimming skills. Luckily Tarek could swim, so he hid in a broken house on one of the many small islands. But on day five he left his hideout to try to find something to eat. Kaia had tried to charm many people into sponsoring him, but nobody wanted to make the investment. He was only 13. They all were sure he would die so they didn't want to bet on him.

When he tried to fish a hand shot out of the murky water. She couldn't breathe. She had to watch as her brother fought for his life but failed in the end. He floated in the lake. His beautiful face in the water. After a second the male tribute from 4 stepped out of it. Kaia knew that she really shouldn't blame him for he was also just a boy, but at that moment she felt hate like she'd never before.

That was the year Annie Cresta won. When the gamekeeper flooded the arena only the redhead survived and was crowned the victor. Kaia never talked with her. She knew Annie was a nice girl, that never recovered from the games, but she couldn't bear it. She lived because her brother died.

The next day Kaia had requested a meeting with president Snow. She had tried to hold all emotions back as she told him that he had won. To save her father, she would play by his rules. The old man had chuckled and had asked why it took her so long to come to that decision.

A week after the games ended, with a broken winner and a cancelled victory tour, she had her first client. The man, a tall bald citizen from the capitol in his late thirties, had been rough. He had laughed when Kaia had started to cry and tried to get out of his grasp. Later that night the victor sat in her bathroom and couldn't stop crying. She lost a small part of her existence that night. For days she could barely walk. Her thighs were sore, and her butt had red welts all over. Her wrists were bruised from where he had kept hold of her. She had been a virgin bevor that and she couldn't think of a more horrendous way to lose that. Kaia was sure that Snow made a nice amount of money because of that.

By that point, she knew that many of the others had to face similar situations as she did. Some part of her wished she had lost it, like Annie. Nobody wanted damaged goods, so she was allowed to live her life in district 4.

"Can you handle it?", asked Johanna after a moment of uncomfortable silence.

Kaia looked at her before she muttered: "No, but I'm fine." She saw the wrinkles on Jo's face. Her friend was worried about her, but she couldn't help her anyway. Nobody could.

"In fact, I have a customer this evening. That's why I'm even here.", she said with a strained voice.

"Do you know who it is?"

Kaia could see that Johanna didn't want to talk about it, but she tried to do it for her. Johanna always knew when her serious killer side wasn't wanted, but her true self. The person she was before it all happened.

"No. I only know that it is a weird request.", Kaia mumbled. Now that she was at the party, she couldn't help but be nervous. What would she have to do? One man had wanted to burn her with candle wax. Another liked to play with her blood. She shuddered at the thought.

Johanna clearly didn't know what to say. She never had to face that. But she paid dearly for it.

"Maybe we should join the others. We have a table for us victors."

Kaia nodded and followed her friend into an elegant room where most of the guests were talking to each other. When they walked up to their table Kaia saw that Jo was right. There were quite a lot of them present. Enobaria talked with Brutus and one other winner from 2. Kaia didn't remember his name. Augustus? Or was it Antonius?

Next to him sat the most famous pair of siblings in all of Panem. Cashmere and Gloss. Their teeth were so white, Kaia was almost blinded by them.

Of course, Finnick was there. It would have surprised her if he hadn't been. He is everywhere where a good party is or rather where the people were who could afford his company. Kaia heard that he was the most expensive out of all of them. Johanna took the seat next to him. She knew that they were kind of close, but Kaia hadn't talked too much with him in the past. The fact that she was forced to kill his protegee in her games was enough to make her uncomfortable about a conversation with him.

"Brooks." With a nod, he greeted her shortly before conversing with their mutual friend.

Kaia gave him a guarded smile. In that few seconds, she took him in. His golden blond hair looked as if he just came out of bed. Messy in a sexy kind of way. He wore a simple but elegant grey suit with a black shirt and a black tie. Next to the capitol citizens, his outfit was boring, but he made it work. He still looked like himself. Kaia had to admit that he had the most beautiful eyes. A clear mixture of green and blue. Quite fitting for the fishing district.

On the other side of the table sat Beete. Recently he was one of the most beloved victors due to his innovative holo developments. The citizens in the capitol loved it when they got new bits of technology to play with.

On Kaia's other side sat one Haymitch Abernathy. In front of him sat a collection of empty whiskey glasses.

"How are they?", Kaia asked. Haymitch seemed shocked that somebody wanted to talk to him. Most people disregarded him. Many saw him only as a hopeless drunk.

He cleared his throat before whispering: "Better than expected. Peeta is still in the dark about Snow but Katniss is aware of the danger."

"Good.", she said. Kaia grabbed for her glass of champagne and nodded to him as if making a toast before taking a large gulp.

The party was, as expected, like any other Kaia has been to in the last few years. Endless small talk which made her want to rip out her hair. Many people came to talk with her, and she acted as if nothing was amiss. But deep down she was getting nervous. It was almost 11 pm and no potential client came up to her and told her what she was booked for.

More and more people were leaving, and the grand hall was getting emptier by the minute. Kaia desperately wanted another glass of champagne, but she knew that it was smarter to stay sober and keep her wits. Johanna had left hours ago, like most of the other victors. The only ones left were Cashmere, Gloss, Finnick, and Kaia herself. Not that she saw them very much. Like Kaia, they were chatting to the remaining guests. She couldn't even remember what she was talking about. The brunette just smiled and nodded at the appropriate times.

One man, Kaia was sure that he was one of the gamemakers, talked her up and it seemed as if he didn't want to let her go. Kaia forced a smile and a laugh that sounded so cold in her ears, but the older man didn't seem to mind it. His hand was wandering over her arm and got more and more exploring.

Right at that moment one of the waiters came over to them and cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Alexander requested the presence of Miss Brooks.", he said. The gamemaker reluctantly let me go but mumbled angrily.

After he guided her into the hallway and made her understand to take the stairs, she asked him: "What does our generous host what from me?"

Her right hand swiped a few curls of her dark hair back behind her ear. It was quite difficult to get up the stairs with the kind of shoes she was wearing, but it was not the right environment to complain about something like that.

The waiter with the red hair looked at her before answering: "He booked you for the night. He awaits you in his sitting room."

Kaia gulped. She should have guessed it. They walked silently beside one another before the man stopped in front of a tall wooden door. It was decorated with many exquisite carvings. The waiter knocked on the wood before opening the door. He stepped aside and made it clear that Kaia was expected to enter the room. She hesitated only a second before walked past him.

But when she stepped through the door she stopped immediately. Kaia had expected to see only Mr. Gaius Alexander, the owner of the house and a rich and prominent member of the government that was located in the capitol. But what she didn't expect was the other people. There must have been at least twenty of them. Mostly men but also five or six women.

Kaia eyed the big bed in the middle of the room. Its satin sheets shone in the light. Every person in the room had a clear view of it and all seemed to wait for something to happen. The victor from district 10 frowned and looked at Mr. Alexander expecting an explanation.

She was unsure what was expected from her, so she looked around the room. But when Kaia saw one person that she definitely didn't think would be there she stopped in her tracks. Finnick Odair was standing in the crowd and talked to a few giggling women. Only a few moments later one of Mr. Alexander's employees clapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. He whispered something in Finnick's ear that made the victor look over to her. Kaia wondered about his facial expression and tried to remember if she saw him looking this serious before. Not considering the games of course. Normally he always looked flirty and made jokes.

He nodded and excused himself before he walked towards her. He looked in control and tough. So different from his usual demeanour. Kaia raised her eyebrows but didn't say anything when he came to a stop right in front of her, even though it was hard to not blurt out all the questions she had.

Finnick put his hand on the small of her back as if it was normal for him to do so. Kaia looked at him but tried to hide the surprise. Until that day, both of them kept their distance from one another. The never talked about that fact but it became the status quo.

Suddenly his seductive grin was back, and he leaned down to her as if talking sweet nothing into Kaia's ear.

She held her breath when he started to murmur: "They booked us together. I guess they want to watch." Whatever she expected at that point, it surely wasn't that. Kaia had to strain her neck when she looked into his face. Even though she wore high heels Finnick was still at least 5 inches taller than her. Kaia looked him into the eyes.

"Are you serious?", she hissed softly. The shock clearly visible on her face. Finnick chuckled loudly as if she told him one of the best jokes he had ever heard and put his large hands on her cheeks, but his eyes told her differently. He was also mad at the prospect to fuck her with an audience, consisting of the richest citizens of the capitol. He nodded so softly she almost didn't catch the movement.

"As both our main actors have arrived, the fun part of the night can begin.", Mr. Alexander said while he was clapping his hands. The anticipation visible on his face.

Finnick laughed again and kissed a stunned Kaia on the forehead. He put his arm around her shoulders. With the wide handsome grin he had on his face, he looked once again like the Finnick that graced the covers of all those fashion magazines.

He pushed Kaia gently towards the big bed and said loudly, so everyone could hear him: "Let's put on a show, love."