AN: I've always wanted to do a Power Rangers fanfiction story. Mostly a Mighty Morphin Powers Rangers story. Since I grew up on and yes once in a while I still watch it on Netflix. Don't judge! Anyways after reading some Kimberly and Tommy stories. I've decided to do one. The updates might come very slow. Since I'm still trying to finish up my other stories!

Enjoy and always Happy Reading!


Getting off the plane after it landed at the Angel Grove Airport. Kimberly Hart closed her eyes for a moment taking in a deep breath and exhaling slowly. Craving the scent of Angel Grove California. Kimberly Hart was finally home. Walking towards the baggage claim Kimberly looked down for a moment to dig her cell phone out of her purse. Once she is able to find it, Kimberly started to go through her contact list. Stopping in front of the baggage claim. Kimberly called her very best friend Trini Kwan.

"Hello?" Trini answered after the second ring.

" Hey, Trini."

" Kim?" Trini asked

" Yeah. My flight just landed like an hour early then I expected." She said with a chuckle when she reached for her suitcases.

"Mind picking me up?" Kimberly asked while walking towards the exit doors towards the parking lot.

"Yeah I can be there in twenty minutes," Trini said grabbing her keys and her purse heading out the front door.

"You are a lifesaver. Thanks." After the girls said goodbye Kimberly took a seat on the bench. While going through her contact list. Kimberly stopped at Tommy's cell number.

Kimberly's breath caught in her throat and her heart started to beat faster as she started to wonder if Tommy knew she was back. But how could he? Kimberly hasn't talked to Tommy since she left five years ago to join the Olympics world tour and not since she sent him that painful dear john letter. God even to this day Kimberly regrets sending him that letter. Kimberly just hopes she doesn't run into Tommy anytime soon. But she has a feeling that won't be easy.

Kimberly's thought was broken when she heard the sound of a honk. Looking up from her cell Kimberly smiled when she saw her best friend getting out of the car. Tossing her cell back into her purse. She stood up and walked over to Trini and pulled her into a hug." It's so good to see you again Trini." Kimberly said with a friendly smile,

Trini hugs Kimberly tightly," Come on everyone is waiting for us back at the house," Trini said letting Kimberly go and reached for Kimberly's suitcases walking towards the trunk of her SUV, After putting Kimberly's suitcases into the back and closed the trunk, Trini walked back over to Kimberly," So you about ready?Trini asked with another friendly smile,

Kimberly nods her head grabbing her purse, " Yeah of course," So who's waiting for us exactly?" Kimberly asked shaking her head,

"The whole gang, Zack. Billy, Aisha, Adam, Rocky, Jason, And um... Tommy." Trini said walking towards the driver side but suddenly stopped when she felt Kimberly grabbing her wrist and pulling her back," Um Yeah Kimberly?" Trini asked Avoiding her friend's eyes,

"Tommy knows I am back?" Kimberly asked bringing her eyebrows down together, For the longest Kimberly has been avoiding Tommy for a real reason, Ever since she write him that letter ending their relationship. At first, Kimberly never wanted to break it off in a letter cause she knew Tommy deserved better than that but she also didn't want to do it over the phone either, So a dear John letter was her only option,

Trini nods her head slowly," Yeah he knows, He has known for weeks now actually, He sorta overheard me and Jason talking about it n the kitchen one night after putting Little Jason to bed, He wasn't too happy that we kept it from him, to say the least. He wanted to kick Jason's ass for keeping that kind of information from him," Trini chuckled lightly,

Kimberly let go of Trini's wrist shaking her head in confusion," But I don't get it though, Why would Tommy even care that I am back though? I mean it's not like we still together, So why would it even matter to him if you guys told him or not? Isn't he still with Kat?" Kimberly asked once more," I mean that's what I heard from Aisha when I talked to her the last time," Kimberly said as she was trying to wrap her head on the reason why Tommy would be so mad that he never knew that she was back,

Trini just shrugged her shoulders," Beats the hell out of me, But come one we should get going everyone is waiting for us," She said again walking over to the driver's side of her SUV Escalade. Getting in and starting up the engine, Trini unlocked the passenger side to let Kimberly in, Once Kimberly was inside and closed the door, Trini pulled out of the parking of the Angel Grove Airport and headed towards her and Jason's place,

The moment Kimberly followed Trini inside. Everyone all ran over to Kimberly an huge welcome home hug. All but Tommy who just stood back and just watched Kimberly rejoining their friends. Tommy couldn't stop staring as he couldn't believe how more beautiful Kimberly has gotten since the last time he saw her. When everyone pulled away from her. Tommy slowly walked over her.

"Welcome home." Tommy said softly as he wrapped his arms around her waist and hugs her tightly. When they pulled apart Tommy then cleared his throat." Well I hope everyone is hungry cause everything is done." He said walking back into the kitchen.

"What was that all about?" Trini asked in a whisper when everyone walked into the kitchen leaving the two best friends in the living room.

"What do you mean?" Kimberly asked giving Trini an confused look.

"Oh come on Kim. I am talking about that hug Tommy just gave you. It looked more than a friendly hug." Trini said arching her brow for a moment and smirks slightly. Which definitely earn her an eye roll from Kimberly.

"You shouldn't read so much into it. Besides I like I said before Tommy is with Kat now and I am not here to mess that up." Kimberly said nodding her head." Now come on let's go into the kitchen. I am hungry and I haven't ate anything since I got off the plane." Kimberly said with a giggle and made her way towards the kitchen.

Trini watched Kimberly walking into her kitchen as she shook her head."This is gonna get interesting." Trini mumbled to herself. She then join her husband and their friends into the kitchen.

My First Tommy and Kimberly Story. Hope you all will give this a chance.