I do not provide tissues or buckets for tears. Please take that into consideration before reading.

Aizawa's POV

Tiredness filled the pro hero as he patrolled the forest near the town. According to the information that he received something was drawing children to the forest. They were usually between the ages of 7-12.

Children would disappear from their beds without any indication of a break-in. It was as if they had just walked out of their rooms. From what he had gathered though most of the children wouldn't want to run away.

Three to four days after they disappeared the children would return. They wouldn't remember why they left. Just that they were rescued from a dark place. Each child spoke of a green-haired man in a wolf mask that would save them.

The man would lead them to the edge of the forest. When they called him a hero he would just turn his head to the side like a curious child. Never once would he speak or touch the children.

Sometimes if a child was hurt he wouldn't be alone. It was said a giant wolf would allow the hurt child onto it's back. No matter if the child was hurt or safe they were always found within an hour of being left at the edge of the forest.

Shouta froze as the wind shifted so that it was blowing against him. Even in the sunlight, a shiver ran down his spine. His sense of danger was suddenly screaming at him. Something was very wrong here.

The forest seemed to grow darker with each passing second. The air grew heavier with each passing second. A full-body shiver went through him as it seemed that darkness was pressing in.

Here his quirk erasure would be useless. Unless he could see the person that was causing this he was unable to do anything.

A sense of frustration and he wished he had taken Hizashi's offer on coming with him for the patrol. Together they could have taken whatever this was. Alone even with his capture scarf, he wasnt sure if he would be able to defend himself. Much less fight back.

Shouta moved back as darkness encroached on him. A rumbling growly voice spoke out, "Leave him Scáthanna. This human is not yours to touch, Scáthanna."

A feeling of power appeared behind him. Shouta turned to find a giant wolf. The wolf was all black with piercing amber eyes. He was the size of a small house.

Hidden in the shadow of its leg he almost missed a child under the wolf's leg. The child had black hair with green tips. Over his face was a Japanese wolf mask.

This was the man and the wolf that the children talked about. From what he could see through the man wasnt actually a man at all. He couldn't be older than 15 or 16. The mask obscured his face so Shouta couldn't be completely sure. Stature and the way he held himself spoke a lot of his age.

The oppressive darkness that had surrounded him faded. Not before a dark voice rang out, "Nava you cannot protect the humans forever. That human by your side will be the end of you. Mark my words we will prevail."

Then just as quickly as it came the oppressive force was gone. If he had not witnessed it for himself Shouta wouldn't have believed it. Whatever that was it wasn't human.

Then the wolf turned its attention to him. It rumbled out, "You don't belong here human. You should leave the forest before they return human. Let's go, Kit."

Kit? Shouta didnt think that was the child's true name. Most likely it was a nickname given by the wolf.

The child hesitated at the wolf's side even as it turned away. When it took a step forward the boy didnt move. It took two large steps before he realized the child wasnt following.

"What's wrong, Kit?"

The boy turned his head towards Shouta. Silent communication passed between the two.

Then the wolf sighed, "Go then. Lead him out. Just remember don't go beyond the forest."

There was a small nod from the boy before the wind shifted again. The wolf's body disappeared into the wind.

Shouta moved towards the boy his hand was extended. This child didnt give off the feeling of evil. There was a naivete about him that interested the hero.

The masked child turned as Shouta approached. He jumped several feet when he realized how close the man had gotten. Horror and fear clouded the emerald green eyes that barely shone through the mask. They were fixed on the man's extended hand.

Shouta allowed his hand to drop not understanding the reaction. His quirk didnt require touch but sight. So why did this child fear him so?

The boy croaked out, "Don't."

His voice sounded as if it hadn't been used very often.

Shouta raised an eyebrow as he allowed his hand to drop. The man asked, "Why not? What is a child like you doing in this forest alone?"

"I... I'm not alone," replied the child, "I have Nava. But you cannot touch me."

"Why?" He questioned again trying to get answers. There was a deep-rooted sadness in those green eyes. Shouta wanted to know why it was there.

It wasnt just his hero side wanting to help someone in need. Those eyes were just like his own before he met Hizashi. Someone who had known very little happiness.

Shouta didnt want this child to find himself in the same position that he had. Trusting a few people in the world suspicious of everyone else. It was not the life a child should be living.

Whatever answer he had been expecting it was the one he received.

The child whispered, "If you touch me, I'll die. If a person touches me I'll die. So you can't touch me."

What? By body language, you meant exactly what he had said. If someone touched him he would die.

That was definitely not a quirk or anything else he had come across. Was it some kind of disease? Or did it have to do with that forest spirit he saw? The one the shadows called Nava.

Shouta questioned as the boy turned away from him and began to walk to the south, "Where are you going? What is your name, child?"

The boy answered without turning around, "I am taking you to the edge of the forest. And about my name... its Izuku. My name is Izuku Midoriya. What's yours?"

:There we go,: thought of Shouta with a smile. The child answered his question and even asked one of his own. This would build a repor between them. With any luck, Shouta might be able to get more answers.

He answered truthfully, "I am the Pro Hero Eraserhead but you may call me Shouta."

That did make young Midoriya pause in his steps. He turned a light of excitement in them.

Izuku asked excitedly, "You're the underground hero Eraserhead?! The forest spirits speak highly of you. The children tell me stories of heroes when they feel comfortable."

"So you're the one leading children out of the forest? What is bringing them here?" He asked.

Tension filled Izuku's shoulders as he turned away from Shouta again. For a moment he thought he would not get an answer.

Disappointed he began to follow the child. He noted the small things of the forest. If needed he would be able to find his way back.

The boy whispered almost too quiet for him to hear, "I do lead children out of the forest if they are taken by Scáthanna. He is the darkness of this forest and steals children with pain in their hearts. Just like he stole me when I was little."

Shouta was shocked into silence by that. If he was the one leading the children outdid that mean he was in fact dead? Actually nothing more than a memory of a child?

It took over an hour for them to make it to the end of the forest. By the time he stood at the edge of the forest with Izuku light was filtering into the sky. Dawn was beginning to break and he had been gone far longer than he expected.

Izuku said, "It was nice to meet you, Eraserhead. We will continue to protect the children as much as we can."

Shouta didnt make a grab for him but he did say, "You could come with me. There must be someone waiting for you out there."

Izuku denied, "Sorry. I can't leave the forest. Just as I cannot be touched by another person. Goodbye, Eraserhead."

Shouta didnt try to stop the boy as he disappeared back into the forest. He had research to do.

Izuku's POV

For as long as he could remember he lived in the forest. Nava was his protector and the spirit guardian of the forest. Without the wolf guardian, Scáthanna would have taken control over the forest long ago.

It took a few years to convince Nava to tell him how he came to the forest. What he told Eraserhead wasnt a lie but neither was it the complete truth. What he was told hurt more than he could put into words.

Izuku was declared to be quirkless at the age of 4. He would never have the powers that made other heroes. His mother was ashamed of this. He should have a quirk as a fourth generation. At least some combination of his parents.

Instead, he was without one. A useless being that would never amount to anything.

According to Nava, his mother abandoned him on Scáthanna's territory. The shadows had come for him. They tore at his soul until Nava sensed his presence and came to save him.

When he was rescued his soul was shown to have sustained serious damage. According to Nava he only had half a soul remaining.

The only reason he was still within the world of the living was because of Nava. The forest guardian tied his life to the spirit realm. Doing this kept Izuku in a state of a half-life. So far he had grown as he normally would.

Being abandoned by his mother crushed his hopes of someone coming to see him. So he only allowed himself to be close to the creatures of the forest.

When children began to come to the forest. He began to protect them and lead them back safely. It shouldn't have surprised him that they caught the attention of heroes. To see one in his forest surprised him.

Eraserhead had a gentle feel about him. The man reminded him of Nava. This was someone that was trustworthy.

Still letting a human stay within the forest wasnt a good idea. His soul could be destroyed like Izuku's was. So he led the man out without a second thought.

Even three days later his mind still went back to the man. He wanted to know more about the hero. Both about the work he did and the man as a person.

A warm breath brushed against the back of his neck. Looking up he met Nava's amber eyes.

Nava rumbled out, "That human is back and is looking for you, Izuku. He's not alone this time. He brought what appears to be a mutant rat with him. They are waiting by the shrine that separates our worlds."

Izuku turned his head to the side as he questioned, "Do you think we can trust them, Nava?"

The wolf huffed annoyed, "I would never let them near you if they meant harm. Their intentions aren't to harm us or the forest. Beyond that, I do not know."

Izuku smiled slightly at his friend and guardian before he rose from his place under a tree, "Then I will go greet our guests? Are you coming, Nava?"

The old wolf snorted before it replied, "No I think I will watch for the time being. Try not to let that human get too close to your hearts, Kit. They all die eventually. Heroes faster than most. If you let him get to close it will only hurt all the more when he dies or forgets about you."

In a few years, Izuku would stop aging he knew this. During that time the humans around them would continue to age and die. Even if he chose to be friends with some eventually they would die and leave him heartbroken.

Was Nava right? Should he ignore the longing of companionship that he held within his heart? Should he stay lonely so not to he hurt when a friend died?

Deep in his heart, he knew that wasnt what he wanted to do. He wanted to make connections with the living. If they were to die then he would remember them. Just as he hoped they would him.

He grabbed his mask and placed it over his face. Without another word to Nava he silently passed through the barrier that separated the human and spirit worlds. As with the last encounter Eraserhead was wearing black sweats. On his neck was a pair of yellow goggles almost hidden in the white scarf.

Next to him was a large mouse-like creature. That must have been what Nava was talking about.

Izuku had to admit that he was curious about the creature. He had never seen anything like it before.

Was it actually human? Or was it an animal with higher intelligence?

Instead of asking his questions he greeted, "Hello Eraserhead."

There was a twitch of the man's lips as he said, "You can call me Shouta, Midoriya. You do not have to call me by my hero name here. With me today is Nezu principal of Yuuei High School."

So this was who ran the most prestigious hero school in the country. The children spoke highly of the principal. Everyone wanted to go to Yuuei to be a hero.

Nezu greeted with a wide smile that eased Izuku's mistrust, "Greetings young Midoriya. When my teacher told me of your presence here in the forest I have to admit I was skeptical. As I hero I have seen odd things in my time. But never have I seen someone who has a foot on both sides of life and death. You child only have half a soul."

Izuku rubbed his chest as he nodded not meeting either of their eyes. Being bound to the forest was not a difficult life. For the most part, humans avoided it. Not leaving had been instilled into him from the moment Nava had taken him in.

Both took away any temptations to disobey. As he grew older he understood the rules. Did that mean he liked them? No, it did not.

Shouta said drawing his attention, "We are not here to judge you, Midoriya. We just want to understand."

If he had been anyone else, Izuku would be unsure about the man's honesty. No emotions showed on his face as he said these things. His dark eyes held a hint of sadness within them. Almost as if he understood Izuku.

The dark onyx eyes of Nezu held well-hidden fear. Spending so much time with wolves he had learned to read body language more than words. This creature was afraid of or perhaps for him. It was because he only held half a soul within his body.

Izuku sighed tiredly, "I was let here by my mother according to Nava. Right in Scáthanna's territory."

It took a while but he explained the story as he had been told. Both heroes looked like they wanted to interrupt at several points but kept their silence. The way that Aizawa's shoulders were set told of unspoken anger.

Aizawa's hand twitched towards him then stilled. He wanted to reach for Izuku but only just stopped himself.

Nezu asked sounding genuinely curious, "Do you like it here?"

Izuku smiled softly as he said, "I do. Its home but it does get lonely when it's just Nava and I. Sure other spirits of the forest are around but it isn't the same. Talking with the children makes the loneliness abate slightly but..."

"But it's not enough to ease your the pain completely," finished Shouta.

Carefully Izuku nodded. Children were fickle things. They would remember him for a day or two. Then they would forget about him.

Izuku never had anyone that could truly be counted as his friend. It was a lonely existence. Not that he ever admitted such a thing to Nava. The wolf would just have the spirits of the forest spend more time with him. That would only make the loneliness worse. The spirits weren't the same as having a human friend.

Shouta inquired, "What if I come to visit you? The children cant for obvious reasons. But the shadows won't affect me nearly as bad."

Shock and surprise-filled him as he stared at the hero. Dark eyes met his emerald eyes. For a moment it seemed as if the world had stopped.

Carefully Izuku nodded. This man would not forget as easily as children did. Maybe he could have a friend in this man.

Shouta gave a soft smile as he continued, "I should be able to spend an hour or two in the afternoons during the week. On weekends I can spend more time. That should ease the loneliness you feel. At least somewhat."

Izuku replied sincerely, "Thank you."

True to his word Shouta stayed for an hour that day. Then he and Nezu had to leave for their hero's duties.

For the next two months, Shouta would visit daily. He would tell the child about the quirks of his students. How much trouble they were for him most of the time.

When the man spoke of them there was a gentle light in his eyes. Just like when he promised to visit every day. Most days he arrived at the same time so Izuku was usually out waiting for him. Then when he left Izuku would walk him to the edge of the forest.

Every visit Izuku wanted to remove his mask and show Shouta his face. Fear stopped him every time he almost worked up the courage. He wasn't even sure what he was afraid of.

This day would be a little different than their previous meetings. Spring had finally come and there was a beautiful spot by the lake deeper into the forest that they would go to. It was Saturday so Shouta would be able to stay most of the day. It was something they both looked forward to.

At ten am right on time Aizawa appeared holding a cup of coffee. The man had dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep but would soon perk up once he drank his coffee. A half-smile greeted Izuku before a yawn escaped him.

The boy beckoned the man to follow him. Carefully he led Shouta through the forest. Expertly they avoided the traps left by mischievous spirits.

Sunlight filtered through the trees giving a relaxing feel to the forest. Scáthanna was hiding itself away waiting. Waiting for the hearts of man to be weak once more.

After five minutes of walking, they reached a clearing. Flowers of all species and colors bloomed. Butterflies flew all around the clearing. The wind ruffled both his and Shouta's hair.

This was his favorite place to come to during the spring. It was peaceful and Scáthanna's darkness never seemed able to penetrate the peace.

Izuku turned his head into the wind. A serene and calm feeling overcame him. Behind him, Aizawa mimicked his posture.

All that could be heard was their soft breathing and the birds that inhabited this part of the forest. Then Izuku leaned back until he fell back onto the grass.

Aizawa looked down at him with a look of amusement. He said gently, "You look relaxed down there Izuku."

"This is my favorite spot within the forest," he answered.

Shouta fell back landing lightly next to him. It only took a few moments before his breathing evened out. Izuku smiled as he looked over at the sleeping hero. The man didnt get much sleep and most of the time he stayed awake during their time together. As promised his sense of loneliness had begun to fade.

After an hour and a half, he stood stretching his muscles. The butterflies recognized his gentle spirit and the fact he only has half a soul. As they had in previous years the congregated around him.

Izuku raised his right hand towards his mask. He listed the top of his mask.

Aizawa's POV

He awoke with a start. The last thing he expected was to have fallen asleep. There was a feeling of guilt in his gut.

Shouta opened his eyes to see Izuku standing again. Some time must have passed for the boy to be standing again. Then he did something that Shouta would never have expected.

Izuku lifted his mask so that the boy's face underneath was revealed. All the breath in his lungs as he looked at the child. As he expected Izuku's face showed him to be no older than sixteen.

Butterflies swarmed the child by the dozens. It was as if they sensed the child's innocent soul.

Then green eyes suddenly looked down to meet his onyx eyes. Surprise filled the green eyes and for a moment he thought the boy would return the mask to its spot. To his surprise though Izuku dropped his arm down. It was still holding onto the mask.

Shouta sat up on his elbows considering his friend in silence. Izuku said softly, "I guess it was time to show you my face. I'm sorry I haven't before now."

Shouta gently replied, "Its fine, Izuku."

Izuku had insisted that Shouta that he be called by his first name. For his part, he insisted that Izuku do the same. Slowly a bond formed between them. It wasnt something he ever thought about before.

Hizashi was his friend as was the other heroes at Yuuei. Even as a teenager there wasnt anyone he got particularly close to. This was the first time he let himself get close to anyone.

Izuku barely had any human interaction. This made his thirst for knowledge all the stronger. Curiosity brimmed in the green eyes. Shouta couldn't bring himself to avoid questions. This boy was bringing down his walls a little at a time.

A few days after being shown the clearing when he returned the forest had changed. The air was as oppressive as when he first met Izuku.

Slowly he made his way towards the usual spot he met Izuku. The was the sound of childish laughter. It seemed his friend had found another lost child.

He stepped into the clearing just in time to see a blond-haired child sitting in a tree. The branch he was sitting on broke with a crack.

Izuku more on instinct than anything else moved as if to catch him. Shouta remembering the warning used his capture scarf to yank the man back. Then stopped the child's fall at the same instance.

Gently he set the child down before rounding on and admonishing the boy, "Do you realize what you almost did?! I remember what you told me! If you touch a human you will die!"

The child a boy he realized belatedly eyes widened with fear. He looked between the two of them before dashing off. Deftly Shouta placed a used his capture scarf to pull the boy back. He knew that the child was scared but running off wouldn't help things.

Izuku stammered, "I... i... I'm sorry... I... I.. I didnt realize what I was doing until you pulled me back."

Shouta wanted to reach out and soothe him. Common sense won out though and instead chose to stand directly in front of the boy.

He sighed tiredly, "I know you didnt. But please for my sake, be more careful."

Izuku's eyes were the only thing he could under the wolf mask. It irked him that the other had to put it back on. He understood that part of the mask made the children trust him. Didnt mean he had to like the distance it put back between them.

Shouta sighed looking at the younger child, "I should return him to his family. They are most likely worried about him."

The widening of Izuku's eyes in fear was the only warning that he got that they were no longer alone. If it was Nava there wouldn't be fear in the green eyes.

Preparing to activate his quirk he swung around. Only to find a familiar ash blond teenager with red eyes staring at them. He was wearing a Yuuei uniform. For once there was an emotion that wasnt anger on his face. Only shock and confusion was on his student's face.

It was Bakugo Katsuki first year at Yuuei. One of Shouta's own homeroom class. His eyes weren't on Shouta but on Izuku. Recognition passed between both teenagers' faces.


"Dek... Izuku? I thought you were dead. Your mom told everyone that you died!"

Shouta inquired keeping his body between them in case Bakugo tried anything, "You two know each other?"

Bakugo was the one who answered his typical anger gone from his voice, "We were neighbors growing up until his mom found out that he was quirkless. Not long after that, he stopped coming to school and she told everyone he died in an accident. How did you end up here, Izuku?"

Shouta sighed as he checked over the young child. The boy seemed to have calmed down while being held in his capture scarf. That didn't mean he would let the kid go. This forest as he learned was too dangerous to allow children to roam freely. Any number of them could have ended up just like Izuku.

Bakugo growled his temper flaring, "That bitch. Just because you were quirkless she abandoned you to die. I'll kill her!"

Shouta snapped irritably, "You will do no such thing, Bakugo. Nezu is already compiling a case against her. Any interference on your part will only hinder him."

The ash blond-haired teenager tsked in annoyance but didnt argue. Shouta had to make a decision then.

He could take the kid back to his family. If he did that he would not be able to return to the forest before his patrol.

Staying was an option now that Bakugo was here. The boy had his provisional hero license. To a point, he trusted Bakugo to handle the child. As long as he kept his temper.

"Bakugo," began Shouta, "I want you to take this child home. You have your provisional license so you can do this. I still need to stay here with Izuku. Send me a text when you get him home."

There was a shift in the boy's posture. It became more like the hero he had come to know. KEM was breaking through his annoyance at being ordered to do something. He allowed the capture scarf to release the boy.

Grabbing the child by his arm Bakugo answered, "Yes sir!"

Watching them leave Shouta held back a sigh. If he had not come when he did then Izuku might have died. His soul would have completed crossing over. Then he would never know what happened.

Izuku said softly drawing his attention, "I'm sorry. I made you worry needlessly. Thank you for stopping me."

"I don't blame you, Izuku," rumbled Shouta gently, "You have the heart of a hero. I'm sure you would have made a great hero if your mother had not left you here."

"Thank you, Shouta."

It took two hours for Bakugo to get the child home. As promised he sent a quick text message saying that he got the kid home. As it was Shouta was relieved. It wasn't that he didnt believe in the boy but Bakugo could be... difficult.

As dusk began to fall that evening he noticed that Izuku seemed like he wanted to say something. He waited to see if his friend would ask.

When it became obvious that he wouldn't Shouta queried, "What is it that you want to ask me, Izuku? Don't look so surprised. It's all over your face."

For a moment Izuku wouldn't meet his eyes. Then his shoulders squared as he asked, "Tomorrow night there is a spirit festival. Typically only children find their way to the festival but occasionally spirits become close to an adult human. And we invite them to the festival. I was... Ummm... wondering... ummmmm... if you wouldliketogowithme?"

It took a moment for Shouta's brain to process the jumbled. When it did question he allowed a full smile to cross his face. It was warmer than any of his normal smiles.

He soothed the boy's nervousness as he said, "I would be honored, Izuku."

He was graced with a blinding smile in return. They made plans to meet just before nightfall the next night. Then Shouta left he would need to tell Nezu about the plans. He would also need to cancel his usual patrol. Hizashi would likely take over for him.

The next night found Shouta in a black button-down short-sleeve shirt and black dress pants. He kept his capture scarf around his neck. Izuku was something of a klutz. If he couldn't catch the boy with his hands he could use the scarf. He decided to leave behind his goggles. There wasnt a need to take them as long as he wasnt doing any hero work.

Unsurprisingly Hizashi had bugged him to find out where he was going. His cockatoo of a friend was incredibly loud in his questions. Shouta adamantly refused to answer any questions. Until he found a way to fix Izuku's soul he wouldn't say anything to the others.

Satisfied he left for the forest. Izuku was waiting for him at the edge of the forest. The boy was wearing a green button-down long-sleeved shirt and black dress slacks. On his right side was the wolf mask.

Izuku greeted enthusiastically, "Shouta! You came."

"Of course I did. I promised after all," he replied with a smile.

Shouta followed the boy through the forest. They were heading in the direction of the clearing. It only took him a few moments to realize that was exactly where the festival was.

When they arrived at the clearing he could see what appeared to be people. They were actually spirits going through different stalls.

Shouta spied a sour-looking man with gray hair and amber eyes. That did not look like someone who was there for the festival.

Izuku said happily, "That's just Nava. He's making sure that no one is causing issues tonight. Sometimes spirits trouble. So he watches over the festivities."

So the spirits were a lot like his own students. Somehow that didnt surprise him. It did make him understand the wolf better though.

Izuku ran around the festival showing him the different stalls. Shouta followed with a soft genuine smile on his face.

They played different games together winning different prizes. He spied two-child spirits playing games across the clearing. One looked like the child they had saved from Scáthanna. So far the two didnt try to interact with Izuku so he simply watched them from the corner of his eye.

Food and games kept the two entertained. Izuku was currently cuddling a stuffed black cat that Shouta won for him. Watching the teenager made him realize just how much of a child he truly was.

Around midnight fireworks exploded in the sky. They watched in fascination as different animals lit up the night sky. Shouta rarely was able to see fireworks as he worked protection detail during festivals normally. It was a nice change to see the fireworks and instead of watching people.

As dawn approached both he and Izuku were heading back towards the edge of the forest. As they reached the top of the last hill before the edge.

Izuku suddenly stopped and Shouta turned to look at his companion. The boy pulled his mask off of where it hung on his belt.

Frozen in surprise he couldn't move when the mask was placed over his face. It was so carefully placed so that skin didnt touch skin. Shouta watched in surprise as a kiss was placed on the cheek of the mask. It was the closest he would get to kiss the teenager.

Izuku blushed suddenly and he moved away from him. He could see doubt forming in the green eyes. Taking off the mask he put it back on Izuku's face. He kept his fingers away from any point of contact with his skin.

He bent down to place a kiss on the forehead of the mask. Softly he said, "Don't be embarrassed, Izuku. I didnt know if you felt the same way so I didnt want to risk our friendship."

He pressed his forehead onto the cool plastic of the mask. Then moved back a few steps. Izuku immediately removed the mask and he suddenly rivaled Christmas lights.

Two child spirits suddenly ran passed them. The blond-haired one tripped on the uneven ground. As he fell forward Izuku's hand shot out and grabbed the spirit's arm at the elbow.

The spirit said loudly, "Thanks, mister!"

Then he was gone with his friend. Shouta turned to say something to Izuku only to freeze. This time it wasn't in surprise but in fear. Black and green lights were coming off Izuku.

It began at the boy's fingers where he had grabbed the spirits... no the child's arm. His soul was fading from their world.

No! Shouta refused to accept this. There had to be something he could do to save Izuku!

Izuku rushed forward encircling his arms around Shouta's waist. There was a warm firm press on his lips.

Then Izuku expressed in a pained voice, "I am so glad to have met you Shouta... you made these last few months worth all the loneliness worth it. I'm sorry... it couldn't have lasted for longer."

Then the lights faded and Izuku was gone. Leaving Shouta to mourn for the one person he cared about more than just as friends.

A/N translations from Irish.

1. Shadow