Disclaimer: The following is a fanfiction based on a sitcom grounded in reality for the most part. So, except political pokings and all trails of doing a fanfiction based on a sitcom. Either way, I Dream of Jeannie belongs to NBC and I don't own anything other than my characters.

A/N: Well this is my 69th story written and that's a fitting number considering the type of fanfiction is going to be. One of the classic 1960s Fantastic Comedies, I Dream of Jeannie came out of it. Now why a story about this? Well, the original had a man who did not really want anything to do with Jeannie and wanted conformity. My "remake" will flip that on its head with the new MC. A small ground rule will be a few changes to the "canon" backstory. Out of the original cast, I plan to only use Jeannie and her sister (much later).

~This fanfiction has been remastered and finalized on March 13, 2020. My apologies it took so long to do so.~

I Dream of Jeannie "Remake"

Conformity? You Wish!

Chapter 1: Reality's Glass Can be Shattered

(Earth-Dimension 09181965) (Status: As boring as the real one…for now)

If anything, the life of this planet was typical akin to Earth Prime. Life was mundane and considered absurd. However, unlike the real world, this world was rife with its own strange quirks. Which one would soon discover.

(St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands, Earth – Modern Day (2018)

The movies portrayed college as a place of constant excitement, parties, and girls. A paradise that awaited you after high school. Wayne Williams hated those movies now more than ever now that he was actually in college. The University of the Virgin Islands was a quiet place, but it was the school that most ended up in on the island. Considering there was only two high schools on the island, many high-schoolers who wanted to escape their peers (but could not afford to leave home for whatever reason) ended up seeing them anyway. Thus was the case with Wayne Williams. The twenty-year old was a sophomore in college striving for degrees in Computer Science with small aims to learn about Psychology. He was a nerdy yet expressive guy who preferred games, anime, and so on. He always thought life would be so ordinary….he would be proven wrong.

(Thursday Night)

Wayne leaned back on his bed of his dorm room blankly looking up at his ceiling. He was for the most part, bored. He had just finished his last class of the night, English 120. Admittedly, he was glad he had finished his next essay assignment. However, now he did not feel like doing anything at the moment. With a sigh, he sprang up off the bed hearing the sounds of his next door neighbor's bed squeaking and groans. Wayne lived at the west dorms that were thankfully undamaged due to the recent hurricanes close to the end of last year. Wayne looked to the mirror. A young man of average build standing at 5'11" with skin befitting his Black ethnicity. The only odd thing about him would be his hair and his eyes. He had a case of heterochromia giving him two different eye colors, one green from his mother's side and one violet from his father's side. His black hair was oddly straight ending with a bit of a fringe giving a half straight/half untamed look.

"Damn it, Kaya. Couldn't you wait until I was asleep?" Wayne thought.

Kaya was his roommate's girlfriend and she had a habit of sneaking up to sneak a quickie with her boyfriend. The advantages of living in a co-ed dorm was not lost on Wayne.

"I need soundproofed walls. Or my own apartment." Wayne groaned.

Keeping his red shirt with a lone orange stripe and lining, he changed his basketball shorts for a cargo of sandy brown cargo pants. He slipped on his black Converse sneakers and his black hoodie before taking up his shades, wallet, phone, and keys with him out the door. If he stayed, Wayne risked feeling the urge to listen in and enjoy it. It was nighttime on the island as Wayne walked out of the dormitory. The night sky was cold, but to the extreme it could be if Wayne lived in the states.

[Cues: J Dilla - Life (Instrumental)]

"Nothing amazing seems to happen here on the islands except for shitty hurricanes." Wayne said as it walked down the hill. "But that's life."

Wayne resided in the West Campus of the University which got him access to a pathway that led straight to the beach managed by the university, Brewers Beach. The sand and sea were nice to stare out into the distance. Wayne wandered the beach before finding what seemed to be an abandoned fishing boat with a pair of oars. He was not a boat man, but the idea of relaxing out at sea convinced him to take it out into the water. Getting his phone, he played a smooth jazz track to set the mood as he rowed the boat. He rowed north before realizing he was in the waters near the university's marine science center. The small island in the distance away from the center. Wayne remembered in his second freshman year (as a returning freshman for the first time) when he and a group waded out to the island to observe it on feet as the waters were low enough in the area to do so.

[Cues: Blazo - Light Blue [Colors of Jazz 2]]

Wayne quietly rowed closer to the small islet taking the moment to appreciate the beauty of it. He did not get a proper choice to do so as last time he was focusing on not cutting himself or falling in the water to hurt himself. Turtles were all over the islet and a tiny one was struggling to get in the water becauseit was upside down. Picking up the gentle creature, he lied it in the water for it to swim off. With a relived sigh, he watched the turtle go off into the ocean. As the turtle swam away, Wayne noticed a gleam that caught his attention. He turned to see a bottle in one of the turtle's nest, a rather beautiful Arabian bottle.

"Okay, how did I not see that?" Wayne remarked pausing the music on his phone.

[Cues: India's Different by Joseph Loduca]

He took it up to look at it closely. The bottle's base is round and has an oval shape, the top and the body of the bottle is circular and narrow, with it being completely purple with arching designs and patterns on the neck and body of the bottle. The gems had decorated it were lavish and the oval base of the bottle has matching patterns of solid sheer Arabian arches.

"Never though karma would reward me." Wayne said to himself taking the bottle and rowing back to the shore.

Dragging the boats and oars back to where found it, he put the bottle in his hoodie's front pocket and walked back up to the dorms blissfully. Returning to the dorm, he found the noisy couple was still going.

"Ugh, I was gone for at least a half hour." Wayne said bitterly. "I wish the walls for my dorm were soundproof."

Wayne took out the bottle and placed it on the desk.

"Well, depending on the value, I can pay back my parents for paying for my tuition." Wayne remarked before noticing the cork. "Huh, I wonder what's in it?"

Wayne took up the cork and tried to pull it. It was rather grounded in, but Wayne was relentless. Unknown to the young Williams, the cork glowed a bright purple before it came out.

[Cues: Going to Kill Me By Joseph Loduca]

Arabian styled music lightly played in the background as pink smoke shot out of the bottle filling the room surprising Wayne. Wayne was chuckling to himself.

"What? Is a woman going to come out of in?" Wayne thought to himself. "That will be the day those political actually agree on health care."

The smoke was blinding, but Wayne cleared some away from his eyes. In the middle of the dorm was a woman. She was a pale-skinned, blue-eyed blonde, and Wayne realized any sense of normalcy was pretty much shot in the face and bludgeoned into the dirt. She stood at five-foot four weighing at a mere 125. In her tone, where were hints of Persian origin, but they were faint. Jeannie's smooth milk white alabaster skin and voluptuous 36C-24-36 figure was a sight to behold. She was dressed in pink harem pants, a light cropped tube top that reveals her midriff and her navel with sewn-in sleeves for her arms, and a small Arabian red jacket with gold lining. Her blonde hair was done up in a small ponytail with a red headband that is centered with a ruby adorned into it. Completing the harem look was a pair of pink earrings and pink curled shoes. Wayne's reaction shifted through a plethora of emotions before finally calming down to think logically.

"من از شما متشکرم از آزاد کردن من از بطری، استاد." She spoke.

"Ok, so I'm not dreaming, high, or hallucinating? Well then, I know exactly what I need to do." Wayne said getting his phone.

It was a simple matter of asking her to repeat myself to have his Google App determine the language spoken. Thankfully, Google at least told what the language was. Simply put, he used an online translator to request a wish in Persian to please speak in English. She folded her arms and nodded her hand granting it.

"Now that you can understand me. I want to thank you for freeing me from my bottle, master." She spoke. "I am Jeannie."

"Jeannie, I wish the walls of my entire dorm room were soundproof." Wayne said immediately.

"Done." Jeannie said with a nod.

He couldn't hear the noisy couple anymore and his eyes were wide to realize he had a literal genie in the room.

"Are you okay, master?" She asked.

Wayne's heart thumped hearing her call him master. Wayne was no pure hearted saint by any means, his internet activity had specks of dirt on it and his computer had plenty of VNs.

"Yes, Jeannie. I'm just fine, but I'm merely overwhelmed. I just need a bit of an explanation as to how." Wayne said collapsing in his desk chair. "And I wish up a comfy seat for you because I have a feeling this explanation will be a while."

"How kind of you, master." Jeannie said politely before produced a beanbag chair for her to seat cross-legged. "My story is not going to be all too long. Simply put, I was born in what is now Baghdad of Iraq. It used to be called the Mesopotamia Empire. I used to be human in those days, but that was about 1,198 years ago. While, I was born there, I lived in a desert kingdom ruled by a sultan."

"Ok, we're talking most likely a kingdom most likely in Central Asia before the dawn of ruling by a khan." Wayne theorized.

"Yes, moving on. A blue djinn had wanted me to marry him. I refused, and I was sealed into the bottle you have now and made a genie." Jeannie remarked. "Which is why I'm happy you freed me, master."

"Freaking hell. Djinns exists." Wayne muttered to himself.

He asked if there were any rules to his wishes wanting to make sure. Jeannie explained she was not sure being that genies/djinns tend to have unlimited powers at their beck and call depending on their age and experience.

"I hope it doesn't completely displeases you. While I do have the age, you technically are my first master bound to you for life." Jeannie said humbly.

"Well, my life will obviously never be the same again. Hell, my reality is smashed to pieces. But…this is the start of a new beginning of near infinite possibilities." Wayne remarked. "However, for now, I'm exhausted."

Wayne hung his jacket on the rack, kicked off his shoes, and swapped back to the basketball shorts to fall back on the bed.

"I bid you good night, Jeannie. And my name is Wayne, Wayne Oz Williams." Wayne said leaning back.

"Good night, Master Wayne." Jeannie remarked.

"Oh wait, one thing. I wish I would awaken at 4 a.m. tomorrow morning completely refreshed as if I got 8 hours of sleep." Wayne remarked curtly.

With a nod, the wish was granted, and Jeannie had turned to pink smoke going back inside the lamp. Wayne went to sleep knowing if he did awaken at four a.m., this happened for real and this was definitely no hallucination. His mind swam with possibilities of what he could do. Some good, some mischief, something possibly perverse. Life for him had changed.

(A/N: And we have our pilot "episode", admittedly I decided to partly remake Jeannie's backstory. The show was infamous for really crappy continuity. So, I settled on her first backstory of her originally being human. She's also a bit younger due to historical "accuracy" of her being from an actual time period where there was a Middle Eastern empire. Outfit was slightly altered as well for flair. What to except? A bit of adventure, a small amount of romance, some sci-fi, and some pervy lines. Wayne won't really be a "good guy" or a "bad guy" in a sense as I am playing him a bit realistically neutral.)