Charmed: The Next Generation:

Season One, Episode One

Chapter One.

A heavy rain was falling down on San Francisco relentlessly and a shiver ran down Elana's spine, and only part of the reason was because of the chill in the air. She had been, for lack of a better word. It had been this way for weeks and weeks and she had no idea why as to why it was. It was just a general sense of dread that would not leave her.

The fishmonger finishing packing her plastic bag for her and Elana picked it up with a quiet thank you before paying him and walking out of the store and back into the streets, the downpour capturing her and soaking her through before she had manged to open her umbrella to shield her from it. She shivered once again and hurried back down the street towards her apartment building.

The elevator wasn't working because of course it wasn't and so she had to take the stairs and she lived on the fifteenth floor which seemed like it was just the cherry on top of the horrible day that she had been having. By the time she had made it up to her floor she was so tired that she was fairly certain that she was going to collapse.

But that would have to wait. There were things that she had to do first.

As soon as she walked into her apartment, she was under attack. A ferocious beast pounced at her feet and began to claw at them and despite everything else that had happended the sight of her cat attacking her. Elana walked into the kitchen, taking care not to trip over the cat which was a lot harder than it sounded, and began to put her shopping away.

When all of it was done, she opened a bag of cat food and filled the cat's bowl with it and placed it back down on the floor. Once her pet saw that food that was laid out for her any interest that she once had in her human was gone and she lazily padded over to it and began to eat it. The sight made Elana smile and she shook her head before turning and walking out of the kitchen and into her living room.

Her alter had been set up earlier in the morning so all Elana needed to do was light the candles and then everything would be rehady for her to begin. She knelt in front of the alter and picked up her lighter and began to light the candles. When all of them were lit she brought her hands out in front of her, palms flat, over the flames and began to chant.

It wasn't a real protection spell, more just something to help clear her mind. It had been an exercise that her grandmother had taught her when she had been a girl, the magic had skipped her mother and so only Elana and her had been witches. She honestly wasn't sure who her Mother was more angry with about that, her daughter for inheriting the magic of her Mother or her Mother for having magic in the first place and not passing it down to her.

She hadn't spoken to her Mother in a very, very long time. It was hard to be around someone who resented you all of the time. The last time she had spoken to her had been about five years ago at her new nephew's birthday party and they had managed to say all about three words to one another. Her eyes burned and it was easier to tell herself that it was just the smoke from the candals as she blinked away the tears.

Once her eyes were dry and the chanting was done Elana began to focus on casting the actual protection spell, the words slipping from her lips easily enough as outside her apartment the rainstorm began to get worse, the rain pounding against the windows so loudly that it was hard for her to even hear her own thoughts.

The crash of thunder startled her so much that it brought her out of her thoughts, opening her eyes out of a reflex her concentration was broken by the noise and the flames of the candals flickered like there was a breeze in the room despite all of the windows in the apartment being closed as well as the door, Elana tried to catch her breath as her ears strained to listen for any other sounds than just that of the wind.

Then, there was a loud thump coming from her bedroom and Elana's throat went dry. She reached out and picked up the athame from the alter and rose from the floor and walked out of her living room and out into the hallway and walked over to her bedroom, pushing the door open slowly.

Her room was dark and when she reached out to flick the light switch almost predictably the lights did not turn on and she let out a long sigh, stepping into the dark room while holding the Athame out in front of her trying to keep her hand from shaking from the fear of what she knew was waiting for her, what was always waiting for her.

From behind herself, she heard the air ripple, and spun around and tried to bring the Athame down on the monster that she already knew would end her life, she had always known that he would come for her. She had known before today, she had known years and years and years ago that today would be the day that she would die.

And nothing she tried was going to make a difference, not the protection spell and not this last desperate stab. The monster easily deflected that like it was nothing and it's own knife sunk into her gut.

But even as she was dying, Elana smiled into the monster's eyes. Because she had seen this.

And she had seen what was going to come next. So, with the last of her strength she grabbed hold of the handsome monster's sleeve and let out her final words.

"You. Are. So. Screwed."

And then, she knew nothing more.

End of Prologue

Okay, so wow. This was probably my first ever fanfic that I started and I always knew that I wanted to come back to it.

Next chapter, we meet the first of the Next Generation