Jesse Mccartney voices Terrence in the Tinkerbell movies. Tinkerbell is in KH. Jesse mMccartney voices Roxas and Ventus in KH. Therefore I say Pixie Hollow is too and I made this cause randomness. That is all.
The day had ended and Terence had finished his shift. Finally he could go home and relax for the night. When he got to his house though, the last thing he expected to see was Tinkerbell standing outside, peering into his window before going to knock on his door repeatedly.
"Terence!" Tinkerbell exclaimed as she whipped around to see him. "I was wondering where you were! I've been waiting here for a bit now, wanting to tell you something."
Terence chuckled softly at her excitement. She always seemed to get a slight bit scatterbrained when it came to something that really excited her. Though the question was, what was it? He knew he wouldn't have to ask though. No doubt Tinkerbell was about to ramble his ear off in an attempt to tell him.
"All right, go ahead and tell me," Terence said.
Without an answer Tinkerbell pulled on his arm and pulled him into his house. As soon as she closed the door she began to explain herself. "So you would not believe what happened today! I mean you may believe me but it was still really weird. Like I didn't even realize it myself until afterwards, but then it was too late to do anything on it. But I knew for sure I had the right thoughts and then when you came and greeted me I knew for sure again!"
"Whoa, slow down Tink," Terence said holding up his hands. "What's this all about? What does this have to do with me?"
"When I was out with Peter and two of the Lost Boys today, there was this boy. The Lost Boys and I never had seen him before, but he was just sleeping on the ground. I didn't think much about it but then he woke up and started talking. Again I didn't think anything was strange about him at first. Well there were some strange things like his clothes and this weird sword he had, but-"
"Tink," Terence interrupted. He knew that if he didn't try to stop her from going on a tangent, they would never reach the actual reason. "The point?"
"Oh! Yeah, sorry. So he stayed with us for a while and stuff and in the end he wanted this really pretty solid star that I had found. I was going to put it in the treasure chest that Peter had, but the boy… oh! His name was Ventus by the way, but his nickname is Ven."
Terence gave her a look and she chuckled sheepishly. "Okay okay! Back to the point. The more I heard him talk, it finally dawned on me. He has the same voice as you."
"I'm serious! He even kind of looks like you. Well not really. His hair is a different blond color and it's all messy. Like it sticks up in all these weird directions and looks like the wind messed it up a bit, but it all stays there perfectly fine. But he also does have blue eyes like yours!"
Terence still felt a bit skeptical about this. Out of anything that Tinkerbell could have told him, this was not like anything he had expected. "I'm not the only one with blue eyes, remember?"
"I know I know! But… Ah… if you just heard his voice. It's exactly the same as yours! It was so weird once I realized it."
"Well where is he? Can't you take me to him and I can judge for myself?" Terence asked.
"You see… that's the thing…" Tinkerbell started to say. "He kind of just vanished."
Terence raised an eyebrow. "Vanished?"
"Not like 'poof' gone vanished. But the start thing I mentioned before? He took the star that he said belonged to a friend of his, but when he took it, it glowed. Like really brighter, maybe just as bright as the scepter did during the blue moon. And when the light died down, he had gone off somewhere. Somehow that star had magic in it to send him flying off someplace else. Oh you believe me right Terence? I swear I am not making this up!"
"Hey, it's all right, I believe you. It just sounds a bit weird, you know? How could a human have the same voice as me?"
"I'm not sure… but maybe there is an answer? Like we could look for something in the library!"
"You really think that there would be anything in the library for why a human would supposedly have the same voice as me?'
"Not supposedly! But like nearly the exact same!"
"Okay," Terence said as he placed a hand on Tinkerbell's shoulder. "I believe you. How about the first thing tomorrow we go to the library and see what we can find. Sounds good?"
Tinkerbell smiled and nodded. "Sounds like a plan! And hey, maybe Ven will come back and then I will have you two meet, and you can see what I am talking about. And maybe if we can't find anything then we can go visit The Keeper. Maybe he would actually know something about this! Oh! And if we go there, I will totally have to visit Peri and tell her about this. She will totally get a kick out of hearing it!"
Terence laughed seeing Tinkerbell slowly growing more and more excited again. It was still an odd thought to think about, but it had started to peak his curiosity. If Tinkerbell was telling the truth and wasn't overage eating too much, then maybe there could be something to it. "All right, I can agree to that. Sounds like a fun plan."
Tinkerbell and Terence tried their best to look for answers in the library, but they couldn't find anything. There weren't really any books labeled 'humans who have the same voice as a fairy' or anything else like that. They tried to look though, searching through any books that had anything to do with a fairies voice. But still in the end there were no answers.
Once they finished looking around the library they headed off to the Winter Woods to talk to The Keeper. Tinkerbell still held hope that maybe he would know something about the situation. He was The Keeper after all. He knew so much, so why shouldn't he know about this!
When they got there and Tinkerbell tried her best to explain the situation, he seemed just as perplexed. "Hmm, I have never actually heard of something like this. I never knew such a thing could be possible."
"So you mean… you don't know why a human would have the same sounding voice?" Tinkerbell asked, her hopes deflating slightly.
"I'm afraid not. I'm terribly sorry," The Keeper replied. "But, I can see if there is anything I can look into. It doesn sound quite fascinating after all."
"Oh thank you! It would mean so much to us!" Tinkerbell said, feeling a bit better that maybe there could be answers in the future.
But as time went on, there weren't any real answers. When Tinkerbell went to go check in on The Keeper he told her he was still trying to understand the situation. He had theories, but nothing could be solid until he looked into it further. Tinkerbell made sure to thank him, but told him that he didn't need to rush it. After she had been left alone to think about it for a while, she knew it was not the most important thing on the agenda.
Eventually enough time had passed that Tinkerbell wasn't even sure it mattered any more. It felt like so much time had passed now, and Ventus never did come back. Without him being there, there was no sure way she could prove what she had heard.
"Hey, you never know," Terence said. He had come to stop by to visit, knowing full well that Tinkerbell was lost in her thoughts about the situation. "Maybe he will come back one day."
"Maybe…" Tinkerbell sighed heavily.
"Well if he does, I am sure that you will let me know right away," Terence said before laughing lightly.
And that's exactly what happened.
It may have been quite some time later, in fact many years later, but to fairies who lived in the magical realm of Neverland, that felt like no time at all. But sure enough Tinkerbell flew up to Terence one said, with the same excited energy she had all those years ago.
"Terence! Terence! You won't believe it! He came back!"
It took Terence a few moments to process Tinkebell's sudden appearance right in his face, but he recovered fairly quickly. "Wait… who came back?"
"Ah! The boy remember? The one boy who had the same voice as you! At least I think it is him…" Tinkerbell trailed off, actually sounding a bit unsure of herself.
"What do you mean you think? I thought you were certain that he had the same voice as me."
"Well it is the same voice. I know that. And he looked the exact same with the funny messy hair and all that. But his outfit is different… and he doesn't seem to remember me."
"Well it has been like over 10 years you know, I've heard that humans don't always have the best memory," Terence responded.
"No… it can't be that. He looks just the same as he did all those years ago."
Now this was quite the surprise. "He hasn't aged? Without being in Neverland?"
"I guess. I mean it is possible. Remember what I told you about what happened a year ago with me, Peter and Captain Hook?"
"Yeah I remember. You said that Captain Hook's ship was flying through space itself and that there were other places out there besides the Mainland."
"Exactly! So maybe there is another place out there that is just like Neverland! Cause how else could he not grow up if he wasn't here?"
"Well… I don't know. But I am guessing you want me to come with you right? So I can see him in person."
Tinkerbell's excitement fell and was replaced with a more annoyed look. "Well I would have if he actually stuck around to help!"
"What happened?"
Tinkerbell huffed and began to pace. "I was trying to deal with him since Peter is away for right now, but I needed help. So I thought seeing him again he would want to help like he did before. But then there was the whole not remembering part. I even gave him a tiny bit of pixie dust so he could fly. I was hoping that he would remember and then come to help me out, but then he just went off on his own way. It's just argh! I don't know what he thought he was doing! I tried to tell him, but like all other humans the only thing he hears from me is bells."
"So he is gone again?"
"Yeah he is! It's like I just won't be able to ever prove that I'm not crazy about this!" Tinkerbell shouted, throwing her arms up into the air.
"Hey, it's okay Tink. I believe you, I really do. But I guess this may not work out. Unless we have to wait another 10 years, maybe then you will finally be able to show me."
Tinkerbell pouted at him but he just laughed it off. Eventually Tinkerbell loosed up enough to laugh as well. "Yeah… okay. I'm glad you believe me though. I just wish I could actually show it."
"Hey, honestly who knows. Maybe this time he will come back sooner."
Tinkerbell nodded. "I hope so."