i do not own vampire diaries just this plot bunny.


Hello all. I know I have other projects that you all want updated and even addressed, and rest assured, those will be updated. I just got my old laptop to work and while it runs slow, it still runs. This little pet project is going to be a small passion project, much like my other works: tethered, sunbeam and also, two new ones I am working on that has no title.

I do plan on updating all my works-even the ones I haven't touched in years and getting back into old roots. Please bare with me, between some personal demons and issues at home, this is going to be my escape. I miss writing, and bringing you all updates. But this will take time. I haven't passionately written for you guys, let alone myself, in almost five years.

But please, do enjoy the things I update.

I will also be creating a tumblr for you all to follow. I know, it's old news but it's one of the easy ways I can continue my work.

Thank you!

a tiredgentlewoman formed known as Izzie Jackson

Second note: I have no watched a peep of Vampire Diaries since the finale. The Originals, as well as Legacies either. However, I will be going back and watching season 1-4 for this project as well as one of the others. This had been an idea for the last three months.

Onto the prologue!