Hey guys, hope you'll enjoy this chapter, since working with Devil Arms give you so many different kinds you'd one would play with. In fairness though, I don't hate the DmC remake weapons, since some of them are actually good, the game itself, not so much. Anyway, comments.

AscendedHumanity: Although, yes its a bit of a repost, its in the correct position.

RWBY belongs to Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth, Devil May Cry belongs to Capcom, OCs are mine, and mine alone.

P.S. Hopefully this fixes that miss-post.


Once the entire group made got over to the Armory, grabbing the rest of the visitors, they stood before the vault that leads to his Armory. So many ideas, so many choices, it was hard to choose which one should be next, but he nodded his head. It was their time to shine.

"Catalog Delta-Alpha One-One-Four to Six-Six-Six-Beta," Aries listed out, as the vault opens up and weapons started moving around.

The group was still amazed by the various weapons he has within the Armory, a couple catching sights of a small sword while others saw large blades, while Ruby jumped with the joy of all the guns before the conveyors stopped. Before, the entire group was several different weapons, and all of them were various designs, including a giant bazooka.

"This is a lot of weapons you're showing us," Glynda says, with Salem nodding. "Are you sure you'll want to show them up?"

"Of course, Miss Glynda," Aries says, smiling. "Our dealing here today, are the Devil Arms."

"Devil Arms?" Ironwood asks, raising an eyebrow. "It sounds a bit abnormal if I have to admit it."

"And I admit that one weaponizing their soul is abnormal as well. Anyway, these Devil Arms I had to buy off of the phenomena that go by the name of Dante Redgrave, Demon Hunter Extraordinaire."

"Demon Hunter?" Ruby asks, as Aries nods.

"Think of it like being a Huntsman," Aries starts with her nodding. "Then mix it with being a half-demon because your father, being the overlord of the Nine Circles of Hell himself, decided to bang your priestess mother after killing the previous overlord, and you are giving birth alongside a twin that only wants power."

"Reminds me of someone," Salem says, rocking her head back and forth.

"Raven and Qrow would be the best match for it since Raven wants power some times while Qrow just prefers being a badass. Anyway, let's get back to what we're supposed to be going over. I had to pay Dante quite a sum to store these weapons since he killed the demons that were used to make these weapons. Well, all but one, we'll get to him in a bit."

Picking up the first weapon on the table, it was a large zweihandle like a sword, with a skull engraved into the metal. It almost looks like the whole blade is made out of one large piece of metal to begin with, and it was all sculpted out.

"The first weapon on our list is the great two-handed sword by the name of Rebellion," Aries says, giving the blade a few swings. "Dante's primary weapon of choice, given to him by said demon father named Sparda, who ended up getting treated like a god down the line. He and his brother, Virgil, who used a Katana that is called Yamato, Rebellion is damn power, and lovely blade to use, but it's heavier then you'd expect it to be."

Setting the blade back down, Aries proceeded on with the next two weapons in play.

"Next, we have Ebony and Ivory," Aries says, picking them up and aiming them towards the target down the ways. "Customer-made M1911 handguns with a .45 ACP chamber. Ebony uses a set of target sights while Ivory uses combat sights; both have muzzle compensators for reduced recoil and counter any muzzle flip."

I was spinning them around so that the group could see the handles, which has a frame with a couple of images on them.

"The wood grips of these guns have two different portraits, which brings to their names," Aries continues, letting everyone see the woman. "These Victorian-era women's hair is ebony black and ivory fair."

Turning his fingers to the triggers, Aries takes arm back at the target, and released a fury of rounds, as the bullets are ejected away from him. Once the magazines were emptied, the goal was brought up close to them, seeing several shots at the head, torso, and stomach, ripping into it all.

"Damn," Emerald says, looking at the two guns. "Those are some nice beauties."

"And we're not done yet, I still got more to show you," Aries says, putting the guns down, and pulled out a shotgun.

It was a double-barreled shotgun with two different shell mags going into it, and a single trigger.

"A Sawn-off shotgun style that goes by the name of Coyote-A," Aries says, spinning it around. "This baby is your up close and personal blaster for all your shotgun needs. Of course, there is a different variation of it known as Revenant, but we don't discuss that one."

"Why not?" Ruby asks as Aries shook his head.

"The other variation doesn't have the same love as Coyote-A," Aries answers, sighing a bit. "I mean, it's a good gun, but considering that this world is a complete change to the one I prefer and grew up with, it just isn't going to have enough love to it. Anyway, it's your crowd control, and you'll find a use for it when you're surrounded by ugly bastards. Next weapon."

Aries set down the double-barrelled shotgun down onto the table; the next weapon was another reasonably simple looking one. Aries draws the blade out, revealing the katana's smooth, white edge while he gripped the white and black threading of the hilt. Giving it a couple of swings, Aries leveled out the blade.

"This is the Yamato, our World Destroying Weapon for the day," Aries says, sheathing it.

"How could that be possible?" Nora asks, looking at the blade. "I doubt it could cut through metal."

"Nora, I never thought you'd be the one to question the strength of one's weapon," Aries states before some titanium was delivered by Nami.

Showed them the large cylinder being a seven-inch radius, setting it down onto the table. Gripping the handle, and in a quick motion, draws the blade, cuts the metal a few times, before resheathing the edge. Once the metal sound was heard, the titanium pillar was now in four separate pieces, making him turn around.

"Think you can do it faster?" Ruby asks as Aries shook his head.

"I'm not used to using a Katana," He states, placing it down again. "I'm more of a short sword or a gladius kind of a guy. If I could find Virgil, he'd show you just face he'd make it happen. Anyway, that's all the weapons that aren't Devil Arms, and now we get to the good stuff."

Setting the katana onto the table, Aries reached out of the next weapon, hitting the table. Looking at the sport, the next oddity he had plans to show was not there, making him sight. He figured that she would have gotten bored before he grabbed a different weapon, or weapons to be exact.

Picking them up, Aries gave them a couple of spins, and shoves the blades into the ground, revealing the pommels to be two faces, both of their mouths gaping open. The group stared at each of the weapons, expecting something to happen before Aries hit the pommels.

"Wake up, you two," Aries says, as snoring was heard. "Anyway, these two are Agni and Rudra, serrated twin Scimitars that can use both fire and wind without any trouble. Of course, normally, they would speak, but Dante doesn't like them speaking for some reason."

Picking them up, he bonked their heads together, making them cough.

"Good," Aries says, smiling. "You're awake, now, be good and introduce yourselves."

"Very well," they said, as Aries puts them in the ground again.

"My name is Agni," The red one says, as Nora and Ruby waved their hands.

"And I'm Rudra," the greenish-blue one says next, with a bit of more pledge.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," they both say together, and Aries picks them up.

He has a dummy waiting for them, so he starts slow, hitting the bodies before speeding up. Soon enough, a small cyclone of fire flares up, around him as several more that were nearby started to grow burn marks on them, before he combined them, and sent them flying, hitting all of the dummies in the necks, before returning to him.

"Impressive," they said, making Aries bow.

"Know where Nervana went?" Aries asks, looking between the two.

"Stage," they both said, Aries, understanding what they meant.

"We'll head there after I show off Cerberus."

Setting them down to watch the reactions, Aries picks up a set of chained bars with glowing blue tips and a circle that the chains are connected. Picking them up, Aries tossed them over to Sun, who examined them and messed around a bit. Probably thanks to his training with his nunchuck shotguns, he was able to perform with them quite well, while flinging some ice towards one of the dummies.

He smiled, before handing the nunchucks back to Aries, as we set them down.

"Thank you for demonstrating Cerberus, Sun," Aries says, smiling a bit. "Cerberus was a three-headed demon poochie that loved shooting ice at people and being the guard to a massive tower that Dante went to visit. So you can quickly tell me how to fight with this little guy, you can also use it to make spiked shields, ice floors, and fantastic sculptures of yourself if you feel entertaining enough."

"Mind if I try using it if we got time for a fight or two?" Sun asks, with Aries nodding in agreement. "Awesome, never had a chance to try fighting with a three-headed nunchuck."

"Right, but now, we need to locate Nirvana, she's the next one we'll try out."

RWBY and crew all nodded in agreement, left the Armory for the time being, as they made their way to some kind of stage at the center of the dimension. Once they made it there, they saw a woman with purple hair and a translucent black dress, as she was singing into a microphone. Neptune was swaying around, almost in a trance, while Ren was under a similar state of mind, Nora worried about him.

Chuckling to himself, Aries made his way up onto the stage, causing both boys to try to intercept him before they were chained to the ground. Once on the scene, Aries swiftly got over to the woman that was singing, tapping her on her shoulder, making her giggle.

"Care for a dance?" Aries asks as the woman nodded, taking his hand that he offered.

"Be a bit rough," she says, transforming into an electric guitar, making the two boys out of the trance.

"You know I will be," Aries says, before plucking the strings, making electricity shatter around him. "Let's rock!"

From there, Aries started to rock out on the guitar, while more lighting flashed around him, before he grabs the neck, releasing the blade. Performing this move, revealed an electric scythe, as he swings it around. Ruby was giggling at the movements while he slams the curved edge into the ground, causing multiple stricks of lighting hit the ground in front of him before he tosses it into the hair.

The scythe transformed back into the woman as Aries catches her, before letting her onto her feet. A small kiss from her to Aries, the woman walks away, making her way back to the Armory. Hopping off of the stage, Aries moved his way over to the group, dragging Ren and Neptune over with him.

"That was Nirvana," Aries says, smiling a bit. "She's a bit more entertaining around here because she is one of the few that can return to her original form and her Devil Arm form."

"Does she always dress up like that?" Weiss asks, glaring at Neptune, who was looking away, whistling.

"Not really," Aries answers, smiling a bit. "Most of the time she's naked, the dark dress cloud around her body is her being 'kid-friendly.'"

"So she's naked, anyway?"

"Yep, her hair is the only thing that coves her body most of the time. Anyway, let us get moving on, I got at least one more weapon I want to show off. Though, I have to put an inhibitor on Ruby for this."

"Why?" Ruby asks as Aries kept his mouth shut, putting on a small choker around her neck.

"If I don't, I might break you," he says, as the group stares at him.

Once they made it back to the Armor, they finally noticed that there was a briefcase with a skull on it. Aries picked up the case, and held it for the group, including Neptune and Ren to see, though Nora tagged long to make sure no lasting effects on her 'not together-together' boyfriend, from Nirvana. Smiling a bit, he spun it around, revealing a giant shuriken on it, making Ruby feel a bit let down. What she doesn't know, Aries had to but her inhibitor at 99%, for her protection. Aries sent the shuriken flying outwards; the shuriken returned after lobbing off heads of the dummies that popped up, grabbing onto it, Aries spun around, revealing a minigun in its place.

Releasing a torrent of bullets, Aries mowed down more dummies down as they pop up, and he stopped. Smiling at the damages, he has caused, before picking it up, and changed it into a bow gun. With more significant dummies popping up, he released multiple bows, hitting each one in the chest, blowing them up in the process.

"I sure do love the smell of super fine black powder in the morning," Aries says, with Ruby and Blake nodding their heads. "Smells like beauty in the making. How you feeling Ruby?"

"I should be jumping off of the walls," she admits, making Aries nod.

"Then lets pup it up a notch."

With that, the blowgun transformed into a giant rocket launcher, as he released several rockets into a massive robotic monster before them, destroying it into pieces, before spinning around revealing an enormous weapon, it almost looked like a giant space laster. Smiling widely, with a broad grin, Aries pressed a small red button on a trigger, before a giant red beam was released, evaporating everything in its path.

Returning it to its standard briefcase form, Aries stood up tall, and spun around, seeing the faces on each of the audience before them. Ruby, even with the inhibitor, seems to be nearly broken by the display, her grin was growing widely, Yang was staring at the massive amount of power that was displayed to her, Weiss was on the floor, steam coming from her eyes. At the same time, Blake clutched her ears, but her jaw dropped. Jaune and Sun might have broken for a bit, with mutters of lasers were heard from their mutters, Neptune was currently nowhere to be found, probably in need of a pair of pants, even Ozpin wasn't unaffected, with his glasses shattered for a second.

Stepping away from the group, Aries spun the briefcase, and it transformed into a one-wheeled vehicle, as he turned it around, and pressed another button. Flying android was moving around, as rockets started to hit each one of them, destroying every single android, before it returned to normal. Aries stepped onto the case with a smile; a golden light was shown revealing the internals of the Armory, as multiple gears, pullies, wires, and servos were exposed, making the group shake their heads.

"And that," Aries starts, turning around, looking at every single one of them, "was Pandora."

"Pandora?" Ruby asks as Aries' grin grew broader.

"Yep, specifically, Pandora's Box," Aries answers, expanding the idea. "Imagine a weapon that consists of various armaments ranged from shurikens to rocket launchers, lasers, and mortars. Now, put all of that into one singular item, in this case, the briefcase. Ruby, now you understand the inhibitor, don't you?"

"Yeah, but how can it be possible?"

"Only a Devil Arm would have such power to do so. Now, that was merely eight of the six-hundred and sixty-six various blades, guns, explosives, lasers, and various other different weapons are known to humankind."

This information made the three blondes to fall over, Ruby's eyes were filled with sparkles, Blake facepalmed at the news, Weiss was now out cold, and Ozpin was rubbing his eyes. It was a funny reaction between them all, while Aries had the utter resistance of grabbing an extraordinary weapon that everyone was so happy to have when it was announced. MIght be something to allow Jaune to have for the fun of it since he's the dancing guy for the teams.


Devil Arms, the original Devil May Cry, knows all of the fun weapons Dante has access to when you have fun with him. Anyway, I have to do these in parts, since you know how crazy it can be if we showed Ruby all of the Devil Arms to her. I'm sure all of you would agree with me, having all of the Devil Arms for oneself that isn't used to using them, would orgasm the moment you released the big laser beam when you bought the upgrade for it.

I was grinning like a mad child when I did it when I first played it and gotten Pandora, shooting everything in sight with it. I wasn't a big fan of Gilgamesh, but it did do its job while I may have had a little bit too much fun with Lucifer. If you never played these games, look up the combo lists on YouTube, you know what I'm referring to when you watch the fun weapons we get.

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter, see ya next time you beautiful bastards and bitches….