2:43 PM

The group was now sitting at a table surrounded by other Grimm, who were drinking and partying. This place was known around Liberteria as the Tavern. It was where almost every Grimm came to hang out, socialize, and have a nice drink after a long day's work. Sitting next to the five were Coco, Neo, and Pyrrha, who had been introduced to the humans and Penny and were getting along great.

"You did not," Saprhon laughed.

"Yup… probably would have set her on fire too," Ruby scratched the back of her head as she drank.

"You almost electrocuted Ceil Soleil, the fashion designer," Yang was laughing hysterically.

"Oh is that what she is now? I thought that she wanted to be an actress. That is what she kept saying, right," Ruby asked Jaune.

"Last time she spoke to me, it was just to tell me to fuck off," Jaune said.

Coco was drinking her cup and spit the contents back in as she started laughing.

"That is horrible," Pyrrha said through the laughs.

The sight of everyone smiling and laughing put a small smile on Penny's face.

"So Penny, you are an android, is that correct," Coco asked.

'Yes, that is an accurate assessment.'

"Yet Ruby has told us that she saw you as a mother figure."

'Miss Rose, may I be allowed to share information about you past,' Penny asked.

"Go ahead Penny," Ruby said.

'I was given to the Long family as a gift for Master Long's promotion to the head of the Grimm Detainment Task Force. When Miss Rose was approximately two years, five months, and four days old, her mother tragically passed away from a transportation collision. In the Mistress' absence, I was programmed to act as Miss Rose's caretaker.'

"Penny was a bad mother sometimes," Ruby pouted.

'Miss Rose came up with horrid food combinations such as soda and cheerios soup,' Penny said.

"Would have been good if you would have let me add some sugar…"

"Okay, before I lose my appetite by hearing more about my older sister's terrible food choices. The two of you have to tell us something," Yang asked.

"Go ahead and ask," Ruby said.

"What was the wedding like?"

Ruby and Jaune looked at one another and smiled before Ruby said, "Why tell you… when we can show you?"

Pyrrha, Jaune, Coco, and Ruby extracted memory orbs from their minds and held them in front of them. As Jaune, Ruby, and Pyrrha held the orbs, Neo was quick to place her hands on Coco's and the two shut their eyes, going into the memory.

"Go on," Jaune said.

Yang, Saphron, and Penny wasted no time to place their hands on the memory orbs. As they touched the lights, the Tavern slowly morphed into that of trees and the Grimm faded away, leaving the three by themselves as the world was built around them.

Yang and Saphron looked at their new surroundings to see a small ceremony was set up. There were four rows of chairs and a small wedding arch of white roses was set up. In those chairs were friends and fellow Grimm who came to see the ceremony.

Standing in front of the alter was Jaune and Coco, who was acting as Jaune's best man. Next to them was the minister, Elder Ozpin. On Ruby's side of the alter was Neo, who had just arrived and was Ruby's maid of honor. Just as Jaune looked down, Coco bumped his arm and motioned Jaune to look forward and the music started playing.

Those in the present looked in the same direction and saw Ruby in her wedding dress. The dress was the purest white, whiter than the snow as its color made it nearly impossible to see due to the snow as well as the sunlight bouncing off of it. Her hair was tied back and combed and minimal make up as she approached with a bouquet of roses in her hands.

"It's beautiful…" Yang said.

Saphron took the chance to take a quick photo of Ruby as she reached the end of the aisle. Once she did, Elder Ozpin smiled.

"Good morning everyone and all three of us thank you for coming today. Today, we witness the unified love between two souls who found each other in the darkness and wish to continue through that darkness together. Before we get to that, I believe that both the best man and maid of honor have written out the things that they wish to express."

Both Coco and Neo turned to the two, with Neo handing Coco her card.

"The first one will be from Neo," Coco said, "'Ruby, I know that the way we first met could have been on better terms. I mean how often do you become friends with someone who knocked you unconscious before even saying hello? You are a pain in my ass sometimes, but you are also one of the bravest Grimm I know and I am glad that you are marrying someone you genuinely love. It is a happiness that we all need to feel in these times. As for Jaune, if you mess with her in any way, I will make sure you know exactly what it feels to have a baton shov—' You know what? Uh… Let's just go to mine okay?"

There was more chuckling as Coco read her's, "Who would have thought that I would be standing where I am today? When the two of you came to my Grandma, I didn't even imagine have of the adventures we would go on. You two were there for me after I lost my grandmother and Velvet… I know that if she was here, Vel would be screaming about being the flower girl. But… I know this. I love you guys and I am honestly glad Jaune finally had the balls to ask you to marry him."

"Now then, do the bride and groom have words they wish to say?"

"Yes," Jaune and Ruby said in unison.

"You go first," Jaune and Ruby said again.

"No you," Again.

"Jesus christ… Ruby, you go first," Coco said.

Ruby composed herself and pulled a card out from the bouquet to read.

"Well Jaune… here we are. If you told me seven years ago that I would be marrying a guy I ran into in a bathroom, I would have said that you were crazy. If you told me that I would be both infamous and famous for stealing a train, I would have said that you were crazy. If you told me that I would get the chance to ride a bear, oh screw it. You get the idea. We live in a crazy world, but you somehow make it feel a little less crazy and I am glad that you feel the same."

"That was great. Mr. Arc, it is your turn."

"Oh I… I think I forgot my," Jaune patted his pockets, making Ruby's eyes slightly widen before Jaune started laughing and pulled a card out of his original pocket, "No, I'm kidding. Okay but in all seriousness… You have been one of the weirdest people I have ever met. I mean, our first meeting was because we ran into each other on the way to class. You took a chance with me and it nearly cost you your life, but now I feel as though I can't live without you. You risked your life for me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I suspect that there are no objections to the wedding?"

The area was silent.

"Then may the ring bearer come forth."

Saphron and Yang looked to see a deer was walking down the aisle alongside Hazel who was guiding it. Upon reaching the end of the aisle, the deer bowed and both Yang and Saphron saw the rings were on the antlers of the deer. Ruby and Jaune took a ring each as Ozpin asked, "Jaune Arc. Do you take Ruby Rose to be your lawfully wedded wife. To live freely together, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do," Jaune said as he placed the ring on Ruby's finger.

"And do you, Ruby Rose, take Jaune Arc to be your lawfully wedded wife. To live freely together, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do," Ruby said as she placed the ring on Jaune's finger.

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife."

Just as the two kissed, the memory faded and all of them had returned to the Tavern.

"That was beautiful," Yang said as she wiped a tear from her eye.

'I must say that your dress was quite extraordinary.'

"Thanks, it took Coco and I months to imagine the perfect dress," Ruby said.

"What about you Coco, how is the wedding," Yang asked.

"Neo and I are actually going to be married in a couple of days," Coco said as she wrapped her arm around Neo, who just nuzzled into Coco's shoulder.

"You guys should come to the wedding," Ruby said.

Everyone looked to Coco and Neo for an answer, to which Coco just shrugged, "Fuck it."

Yang looked at Penny, who shook her head. Seeing this, Ruby seemed confused, "What?"

"Actually… there is something that I need to tell you. Privately."

Ruby could see it in Yang's eyes, it was something serious.

"Okay, follow me."

3:12 PM

Yang and Ruby were a few yards away from the Tavern and had a bit of privacy.

"What is it," Ruby asked.

"It's dad."

"What about him," Ruby asked.

"He's sick."

"What do you mean he is sick," Ruby asked.

"I mean that he is dying Ruby."

6:12 PM

In the cold winter night, Hazel's Osprey was surveying Fort Atlas. The progress in repairs has been slowed due to the winter weather, but it was still making progress. A small escort of military jeeps pulled into the transportation pool, with both Captain Schnee and Specialist Schnee being in the middle jeep. The siblings got out and proceeded to HQ with Winter sounding orders left and right to a fellow soldier.

"I want eyes on the border starting as soon as possible. Nothing leaves the forest without me knowing about it. We will be expecting reinforcements soon, so prepare extra barracks and have the armory cleaned and restocked."

"Yes ma'am," The soldier said as she ran off to fulfill those duties.

"Specialist Schnee, I recommend that you get a full day's rest. You have an important job that I will be asking you."

"What," Weiss asked as the two went inside of the Wing HQ, out of sight from the Osprey. Assuming that it retrieved as much information as it could, the bird flew back to its master to give a report.

"You will be performing reconnaissance starting tomorrow."

"How far?"

"Deep behind the lines, which is why I need the best."

"Yes ma'am," Weiss saluted.

"Good, now go get some rest. I will inform father of our plans."

Weiss went off to get some sleep while Winter activated the hologram of her father, who was waiting.

'Is she gone?'

"Yes sir," Winter said.

'Good. Now I expect you to follow my orders to the letter.'

"Yes sir."