Snippets of Baki's thoughts on his team- chapters may not be chronological orders and can be treated as stream of consciousness from Baki

Note: This is unedited and not beta.

Set after Suna's invasion of Konoha and the truth of all truths were unearthed from beneath the dunes of sand...

Baki may be the children's sensei, but he is Suna's first and foremost, regardless of how his heart whittles to dust at the sight of the trio before him.

"I expect you to be on time, wearing the appropriate clothes, doing what is necessary for this village to get through these trouble times."

There is a beat, two, where nothing moves; only the sand quietly blowing outside the window is a testament that the world will still go on despite the tragedy that had struck them.

Suna is alone now. The village has done what it has always vowed to do, to drown Konoha in tears and blood. The Elders had commended the plan, no matter the risk, no matter the cost. But now, when the Yondaime Kazekage had been dead for what felt like eons, when his genin's father had been betrayed, when Subaku no Rasa of Suna had died far far away from his beloved desert, Baki has to wonder if the sacrifice was too much for the village to bear.

They have no allies. They have no friends. Suna and her people have nothing to hold on to but their tears that dry before they form.

The Jounin wonders if this is what it feels like to drown in quicksand, slowly and surely, as a bell tolls in the distance, a signal that the funeral will be starting soon.

It is Temari who breaks the silence as she bows, a picture of perfection and beauty and utter obedience. "Of course, Sensei. We will do what we must."

No one mentions the way her hands are clasped in front of her in a way that makes them think if she took them apart, she too would shatter.

Kankuro says nothing, his face covered in its usual paint, a steady shadow next to the elbow of his sister.

But it is Gaara who Baki looks to now as the youngest nods, an unreadable expression on his face. It takes Baki several moments before he could identify what he's seeing because out of everyone here, he would have never expected to see such regret in someone so young.

Regret. Chaos.

The bell tolls once more, and just like shifting sands, Gaara's expression turns mute, as unflappable and everlasting as the desert he is named for.

Then there is nothing else to do except to walk the longest one they've all walked in their lives towards the funeral of someone who they all knew, loved, and hated in the same breath.

- I read a fic about Baki's musings on the Suna trio a long while ago. For the life of me, I cannot remember the name or author so if anyone knows, hit me up so I can credit the inspiration for this.

- Hope y'all enjoy. I still have an abundance of love for Naruto and thus, another fic is born. Thanks for reading! :)