Hello everyone! Welcome to my rewrite of my old MLP and Skyrim crossover!
I'm not gonna waste your time, but know that this story takes place a one month before the events of Episode 1 of MLP: FiM, so that way our oh so favorite dragon slayer can learn and adapt to this new world.
"Dragon Shouts/Use of the Thu'um"
- Location -
- The Summit Of Apocrypha -
The Summit Of Apocrypha...The heart of the Daedric prince of Knowledge's realm of Oblivion...A man, dressed in elegant gold and purplish clothing fought off against a man, in similar clothing, but it was armored, the purplish color was replaced with a midnight black cloth, they two beings clashed, the realm shook as they fought.
The man in purple and gold was Miraak, The Traitor, the First Dragonborn, the other, was Konahrik, The Warlord, the Second Dragonborn, the right hand immortal of The Nine Divines themselves.
"FUS...RO DAH!" Both of the beings roared out at one another, a blue wave of pure and unrelenting force came from their hidden mouths, once the Shouts met, it resulted in a devastating shockwave, which split the very sky of Apocrypha apart itself.
Konahrik unsheathed his blades, which were glowing with power, one glowed a fiery orange, while the other glowed a icy light blue, he let loose an animalistic growl while Miraak raised his less that fashionable sword, which in Konahrik's honest opinion...
It looked like a Lurker's cock...
He spun the ancient swords and charged at Miraak, who also charged at him, and both thrusted their swords. Miraak's sword went through Konahrik's stomach...Where as Konahrik's swords went through Miraaks neck, beheading the ancient being.
Silence regained for just a moment before Konahrik coughed, tasting his own blood in his mouth and he sheathed his own swords, which were named, 'Claws Of The Kruzik', the word Kruzik was in the Dova language, and it stood for 'Ancient', rumored to be made of the claws of Akatosh himself, and the rumors were true.
He looked at the demonic sword that was embedded in his stomach and he growled in pain as he ripped it out of his stomach and discarded it.
Miraak's corpse began to burn to just a skeleton and three dragon souls flew into Konahrik's body and the wound closed slightly and scabbed over but the pain remained. "Akatosh...I'm tired of this..." He called out weakly as he laid down on the stone floor.
"You once offered to send me out of this realm and into a new one...one where I may finally find my inner peace...I am taking you up on that offer...but I request that I leave with all my weapons and artifacts...and The Dragonborn Gallery itself...as a thing to remember this world and my accomplishments within it..."
The Nine Divines heard the call and Konahrik's body faded from the realm of Apocrypha, the vile realm of all Knowledge and onto a new world...one much different than Nirn.
- Equestria -
Konahrik stirred, groaning as he sat up, opening his eyes to reveal he was in a cave full of gems, he then saw a note and he picked it up, reading it.
"Dear Konahrik,
We have heard your plea, and have granted it, however fighting is in your very blood, so you cannot escape it that easily, however, this realm, Equus, is almost completely void of all violence, so you may get to relax a lot. This cave is for your purposes, and the Dragonborn Gallery is located in a town not to far from you, a little place called Ponyville, its is in a astral form, invisible and nonexistent, the humans hear are much different, there are the Skyborn(Human Pegasi), the Magians(Human Unicorns), the Earthlings(Human Earth Ponies) and finally the Avatars(Human Alicorns), you are the very first human in Equus, take that with pride.
Sincerely, Akatosh."
"P.S. - In one month you will need to fight once more, against a dark entity named Nightmare Moon, try not to kill her, please, and the backpack on your back is filled with most of your old artifacts, clothing and books on this world, so you are at least armed and know the world better."
"Huh...Okay then..." Konahrik said and he stood up pulling off the bag and he reached inside it, feeling the magic radiating off it he knew it was the backpack that Magnus made for him, named the Bag Of Infinite Space. He smiled as he pulled out an ancient Nordic Pickaxe.
He began to mine the gems, so he may trade them for this world's currency, he also had his Septims and gold bars should he need more money.
He soon left the cave and marked the location on his new map, he left with a lot of gems, even some flawless ones. He hummed an ancient tune as he made his way to the town, taking his mask off to reveal his face, he had a well chiseled jaw line, golden hair, piercing gold eyes, his pupils were narrow slits, akin to that of a dragon, some fur growing from his ears, large pearly white fangs, and a five o'clock shadow.
"This should be fun...I have time to prepare for the upcoming battle and time to relax...Thank you Akatosh..." He said, clipping the mask to his belt as he made his way towards the town, unaware of the things that awaited him.
And thats chapter one of this story done! I had chapter 2 to the to the other story done but I felt like I could do better so I decided to reboot it, and before I even get asked who Konahrik's love interest is, he will have a harem, so yeah, I'll limit it but you guys probably already know who's in it, characters like Candace won't be in the harem as she's with Shining Armor. The events of MLP: EG won't happen either, and The Dragonborn Gallery is part of the Legacy Of The Dragonborn mod.
Stay tuned because in the next few chapters, Konahrik will meet Blueblood, and one of the two will be getting mauled...
I'll let you guess who.
Until next time, peace!