A/N: This story will contain lots of smut. If it's not your thing, please don't read. Thank you. This is an SWP (if that's even a thing). This is a Smut With Plot story so if it's not your thing, please skip it.

The title, In the Service of Venus, is based on the popular euphemism (The Service of Venus) used in the 1390s as a polite term alluding to sex.


By: tweety-src-clt9

Chapter One: Two Random Strangers

Twenty-five-year-old Hermione Granger entered one of the hottest pubs in London and her eyes were immediately drawn to a couple making out on the dancefloor. This couple was scorching hot. It reminded her of the way she used to kiss her first love.

She could easily imagine her younger self passionately nibbling on the luscious lips of her drop-dead gorgeous blonde lover, Fleur Delacour. It seemed so ironic that the passionate couple she was eyeing reminded her of herself and Fleur. With the way the shorter brunette woman wrapped her arms around her leggy blonde lover's waist while grinding their hips in time to the music, she could only sigh with sadness as the memories of the past lingered on her mind.

Fleur Delacour-Weasley was her best friend, her first lover, and the first person to have broken her heart. She met the beautiful quarter-Veela as a friendless twelve-year-old girl who transferred to Beaubaxtons after the horror that was Hogwarts. She was immediately drawn to Fleur's intelligence because they both have the same penchant for reading and their studies. Some time in their friendship, they accidentally kissed and both of them enjoyed the feeling.

After that one accidental kiss, their friendship turned into something more. Fleur helped her gain confidence in herself. The beautiful witch taught her how to be comfortable in her own skin. Long story short, amidst the kissing, groping, and their conversations, she fell in love with Fleur.

The true nature of their relationship, most especially the sexual side, was kept hidden from the rest of the world. She would spend her summer breaks visiting Fleur's family in Chateau Delacour and together they would experiment on what techniques could bring them to the utmost sexual pleasure. The secrecy surrounding their relationship just added to the thrill of every orgasm and tingling sensations due to their curious touches.

And then, the Tri-Wizard Tournament happened. That single event changed their relationship forever. As someone ineligible to join the competition, she was not allowed to go to Hogwarts to support Fleur. That was when things started to change.

Fleur met the dashing and older wizard, Bill Weasley, the eldest brother of that git, Ronald, who caused her to cry her heart out in the girls' bathroom many years ago. What was it with Weasley men and the way they made her life miserable?

First, there was Ronald, who was an insecure dumb git who wanted to hog Harry Potter's friendship. Of course, Ronald's harsh words led to her almost losing her life to a mountain troll when she refused to stop crying on that fateful Halloween night. She honestly thought that it would be her last encounter with a Weasley creating havoc in her life.

But no! Bill Weasley just had to sweep Fleur off her feet.

The night is young and I am lonely
Coz everybody's with somebody
I came here to ruin the party
But I could really use somebody

"Ironic," she muttered as she listened to the song reverberating throughout the club. It seemed that the powers that be just wanted to remind her of her sad single life. It could also be a hint to the impending pitiful experience she was bound to have in the British Magical Society once again. She had a successful and easy career in the International Confederation of Wizards but her boss wanted her to implement radical change in Britain so she grudgingly accepted the challenge.

She sipped on her margarita as she thought about Fleur. She imagined what she would feel when she saw how happy she was with her husband, Bill, tomorrow. Despite not returning her romantic feelings, Fleur was her dearest friend. So, when the mum of two heard of her apparent transfer to Britain, Fleur was so thrilled that she was immediately offered the role of godmother to her son, Louis.

Of course, how could she deny Fleur? Even before their hormones and horniness kicked in, they always had each other's backs. So, she happily agreed to the responsibility.

Besides, basing on Fleur's letters chronicling significant events in her life, her friend was truly happy as Bill Weasley's wife. Her friend might have complained about Bill's overbearing mother, his insecure sister, and the lustful staring of that git, Ron, but overall, Fleur was truly content with her life.

Believe me when I say I've learned my lesson
But I still backread old conversations
Stupid as it is, I've got my reasons
I miss the feeling, but not the person

"Really? What the fuck is wrong with this song?" she rolled her eyes as the lyrics hit so close to home. It was true though. She missed Fleur and their special moments together but she was truly over her.

She just missed the feeling of being with someone.

She missed the kisses, the touching, the sweaty bodies pressed against each other, the mind-blowing orgasms…

Now make it clear, I'm over you
Just need a lil' distraction from the shit you put me through
Oh didn't you hear, I'm over you
I'm gonna dance with every stranger in this room

The night is young and I am lonely
Coz everybody's with somebody
I came here to ruin the party
But I could really use somebody

Yeah I could really use somebody

Everything right here's too damn familiar
One random party, two perfect strangers
At the moment I just wanna kiss hard
The way I kissed you, I still remember

But I'll make it clear, I'm over you
Just need a lil' distraction from the shit you put me through
Oh didn't you hear, I'm over you
I'll take my chance with every stranger in this room

The night is young and I am lonely
Coz everybody's with somebody
I came here to ruin the party
But I could really use somebody

I feel the tension in the air
I see he walkin' over here
Everything's moving way too fast
Tellin' myself no strings attached

Gathering my courage inside my head
Dancing away without a breath
Everything's moving way too fast
Telling myself no strings attached

I know, how this will go
Oh I just need knowing that I could use fo' sho'
I know, I've gone too low
It's just that I don't wanna wake up all alone

The night is young and I am lonely
Coz everybody's with somebody
I came here to ruin the party
But I could really use somebody

The night is young and I am lonely
Coz everybody's with somebody
I came here to ruin the party
But I could really use somebody

As the song finished, she remembered that this club was located in a muggle area. There were no prejudiced witches and wizards around. The night was young and she was feeling lonely, so she might as well enjoy herself tonight. She should find someone to get her flirt on just to pass the time.

She was about to head for the bar to get herself another drink when she heard a throat clearing. She inwardly winced. In as much as she was attracted to both men and women, the men her age were usually plain horny airheads. She tried to think of a polite way to turn this bloke down but when she turned around, she was truly shocked. She never expected to see this person in this club.

She knew this bloke. Harry Potter.

"Harry Potter," she whispered.

"You – know – what?" the handsome raven-haired wizard was surprised.

Well, since you are very easy on the eyes, might as well entertain me for the night, Mr. Potter, she mused. She beckoned the gorgeous wizard to come closer. He was dressed in a tight-fitted navy blue polo shirt, dark jeans, and Doc Martens. His lean muscular body was perfectly complemented by his cool and laid back style.

Harry Potter looked so damn fine and it seemed that he wasn't even trying.

She let her eyes roam all over this hunk of a wizard. The last time she saw Harry Potter in person was when he begged her to forgive him after she got attacked by the troll in her first year. Of course, she had seen him in various magazines and newspapers through the years because the wizard did defeat Voldemort after all – but wow! The pictures just didn't do him justice.

Harry Potter was so damned sexy!

Despite the shock, the sexy wizard's lips formed into a smirk as his emerald green eyes concealed behind round spectacles devoured her. She felt naked under his intense gaze. It made her feel hot, bothered, and aroused. When he made a show of licking his lips, she fought the urge to fan herself. It seemed that the temperature in the club just kicked up a notch. He was that sinfully gorgeous.

He wasn't a pretty boy type but more of a mysterious rakish rogue with his messy hair and his beard. He was all masculine and strong and powerful. He was so powerful that it seemed like his magic was calling out to her.

There was no other way to describe it. She was drawn to him. It was pure animalistic attraction.

She felt vulnerable because she had never felt this way before. She was used to having the upper hand. Never one to be outdone, she decided to tease him with her perfectly practiced flirting maneuvers. Being Fleur Delacour's closest friend, she did learn a lot from the quarter-Veela in the ways of men and seduction.

She noticed that Harry's eyes were glued on the curve of her hips and her legs that were on display because of the short black dress that she wore. Ah! Like what you see, eh? She tossed her long curly hair for added effect. She may be bisexual but Fleur had taught her the art of flirting and catching a man's attention many years ago.

Since she was not looking for anything serious, having Harry Potter's attention for one night might just be the distraction she so desired. She had found the perfect prey and he was beguiled by her.

She knew she had him now. Hook, line, and sinker.

"So… what's your name, doll? Seems rather unfair that you know me and I don't know you, gorgeous," his husky voice against her ear and his breath tickling the sensitive spot near her earlobe caused her to shiver involuntarily as she took a deep intake of breath. This wizard was too sexy for his own good!

"Hermione. Hermione Granger," she tilted her head so she could whisper to his ear. To up the ante of this flirting game that they easily found themselves in, she raised a hand and let her index finger sensually trace his jaw and down to his neck. When he gulped nervously while his pupils dilated, she smirked.

"Ah, I see... You're THE Hermione Granger, eh? The supposed Brightest Witch of the Age," Harry said noncommittally, seeming unimpressed, as he wrapped a possessive arm around her waist.

"The supposed?" she frowned at him and the sexy jerk shrugged.

"The papers lie sometimes, my sweet," his eyes were sparkling with mischief as if daring her to argue with him.

"Touche," she nodded.

"So… What is a gorgeous woman like yourself doing here?" he whispered against her ear. This time, he allowed his lips to touch her skin and she bit her bottom lip to stop herself from moaning.

Fuck! What the hell is this wizard doing to me? I've never reacted to a wizard or any man for that matter in this manner, she angrily chastised herself.

She chuckled nervously as she tried to distance her face from his. "Oh, just getting a drink, 'is all," she finally managed a reply.

"You're not here with anyone?" he tried to act nonchalant but she knew that he was hoping she was here all alone. The way his eyes roamed all over her body made it very apparent that he wanted her.

"Well… I'm here with you," she stood on her tiptoes and whispered her reply. Since she was used to men easily falling for her charms thereby giving all the control to her, she found Harry Potter's brazen flirting to be quite a challenge. So, she made a bold move. She lightly bit his earlobe before pulling a way to give him a flirty wink.

To her surprise, the wizard just laughed. "Nice try, doll. But you're not in control here," he smirked.

"Oh, really?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"You want to go someplace else? Somewhere… quiet?" he whispered again as his calloused hand caressed her hip.

"I might but… you have to dance with me first," she challenged.

"Well then, lead the way, Ms. Granger," he pulled her closer to his body that she feared she was going cross-eyed because their faces were so close to each other.

Not allowing him to get the upper hand, she easily pulled away from him as she glanced all over the dancefloor. Taking his hand, she walked toward the center of the crowded area as gyrating hips and sweaty bodies pushed against them. Since there were so many people partying the night away, they had no choice but to stay as close to one another as possible.

She was grinding her hips, her arms wrapped around his neck as she allowed herself to get lost in the music. Suddenly, Harry roughly turned her around and she gasped. He was pressing his cock against her bum as his hands caressed her sides.

Oh god! She was nervous, excited, and aroused. She wanted him. She wanted Harry Potter in ways that she had never felt for a man before. All of her past lovers were women, with Fleur being the best shag of her life.

Harry Potter though was a different specie of wizard. He was in control. He was dominant. He was sexy. And he had a long thick cock grinding against her bum! Fuck!

She was in serious trouble. She had never felt this way about any other man. She flirted with men. She enjoyed her power over them. She enjoyed the way they looked and the way they begged for her attention. Sadly, since she was highly turned on by intelligence, it usually became the deal-breaker. All the men she had taken a fancy to were smoking hot but they didn't stimulate her brain. So, since she valued intelligence in her lovers, she had never been with a man before. No one passed her standards.

But this man! Wow! Harry Potter was different.

He was too sexy and she just wanted him to be her first male lover. The way he made her feel was so exciting, so nerve-wracking, and so damned arousing.

Before she allowed herself to be seduced by his unidentified power over her senses, she turned around and gave him a stern look. The prat only smirked at her.

"Is there a problem?" he said huskily as he pressed his burgeoning erection against her hip. She gulped. Focus, Granger! Sure, his cock is big – WAY bigger than your dildos but never be fooled by the equipment… Intelligence is the biggest aphrodisiac. Don't allow yourself to be fooled...

"Before you pull your moves on me, there's something you must know," she pulled him closer to her so she could whisper in his ear.

"Oh? Pray tell?" he murmured against her cheek.

"I'm into women and men," despite being a tease, she wanted to be honest with him.

"I know. I saw the way you watched the blonde and the brunette eating each other's faces," he smirked.

"You're not – you're not bothered by that?" she was surprised. Wizards were usually prejudiced against those of queer sexual orientation.

"I actually find it hot and I don't really care," his green eyes were darkened in arousal by now.

"Oh – " whatever she was about to say was halted since his lips found hers.

She closed her eyes as she parted her lips for him. His kiss was different from all the kisses she had ever encountered. His kiss was intoxicating. He was demanding yet gentle. He was strong yet sweet. And his lips! Merlin his lips! They were moist and just perfect. It's as if his lips were specifically made to kiss her. And his tongue! God! The man could snog as if he was born to just bring women to their knees.

When they pulled apart for air, their chests were heaving, and she knew that she was a goner. Her knickers were soaked and she was ready to ride him right there in the middle of the dance floor. If she would allow herself to get lost in a man's touch, she knew that Harry Potter was the right one.

"I want you," he whispered against her ear.

"Take me," she whispered back.

He made a growling sound at the back of his throat before tugging her away from the dance floor. She would follow him everywhere because she wanted him. She was his for one night only.

She had met a lot of gorgeous men, both magical and non-magical, that showed interest in her but she had never met anyone like Harry Potter. He was oozing with a raw sexual energy that she hardly even cared whether he was as thick as a rock. She actually didn't care if he could hold an intelligent conversation with her because she only wanted his body.

She needed to have fun. She needed to forget the loneliness.

And Harry Potter was the perfect solution.

So, she might as well enjoy the carnal delights offered to her by the hottest wizard in Britain. She was prepared for a wild night of steamy crazy sex with this gorgeous hunk dragging her away from the club.

Besides, Harry Potter was a legend in the magical world. So, she reckoned he was a legend between the sheets too. Maybe I'll understand why Fleur dumped me for dick after I let myself be thoroughly fucked by Harry Potter, that was her last coherent thought when she felt his strong arms wrap around her body and they apparated away.

A/N: The words that are in bold and italic are actual lyrics to the song "Ruin the Party" by Lourdes. It's an original song from the area of the Philippines that I grew up in. The first time I listened to this song, I was in love with the vocals and the message. It then triggered my overly active imagination to write a bisexual Hermione.

If you like this story, please carry on reading.

If smut isn't your thing, please stop reading.

Review, fave, and follow if you liked the first chapter.

P.S. If you listen to the song, it will give you so much feels. HAHA.