By Rey

7. The Eyesore among Eyesores

The eyesore leads me to a small flying skiff, which seems far less organic than those that Asgard possesses and uses, and which looks almost too small for a frost giant's vehicle. It is coloured bold yellow, with strips and marks of grey, blue, white and green. Predictably, the leather upholster of the – large but not gigantic – seats inside is made up of wildly different colours. Thankfully the bulkhead has just one colour on it, a comparably subdued one at that: bright green.

But the floor… it is coloured the tone of æsir blood.

So much for soothing – one-tone – colours. And this just shows how unfavourably Asgard is viewed by someone even as ridiculous as this eyesore, too. The jötnar blithely walking on æsir blood….

I shake my head, trying to dislodge the notion out of my mind. "Where are we going?" I ask, instead of attempting to ponder the meaning behind these clashing colours.

"Are you Loptr or Loki?" is the return question, as baffling and nonsensical as the mad colour theme is.

I gape. – What should I say? How does this jötun know? Who is Loptr?

Then again, why did they threaten me with telling my mother about my stunt? How does they know Frigga-Queen?

Unfortunately, the skiff's door slides shut before I can retrace my steps there, and, for a giant, the eyesore is terribly swift in grabbing me by the collar to prevent my escape.

"Let go of me!"

`Damn. How could you be this reckless and inattentive, Loki?`

I blame the horrible, horrible colouring of the skiff. Because, just as the eyesore is hauling me to one of the seats in front, I catch sight of multicoloured decorative images painted on the bright-green bulkhead nearby.

A webbed belt that runs across my lap and shoulders clicks shut with finality before I can recover.