So, I originally uploaded another version of this story in my natal language. But I decided to restructure all the story, so this is is basically a reboot.

NOTE: English is not my natal language, so I´m sorry if you find any grammatical or spelling mistake.

Disclaimer: The characters of the MCU or MHA world do not belong to me. If they did, I would have added the Fantastic Four already.



"Temporal disturbance has reached critical levels, the fabric of time and space is in the process of rupturing." spoke the computer.

The Conqueror observed with cold, dead eyes the annihilation of countless years of hard work and effort. Destruction, chaos, oblivion... Death. That was everything left of his once glorious empire. The magnificent world he had built, the marvelous future he ought to create, all the reality...

His reality!

It has been wiped out of the existence.

Now it was nothing more than a battered wasteland, a barren and dead planet. Beatiful buildings and astounding cities had been reduced to nothing more than ruins and ashes. The entire population and animal life had met a gruesome death at the hands of war, and the skies were condemned by fate to burn eternally with the very same fire that had obliterated his home.

But how? How could something like this have happened? That´s the root of problem.

"It is not How..." the man muttered with a sharp tone. "but When.".

Something had changed, a moment in history has been altered. There´s a chain of events thad had been set in motion, erasing the future he had built and replacing it with this doomed time line.

Time was a complex thing, one little change in one little moment is enough to change everything else, in the right circunstances. But a change this big... It could only come from one source.

"Damocles, scan all surviving records from the 21th century onwards." the Conqueror ordered.


2001 recession.

September 11 attacks to the WTC.

Iraq war.

Enlargement of the Eropean Union.

2008 crisis.

Popularization of smartphones.

Osama bin Laden´s death.

15-M in Spain.

The end of the conflict with ETA.

Higgs Boson.

First direct observation of gravitational waves.


Protests in Venezuela.

First picture of a massive black hole.


The baby of Qingquing City.

The manifestation of Meta Abilities.

The onslaught of villains.

The apparition of vigilantes.

Vigilantes Era.

Quirk restriction laws.

Protests against the regulations on Quirk usage.

Pro Heroes Era.

Quirk marriages.

Symbol of Peace Era.

"Freeze it!" the man said as his muscles tensed and his eyes narrowed while watching attentively the holographic silhouette in front of him. "Of course... It´s all because of you."

Now all make sense. He already did enough damage during his lifetime, it was only through his death that humanity started to grow again. His very existence became a shackle to progress and improvement. He was somenoe dangerous. Someone who should have stayed dead.

"I know you met your pitiful end at the end of you fragile and miserable era, but now your past heralds the end of the future, my future."

But there was still a hole.

He knew for a fact what triggered the catastrophe that was ravaging his world now that he knows who is the link. "But how could you be responsible? It could be a disruption in the space-time continuum inside this time line. Unless..."

Unless he was not the source of the anomaly, but a consequence.

He tried to recall some major event that could have led to this, but he could not remember nor think about anything with enough power and range to alter the future on such a large scale, at least, not some kind of aleatory circunstance born in this world. No, this was something else, something bigger, something that even he could not foresee. And that mere thought was irking him.

It was no accident, it was not a "something", but a someone. Someone has been toying actively with the infinite sea of configurations of constants and variables, someone had just dared to mess with time, and by extension, someone had just dared to mess with him. But who or why, it was currently beyond his knowledge, but not for too long.

"Time disturbance in progress." Damocles announced, interruping the thoughts of his master.

He let out a breath as he began to process the words of his ship. Now is no time to lose his composture, he needed to collect information about this new threat and trace the source of the temporal disturbance, but first he needed to escape the anomaly before it caught up to him.

He had already lost too much, he wouldn´t lose anything more.

"Prepare the fleet for time jump." the man said calmly while his keyboard appeared in front of him like an hologram.

"I did not conquer the Earth just to see it wiped from existence." the man exclaimed, still watching the silhouette while entering the time coordinates in the keyboard "I will save my time line, even if I have to conquer your time to do it."

"Time coordinates accepted."

He would save his future from being dissolved in the rivers of time, whatever it takes. If someone had taken away his future from him, then he would take it back, by force if necessary. If there was someone out there waiting to see him fall, then he would make them regret such idiotic decision, he would find whatever fool who decided it was a good idea to mess with him and his future, there would not be a single trace of them once he is finished, for he would give them a fate worse than death.

He had changed the world, he had written his own history, he had forged his own destiny, and he will do it again. Nothing would stand in the way of Kang the Conqueror.


He had failed, and it hurts.


He had tried time and time again not to focus on that cold void of shame and dispair swallowing his stomach, but it was useless. He knew there was no escape, he had no friends or someone else to help him.

He was alone.

"Wake up."

He wanted to cry, he wanted to run away, he wanted to curse at the evil man that has taken everything from him, he wanted to scream to the world why it had turned its back on him...

Just like he had turned his back on the one who used to be a father to him.

And just like he had turned his back on his mentor.

"Peter, wake up."

And the worst thing?

He wouldn´t be the one to pay the price for his mistakes.

No. They wanted blood, and they would get it. And there was absolutely nothing that he could do to stop them. He would die, he would rot on a cell, and they would suffer the consequences of his idiocy.

At least, that´s what they would like to think.


For he wouldn´t let that happen, they won´t put a single finger in any of them. He was scared, he always was, but his love is greater than his fear. Even if he was on his own now, even if he was nothing more than a murderer in the world´s eyes, he knew he had to be a hero, the hero they needed him to be right now, and the hero he was trusted to become.

He had failed, but he also had the power to amend his wrongs, he had the power to save them... And with a great power, comes a-

"Peter, wake up!"

The teen´s eyes shot opened, hearing the sound of what it seemed to be cars driving in the area and spotting the night sky over the silhouette of a man crouched down on the floor, shaking him gently with his hand.

What have happened? Where was he? And why did his body feel so sore?

More questions started to fill the teenager´s head as he regained consciousness, but all them somewhat disapeared once he fixed his gaze on the man standing in front of him, a man wearing a familiar blue robe and cool red cape.

"Dr. Strange?" asked the boy letting out a little grunt as he rose his upper body.

"Peter, are you fine?" asked Dr. Strange, offering the teenager a hand.

"I think so." answered Peter, taking the hand of the sorcerer.

"Careful." Dr. Strange said as he helped Peter stand up. "How do you feel?"

"Like I´ve been run over by a train." again, but he doesn´t need to know that...

"Do you remember how did you get here?"

"Not really." Peter said while taking a hand to his head. "To tell the truth, my mind right now is kinda hazy."

His eyes moved down to glance at his clothes while inspecting his body with his hands. So far everything was good, he was wearing his usual blue shirt and his jeans and he didn´t feel any kind of of injury in his body.

Peter then looked around just to see that he was in the rooftop of some building. Nothing really special, just a normal rooftop with a gray-white floor, a white railing surrounding the edges, and a gray door the he supposed led to the stairs.

But there was one tiny problem...

"Dr. Strange... where are we?"

He didn´t recognize the building. In fact, he didn´t recognize any of the buildings in the area. Where was here? Queens? Brooklyn? It couldn´t be Manhattan, there was no skyscrapers on the horizon.

"I´m afraid I don´t know." Dr. Strange said, shaking his head while Peter continued to inspect his sorroundings. "I woke up here too, not long before you. And just like you, I can´t remember how I got here."

And just like that, things got a lot more complicated. As far as he knew, Dr. Strange was one of the strongest sorcerers on Earth, if not the strongest, he was even the main reason of why the Avengers managed to defeat Thanos! To think someone would be capable of putting him in a situation like this...

It means they were dealing with someone dangerous, someone who, for some reason, decided to also get Peter into the fray, and that couldn´t mean anything good.

"But I´m not going to stand here and wait to see what happens." Dr. Strange exclaimed, waving his arms in a circular fashion. And then...

Nothing happened.

Peter was expecting something, a cool magic spell with those orange sparks that he had seen before during the fight on Titan, or some kind of mystic portal like the one Dr. Strange used to take him and the Guardians back to Earth. But none of those expectations were met.

What was going on? This whole situation was getting weirder and weirder, and the means a lot coming from a teenager with spider powers who has fought in space with an armored man, a wizard, and some interstellar outlaws against a mad purple dude that can throw moons at people.

"Um... Dr. Strange?"

The sorcerer stopped for a moment, looking at his rectangular ring-like thing on his left hand with a puzzled expression before trying again, doing more of those circular movements with his arms, with no effect or consequence whatsoever.

It didn´t matter how much he moved his arms or how much he seemed to concentrate, it just wouldn´t work.


"It´s useless."

"Y- What?!" Peter exclaimed with a shocked expression. "What do you mean with 'useless'?!"

"I tried to open a portal to the New York Sanctum, I even tried to open one to Kamar-Taj, but something it´s blocking the magic of my Sling Ring." Dr. Strange explained. "To put it plainly, I can´t send us back home."

"A-are you sure you are doing it right?"

"Peter, I mastered the Sling Ring a long time ago. Only an amateur would have a hard time channeling its energy." Strange told him with a serious tone.

"Maybe we are too far?"

"The Sling Ring has the power to create portals between any two points in the universe." Dr. Strange said. "With some effort, it can even open portals through the Multiverse."

"The Multiverse is real?!" Peter asked, bewildered. He would be more fascinated if it didn´t bring him bad memories from his trip, but at least it was over now. Quentin Beck wouldn´t hurt anyone else never again.

But then...

Then why does he feel like he´s forgetting something?

"No, wait..." Peter said while shaking his head, focusing again in the main problem. "Uh... maybe it´s defective?" he asked again, not believing his own words.

"Peter..." Dr. Strange sighed.

"I will stop." Peter said, resigned. "But then what could be blocking your magic? Aren´t you like, the chief of all magicians?"

"Sorcerer Supreme, but in essence... yes." Strange admited. "And that´s what is troubling me. Someone powerful must have targeted me, someone who doesn´t want me to go anywhere."

"T-then why I´m here?" Peter asked. "I don´t want to sound rude, but I have nothing to do with you, or with magic!"

"I honestly have no idea." Strange said thoughtfully. "There´s something that doesn´t add up here. If they wanted us dead, they would have attacked us by now."

"Or while we were sleeping..." Peter added. Dr. Strange has a good point, they wouldn´t be alive if their enemy have wanted to kill them. What were their intentions then?

"We are in uncharted territory here. Are you sure you don´t remember anything?"

No, he did not. At least, not for now. But it couldn´t hurt to try...

"I just remember I was swinging in Manhattan..." Peter started to talk, trying to recall the events prior his awekening in the rooftop. "And... and I was using my Spider-man suit, not my normal clothes." Peter said with a frown, glancing at his clothes.

Does that mean that whoever who´s behind all this had removed his suit and... You know what? Screw it, he doesn´t want to think about it.

"Let´s see, I was... I was going somewhere with... with MJ..." Peter said while his eyes opened wide.

That´s right! He was with MJ swinging around Manhattan!

"Don´t text and swing!"

"I... I was on a date!" he whispered in realization.

"What?" Dr. Strange asked, not hearing what Peter have said.

"I was on date!" Peter told Dr. Strange. "I was swinging with MJ and then I dropped her in the ground when we finished!"

"And you didn´t see anything strange?"

"No, I... I only saw the news of the Daily... the Daily Bugle..."

Then it came back.

"...Spider-man was the responsible for the brutal murder of Mysterio!"

"Oh, no..." Peter muttered with worry, taking both of his hands to his head.

"Here´s the real blockbuster."

"It can´t be..."

"Spider-man´s real-"


"Spider-man´s real name is-"

"Peter?" Dr. Strange said.

"Spider-man´s name is Peter Parker!"

How could he have forgotten?! He was on a date with MJ when that damned video appeared in the news! Now not only everyone knows his identity, but also everyone believes he was the one who killed Mysterio!

And worst of all... It was his fault. He was the one who gave the glasses to Quentin, he had been too naive. Mr. Stark trusted him to protect E.D.I.T.H, not Fury, not Mrs. Potts, not Colonel Rhodes, but him, and then he had to go and give a weapon of mass destruction to a guy he met just a few days ago and barely knew just because he wanted to go back to his trip! What the fuck was he thinking?! How could he have been so stupid?!

"For the next Tony Stark, I trust you." well, great job he had done...

He didn´t regret confessing his feelings to MJ, but why did he had to run away from his responsability? How could he have been so blind to Mysterio´s tricks?

Wait a moment... Mysterio´s tricks...

"No! It can´t be possible!

"Peter, what´s happening?" Dr. Strange asked again, looking at him with concern.

Trapped in an unknown place, his magic was failing...

"Wait!" Peter exclaimed. And before "Dr. Strange" could get any closer to Peter, the teen took a big leap in the air, landing a few meters back from his original position and increasing the distance between both of them.

"Stop! Don´t you dare to take another step!" Peter warned while pointing at "Dr. Strange".

"Peter, what are you doing?" asked the sorcerer, taken aback by his sudden action.

This is it. He couldn´t let his guard down. The drones could reveal themselves in any moment, proving that all of this madness was nothing more than another illusion made to trick him, to "show" the world that he was a villain to be feared.

But he wouldn´t play into his enemy´s hand this time. Beck could try to fool him all he wanted. No, scratch that, he will try, but he won´t fall for his lies never again, not now that he had learned to listen to his sixth sense. He was prepared for anything, already adjusting his body into a fighting position and anticipating the battle that was about to unfold.

He didn´t have his suit, and he didn´t have his web-shooters. But if Beck thinks he will be easy prey without his equipment then he couldn´t be more mistaken. He needs no fancy suit nor any nifty gadget, he is Spider-man with or without the suit, and that´s something that Mysterio would have to learn the hard way.

But if Mysterio truly was behind all this, then why didn´t he just killed him while he was unconscious, just like Dr. Strange had said? That´s a loophole in his theory; but still, at the end it could be part of some elaborate machiavellian plan to make him look like the bad guy. He needed to be sure before doing anything harsh, for all he knew, he could be threatening the real Dr. Strange, and that´s an enemy that he definitely didn´t want to make.

Unfortunately for Peter, Quentin wouldn´t reveal his farce just like that, he would keep going with his lies and his illusions until he gets what he wants. Maybe he wants more information to manipulate the masses, maybe he wants him to lower his guard so he can finish the job. But it doesn´t matter what he wants, Peter has to stop him before reaching that point, he has to force him to reveal the truth.

And there was only one way that he could think of...

"Tell me something that only the real Dr. Strange would know!" Peter demanded while Dr. Strange just raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Alright, maybe that wasn´t the best idea. He still didn´t know Dr. Strange that much-

"When we first met you thought 'Dr. Strange' was my made-up name."

He was legit.

"Oh, thanks God!" Peter said relieved, letting out a breath and relaxing his muscles.

He was safe, at least for now. But still, that doesn´t mean someone wasn´t responsible for his sudden appearance in the rooftop. If anything, it means he´s dealing with something else entirely.

"Peter, you need to tell me what´s going on." Dr. Strange said with a serious tone.

But first...

Peter sighed. "It´s a long story..."


Life was nothing but shit. That´s a lesson Francine Frye learned when she was a child. She had been alone as soon as she came to this world, and since that moment, it has never gave a fuck about her. No parents to protect her, no friend to hang out with, no school to learn, no future to strive for, no reason to live, no reason to die.

God, she really hated sob stories...

Point is, many things happened, bad things. But at the end, it was a combination of poor luck and a lot of bad decisions that pushed her to a life of villainy. All the things she had stealed, all the blood she has shed, all the families she had broken and all the lifes she had ruined... She used to tell herself that it was the only way she could survive in this unforgiving and godforsaken world.

But it was all bullshit.

Unleashing mayhem was more than just her way to survive. It was her way to get payback, and she loved every second of it. That was the truth she didn´t want to admit at first, but now? Now she embraces it. She had found her place in this rotten world, the place where she truly belongs, and she doesn´t regret it. Not one bit.

And now, it was her chance to raise some hell.

And all thanks to him.

A cold chill ran through her back by just thinking about that guy. She had met a lot of bad guys in the past, but that man... that man was a monster.

Wait, a monster?

No, he was more than that. Something worse.

Much worse.

It was impossible not to see it. His calm yet imposing voice was filled with pure malice and cruelty and his posture and demeanor emanated a confidence and a malevolence like no other. Everything about him was screaming her to run away. But there was absolutely no way she could resist his will. She was unable to move, unable to think, unable to act. And barely able to talk. Francine had never felt so utterly outclassed. She was nothing more than a mere bug before his towering presence. And that bastard knew it.

He knew she was at his mercy. Aware of the great danger he represented to her. Totally trapped in her own fear.


But the most frightening thing about that demon... were his eyes.

Those damn eyes.

The devil´s eyes that demaned nothing but obedience and submission. The eyes of a ruthless killer who would not hesitate to give her an agonizing death should she make him even slightly mad. His cold stare had shaken her to her very core.

And yet...

"...And why come to me?"

"Time, Francine Frye."


"It´s all matter of time."

An offer she couldn´t refuse.


That´s what he had promised her.

Her time.

Speaking of time. What hour is it? 8:00 P.M? Oh, well. It doesn´t matter. She still has plenty of it.

Francine was new in the city, but according to the information she had gathered during her short time around here, Kamino Ward was a pretty populated area at these hours; after all, it was the shopping district of Yokohama City.

You could say it was somewhat like Times Square, with a many cars driving in the streets, seas of people walking in the sidewalks, and with big buildings around all the ward with a lot of giant screens adhered to the walls.

And that made it the perfect spot for little test drive.

The hooded woman kept walking through the crowded streets with a slow pace, always staring at the ground and keeping her hands inside her pockets. Street after street and block after block, she was swimming alone in a sea made of people, ignoring the constant bustle and the persistent noise from all the unsuspecting kids and families walking around.

Anyone who had stopped to watch would have said that she seemed lost. But that wasn´t the case.

Not even close.

Quite the opposite. She knew where she was going, walking towards her objective like a pirate reading the treasure map. The whole place was her map, and she was getting closer to her treasure with each step.

She could feel their presence no matter where she looked, watching them in motion all over the place. The kickstart of technological evolution. The heart of modern technology. That fundamental piece in everyone´s life. The reason why society and industry were transformed. She could see it in the phones of the passerbyes and in the vehicles. She could see it stored in the lampposts. She could see it powering the buildings and departments. And...

She could see it flowing underground, converging in a big power outlet.


Francine stepped closer to the outlet, already feeling a slight smirk growing in her face. She could feel her heart pumping harder and harder as she approached the device planted on the floor. All the power of the place in one spot for her alone. This is what she was looking for!


This is it! No more watching from the sidelines! No more playing in small leagues! Now it was her time to shine! And with her Quirk and her new equipment, she will do more than just shine!


"Now. This? This is brillaint!" Francine exclaimed in excitement as she watched how bright, blue sparks and electric arcs started to appear between the fingers of her shaking hands as she kneeled down, reaching for the metallic fence.

Curious stares started to focus on her when she got rid of the fence, watching her grab the thick wires that were beneath the outlet. But the curiosity quickly turned into fear once they saw sudden bursts of lightning coming out from her hands, making those with more than one brain cell began to back away.

She could see the cops approaching her with haste, ready to draw their guns and ordering the civilians to retreat and get to safety. She could´t help but start laughing like a maniac. Her power was increasing as she continued to absorb the electricity from the device. In no time, she won´t have to worry about bullets at all!

Francine was in an ectasy like no other. To her, electric power was like a drug. Just try it once, and watch yourself unable to stop. Once she started to suck the electricity out of a device with a considerable amount of energy, it was almost impossible to stop. Electricity was her personal brand of cocaine. It was even better! It doesn´t matter how much she takes. She wants more power. She needs more! And nothing will stop her from getting it!

"Just a little more..." she muttered with a playful tone, still absorbing the energy of the outlet and watching how the electricity of the buildings and lampposts was starting to go out.

Baffled whispers and scared screams started to fill the air. But the civilians weren´t running away. No, those idiots instead decided to gather in the distance, watching with puzzled expressions the situation unfolding right before their eyes and hoping for a hero to arrive and save the day. But she won´t let that happen. She will fry any fool who dares to stand in her way! Not even ashes would be left of them! She wouldn´t give them a single chance to regret their decision. Nobody would be able to touch her once she is finished, let alone defeat her!

"Now you see me..." Francine said with a sadisctic grin, noticing herself on all the giant TV monitors around the place. It was impossible not to see her new features. The veins in her arms, neck and face were now glowing with a bright blue color just like her eyes. And her pale skin slowly began to acquire an electric bluish hue. This was her moment! With this kind of attention, the Pro heroes wouldn´t take too long in arrive.

And that would make this test drive much more fun!

"Hey!" a male cop called her out while pointing at her with her gun, just like the rest of his companions. She didn´t understand the rest of their "warning". She wasn´t very good speaking japanese. But she did figure out a word among their shouts and orders... A word that she knew very well. A word that she had heard too many times in the past.



A monstruous wave of energy was triggered all of sudden as she let out of the power outlet, frying the cops surrounding her and throwing their bodies into the air like burnt ragdolls.

Then she spoke. She wasn´t just a mere villain that the heroes could arrest or use to boost their popularity. No. They can try. And she shall bring them to their knees. And everyone would see them fail and die! She would make sure they fear her from now on! She would make sure all Japan and the rest of the world remember her true name!



"...and then I woke up here." finished Peter. "A-and I-I thought that... that maybe he was behind all of... this." he explained with hurry, spreading his arms to sign his surroundings.

"But you said he was dead." Dr. Strange pointed out, still with his index finger in his chin.

"I saw him die, and E.D.I.T.H said all the illusions were down. But..." Peter stopped for a moment. "But after everything that´s happened..." he continued, lowering his head.

"You can´t help but think that he is still out there." Strange said.

"Yes, that..." Peter said, staring at the ground and letting out a frustrated sigh. "Mr. Stark trusted me to be the next Iron Man and I decided to run away. I gave up my responsability, and I betrayed the trust he had placed on me. I wasn´t ready to be the next Iron Man, it was a mantle that I couldn´t take, but the thing is... I´m not Iron Man, and I will never be Iron Man, I´m Spider-man, but I couldn´t see that until it was too late..."

Peter has told him everything. His trip to Europe, the glasses of Tony Stark, the fight in Venice and Prague, the lies of Mysterio, his final battle in London, and the public reveal of his identity. Strange listened with close attention to everything the teenager had to say, always wearing a neutral expression in his face.

It has been quite stressful. But also... terapeutic. Dr. Strange never interrupted him, nor did he judge him or his foolish actions. He just listened. And that was all Peter needed. At least for now...



Peter trailed off as he felt a tingling sensation in the back of his neck. A sensation that he was already familiar with. He had felt that weird tingle many times in the past. It had even saved his life more than once. It was always there, even when he was swinging around Queens in his early days of his hero career. But it wasn´t until the battle of London that he really started listening to it.

But that wasn´t the only thing that had caught him off guard.

"Did you hear that?" Peter asked.

"Hear what?"

"It sounded like... lightning? Thunder?" Peter said a little confused, turning around and looking at the buildings in the distance. "Um, it was more like an electric buzzing..."

Okay. Something was definitely wrong in that place. His body was now covered in goosebumps. He didn´t need to see his arm hair standing up to notice it. And that could only mean one thing...

His sixth sense has been triggered.

And that was a big problem, for his "Peter tingle" did only mean one word.


But something was off. This... this was a different kind of danger. It wasn´t that sudden sensation of "danger incoming!", "run!" or "jump!" that he experienced when he had to avoid hundreds of bullets being fired at him by combat drones. This danger was much more ominous. Like the "you-should-watch-your-back" or "you-can´t-see-me-but-I-can" kind of danger. Like it was everywhere and nowhere at the same time... Like that day when that donut-shaped spaceship appeared back in New York.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lightning. Lots of them. He didn´t need his enhanced vision to see them. Bright bursts of blue lightning started to appear suddenly a few blocks later. And they were loud, very loud. At least for him.

"It´s cutting the power..." Dr. Strange said, narrowing his eyes.

He was right. Whatever was happening, it was causing problems to the electrical power of the buildings around. The lights were turning in and off without showing signs of stopping. Just like those giant surges of lightning.

"Dr. Strange..." Peter began to say, walking towards the railing. "Do you think that´s what brought us here?"

"I don´t think so." the man answered. "But whatever it is, it can´t be just an accident."

And that was what was worrying Peter... The pattern of the lightning, the explosions of light, his sixth sense going wild. Everything indicates that it wasn´t a mere accident, but an attack of some sort. Someone or something powerful was using the electricity as a weapon, wreaking havoc for an unknown reason.

But accident or not, one thing was certain.

"They need help." Peter stated.

They might consider him a criminal. A murderer. A terrorist. But right now, Spider-man may be their only hope... Their only chance to survive. Even if they end up blaming him for everything. Even if the police tries to arrest him or shoot him once they see him... He didn´t need to think it twice. He wouldn´t just stand by and watch. He had run of his responsability in the past, he wouldn´t make that mistake again. No if there were lifes in stake.

But without his suit, he will need to improvise if he doesn´t want to get electrocuted.

"Dr. Strange, I need-"

Peter began to say, turning around to talk with the sorcerer. But then, he caught a glimpse of an object with the corner of his eyes. "Is that...?" He whispered in desbelief, turning his head. He knew what it was! It was a rather familiar object that he had seen before too many times, because said object belonged to him!

"My backpack!" Peter exclaimed in surprise, running quickly towards his backpack. There it was, hidden in the corner of the wall that led to the entrance of the rooftop. Hidden enough so no one could steal it, but not enough for Peter to miss it. It seems that whoever who has kidnapped him decided that it would be a good idea to give him a gift. And if that gift was the same thing that Peter had in mind, then the teenager couldn´t be more glad for that.

But there was something else...

"It has a note." Peter told Dr. Strange with urgency, taking the piece of paper from the fabric of his backpack.

"What does it say?"

"Coming from your friendly neighborhood. Excelsior." Peter read out loud. "Excelsior?" he repeated, as if savouring the word. "Is that some kind of magic spell or something?"

"Not that I know of." Dr. Strange answered with a thoughtful tone. "Maybe it´s a name. But it seems that it just some sort of catchprhase."

He got a strange feeling from just hearing that word. But it wasn´t a bad sensation. Far from that, actually. It was more... kind and warm. He could even feel a gentle presence coming from that word alone. Almost... fatherly? Peter could have sworn he had heard that phrase before. But where?

Whatever the answer is, it will have to wait. There were people who needed his help now.

Peter quickly kneeled down once he got out of his trance, putting his backpack on the floor. And knowing that time wasn´t on his side, he opened it.

Then he saw it. The new suit that he had made after his fight in London. The suit that once belonged to a hero, but now belonged to an assasin. Peter started intently at the symbol of the Spider, gently holding the fabric with his fingers without saying a single word. That symbol meaned a lot of things to him.

A gift.

A curse.

A legacy.

But one meaning atood above all the others...

A responsability.


"I can feel the incoming conflict..." a tall, bald figure with blank eyes and a dark blue robe said.

"Trust me, true believer. It´s nothing that our heroes cannot handle!" an elderly man told him.

"I understand the decision to send the Sorcerer Supreme. But why the kid?"

"Uatu, my friend. Someone must teach those mutants that with a great power, comes a great responsability!" the elder man smiled.


Yep, most of you must have already guessed the main inspiration for this story with the first part. Ah, the nostalgia is too strong for my little heart... Also, Francine Frye is not an OC, she does exist in the Marvel Universe as an incarnation of Electro. Anyway, if you have any suggestion, complain, comment, let me know!