A/N: I just want to welcome everyone to the rewritten version of Revelations. It would be recommended that the first two books of the series are read before continuing on with this version of the story. For all of you who have read the original revelations, there are some major changes to the original plot as you will see from this chapter.
Why must there be school every day?
Naruto rubbed her eyes and yawned as her classmates strolled in through the door with large smiles plastered on their faces. The only people who shared the same displeasure as her were Bakugou and Kaminari. Both teens looked so much like zombies with the bags under their eyes and their wide-opened mouths.
It wouldn't surprise her if a fly buzzed right into their mouths.
Letting out another yawn, the blue-eyed girl rested her head over her hands and half-closed her eyes. It would do her no-good if Aizawa-sensei caught her sleeping in class. You are overworking yourself, Uzumaki! The image of a furious Aizawa-sensei brought a small frown over her lips and the blonde slumped her shoulders.
She couldn't even tell Aizawa-sensei that she hadn't been overworking in her part-time job. Her part-time job was her best excuse for her exhaustion. The man would be even more upset if he knew she was overtraining herself. You should know when to rest. She could practically hear her teacher nagging those words to her before barking at her to take a break.
God, Naruto wished she could take a break.
Cerulean eyes darted to the windows, focusing on the green trees and the bright blue skies, before looking back at Midoriya and Bakugou. The green-haired boy stared at her for a couple of seconds, flinching before looking away from her. Bakugou simply stared at her, looking at her with such blank eyes that it made her sigh.
Things had never been the same since that day.
"You overdid it again, didn't you?"
Naruto tore her eyes away from Bakugou and blinked at the sight of Shouto taking a seat right beside her, mismatch eyes focused on her hands. Frowning, the blonde looked down at her hands. Oh. Light bruises and scratches decorated her arms; a side effect from her senjutsu training.
Next time she should just use a henge to cover up her scratches and bruises because the last thing she wanted was for him to look at her with concern. Even if it tickled her toes and made her smile, Naruto didn't like the idea of her friend having the belief that she always goes too far with her training.
He shouldn't worry about her.
Just because Shouto saw the evidence, didn't mean she had to agree to his accusation.
Her friend pressed his lips into a thin line and leaned his body forward. His mismatch eyes locked onto her, daring her again to lie straight to his face. Naruto grunted and looked away. Hard for me to lie when he looks too pretty like that. She placed her cheek over the palm of her hand as mismatch eyes continued to lock on her.
She didn't need to look at him to know he was still concern about her.
"Yes because even if you carry a monster, you are still Uzumaki Naruto and you are my friend."
The words echoed in her ear and Naruto felt all the blood rushing to her face. Her heart pounded against her chest, ready to burst as she recalled the gentleness in his eyes. Why the hell am I reacting like this? She chewed on her bottom lip as her blue eyes darted back at Shouto.
Her friend stared at her for a good couple of seconds before looking away from her. Even though Shouto had his head turned away from her, Naruto could still see a light shade of pinkness covering his cheeks. He looks cute when he blushes like that. She blinked and chewed on her bottom lip, pushing it back and forth.
Why was she starting to think Shouto was cute when he blushed? It was not like she didn't know Shouto was handsome. Ashido and Hagakure constantly reminded her and the other girls of this fact whenever they were in the locker-room. But those kind of thoughts had never came to her mind before.
Then again you don't just go around kissing someone without any reason too.
Naruto groaned and slammed her head against the table. Papers and books jumped up as Ashido, Kaminari and even Satou turned around to look at her with wide eyes.
"Are you okay, Uzumaki?" Ashido's voice carried hints of concern and Naruto nodded her head. Beside the stabbing pain of her forehead, she was doing great. Her heart pounded against her chest in its normal pace. There was no burning sensation around her body. So in all technicality, her whole body was fine.
Ashido pressed her lips into a frown and darted her eyes between Shouto and her as if wondering something happened between them. Seconds passed before the girl shook her head and turned her whole body around. Only Kaminari and Satou stared at her now. Their eyes not one bit convinced by the lie coming out of her mouth.
If they were going to open their mouth to say something then the opportunity was stolen when the door flung open. Aizawa-sensei stepped through the door, tired eyes scanning through the classroom. His eyes lingered the most on her. More specifically on the red mark that must have decorated her forehead. He raised a single eyebrow.
Naruto just grunted and looked away.
Shaking his head, Aizawa slid behind the podium, placed the papers on it before clearing his throat. The chatter died down as the other students straightened their backs. Their eyes darted everywhere from each other to the ceiling above them before focusing on the tired man before them.
"It is nearly time for summer break to begin," Aizawa leaned his body forward and placed his hands on either side of the podium. "But that doesn't mean you are going to have a break this summer."
Naruto stiffened and tilted her head to the side as her blue eyes darted to her classmates. Most of them looked as stiff as a piece of wood and looked as white as a ghost at those words. Kaminari and Ashido had their mouths wide opened and clasped their hands together as if hoping that a little prayer would save them.
Only Shouto and Bakugou didn't seem fazed one bit by those words, with one boy looking as blank as a piece of paper while the other boy had an ugly scowl decorating his face.
"You look concerned." The blonde jerked her heat at Shouto. Mismatch eyes stared at her with hints of worry as his hand reached out to her as if trying to reassure her. Blue eyes widened when the boy patted her shoulder. "Why are you concerned about this? Did you have any plans for the summer break?"
Naruto sighed. "The only plans I have is to work and train my ass off."
"I don't really understand why you still have your part-time job." Shouto frowned. "Doesn't Jiraiya pay for everything?"
The blonde hunched her shoulders. "He does but I don't want to rely on him when it comes to money. I spent so many years working that it just feels wrong for me to take his money."
Shouto gazed at her for a good couple of minutes, mismatch eyes scanning her own as if he was searching for something. Seconds passed and still her friend made no comment or attempt to look away from him. His turquoise eye seemed to lean more to the blue side. She flushed a brighter shade of red and looked away from him.
"D-Does it sound weird?" She kept her eyes focused on Aizawa-sensei, cheeks still burning from the knowledge that she was starting to notice her friend's eye color. "Because you aren't saying anything to me."
"I wouldn't know if it was weird." Shouto looked away from her and cleared his throat. "I have always had someone spending money on me so I wouldn't know if it was strange or not."
"Uzumaki! Todoroki!" Naruto and Shouto jerked their heads as Aizawa scowled at them, not looking one bit pleased at their behaviour. Even though the both of them sat at the back, the blonde could see his vein twitching at the lack of attention shown to them. "Mind telling everyone in the class of what the two of you are talking about?"
Shouto opened his mouth, only to blink when Naruto smacked her hands over his lips. A nervous laugh escaped from Naruto's lips as black eyes stared at them with irritation. "We were just wondering what your words meant."
Aizawa arched a single eyebrow at her while Shouto looked at her like she was insane for lying to their teacher. I can't tell him that I feel weird about Ero-Sennin spending money on me! It would bring a lot of questions. Questions that Naruto had no idea of how to answer without bringing up the fact that Ero-Sennin wasn't really her godfather.
Most of their classmates just stared at them with knowing eyes. Only Bakugou scowled at them, red eyes looking at her like she was a terrible liar. Naruto narrowed her eyes, daring her classmate to call out her lie in public. Bakugou only rolled his eyes, letting out a grunt before throwing a glare at her.
Their teacher only stared at them with lips pressed into a thin line.
"As I was saying," Aizawa cleared his throat and focused his eyes on Naruto. "Instead of resting in your summer break, all of you will be having a training camp in a forest lodge."
Wait, wouldn't that mean I'm going to spend more time with everyone? Blue eyes widened and pink lips parted as the world around her broke into cheers. No. She could not spend time in that forest lodge. If she went into that forest lodge then her strange thoughts about Shouto was not going to stop. This weird feeling in her stomach might not go away.
"You look like that this might be your worst nightmare."
Naruto swirled her head at Shouto, blue eyes widening at her friend. Those mismatch eyes fixated on her fists and his mismatch eyebrows knitted together like he couldn't understand her reaction. She couldn't tell him. I'm not happy because I think this weird flutter in my stomach isn't going to go away if we go there. Yeah, she better keep her mouth shut.
Things between them was nice as it was and telling him about this strange feeling might make things worse for them.
"It is going to be fun!" Ashido declared, twisting her whole body around to look at them. "We can give each other dares during the summer break and gossip about everything!"
Why do I feel like this might become a nightmare for me? Her stomach rolled and flipped as golden eyes locked onto her. Those golden eyes glinted with mischief. She has a plan. Naruto chewed on her bottom lip, blue eyes focusing on her beaming classmate. Ashido had to be up to something if she put so much emphasis on the word dares.
Her stomach only rolled and turned as Naruto chewed on her bottom lip.
"Oh before I dismiss all of you, I want to see Uzumaki during break time." Naruto frowned as Aizawa focused his eyes on her. The blonde pressed her lips into a thin line, uncertain of where this was going to go. From right beside her, Shouto frowned and stared at her with concern.
She offered him a tiny smile before looking at the window, where Aizawa-sensei walked passed without even glancing at them.
What on Earth could her teacher want to talk to her about?
"Aizawa-sensei, you wanted to see me?"
Naruto chewed on her bottom lip as Aizawa-sensei looked over a couple of files. To the left of her teacher's table was Present Mic, who had his attention on the computer screen. From across the room was Midnight-sensei, who put down her cup of coffee to stare at her with curious eyes. Naruto smiled even wider before darting her eyes back to her homeroom teacher.
Aizawa let out a sigh and closed his files before putting them on the table. He turned his chair around until his whole body faced her and the blond-haired girl frowned at the sight before her. Like always, her teacher had his usual dark circles but it looked darker than usual. He looks even upset. Her teacher might not be a happy person but his eyes always held some glint of emotion.
Right now, his eyes looked so blank that it made her do a double-takeback.
"I have a personal request for you," Naruto blinked and Aizawa took a deep breath but no words came out of his mouth. The blue-eyed girl frowned. A personal request? What on Earth could he ask of her? She knitted her eyebrows as the black-haired man shifted his eyes to Midnight.
The female teacher just frowned and looked away, shaking her head at the man.
"Aizawa-sensei, what do you want me to do?"
"I need you to babysit Eri tomorrow night while I'm out." The underground hero took a deep breath and clasped his hands together as he darted his eyes to Present Mic and Midnight. "I believe you are responsible enough to know that you don't give a six-year-old chocolate in the middle of the night."
Naruto smiled. "Don't worry Aizawa-sensei, I will be the best babysitter for Eri-chan!"
Aizawa stared at her for a good couple of seconds before letting out a little snort. Naruto blinked and tilted her head, eyebrows knitted together at the sight of her teacher nearly laughing at her words. Were her words funny? She glanced at Present Mic and Midnight-sensei, who could only blink their eyes at the sight before them.
Good to know she was not the only one in shock.
"I know you will be a great babysitter for her or I wouldn't pick you for the job." Aizawa shook his head and ruffled her hair before throwing a glare at his colleges, who were still staring at them. Naruto couldn't blame them. This was the first time her teacher ruffled her hair like this and he did it in public too.
Naruto grinned and offered a small bow before clicking her heels together. She twirled her body around, only to pause when Aizawa cleared his throat. Twisting her head around, Naruto raised her eyebrow at her teacher. The black-haired man stared at her for a good couple of seconds as if he was searching for something in her eyes.
"Naruto, is everything alright between Midoriya, Bakugou and you?"
The blonde blinked and gulped down a lump in her throat. Of course he would notice something was wrong between them. In the last few weeks, Midoriya had been avoiding her like the plague. Bakugou's glares towards her seemed to have intensified to the point that it wouldn't surprise her if she could burst into flames from his glares. I can't even blame them. She let out a small sigh and allowed herself to frown.
Between the three boys, only Shouto treated her like she was the same old Naruto. But then again Shouto had always been understanding towards her and knew before the other two boys about her chakra and previous job.
"Everything is fine between the three of us," Naruto focused her eyes on Aizawa's face. If she looked away then he would know she was lying straight to his face. He would demand to know what happened between them and Naruto couldn't tell him. Things would get better after some time. She forced herself to smile even wider.
She just need to wait for Midoriya and Bakugou to process what she told them.
Aizawa eyed her. "Are you sure?"
"Of course." Naruto closed her eyes and smiled even wider. Taking in a deep breath, the blonde opened her eyes and stared at her teacher. The black-haired man stroke his stubble, raising his eyebrows at her. The blonde kept the smile on her face and her teacher shook his head but did not say anything to convince her to tell him about the problem.
She couldn't tell him even if she wanted to tell him.
"I hope the three of you can fix whatever issues you are having," Aizawa said, shaking his head. Naruto blinked and blinked as her teacher turned his chair away from her. "It would be troublesome if there is chaos in the classroom because of an issue that could be easily fixed."
But it is an issue that I cannot fix. The words were on the tip of her tongue but Naruto swallowed it down. Aizawa-sensei could never know what happened to her during the amusement park. Even if he wanted them to fix things up, Naruto could only do it when her classmates had enough time to process what happened.
She wasn't certain if those two could accept her for what she contained.
"Everything is going to be fine between us, Aizawa-sensei." She kept her tone light and cheerful as she made her way towards the door. "So you don't need to worry about the three of us."
Bakugou and Midoriya just needed time to process everything.
"Move it, Uzumaki!"
Naruto pressed her lips into a thin line at the sight of Bakugou stomping over towards her, red eyes gleaming with annoyance and rage. He is still upset with me. Not once in her time in Yuuei or even Middle School had Bakugou ever called her by her last name. Whiskers had always been her nickname for him even when he was furious with her.
She took in a deep breath and took a step to the right, freeing the so-called path that she blocked for Bakugou. Naruto only stared at her classmate. No matter how hard she stared at Bakugou, he would never really meet her eyes. Was he really that furious with her for keeping that aspect of her life a secret? It wasn't like she meant to keep it a secret.
There was never really a point for her to mention it if she thought about it.
"He is still upset with you, isn't he?" Naruto blinked and twisted her head around, blue eyes widening at the sight of Shouto standing before her. His mismatch eyes darted from her to the fading figure that was Bakugou before going back to her. He pressed his lips into a thin line. "It has already been a month since it happened."
Naruto sighed. "Is it really a big deal?"
Shouto gazed down at her with such blank eyes that it made Naruto knit her eyebrows together. Why was he looking at her with that kind of expression? She chewed on her bottom lip and placed her hand on his shoulder, hoping it would be enough to wipe that blankness from his eyes. The mismatch boy blinked and stared at her for just a little bit longer before looking away from her.
That was just strange.
"It is different for everyone." Shouto took in a deep breath and looked back at her. "I accepted it because I know you've your reasons for keeping it a secret, but Midoriya and Bakugou don't see things the way I do."
The blonde slumped her shoulders. "With the way they keep acting towards me, I really think I should have tried to make up a lie for them."
Naruto frowned. "What do you mean why? They are acting like I betrayed them in some major way! This was the kind of reaction that I was afraid was going to happen if anyone knew the truth about me."
The mismatch boy looked down at her with mismatch eyes that shone with so much understanding that it made her pause. Why was he looking at her like that? She felt her cheeks burning up as the younger boy continued to look down at her. He is going to make so many girls fall in love with him if he keeps up with his stares. She curled her lips into a scowl and looked away.
The idea shouldn't annoy her but she had a strong desire to throttle someone.
"Naruto, you don't exactly open up to people." Shouto cleared his throat and looked at Bakugou's disappearing figure. "But out of everyone in the class, you are probably more close to those two and to hear the truth…wasn't that be a sign of betrayal? Like you never trusted them."
The blonde chewed on her bottom lip as her friend looked down at her. Was she really that close to them? There was no denying she felt comfortable around them more than the girls. But then again girls were just so much more complicated. Like Ashido. Her classmate had a crush on Shouto but didn't seem to hate her for being close to the boy.
What kind of girl just accepted another female being close to their crush without causing any trouble?
She let out a sigh and darted her eyes at him. "In that case, why do you act like nothing happened? Why do you still treat me the same when I told you the truth?"
Did he also feel betrayed when she told him about her Chakra? Or about the Kyuubi? Her head ached at the idea as Shouto tilted his head at her. She straightened her shoulders as silence continued to hang around them. What was the difference between the three of them? Why was Shouto so calm even when she told him the truth? It just didn't make sense.
Shouto sighed and cleared his throat. "Because that man explained it, didn't he? You didn't have it easy growing up…so it make sense for you to be just a little bit cautious around people, isn't it?"
If that is the case then why aren't you looking me in the eye? Naruto eyed her friend, who had a sudden interest in looking at the walls instead of her eyes. There was more to it or maybe she wanted another answer from him. But what did she want him to tell her? She chewed on her bottom lip and let out a sigh, realizing that there was no answer to that question.
It didn't matter, did it?
He was by her side and that was what really mattered.
"I'm not a little bit cautious, Shouto." She took in a deep breath and gazed up at the ceiling. "If I was just a little bit cautious then I wouldn't have to go through therapy. Aizawa-sensei knew that I took my caution to the extreme levels and I don't know if I can just blame the adults in my life."
Her friend only bobbed his head. "Look Naruto, you can't place all the blame on them but no one can deny that they are one of the reasons why you can't trust people."
I guess this is why I know you are the only one that understands me. Naruto curled her lips into a smile before linking her arm around Shouto, who flushed a light shade of pink. She smiled even wider as a chuckle escape from her lips. She knew she should be a bit more cautious with her behaviour. Just a little bit more discreet. Because Shouto was liked by a lot of girls in their year but Naruto couldn't bring herself to care about rumors or hurtful little girls.
As long as she had Shouto, things were always going to be fine for her.
"Y'know I wouldn't be this calm or happy if it wasn't for you, Shouto." Her friend blinked and jerked his head down, mismatch eyes widening at her words. She smiled even wider when the boy raised his eyebrow. "You are the only person that treats me the same even after learning the truth about me."
Her friend stopped walking and Naruto frowned. She tilted her head as he stared down at her with blank eyes. Did she say something wrong? Blond eyebrows knitted together as her mind tried to figure out if her statement had been weird in any way or form. If Shouto say the same exact words to me, I wouldn't react like this. She frowned.
Maybe Shouto was being a weirdo again.
Blue eyes widened when the younger boy dropped his hand over her head. Chewing on her bottom lip, Naruto could only gaze at the boy who she considered to be her first friend in school. In all the months she had come to know about him, not once had she seen his eyes shone with so many emotions.
Emotions that she couldn't exactly read.
"I'm always going to stick by your side, Naruto." The gentleness in his words alongside the strange emotions in his eyes made Naruto look away from him. She could feel her throat tightening up as tears threatened to come out of her like a waterfall. This shouldn't make her emotional. He was just being kind.
This was nothing new.
Taking a deep breath, Naruto held up her pinky. "Wanna make that a promise, Shouto?"
He stared at her for a good couple of seconds before wrapping his pinky around her. When Naruto thought about it, it was probably childish of her to make a pinky promise. What kind of 15-year-old would do this? But Shouto didn't seem to be blushing or complaining about her behavior.
Maybe not everyone was like what she thought.
"You can always trust me, Naruto."
The funny thing was that she believed those words without a single doubt in her mind.
A/N: Do leave a review of your thoughts of the rewritten chapter if you feel like it.