Hello there everyone, and here's another spinoff that I've written. (I don't own anyone from Naruto or Digimon, they belong to there rightful owners.) I only own any OCs that appear.

"Hello" - (Normal talking)

"What now?" - (Thoughts)

"How did that happen?" - (Flashback)

["Digi-Modify: Armor Activate"] - Digi-Modify cards

"Lightning Paw" - (Moves)

{"Hello, how are you?"} - (Communication)

Chapter 1


"Naruto, where are we?" Will asked him as they floated in a blueish white area.

Naruto shook his head, as he replied "I've got no idea Will."

They both then heard a mysterious male voice say to them, "Do not be frightened little ones. You will not be harmed here."

They both looked around, trying to find the owner of the voice. After a few minutes of looking, Will got impatient and shouted "Who's there, and where are you? And who are you calling little?""

The voice then gave a light chuckle, which they could hear behind them causing them to turn around and see an amazing sight.

They saw what looked like some kind of mystical dragon, with wings along its back and chains wrapped around its body. They could see he had claws, and some kind of balls floating next to him. He had quite a long beard, and a thunderbolt like horn and blue with yellow lightning like patterns on his head, which ended with yellow tips and blue eyes that looked to be twinkling.

Will after seeing the owner of the voice, then said meekly "Nevermind."

They heard another chuckle from him, and then heard him say "My name is Azulongmon and I need your help."

Naruto asked, "What help would that be?"

They heard a sigh from him while he told them, "The world you are going to is connected to mine, known as the Digital World, which was created by humans many years ago. In this world are where digital creatures, known as Digimon, who live their lives."

He then said in a tone of sorrow, "But some evil Digimon are going to start invading the human world very soon. And you two are going to need your own Digimon partners to help you fight them."

They then both saw two of what must have been Digimon coming over to them, and they were holding what looked like two eggs each.

These Digimon were a white colour, with blue dots in the middle center on their front and blue lines that curve under their arms, up to their chest and then down again and they have a triangle shape on their forehead. Their arms were quite long, and they had short legs with what looked like a ponytail on the back of their heads. And they had three fingers and toes each.

The eggs they were holding were each different. One of these Digimon flew to Naruto, and the eggs it held were handed over to him. One was orange, with blue stripes on it and the other was white with blue triangles all over it.

The other one went to Will, and it handed the eggs to her. One was light pink, with dark pink circles on it and the other was a purple with a blue stripe going round at the top and bottom.

As they took the eggs, there was a sudden burst of light from both of their pockets. They quickly put the eggs down, so as not to break them, and went for their left pockets first.

They both pulled out weird looking devices that fit perfectly into their hands. Will's was white, with the strap being black and the circle around the screen was black too.

Naruto's was white too, but the strap was red and the circle around the screen was blue. And they noticed that both sides had gaps in them, as though to slide something through.

"These are your Digivices, called D-Power" Azulongmon explained to them. "With these you can track down the evil Digimon, and using Digi-Modify cards you can give your partners upgrades or increase their abilities."

Naruto and Will were puzzled when he said Digi-Modify cards, but then they remember the light that came from their other pocket.

They then pulled out the cards, and saw that they were all different. Some increased power and speed, and others gave new abilities.

They counted the cards, and found out they had 20 each. They found that 15 of the cards they had were the same, but the last 5 were different.

Azulongmon said "As you can see, the last 5 cards are different so that you each have a different powerful ability to use for your Digimon. And these ones are too powerful for anyone else to have, but the two of you."

They bowed their heads to him in thanks, for trusting them with these cards. "Don't worry, we won't let anyone take them from us," Naruto promised him with Will nodding in agreement.

Azulongmon gave what passed for a smile, and told them "I know. Now grab onto your Digieggs, and I will send you to the human world."

They quickly did so, and after waving an awkward goodbye holding them, Azulongmon opened a portal for them to walk through. Once they went through it, the portal closed up behind them.


(In Shinjuku Park, Friday Noon)

The portal opened up, with Naruto and Will walking out of it. As they got far enough away from the portal, it disappeared.

They looked around, and saw that they were in a pretty big city, and that it was daytime. And Will knew what city they were in instantly, with her saying "We're in Tokyo."

Naruto turned, and asked her "How do you know that?"

"I know where we are, because I've seen the buildings in books Naruto" Will told him, in a reprimanding voice.

"Okay sorry I asked," Naruto said.

What the two of them didn't know was that their arrival had been detected.


(Hypnos Building)

"Sir, we've detected two anomalies" a woman said with a visor over her eyes, sitting in a chair that was raised up to the very middle of the room.

"Where did they appear?" A blond haired man, wearing a business suit flicking a lighter asked.

"Figuring that out now," another woman said also with a visor of her eyes, sitting in a chair directly behind the first woman, as they typed away.

After a few minutes, they had the location "They appeared in Shinjuku Park sir" was what the first woman said.

The man growled out, "Must be some more of those blasted Digimon." He then asked, "Has the signal moved?"

One of the women shook her head, and replied "No sir. They just suddenly disappeared."

The man gave a huff of annoyance, and said "Must have been weaklings taken out by one of those kids, and their Digimon." He then turned and left, telling the two women "Let me know if anymore try and get through."

"Understood sir," they said together.


(Back at the park)

Naruto and Will looked around for the first time, and were lucky that no one had seen them basically appear out of nowhere.

They also saw that some backpacks were at their feet, and when they looked inside them they found IDs for themselves, and carry cases for their cards.

They put the eggs carefully inside the bags, and zipped them up so that no one would see them. They then picked up the bags, and put them on their backs. They put their new cards in their carry cases, and strapped them to their pants, while they put their Digivices in their pockets.

They then headed for the exit out of the park, and as they did Will asked Naruto "What do we do now?"

Naruto thought about it, and told her "We could go to the bank and set up our own account."

Will gave him a look, and said "How are we going to do that? We don't even have any money, and even if we did, we don't know if it would work here or not."

Naruto then pulled out a few jewels from his pocket, while telling her "We give these to the bank and they give us the money that they're worth. Simple as that."

Will gave a smile at that, and they headed off to look for a bank.

It didn't take them that long to find one, especially since Will had the knowledge of the Japanese language, even though she'd never studied it before. Naruto had a theory that Azulongmon gave her the knowledge before they arrived.

After asking for directions to the nearest bank, they arrived about 30 minutes after leaving the park. It didn't really take them that long to get the jewels swapped for money, and they were very surprised when they got 5 billion yen. They then set up an account for themselves, and put all of the money into it, along with getting cards to use the account.

After they left the bank, they then went and bought a laptop, cellphone and a watch each, along with a few clothes for themselves. They then decided to look for a decent sized apartment for them to live in. After looking around for about a few hours, they found the perfect apartment.

It was a pretty basic one. It had a kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms (incase they ever had guests, they could lend them the spare), a balcony with a patio and a bathroom. And it was on the second floor of the building.

After they bought the apartment, they went out to get some food for themselves and their Digimon once they hatched from their eggs.

Once they got back to the apartment, the sun was starting to go down. Will and Naruto made themselves some ham and cheese toasties for their dinner. They sat down at the table, and chatted about what their Digimon might look like.

Will thought that maybe they'd have wings, and claws for feet. Naruto thought that they'd be more like those that could swim in the water, and run on land.

After they'd eaten, they washed the dishes and as they wondered what to do next, they heard some cracking noises. They looked towards their eggs, and saw them shaking with cracks forming and parts of the shell falling off.

Will happily ran over, and exclaimed "Their hatching." as she kneeled before them. Turning to see Naruto next to her, she saw he was just as interested as she was.

They made sure that their respective eggs were facing towards them, and waited for them to continue hatching.

It didn't take long before the eggs fully hatched, and they got their first look at their Digimon partners.

With Naruto's Digimon, one looked like it had a slime-shaped body, with a grown thick, black fuzz with small ears while the other looked like a gelatinous red body that looked quite squishy, and there are three feeler-like things that were growing on its head.

Will's Digimon looked the same, both having their whole body covered in fluffy, white hair.

Will squealed, and scooped hers up saying "OOOOHHHH! Look at how cute they are." Naruto thought the same for his Digimon, but didn't say it out loud as he scooped his up too.

As they held them, they heard one of each say "Hungwy" and that caused the other two to say it too and then all four of them kept on repeating it.

Taking a guess that they wanted to eat, they grabbed some cheese and crackers and fed them. They quickly ate it all, and once they finished all four of them glowed white and their bodies changed.

Once they stopped glowing, Naruto and Will noticed that they were now different.

For Naruto's, one of them looked more animal-like, and it had orange fur, a white face, red eyes, and a slightly curved black horn above its face, while the other was a ball-shaped Digimon with floppy ears, with bright-red eyes and sharp looking teeth.

Will's again looked the same, where they had cat looking features and orange looking eyes. They had a yellow looking body, with purple stripes on their tails.

After a while they heard one of Will's say "That food was delicious, and it allowed us to Digivolve too."

Naruto then asked them "So what are your names?"

They then heard beeping coming from their pockets, and they saw that it was their Digivices.

Once they took them out, a holographic screen appeared on them and Naruto saw it had information about Will's Digimon. "Nyaromon In Training Level. Though it is sometimes frivolous due to its overflowing curiosity, it is also known to have a lonely side. And you don't want to get hit by their Tail Whip attack."

Will's D-Power showed her about Naruto's Digimon. "Koromon In Training Level. It's known to produce bubbles to intimidate its opponents, and watch out for his Poison Bubbles attack. Tsunomon, also In Training Level. Although it is still at the peak of being playful, as well as having a prank-loving personality, watch out for its Frothy Spit."

Koromon then looked at Naruto, and asked him "Can I have some more yummy food?"

Tsunomon, not wanting to be left out, said "Don't forget about me" as he jumped about.

Will, and her Digimon partners, shook their heads at what they were seeing. Before anything else could be done or said, their D-Powers suddenly lit up and started beeping.

Naruto and Will looked at them, and saw an arrow moving about on their screens before pointing in one direction. Then all of them heard a voice shout out "HELP ME!" The two humans and four Digimon went outside the apartment, and saw what looked like another Digimon being chased by four more.

The one being chased was a small, cute white looking creature with large eyes and comparatively small limbs. Its ears were quite short, and they could see a red triangle on its forehead. Those chasing it were gray canine looking Digimon, with long ears like a rabbit and a long, cat-like tail that had three belts on the end of it and all four had large, black claws on their forelegs.

Naruto and Will both got information about those chasing the lone Digimon "Gazimon Rookie Level. Its forelegs are used as arms when they stand upright, and they have an aggressive temper about their size. Watch out for their Electric Stun Blast, since it will leave you paralyzed." When they tried to get information on the other Digimon, they got nothing at all.

"We have to help the little guy," one of Will's Nyaromon said as the other Digimon nodded in agreement. Koromon was way ahead of them, as he hopped down the stairs to get closer to the Gazimon, with everyone else following him. Naruto locked their apartment door, before he followed after them

Once he was close enough, Koromon then said "Poison Bubbles" and shot a few at the Gazimon. The two at the front dodged in time, but the two at the back got hit causing them to stop chasing the other Digimon while the two at the front continued on.

Will turned to Naruto, and told him "We'll go after the two that are chasing that Digimon and save him." Naruto nodded his head in agreement, and told her "Okay and we'll take care of these two here. Be careful" Will nodded and told him "Okay and you too." She then turned to her Nyaromon "C'mon you two, lets go help that Digimon."

They both said "Right" and Will picked them both up, and ran after the two Gazimon. Naruto, Koromon and Tsunomon stood confidently before the other two who were glaring at the human and two Digimon.

"Okay you two," Naruto told Koromon and Tsunomon "Let's take these two down as quickly as possible."

"Okay Naruto/You got it man" they both replied together.

The Gazimon split up, and attacked from different directions. Koromon faced the one coming from the left, while Tsunomon faced the one from the right. Once the Gazimon were close enough, they both said "Frothy Spit" at the sametime, and hit them right in the eyes.

This caused the Gazimon to yell out in pain, and try and wipe it off their eyes. Koromon and Tsunomon both got out of the way, and this allowed both Gazimon to crash into each other.

When both Gazimon got up, they were glaring at Naruto and his Digimon with extreme hate in their eyes. They both quickly dashed forward, and before Naruto or his Digimon could react, the Gazimon said "Electric Stun Blast" which hit both of Naruto's Digimon and sent them flying back, and left them paralyzed.

Naruto was concerned for them both, and asked them "Are you guys both okay?" They both struggled to get back up, and they saw the Gazimon advancing towards them sharpening their claws as they walked.

Naruto didn't know what to do, and thought "Oh man what can I do to help them? If only I could give them a power boost or somewait a minute, that's it!" He then took out his Modify cards, and shuffled through them looking for a card that could help them win. He found a Power card and was about to use it, when he noticed the card behind it.

"Maybe this Digivolution card might be a better option," he thought as he took it from the deck and got ready to use it.


(With Will and her Digimon)

While Naruto and his Digimon fought their two Gazimon, it didn't take Will and hers long to catch up with the other Gazimon in an alleyway. They saw the Digimon they were chasing was backed up against the wall, and was looking terrified as they advanced towards it with malicious intent.

Will shouted out to them "HEY!" which caused them to turn around, and see Will and her Digimon standing there with confidence.

They growled at the three of them, and quickly ran towards them with their claws raised. Both Nyaromon said "Bubbles" and shot some bubbles out at them which slowed them down enough, and to allow both Nyaromon to get close enough and say "Atomic Bomber Tail" which sent both Gazimon flying back with the powerful hit.

Both Gazimon then picked themselves up off the ground and gave both Will's Digimon a hateful glare. They then said "Pitfall" as they dug underground, and made a hole for Will's Digimon to fall into.

Both of the Nyaromon were a little injured by the fall, and Will carefully looked over the edge and shouted down to them "You two okay?" with one of them replying " A little injured, but we're okay."

Both Gazimon then appeared at the bottom of the hole, right in front of the Nyaromon. Will was worried about what's going to happen to them, and didn't want them to get badly hurt.

She then shouted "NYAROMON!" And what she didn't know, was that the red triangle on the other Digimon started glowing brightly.

At the sametime with Naruto, he swiped the Digivolution card through his D-Power, as he said ["Digi-Modify: Digivolution Activate"] though both sides of his digivice.

This caused a light to shine from both his Digimon, while the same thing happened with Will's Digimon. This also caused the Gazimon to cover their eyes.

"Koromon Digivolve to…." Koromon said, as his skin was shed revealing the data beneath it before his data was rewritten and new skin was put on top "...Agumon!."

"Tsunomon Digivolve to…." said Tsunomon as the same thing happened to him before he appeared in his new form and said "...Gabumon!."

"Nyaromon Warp Digivolve to…." while they too had their skin coming off to reveal their data, and for it to be rewritten with new skin put on "...Gatomon/BlackGatomon!"

Naruto was amazed by what he saw. Koromon had turned into what looked like a small dinosaur standing about 3 feet tall and has amber/orange coloured skin and light green eyes. It also has flattened forearms with broad, three-clawed hands. Its legs and arms are shown to be very vascular looking. Its tail is stubby, and its head and snout are almost as large as the rest of its body.

While Tsunomon had turned into what looked like a dog. He is now a maroon-eyed yellow-skinned lizard in a bluish-white pelt that has navy blue markings and purple claws. A yellow horn protrudes at the top of its head and its belly is blue that has unusual pink markings on it.

With Will, she was really surprised with how her Digimon turned out. They both looked like cats, but they were both in different colours. One appeared similar to a white Egyptian cat, wearing large lime yellow and red striped gloves with black claws that were sticking out of them. Its ears were large with tufts of purple hair on the tips. Its tail has purple stripes that has a tuft on the end and it wears a ring on it.

The other one appears to be similar to a black Egyptian cat, while wearing large purple and red striped gloves with black claws sticking out of them. Its ears are large with tufts of purple hair on the tips. And its tail has purple stripes with a tuft on the end and lacks a ring on it.

Both sets of the two Gazimon they were facing off against, didn't look so confident anymore. Agumon and Gabumon both shouted out "Pepper Breath/Blue Blaster" which hit the Gazimon right on target. They cried out in pain as they were thrown back, with a few burns on them.

Will's two Digimon both quickly dashed towards the Gazimon, who tried to run away by digging back to the surface. But both cat Digimon chased after them, with Gatomon saying "Lightning Paw" and BlackGatomon said "Lightning Kick" which sent both Gazimon bursting through the ground and for them to burst into bunches of data, which both of them absorbed.

Naruto then decided to finish his battle now, and decided to use the Power Card from earlier. He got the card from his deck, and said ["Digi-Modify: Power Activate"] through both slots on his D-Power. He then said to both his Digimon, "Let them have it fellas."

"Cross Fire" says Agumon as he bit one of the Gazimon, while Gabumon said "Beast Attack" as he hit it with a powerful punch. Both of the Gazimon turned into data, which they absorbed.

Naruto ran up to them and said "That was a good job guys." They both turned to him and gave big grins as they replied "Thanks/It was easy."

Naruto then said, "C'mon let's go and check on Will and her partners." Both the Digimon nodded as the three of them ran in the direction that Will had run in.

After running for a few minutes, they eventually came across Will and her Digimon partners who were walking back anyway, and the other Digimon was on top of her head with big looking ears and a smile on his face.

Naruto waved at her, as he said "Hey Will, how'd your fight go?" She told him, "Perfect. I had a bit of trouble at the start, but we eventually won. And what about yours?" She then asked him.

Naruto gave a shrug, and replied "Pretty much the same actually." He then looked down at her partners, and asked "So I take it that you also used the Digivolution card, to Digivolve your partners?"

She shook her head, and told him "Nope. I just shouted their names, wanting them to get strong enough to fight and protect themselves. And then there was this bright flash of red and they turned out like this." She then asked him, "So I take it that you did then?" as she saw Agumon and Gabumon next to him.

He gave a nod and replied, "Yep I sure did." He looked quite proud too that his partners digivolved as well.

Their D-Powers then showed them the information about the others Digimon, with Will going first. "Agumon Rookie Level. It has grown up and has become able to walk on two legs, and it has an appearance like a tiny dinosaur. It has grown hard, sharp claws on both its hands and feet, and demonstrates its power in battle. And watch out for his Pepper Breath attack. Gabumon is also a Rookie Level. Although it is covered by a fur pelt, it still clearly looks like a Reptile Digimon. Though shy and timid, they are known to be quite ferocious and his Blue Blaster attack is quite powerful."

Naruto then read about Will's Digimon. "Gatomon Champion Level. It has a very healthy curiosity, so it loves to pull pranks. Although it has a small body, it is a precious Holy-species Digimon, and its appearance doesn't match the true strength that it possesses. Her Lightning Paw attack is too quick for you to see. BlackGatomon is also Champion Level. An impressive virus type of Gatomon that has a pitch black fur coat, this pure evil child wanders in the eerie darkness. Her Lightning Kick is just as fast as her Holy counterparts Lightning Paw."

Agumon and Gabumon were sulking that Will's Digimon were champion level, even though they were small looking. Naruto seeing the looks on their faces, says "Stop sulking you two. If we train hard enough, then you too can Digivolve into your Champion forms."

This causes them to cheer up, and they jump into the air and shout out "Yeah alright."

The Digimon on Will's head then says "Hi Mr Whiskers. My name is Calumon, and thanks for saving me from those bad Digimon." Naruto then said "Hello Calumon, it's nice to meet you. And you look like such a cute little creampuff."

Calumon tilted his head to one side, and asked "What's a creampuff?"

Will replies "It's a type of food." Calumon then asks "Speaking of food, do you have any? I'm really hungry after all that running."

The other Digimon also noticed that they were hungry too, so Will and Naruto decided to look for somewhere to get them some food to eat.

The two humans and five Digimon then went looking for somewhere to eat, and after walking for quite a while they came across a bakery. Naruto and Will then turned to the Digimon, with Naruto saying "You guys go and wait in the alley by the bakery, and we'll get you something to eat. Okay?" And Will added "And try not to be seen by anyone."

They nodded their heads, with Calumon jumping off Will's head and they went to hide while Naruto and Will entered the bakery. As they entered, they noticed all different kinds of bread selections to choose from.

They then heard the man behind the counter say "Hello there and welcome to Matsuki Bakery. How may I help you?" he then asked them.

They looked at the different options of bread, with Naruto then asking "Can we have a few loaves of bread please?" And Will then added in "And a few cupcakes and creampuffs too please."

He gave a nod, and replied "Coming right up." He then gave them what they'd asked for a few minutes later, and once they'd paid the two of them thanked him and left the bakery, then headed to the alley.


(In the alley next to the bakery)

While Naruto and Will got the food, their Digimon and Calumon waited in the alley as they were asked to do. As they waited, Agumon smelled something. As he was sniffing, the others took notice with BlackGatomon rudely asking him "What's going on dino brain? You have a cold or something?"

He replied with, "I smell another Digimon nearby." He then asked the others, "Should we go and look for it?"

Gatomon replied, "Let's wait for the others before we do anything rash."

A few minutes later, their Tamers came round the corner with Naruto saying "We've bought you guys some bread to eat, along with some cupcakes and creampuffs too."

The Digimon walked over to help themselves to some of the offered food, and started eating. It was then that they heard a voice saying "Takatomon, I smell some bread." They then heard someone else saying, "Guilmon what are you doing? Wait, why are you - GUILMON!"

They then saw a Digimon fall into the garbage from the second story window, that was above the bakery.

Looking at the Digimon, they saw that it was a bipedal dinosaur-like creature that had red scales and yellow eyes. It also had three claws that were on each hand and two claws on the front of each foot, and one claw on the back. He also had two wing-like appendages on its head for ears.

He also has white scales on its belly, and four triangles there, with the middle one in a circle and surrounded by the others. He also had black horizontal lines on its arms, legs, neck, back, and tail, with two black marks under its eyes, and a black triangle mark on both shoulders. He also has a big triangle with three smaller ones on its snout, and a big triangle with two smaller ones on its hands and feet.

They got out their D-Powers to get some information about him, but they saw that nothing was coming up. They were quite surprised that they saw nothing about this Digimon, but shrugged it off.

They then saw a backdoor into the bakery open up, and a teen came out. He looks about 16 years old with light skin, light brown hair and light red eyes. He wears a blue hooded shirt over a white t-shirt, with long gray shorts, a yellow wristband on both his hands, and green converse sneakers. He also wears yellow goggles over his forehead.

"Guil…. Oh, uh hello there," he said about to tell off Guilmon but then sees the others there. "This is my, uh cousin and he's, um trying out a, ah costume that I bought" he told them, not wanting them to know about his Digimon partner.

But then he got a real shock, when Naruto gave a small chuckle and told him "It's okay we know he's a Digimon. I mean we have our own partners too," and they stepped aside allowing their Digimon to be seen and they showed him their D-Powers too.

This took him by surprise, but he got over it and said "Well it's nice to meet you. My name is Takato Matsuki, and this is my parents bakery."

Will then introduced herself "Hi. I'm Will Vandom, and these are my partners: Gatomon and BlackGatomon."

It was then Naruto's turn. "Hello there, I'm Naruto Namikaze. And my partners are: Agumon and Gabumon."

Takato's eyes were almost jumping out of his head, when he heard them say 'partners' instead of 'partner'. He was slightly shaking as well, and said in an excited tone to Naruto "Your partners are Agumon and Gabumon?"

At Naruto's nod, he jumped into the air and said once he was back on the ground "Oh man. Those two are some of the most popular Digimon ever. You're so lucky to have them as your partners."

Naruto merely gave a shake of his head, and told him "Well it was nice meeting you Takato. But we've got to head back to our apartment now, and we need to find a school for us to go to on Monday."

Takato said excitedly, "Oh how about you come to the same school as me? And then that way we can talk about Digimon, and maybe even play the card game too."

Naruto told him "I'll think about it," as the seven of them turned around and headed back to the apartment with both Takato and Guilmon waving goodbye.

As they walked, the Digimon enjoyed the food Naruto and Will bought for them. Once they reached the apartment, all of the food was eaten and they all looked quite tired too.

They walked back to their apartment door, which Naruto unlocked and let everyone back in. The Digimon just walked over to the living room, with both Gatomon and BlackGatomon jumping onto the long couch and curling up into a ball to sleep.

Gabumon and Agumon both fell onto the floor and went to sleep where they fell, while Calumon slowly floated onto one of the single couches and fell asleep as soon as he landed.

Naruto and Will went into the bedroom, and after cleaning their teeth and having a shower they put some PJs on and got into bed.

Naruto laid down, with Will laying her head on his chest as she said to him "Goodnight Naruto," and he replied with "Night Will, sweet dreams" as they too fell asleep.


(Saturday morning, 7 o'clock)

Once they all got up, everyone had some breakfast that Naruto made. It was eggs with toast and bacon, along with some tomatoes. After they'd eaten, Naruto and Will looked for what schools to go to online. It took them a few minutes, but Will decided to go to Kagurazaka Girls' High School while Naruto would go to Yodobashi High School. They then went out and bought everything that they would need at their new schools; such as text books and some stationary.

And they had to get a uniform for Will, which is a white buttoned shirt, under a gray buttoned jacket with the Kagurazaka Girls' High School crest, which is a golden harp in a brown background, on the left side of the chest with a pocket on each side, a black skirt, black socks, and black shoes.

Once they'd bought everything they needed, it was about mid morning and they didn't know what to do until Agumon said "How about we go and do some patrolling around the city? That way if any bad Digimon show up, we'll be ready for them."

The others gave it some thought, and agreed with him. But Will then said "But won't people ask us about you, and wonder who or what you are?" referring to the Digimon.

Naruto then said "If anyone asks, we'll just say that it's some kids dressed up as Digimon, especially with how popular it is these days." He then added, "And maybe we'll say that Gatomon and BlackGatomon are a rare species of cats if anyone asks about them." Will nodded her head in agreement, and said "Okay then."

They then left the apartment, with their Digimon (and Calumon) following after them and Naruto locked the door. They then walked about in the city for a while, and some people made a few comments about the 'costumes' that they saw the 'kids' wearing. When some asked about the cat Digimon, they said that they were a one of a kind species.

They then went into the park after walking in the city for quite sometime. They were walking for a few minutes, with Naruto noticing that another boy was following them and he had what appeared to be a Digimon with him. From what Naruto could see, he was a young teen boy with tanned skin, with short blue hair and gray eyes. He was wearing a sleeveless orange vest with a zipper that was over a black t-shirt, brown pants, black socks, gray and yellow shoes with white soles, and white wristbands.

The Digimon was sitting on his shoulder, and it looked like a bipedal canine with white fur that's striped with green on its collarbone, paws, and on the tips of its ears too. Its most prominent features are its long, frayed ears along with the solitary horn on its forehead. And like a dog, it has black toes and paw pads.

Naruto thought of them as harmless, so he let them be. They walked a bit longer and found that everything was peaceful, and they saw a few couples walking about, kids playing about too and people just having a good time. They reached a secluded spot, with no one else in sight. Naruto and Will were about to say they should head back to the apartment, since they didn't see anything wrong happening, when Gatomon and BlackGatomon suddenly stood to attention.

Will then asked them, "What is it you two?" As they looked about, Gatomon told her "We sense a Digimon nearby" with BlackGatomon nodding her head and saying "And she is right….there!" and she pointed to a tree a few metres off to their right.

Everyone looked towards the tree, and saw a Digimon sitting on one of the tree branches. It looks like a bipedal fox-like Digimon. Most of its body looks to be covered in yellow fur, except for the tips of its tail and ears, the underbelly, hands and legs from the knees down, and the purple Cancer symbols that are on its thighs. It also appears to have wing-like tufts of yellow fur on its shoulders and a large, mane-like tuft of white fur on its chest. It wears purple sleeves that are covering its forearms with yin-yang symbols on the back of the hands. And it has three clawed fingers on its hands and three clawed toes on its feet, and black eyes with indigo pupils.

Naruto and Will got out their D-Powers, to see what information they could get. "Renamon a Rookie Level Digimon. She's a Digimon that's always calm, cool, and collected, and it's practiced enough that it doesn't lose that composure in any situation. Its slender, tall appearance excels when it makes sport of the enemy with various arts that use its speed. And watch out for her Diamond Storm that she unleashes."

"Nice to see some people that know what they're doing," they heard a female voice say. They saw a teenage girl coming round from behind some bushes. She was wearing a turquoise-turtleneck T-shirt that had a broken heart on the front, with short button-fly blue jeans, red wrist bands, white socks, red steel-toed sneakers, and buckles that were around her waist and leg.

She used her Digivice to get the information about their Digimon. She was quite surprised, when she found out that the two cat Digimon were champion level. She turned to Renamon, and asked her "Feel like finding out if the fox is stronger than the cat, Renamon?" The Digimon jumped out of the tree, and landing next to her said with a female voice "Most definitely Rika."

Naruto then stepped in and said "A spar sounds like a good idea, but if you go for any killing blows then I'll have to step in. Understand?" Rika gave a huff and replied "Fine whatever."

Will then turned to her partners, and asked them "Which one of you wants to fight her?" They looked at each other for a while, and then Gatomon suggested "We play rock-paper-scissors, and the winner fights?" BlackGatomon gave a grin, as she replied "Your on."

They then got ready, and after a moment they both said "Rock-Paper-Scissors" with them both getting paper. They went again and got scissors, and after a third time Gatomon had scissors while BlackGatomon had rock. Gatomon then said "Well looks like you fight foxy, just make sure you give her a good fight." BlackGatomon gave a nod, "Don't worry, I will" she said as she walked past Gatomon.

Seeing her walk forward, Renamon walked over to meet her in the middle. They stared each other in the eyes, sizing the other up. Naruto stood next to them and said "Okay you both know, no kill shots allowed right?" Seeing them both nod, he raised a hand and then added "You fight until the other can't continue anymore. Now….BEGIN!" and dropped his hand in a chopping motion.

Renamon jumped into the air and said "Diamond Storm" which made sharped leaves form around her, and then they shot down quite quickly. BlackGatomon was quick to get out of the way before they hit her.

BlackGatomon quickly ran to where Renamon will land, and jumped into the air when she was near the ground and said "Lightning Kick" with Renamon crossing her arms in front of her for protection. Renamon landed quite roughly, and had some bruises but she wasn't down.

She then got back up and ran towards BlackGatomon, who in turn ran towards her. But this is what Renamon wanted, as she jumped into the air slightly and said "Spin Kick" and hit BlackGatomon by surprise with this attack, and sent her flying back and landed on the ground. Rika then cheered, "Nice one Renamon. She wasn't expecting that."

"BlackGatomon, are you okay?" Will asked in concern for her partner. BlackGatomon got up, and replied "Yeah I'm good. But foxy over there won't be when I'm through with her," she finished as she glared at Renamon.

Renamon gave her a smug smile, and told her "Why don't you go and take a nap kittycat? You look like you might need one." She gave a hiss at that, and said to Will "Hey Will. Think you can give me a power boost of some sort?" Will gave a nod, and she then looked through her Modify cards for a good one.

Rika then said, "I have the perfect one for you to use Renamon" and she then pulled one out and said ["Digi-Modify: Speed Activate."] Renamon then ran more quickly to BlackGatomon, and threw a punch at her which she was able to dodge in time. Renamon tried to hit her with quick punches and kicks, with some connecting and others being dodged. Will then found a good card for BlackGatomon, and said "Here we go, this one should work. [Digi-Modify: Paralyzing Claws Activate."]

And before Renamon could get away in time, BlackGatomon hit her which caused her to slow down a little bit. This allowed BlackGatomon to then hit her with another Lightning Kick which sent her flying back and landed on the ground. She then said to her "Why don't you go and take a nap foxy? You look like you might need one" using the same words she used earlier.

This caused Renamon to growl at her, and they rushed each other and tried to one up the other as they fought for a few minutes in a fist/kick fight. This also caused them to lose their Modify abilities, but Renamon was still paralyzed and she was still much slower and this allowed BlackGatomon to jump up to her head height, and say "Night night foxy. Lightning Kick" and kicked her in the face. This sent Renamon flying back, and caused her to tumble along the ground for a while before she came to a stop. She struggled to get up, and continue fighting but she eventually collapsed, knocked out.

Naruto raised his arm in BlackGatomons direction, and said "Renamon is defeated. BlackGatomon is the winner." This caused the others to cheer for her win, and she turned around to see Will and Gatomon running over to her, and give her a hug and a pat on the head. After a while she said "Alright already, stop it with the mushy stuff" but she had a smile on her face.

She then turned back to Renamon, and saw her awake and gingerly standing back up. "That was a good fight foxy. You were quite strong for a rookie" she said, as she complimented her. Renamon gave a nod of thanks at that, and turned when Rika said "Come on Renamon, let's go home." And the two of them left the park.

Naruto then said, "How about we head home too?" with Will and their partners voicing their agreements. But Calumon said "Thanks for the fun, but I'll be going now. Bye bye, hope that we meet again" and he floated away to who knows where.

The four of them gave a shrug at that, and they too left the park to head back home. Naruto noticed that boy and his Digimon had also gone, most likely back to where they live. Without giving it another thought, he just shrugged his shoulders and kept on walking.

And that's the first chapter everyone, hope that you enjoyed it.

And here's a few authors notes.

1. All the tamers are 16 years old, since this will be a bit more mature at times in the future.

2. The pairing is NarutoxWillxRika and that's all that I'm doing.

3. And if any of you have ideas for Digi-Modify cards, let me know in the reviews or by PMing me.