Notes: So this is a story me and my girlfriend wrote back in the day that was published onto her account. However life got in the way so she deleted the story before many people saw it; so we're giving it a second chance just on my account now! This story is very kink based as you can see from the tags, and if it doesn't appeal to you, then I ask that you nicely just find another story and not leave a hateful comment. However, if you have constructive criticism, then by all means leave a comment!

This story is bascially a kink fest where Naruto is transported to a world where sex is the norm, and all the girls are hairy and have dicks! There is more than that, but thats the basic gist of things. If you have anything you'd like to see, just leave a comment! I hope you guys enjoy, and see you next chapter!


It started off as a prank, well maybe more like a dare than a prank. Naruto was dared by the guys to sneak into Konoha's library and look at the section containing jutsu's that were created but never fully worked out as intended.

So Naruto, never one to back down from a challenge, agreed! What could go wrong? They were never perfected, and as long as he didn't accidently blow the entire building up, everything should be fine!

So after making sure the librarian currently on the shift was the old grandma, Naruto walked in and presented his fake ID to her, which thanks to her advanced years, completely fooled her into thinking Naruto was a Jonin who was allowed access to the section, despite the fact that in reality Naruto was only Sixteen and though he was one of the strongest in the village, he had still not been promoted for whatever reason.

So after thanking the librarian, he made his way inside to the room containing all of the scrolls, and boy were there alot of them! Not wanting to waste his time going through each and every one of them, he decided to go with the first one he picked up, unless it was something dangerous.

After walking down the aisle, he suddenly stopped and reached his hand out while not looking, and grabbed a random scroll and pulled it out. As soon as he looked down at it however, he eyes went wide as a laugh escaped from his lips.

The Kanji for fantasy was on the front, while the Kanji for desires was on the back, making Naruto laugh at what kind of pervert could create this, in fact they had to be so much of a pervert that he wondered if it was pervy sage who had created it.

Still it wasn't dangerous, and hell who knows, maybe he might give him a beautiful woman for one night? Opening the scroll, he read across it as more laughs escaped from his lips, as the ink inside detailed that Naruto would be making a contract with the demon called "Asmodeus" where he will be transported to a world that has his every desire he could ever wish for, with the only catch being that his soul would suffer a thousand years of torment afterwards.

Naruto laughed again as he couldn't believe such a stupid scroll could even be thought of, as if it actually existed. Still Naruto walked over to a table and laid it down, and began doing the hand signs instructed inside of it, until…"Fantasy Desire Jutsu!"

Naruto yelled the words out, hoping that a woman would appear and whisk away the one thing he regretted still having in his virginity.

However a sexy woman didn't appear, in fact nothing happened...Everything stayed the same…


"I figured, nothing hap-Agh!" Naruto gasped as he fell to his knees, as his vision blurred and his body felt hot, like really hot as if he was being burnt alive. The area around him began to vanish, and soon enough a bright white enveloped him as the world around him cease to exist.


That was all Naruto heard, was silence.

His eyes slowly opened to the room around him and he immediately noticed he was back home in his bed, the sun shining bright inside as he barely moved, not knowing what had happened, the faint memories of the jutsu entering back into his mind.

After collecting himself, he gave a sigh as he placed his hand on his head, thinking the jutsu had done nothing except transport him back to his house. Naruto kept looking at the ceiling until he noticed something...A BIG something…

First off, he was naked, which was weird considering he never slept naked. While that was weird, it wasn't as weird as what Naruto felt on his thigh. Looking down, his eyes went wide as his cock, or what was originally his cock, had grown...And man had it grown.

No longer was it the average four inches, it was now a beefy nine inches, and he wasn't even hard! It was just laying there on his leg, like it itself was asleep. Naruto kept his eyes trained on it for a moment before he started to think. Did the jutsu increase his size downstairs? Well he wasn't complaining, but it would have been nice to give him someone to actually use it on!

As Naruto kept his eyes on it, he started to drift back to sleep when he felt something. Warmth, not the kind of warmth from the sun, but the kind of warmth you experience from a person. Naruto eyes went wide as he slowly turned his head, and as soon as he didn, he was shocked by what he saw.

Laying beside him, totally naked, not even covered by a blanket...Was Sakura...Sakura Haruno…

Naruto just stared, not being able to say anything as he kept his eyes trained on the curvy body as she was laying on her back, exposing every little inch of her body.

Her breasts, while not the biggest in the world, were nice and plump, her tits nice and hard as they screamed for him to suck on them.

Her body had stains on it he could see, were they...Cum stains? Did he...Do that?

More questions ran through his head until he saw something else that piqued his interest, her arms. Or rather, her armpits. They were, for lack of a better term, hairy...Like, really hairy! As if she had never shaved in her entire life! Her pink armpit hair was seen despite the fact her arms were down, and when Naruto moved her arm, it fluffed out like a bush. Now he wasn't really complaining, as he found it arousing, but it still surprised him.

However the next part made him gasp as he couldn't believe it. When he looked down at Sakura's crotch, he saw a thick, medium sized cock and balls. From first look, it looked about maybe five inches give or take, making Naruto go wide eyed as he stared at it.

Like her pitts, it was also growing a pink jungle around it, as thoughts of laying on it like a pillow began to enter Naruto's mind.

What didn't go unnoticed was Naruto's cock beginning to harden as his right hand instinctively reached down and stroked it as his left hand moved over and...Flicked her cock, causing the soft rod of hers to also begin to harden, extending it by another two inches as Naruto grabbed it in his hand and began to stroke her while he stroked himself.

This motion made her move around in her sleep as her eyes fluttered opened and they locked with Naruto, making him freeze as he stopped what he was doing, as their eyes stayed locked on each other. He was expecting to be beaten to a pulp right then and there by her, as he was bracing for it, however she just...Smiled?"

"Hehe, good morning to you too Naruto~ Couldn't wait until I woke up~?" Naruto went wide eyed as Sakura pushed herself up as she moved her hand down and wrapped it around Naruto as she began guiding his hand as it moved up and down on her cock, making her moan as she gave suggestive looks to Naruto, who kept a look of dumbfoundedness. "Last Night~ W-Was so...Oh!...S-So much fun~ Hehe~"

"L-Last night…?" Naruto could barely make the words out as Sakura kept guiding him as they went up and down on her cock together, her soft bush brushing across his hand when they reached the bottom before going back up again.

"Mmhmm~ Oh~ To think Naruto, I-I'm going to have y-you're baby, oh!"

"B-Baby!?" Sakura again nodded as she used her free hand to rub her stomach, the dry cum stains could be heard cracking when she rubbed over them.

"Hehe~ D-Don't play d-dumb Naruto~ Y-You know when y-you cumed i-in my a-ass, I became pregnant~" Naruto just kept staring at her, as she closed her eyes and kept the rhythm with Naruto as they got faster and faster moving up and down on her cock as her mouth began to drool as they went faster and faster."O-Oh~ F-Faster Naruto~"

Naruto couldn't say anything as he not only jerked her off faster, but himself as well, the pace getting quicker and quicker with each movement as her precum was already leaking down her long shaft until…

"I-I'm cumming~" Right on cue, Sakura let out a huge load as it flew into the sky and landed all over her and the bed, as Naruto's arm was also drenched as Sakura fell back down onto the bed breathing heavily as she opened her eyes and gave a lustful look to Naruto "W-Wonderful~"

Naruto just nodded as her eyes moved down to his own shaft, as she noticed that he was still working on it as none came out.

She gave a laugh as pushed herself back up shakily as she moved down towards it and gave a smirk "Want some help~"

Naruto just slowly nodded as she let out another laugh as she grasped it in her hands, making Naruto moan as she slowly stroked it and flicked it, causing some precum to fly out before she gave a mischievous grin as she opened her mouth and engulfed it, causing Naruto to go wide eyed.

Now as a virgin Naruto didn't know what to expect, the only experience he had was helping Pervy Safe with his 'research' so he thought it might kinda feel like he was caught and punched...But instead the feeling he got was as if his dick had died and gone to Heaven...And was carried there by the softest pillow known to mankind. It felt so amazing that he instinctively clutched his hand into a ball and moaned as Sakura worked her magic on his dick.

Naruto moved his hand up to his face and bit down on his fist as she kept going up and down in a fluid motion, her free hand was already back to jerking off her already erect cock as Naruto felt like he was about to explode any minute now, and sure enough he was right.

As she kept her motions, she noticed the expression on Naruto's face as she gave a small laugh before coming off of his dick right before he cummed, making Naruto stare at her in agony wondering how she could do that to him...Until she did something that he didn't even know was possible…

She got onto the bed on her knees and grabbed her own cock and positioned it facing Naruto as she bent his dick to face her. He kept staring at her as she gave a mischievous grin before she moved forward as the two cocks touched, making Naruto grab hard onto the bed as even Sakura let out a loud moan.

Yet she didn't stop there, she kept pushing until Naruto's dick, very slowly, began to go inside of her own! Making Naruto wide eyed and Sakura yell out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. "S-Sakura~ A-Are you...O-Ok?"

"*Pant* *Pant* I-I'm more t-than Ok...I-I'm wonderful Naruto~!" Sakura gave a lustful look to Naruto as she continued forward, Naruto's dick pushing into her more and more until she stopped about a third of the way, as she breathed hard.

"S-Sakura w-whats wrong?" Sakura kept her heavy breathing before she looked at me in the eyes and gave a smile.

"I-It m-might rip…" Naruto's cock got even stiffer when she said that, it sounded pretty sexy to him, as she let out another moan from the sudden stiffness which made Naruto moan in turn.

"S-Sakura…" Naruto felt like a new man, and he didn't know why he was about to do this but…"L-Let me g-go further…"

Sakura looked at him in the eyes as her face got redder as a smirk appeared on her face. "H-Hehe, I-If you want~"

Naruto nodded as he grabbed her by the thighs and slowly moved her forward even more as she screamed in another mix of pain and pleasure as Naruto's cock pushed deeper and deeper into her, cum running down his cock.

Finally blood began to run out as Sakura's eyes wide for a moment before a look of pure lust overtook her face as she herself started to go forward as well. "S-Sakura?"

"Hehe, it d-doesn't hurt a-anymore, n-now...I-It's amazing!" Sakura's voice was pure on lust and almost a bit mind broken but not fully, as Naruto nodded as they pushed forward as Naruto thrusted deeper and deeper into her cock until he got to her shaft as he felt it…

Her pool of cum…

He had arrived at her balls and his cock was literally swimming in her cum now as Sakura fell on top of him breathing hard as Naruto wrapped his arms around her and began to thrust faster and faster, his cock going in and out of her cum as a mix of blood and cum poured onto his own shaft.

Sakura continued to moan louder and louder as her nails dug into Naruto, until blood ran his his shoulders from it, yet he didn't care, he continued to thrust faster and faster until Sakura yelled out "I-I'm cumming!"

Boy did she ever as Naruto felt her cum literally shoot up and drench his cock, bit after bit as Naruto bit down on his lip as he screamed "I-I'm cumming as well Sakura!"

Naruto hugged her as his cum shot out of his cock like a canon and right into her own pool as Sakura let out a huge moan as she fell onto his boyd panting heavily, blood and cum leaking off the both of them as they stayed still for several moments.

However soon enough, Sakura pushed herself up as she gave a smile to Naruto before kissing his head "Hehe~ T-That was amazing~"

"Y-Yeah…" Naruto didn't know what to say as Sakura giggled as she pushed herself up, their cock fucking making it so her Naruto's dick slid out of hers no problem as she hopped off the bed and turned towards the door, as Naruto saw her cock sling and drip in between her legs as she looked back at him.

"I'm going to make noodles for breakfast, ok~?" Naruto just nodded as she walked over to the fridge and pulled out two packs of instant ramen and began preparing them as Naruto watched her in shock and silence as he began to think…

What the hell has he gotten himself into?