Not sure about this one but the plot bunny wouldn't leave me alone.

Title: Closure
another: Cindy Ryan
spoilers: 2x11
notes: Another alternate missing scene where Tim gives her the ring

Two days after they'd rescued Lucy Chen from being buried alive Wade Grey found the young officer in his office when he returned from a meeting. It was early afternoon and just before shift change. Wade had kept close tabs on the rookie. What she had endured even a seasoned officer would have repercussions to deal with. A niggle of worry tugged at Grey as he wondered why Lucy was here when she should be home resting. Chen turned from where she'd been standing when he pushed open the door.

"Officer Chen."Grey greeted warmly. "What can I do for you?"

When Lucy didn't respond right away Wade paused in sitting behind his desk to study her. She was pale and her hands clasped tightly in front of her. Brown eyes constantly scanning the area around them through the glass walls of his office. She probably didn't know she was doing it. A pang of sadness hit Wade as he realized just how much of a long road the youth had before her. Grey knew beyond a doubt she'd overcome it with flying colors.

"Lucy?"Wade prompted gently as he sat.

Silence echoed loudly. Wade waited patiently wondering if anyone knew she was here. Lucy looked exhausted; drained. Wade's heart ached for her.

"I'd like to see video of my rescue."Chen requested softly.

"I'm not sure that's..."Grey began gently.

"Particularly Officer Bradford's bodycam."Lucy continued.

"Have a seat, please."Wade suggested gesturing to the visitor's chairs.

Lucy sat stiffly her hands tightly clasped in her lap. Wade knew he had to proceed cautiously.

"Why do you want to see that?"Wade inquired softly.

"I don't remember much. It's all in flashes."Lucy responded tensely. "Thought maybe if I'd bring things back."

"Why would you want to put yourself through that? Why relive it?"Grey asked with concern.

Lucy had been expecting that question. Had prepared how she would answer it. She knew this seemed strange. However, Lucy needed to heal. Needed to move past this. Only way was to claim all her memories, confront them and bury them.

"Closure, Sir."Lucy said simply.

"I'll arrange a room for you."Grey stated as he reached for his desk phone. "It'll take a few minutes to set things up and pull the video."

Lucy let out a relieved breath.

"Thank you."Lucy acknowledged quietly.

Half an hour later Lucy sat in a small conference room on the second floor near Captain Anderson's old office. A laptop sat on the table in front of her. Grey had showed her how to start and stop the video footage. He'd offered to stay with her, but Lucy had refused saying she needed to do this alone. She was fortunate to have such a good man as a commanding officer. Taking a deep breath Lucy reached for the keyboard and clicked play.