Well... It took me a while on fixing chapters. But here it is, and finally... The postponed chapter is here.

Shit. Here we go again...

Song used

"WAR" by grandson

-The Resource Wars II: Pulled-Out Tactics-

The longer it took on the peace talk, for approximately four hours, Amanda was relieved in the end as she finally gained the Enclave it's very own Brotherhood of Steel from the Midwest.

After the meeting ended, all Brotherhood personnel were to proceed directly to Vault 0 for reissuing of Enclave weaponry and were all transported by vertibirds brought by Enclave personnel. She finally got all that she needs for the Enclave's ranks. All that she needs now was to finish her last step against the NCR.

"Foxtrot 4-9 to Vault 0! Code blue! I repeat, code blue! We got more friendlies on our side!"

"Loud and clear, Foxtrot 4-9! We already had ten Mikes on standby for escort once you reach Cheyenne Mountain!"

"Copy that, Vault 0!"

Ignoring the loud chatter on the comms, Amanda only remained in silence as she waited on the way to Vault 0. But as she waited, her mind slowly began to fall into thoughts.

For some reason, she couldn't help but remember Shaun at the very far back of her mind. And out of all the things she's been doing, and out of all of her plans. Shaun just had to interrupt her now. Fuck... It's been so long now since she's been frozen... Perhaps even decades than simply to say years after Shaun was taken from Nate's lifeless arms. She didn't wanted to think about it anymore. In fact... Amanda had already lost on hope. To the point that the Enclave was all that she has left.
Maybe she needed to move on...?

After arriving back and stepping inside Vault 0, Amanda was immediately approached, and greeted by Chuck.

"Good to see you made it back, Commander. Took you quite long."

Amanda shortly frowned before giving a reply.

"As long as it may have taken for me, it was worth it in the end, Chuck. We just got ourselves out very own Brotherhood. The Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel."

"I appreciate you efforts on this one, Commander. Insisting in going on ahead, and do the talking, saved me a lot of time to spare for monitoring Minutemen activities in the Commonwealtha, and mostly, checking up on the Aircraft Carrier."

Amanda folded her arms and simply questioned.

"How's the status of the Carrier?"

"43%, Commander. But we'll be sure to get it done and ready for commission."

Amanda simply nodded. Then noticed several Brotherhood personnel being addressed inside the large Vault.

"I'll leave them to the commanding officers here. Once they're all briefed further about this conflict, I want them all active on duty. As reservists, for now..."

Turning to Chuck, Amanda then added in firm tone.

"But I want them trained with our recruits. As for their issued weapons, I want them issued with Plasma rifles, and laser miniguns. I don't want any personnel issued with weak firepower."

She earned a small nod then a reply.

"Yes, Ma'am. Oh, and we've already had Patriot's recorded playback when he was on California-"

"Not now, Chuck. In fact, we already know where that will lead. To that synth."

"Yeah... And as for Patriot, he'll be done for repair soon, not very soon though but, just soon."

Amanda slowly nodded with a small frown.

"I'm heading off now. You keep things running here for now until I give you a call. When you receive it, bring all of our active Brotherhood personnel with you, and proceed to Freeside."

"What about you, Ma'am?"

"I'll be checking up on Navarro later. But before I leave, I want you to send a private message to the Commonwealth Minutemen. I want Preston Garvey as well as the assigned Minutemen battalion here on New Vegas. Once we're done with the NCR, we'll leave Mojave to them."

Amanda earned a quick salute from Chuck before making her leave then back to Camp Forlorn Hope.

As interesting as it already was about the guidance she's bestowed on the Minutemen, Amanda wasn't really interested into controlling Mojave. Though, the resources it has was beneficial, it was only fair to order the Minutemen to run New Vegas freely. Though, it's not out of corruption... But perhaps manipulation was safer to say.

But as she waited to arrive back at the camp, Amanda couldn't help but worry about the alliance at the Commonwealth. Though, she didn't care if the USAF and Maxson's Brotherhood were on alliance, but could she bring herself to let her own soldiers be a part of it?

Amanda bitterly frowned. She disliked that.

She may have helped the USAF before because of a sudden hope for the military, but ever since the USAF chose not to integrate into the Enclave's name, that hope in Amanda vanished. It was only then a matter of time for Amanda to realize how wrong she was unfreezing the optimistic military. Though, it was at first potential to use them as soldiers -Minus General Ward as its leader- but it was still ridiculous to have a pre-war military in the middle of a post apocalyptic age... How could they be so stupid to think backwards...

As she finally arrived back at Camp Forlorn Hope, Amanda immediately hopped off her Liberty power armor at the maintenance tent before heading to the communications center.


Greeted a soldier with a salute.

Giving a slight nod, Amanda simply walked past the soldier before initiating a live radio frequency to all active Enclave divisions in the Commonwealth. She was definitely not going to allow an alliance to happen without her say so. Not especially when a doppelgänger is on the lose, ruining her name and her military reputation.

A small buzz an click sounded on the mic, Amanda cleared her throat shortly and began in firm tone.

"Attention. This is Commander Amanda Amani. Your real Commander. As I expected, all of you had been briefed about the long communication silence..."

She cleared her throat again, then slowly continued.

"I want to make this clear. The synth who's recently infiltrated the ranks during my absence, is a sign of compromise to our military. I am broadcasting this live frequency to your respective divisions to give you all a fair warning to minimize trust on outsiders temporarily for the time being. I will not afford personnel being persuaded into joining the wrong side of the Enclave. Keep in mind. WE ARE ENCLAVE. We do not tolerate governmental lies and bullshit. No propaganda. And we had long buried patriotism with the bastards who caused the Great War. To hell with all of them.

As to all personnel hearing this live message... Know who you enlisted to serve for. Your loyalty is what I value. Not your strength. Not your abilities. But your LOYALTY. You're all soldiers. Not government agents. I give you all orders to shoot, carry out field tasks, operations and military campaigns. Not orders to hide in bunkers, abduct civilians and conduct experiments while especially spewing out propaganda."

Amanda paused before taking a deep breath and letting herself continue.

"I don't give a fuck to whoever thinks that we're the same Enclave they hate. I could keep my temper in a bit of control. But if there are anyone -Or anyone else in particular does speak anything against our military side in the Enclave, they are to be seen as oppressors. And in full authority, you are authorized to arrest whoever those oppressors are -If retaliation is applied, use deadly force.

We may never know if they're synth espionage, so minimize trust on outsiders, continue your operations and defend our divisions there in the Commonwealth. At all and any costs."

Amanda stopped. Wait... Was this the right time to say it? Of course... No one's stopping her anyway... Or... No one can stop her from saying at all.

"And one last thing... Airbase and Castle divisions. You've done me proud by your independent decisions to maintain operational during the communications blackout. But now that we're reunited again I'm communication again, I give you all a fully strict order to cease the temporary alliance with the USAF and the Brotherhood of Steel, such as minor negotiations, joint operations etc. Our alliance is only in within the Minutemen. Nothing more, nothing less."

Amanda noticed several operatives on the communications center all staring at her, with approving looks. Surpringly for her, Amanda was just relieved at least that she's spared from stress that she wasn't the only one being cautious. Amanda liked that.

Clearing her throat one last time, Amanda continued to finish her live message.

"Your orders I'm sending forth are:

1. Perform daily aerial patrols around settlements every twelve hours a day -Routinely have six vertibirds scattered on aerial patrol every night, thirty feet above settlements.

2. Secure any old military bunkers slash checkpoints -Mainly to secure more firepower slash bunkers for use of checkpoints for vertibirds stop for those on aerial patrol.

3. Leave all minor conflicts and crimes to the Minutemen Military Police -An order shall be sent forth to all active Minutemen branches there on the Commonwealth.

4. Any outsiders are no longer allowed to pass anywhere near the airbase -I want to have all accessible routes to the airbase closed as possible while in my absence to ensure firm security of the airbase division-AI personnel must be assigned once all routes are closed. Use words and formal speaking to any trespassers. If said trespassers are carrying any sort of weapon -especially if retaliated- emmidiate execution is permitted.

5. Do not allow any Brotherhood of Steel under Elder Arthur Maxson access to any Enclave secured territories -'Donate' them less advanced pre war technology if necessary to prevent any tension.

But if regarding any sort of Brotherhood demand for advanced technology under Enclave possession, Brotherhood of Steel personnel or unit are to be labeled as shoot on sight."

Amanda finally finished. She said what she wanted to say, but just to make sure...

"One final thing... We will remain our troops issued with the X0 power armors for our AIs, human and non feral personnel. We will not have any changes on our army issue equipments -Other than progressing to advance our technologies- All former Enclave remnants under command of 'Colonel Amani' shall all be pursued and dealt with accordingly.

So if you see any Enclave personnel wearing advance power armor Mark I and IIs, they are labeled as kill on sight -You will all be provided information about the Mark I and IIs by your issued code books.

These are hard, trying times. But as we've toughen on our own obstacles, I put faith in you all to trust me on my standing orders and decisions. And for now, remain strong and independent as you all are while in my absence there. But in time, my Enclave. We will all be reunited again.

This is Commander Amanda Amani, signing off."

Of course... She had to add that... She wasn't soft like Nate. But at least she released a heavy damn weight off her shoulders-

"Commander, we got private frequency coming from the Castle division currently on the line."

A communications operative suddenly interrupted. Great, now what...

Amanda frowned shortly but tried to calm down before approaching another desk with another mic.

putting the headphone one, Amanda then spoke through the mic.

"This is Commander Amani speaking."

"Amanda. I uh... Heard your live broadcaster message. And I'm pretty sure every personnel we have got the message, too..."

Amanda mentally cursed with a bitter frown. Piper...

"Your orders stand, Piper. No USAF. No Brotherhood of Steel. I expect you to follow your orders, Lieutenant."

"I understand blue-"

"Dammit! Will you ever quit calling me that? Need I remind you that I'm higher on rank than you, Piper. You respect me like how you respect Patriot!"

"I'm sorry... Won't call you that again, promise."

Amanda rolled her eyes before roughly questioning.

"What is it now that you called."

Rather in demand despite her managed calm tone, Amanda impatiently waited for a reply.

"Well... I was worried... You know... Having the ex Brotherhood of Steel members on our side... But, I'm not implying I'm worried about them. What I mean is-"

"You're worried about my thoughts?"

There was a pause on the line but then Amanda decided to interrupt to add.

"I wanted to give an order to kill that synth on our ranks. Danse-"

"Amanda he's a good soul- Well... Synths really don't have souls -No offense to Nick- but still... Danse is a good person. He's saved lives at Concord when the Wanderer attacked. He and Haylen even worked well with Patriot on defending Concord."

Amanda rubbed her temples softly before silly replying with a frown on her face.

"I just said part of my thoughts, Piper. Do you really need to overreact?"

"I'm just stating facts, Amanda... Anyways... We still got investigations running by the Railroad about Patriot-"

"Don't worry about Patriot. Give an order to Desdemona to have all of our Railroad agents focused on keeping eyes out for any synth spies."

"Wait... Is Patriot with you? Amanda, can I talk to him?"

Amanda bitterly frowned and sighed.

"No. He's in critical condition. He confronted Colonel Amani on his own. I'd rather not get into details. But all I'm telling you is that he arrived here safely, right now, he's being taken care of and would soon be ready for duty once I say so."

"Colonel Amani... I knew it was too good to be true..."

"Do you expect anyone else other than that to do such a thing, Piper?"

"Honestly... No... But... How are you taking this? A synth double, carrying your name, wearing your face and bearing the Enclave's name?"

Amanda took a moment with frown before responding.

"I want to nuke the Capital. But..."

She paused... Wait, what for-

"I... Think you got a point on what you said. Don't worry. I... Won't make the wasteland any worse than it already is. But don't blame me if the synth does anything that I wouldn't."


"You actually listened to me for once... Well, I'm glad. What about the Brotherhood here? Shoot on sight if the demand for our technology? Amanda I think that's a little too far..."

Amanda shortly frowned her teeth.

"Only IF they demand for our technology. I did said to give them pre war technology. Old pre war tech if necessary to prevent any tension. But if they demand for our property, that's a different story. You know what I mean, Piper. Besides. I'm just placing them right where they should be. The Enclave is the direct descendant of the corrupted United States government -Despite being dispersed from its original ideals. So technically we have all rights to be in control on such things like valuable and advanced possessions.

But for once, Piper. Listen to me. I'm not manipulating you. But telling you what actually makes sense why we're doing this."

She heard Piper sigh through the line before a response.

"To be the only military descendant of the pre war Government?"

"Close enough. But in all honesty, I don't care if there are other military cults slash organizations existing. So long as they know their place. The Enclave would always come first at the very top. Not any other. Not the Brotherhood of Steel. Especially not the United States Armed Forces. NOT anymore. We don't need green sticks mindlessly venturing the rebuilt society with the ideals of the Old World."

She heard another sigh from Piper through the line before a response came.

"I understand... To be honest, the others here are overjoyed to hear from you again. And surprise, surprise. They're approving to your orders. But instead of the ceasing of a temporary alliance, all of our soldiers are still concerned about Colonel Amani and the Government side of the Enclave. It's clearly the every front page of the papers. And no, I already quit my old job for my new career, if you're wondering. You just can't stop others starting to become reporters after Mcdonough's exposure..."

Amanda hated that.

"If the press is starting to revive on its own then tell them 'No comment' whenever you see any reporter, and as for any hostile, aim the other end of the barrel then pull the trigger. You're trained to shoot, Piper, for god's sake."

"Hey, I'm just trying to minimize casualties, Amanda. We had to spend a week burning piles and piles of NCR corpses and their cheap gears. People here are terrified enough already and surprisingly, the press gets out even more on what truth is actually happening here in the Commonwealth regarding conflicts. Which increases more worry than curiosity. "

Amanda frowned before rubbing her temples shortly.

"Thought you'd say that... Go set up a meeting discussing the conflicts. Minor ones to bigger ones, as well as the Brotherhood of Steel. But if the Brotherhood does demand for our technology, and it happens to come from their Elder, let me know and I'll settle it by erasing the Brotherhood High Council at California.:

"I understand but c'mon... Killing their High Elders? Are you even- Oh right... You got Outcasts doing the dirty job... It's not that I doubt you can erase them simply, but please, Amanda. Just don't. We'll handle the problems here in the Commonwealth while you're gone, and see if we can put a solution on keeping our properties safe.

I'll definitely have to set up a conference meeting for this..."

Amanda rubbed her temples with an irritated sigh. Clearly, she had to listen to Piper for this once aside from nuking DC... Of course... Piper knows how to catch people's best interests at heart. And if she wants the people to be calm at least even by little by the presence of the Enclave, then she might as well listen to Piper. Even though she disliked that.

"Before I end this call, Piper. I need to ask about the Brotherhood of Steel members on our ranks. They're from different divisions and one of them came from the Capital. How is the status?"

"You're referring to ex Brotherhood Sentinel Sarah Lyons about the other. It went kinda shocking for Danse and mostly for Haylen at first seeing her in the airbase. It's a long story, but I can get a copy of Sarah's file booked to you to know more of her, as well as Danse and Haylen's. Though, if it's mostly about Sarah, it's not my place to tell, especially when she just lost her son Owen to the hands of the Enclave under Colonel Amani..."

Amanda slowly sighed before slowly giving a reply.

"Alright. But I want to ask. What does Danse and Haylen think of the other ex Brotherhood? Did you told them sooner?"

There was quite a pause before a response from Piper.

"They couldn't believed it at first when I told them. But when they finally met in the training, Sarah insisted to distance herself from the two. Though, Danse and Haylen mean well. But they're showing promising performances as the drill sergeants told me. They actually graduated with 11th batch of recruits in this reopening for recruitment, with Sarah being transferred here on the Castle division."

It was something that Amanda was against. But the fact that the Enclave now has Brotherhood of Steel of its own... Then, she might as well allow ex Brotherhood personnel into their ranks? After all, she honestly didn't care about biographies. She cared about loyalty.

"So long as loyalty isn't an issue, Piper. I have no problem. I'm... Putting trust on you keeping them in line."

Amanda almost choked on the last part of he statement. And somehow, she felt strange saying the word trust.

"That means a lot, Amanda. Really... But you can count on me. I've already taken them under my wing and I trust them too. Anyways, can you tell Patriot I said hi?"

"There isn't time for that, Piper."

"Let me guess... You're busy again?"

Amanda frowned.

"A lot of things, important things I have to finish right now. I'm gonna end this call now. Follow your orders and keep the three others in line."

"Of course, Amanda. It's nice to talk to you again."

Amanda didn't replied as she ended the line. How 'smooth' their chatter went. Only then, Amanda wasn't into such a distraction, or any for that kind of matter.

But for some little fucking reason...

She felt quite uneasy with Piper's overreacted defense for Danse. She disliked that. Wait what?

Amanda bitterly frowned. Was she... Jealous?

'No. Amanda... DON'T.'

Amanda mentally cursed. Shit...

Trying her hardest to turn down the thought, Amanda made her way back to her office. Of course... Personal thoughts cannot be spoken mentally...

She wasn't sure, but she was sure at the same time. Perhaps, it's Piper on what she wasn't sure of. Though her decisions were clearly well thought of, but what of Piper?

She really killed her career of being a reporter into a ranking Enclave officer. Amanda really disliked that, but on the other end of Piper's decision gave her a career that she was actually good at as an Enclave Lieutenant. It was quite impressing indeed, yet Amanda wasn't sure if she would like that...

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:::Officer's Personal Logs:::

:::LOG 6: Seriously, Amanda ?:::

:::Date: 26 September:::

Year: 2287

I am quite not sure how to fully think this through due to this little thought about Piper . I am worried, though . But I'm not implying that I'm being worried about the Commonwealth Enclave divisions . I know the loyalty of my men there, as the ones that are here with me .

But speaking of loyalty . . . Do I want Piper's loyalty ? Minutemen reports mainly from the Commonwealth branches stated Piper's contribution for the joint Enclave-Minutemen siege gainst the NCR at Quincy . I never really liked thinking about that one Minutemen report from Master Sergeant Ronnie Shaw . And what I never liked was the splinter members from the Brotherhood of Steel either . But I might look into each backgrounds of these ex Brotherhood soldiers, which isn't much of a problem .

But what remains as my main concern is Piper . . .

She seems to have dedicated her own abilities, and loyalty to the Enclave . For what ? For me ? Should I be flattered ? Perhaps not . . . I know this isn't the pre-war anymore . And same sex relationships are no longer seen as illegal . But that is not the point .

The point is getting something in return from it .

Like Nate .

Personal Note: Yes . I DO quite admire Piper . . . And I found her knack for bringing the truth out for the public quite a noble outlook . Her courage to speak against the corruption that stains the Commonwealth from the filthy -The Institute- is indeed quite relating to my past career about being a lawyer 210 years ago . . . Fighting for what's right . . .

It's what I find Piper quite admiring . . .

But I'm worried that maybe Nick was right about Piper caring THAT much . But could I really bring myself into something like what I once had with Nate ? I made an oath to myself since the day reformed the Enclave at the Commonwealth . I will never look at another man ever again . But . . . What does it make Piper if I'd look at her THAT way ? A distraction ? Temporary circumstance ? It might only affect her career and performance, which is unprofessional in the Enclave . We are service men and women . The Enclave's military priorities is what comes first than personal problems . . .

-Do NOT fall for this, Amanda . This isn't about Nate anymore . It's about the ENCLAVE .

But maybe . When there's finally some time to reopen to someone, I can give it a chance . After all . . . This isn't about Nate anymore . . . I'm just glad that the Enclave is only a name . Less worry of jealousy coming from it .


Amanda saved her entry. She did admitted it to herself now. But, she didn't wanted the Enclave to be left out. For her, maybe the Enclave isn't just a name and organization, but also like a sentient thing. But Amanda just didn't wanted to feel like she's cheating on the Enclave. She hated that.

Yet, this wasn't about Nate. But what about Shaun?

Amanda sat quietly for a while minute in silence. She's given up trying to find Shaun... What was there for her? Should she still waste her time trying to find her son that she wasn't even sure if he's still even alive?

The Vault Tec representative was right 210 years ago. Time is precious commodity. Indeed it is. Her time is precious commodity. But, to waste it on finding Shaun when she already has the Enclave where her fondness lies, she completely replaced Nate with the Enclave. Maybe she even had replaced Shaun with her power and influence... As well as the groups she had adopted into the Enclave's name. Which automatically makes her being the main leader of all divisions under the Enclave If not mother for the matter, of course...

'I need to focus... Forget Nate. Forget Shaun... This isn't about them... For now. It's not about them.'

Amanda mentally said to herself. She made a choice to be with the Enclave now. But it will definitely feel like cheating if she further sees Piper that way... But then again, the Enclave is a non-sentient organization. Amanda bitterly frowned.

Although it's very rare for her, but she does feel lonely sometimes...

She really needs to think this through regarding Piper... As for Nate... His frozen corpse can wait even for decades more before he can be given vengeance for his murder... And for Shaun... Should she really need to find Shaun? Amanda pondered for a moment. She has everything she needed now in this Wasteland. But then again... She promised Nate to get Shaun back.

Even if she no longer wants to...


Amanda was immediately startled by the sound of minigun and the sound of plasma gunfire. Fuck...

Stepping out of her tent with a murderous look on her face, Amanda saw NCR vertibirds. Approximately nine vertibirds dropping T-45d suited NCR personnel with CZ75 Avenger miniguns. Fucking rats...

With all of her armed personnel getting into action, Amanda simply walked past the groups of AIs and human personnel rushing in to the fight to defend Camp Forlorn Hope.

She was in no mood for this. But to keep her mind away from what she was privately thinking... This will suffice.

Suited in her Liberty power armor, and armed with a laser minigun, Amanda simply joined the defense which wasn't really much as her soldiers easily took control of the situation. Only thing was that there was a sight of charging NCR soldiers with service rifles, all charging in with suppressed fire. A very tempting sight to mini nuke at. But not on her territory...

"Laser miniguns on front!"

Amanda simply commanded while firing her own laser minigun at a T-45d suited NCR soldier who was unfortunate enough to get on her sights.

"Press forward!"

Amanda raised a brow under her helmet. But turning her head over to her far right, Amanda saw Colonel Moore in full NCR gear, and armed with an Anti-Material rifle. Amanda mentally began shaking her head in dismissal. She was really in no mood for this...

"Commander, our heavy troopers are in position!"

Amanda didn't turned to the soldier who quickly informed her but gave a simple reply.

"Open fire."


Amanda simply walked away from her personnel and began to simple fire her laser minigun at the incoming NCR personnel while slowly making her way toward the NCR Colonel.

It took her a few more seconds as she simply focused gunning down the unfortunate soldiers while leaving the rest to her own to finish off until-


A missed shot. Nearly a foot near her was a high caliber round.

Amanda simply turned her head to face Colonel Moore aiming an Anti-Material rifle at her. Amanda scoffed with her laser minigun already aimed.

"Go on, woman. And we'll see who will be dropped dead on the ground. Unless you're lucky I spare you..."

"The NCR Will not fall from your tyrannical rule! Your corruption that stains New Vegas-!"

"Tyrannical? Corruption? Theoretically... It's the NCR here that consumes the resources of the weak by through annexation. Something similar to how the pre-war scums called US Government eaten out pre-war Canada by annexation. You might want to look back on a brief history before you speak your words out, Colonel Cassandra Moore. But clearly you can't..."

Amanda paused as she took a step forward, even alarming the NCR Colonel by intently aiming the high caliber rifles at her head now. Amanda only snorted.

"... Your all just the same, illiterate, Wastelanders. Perhaps... That's why the Enclave even wanted to wipe you all out in the first place. You ignorant, greedy, filthy savages are the ones that stain this Wasteland. Too bad, I don't share their ideals. But I do agree with them on one thing..."

Amanda stopped. Her hands gripping her laser minigun tightly as she stared at the Colonel who was now starting to shake visibly at her murderous stare.

"Some of you are indeed unpure. The NCR being one of them. Not by radiation. But by greed. I agree perhaps to kill the unpure like you, and your fellow unpure brethren of greedy scums."

Amanda simply fired her laser minigun in suppressed fire and but to see Colonel Moore immediately dodging before her laser fire even hit, Amanda stayed on her spot as she gunned down the Colonel, who was now hiding behind a crate.

"President Kimball will send more reinforcements! This isn't the end! The Enclave! Especially the Minutemen will be erased-!'

"The people of California showed no objections to President Kimball's public execution, Colonel Moore. The Outcast now has him under Minutemen detainment."

Amanda stopped firing, and dropped her laser minigun.

"Ironic... The New California Republic, a misguided whore that annexes territories would soon be annexed by the Enclave. But don't worry, Cassandra. The people here on the west coast would definitely love to live as free-willed individuals. Away from your greed, and expansion."

She heard the Colonel snorting loud.

"You can't save lives just to make a change on anything! Whatever you do, you'll always be the same threat as you were-!"

Amanda scoffed.

"Who says I was intending to save New Vegas? I'm only here to kill every last one of the NCR, to ensure my Oil Rig is safe. Do I have to specifically explain why the Minutemen chased you all the way to California?"

She didn't got a response. But the shadow due to the glaring sun above showed the Colonel was still there listening. Amanda slowly began shaking her head.

"It's time to run not only California, and New Vegas but the west coast under Minutemen ideals. The bear is soon to be sentenced to execution, at a minute's notice."

Amanda simply charged at the crate before smashing her metal fists down, destroying the crate.


To see Colonel Moore started and stumbled back on the ground, Amanda met the barrel of the Anti-Material rifle, but quickly yanked it away then grabbing the Colonel by her neck before lifting her up.

"I should just kill right now. Do you know how much time you've costed me? But then again... You made things easier for me by going here yourself..."

"You... Can't... WIN-UGHLCK!"

Amanda simply tightened her grip on the woman's neck, and to see Colonel Moore trying to pry her metal hand off her neck frantically, Amanda tilted her head to her side shortly before responding.

"Tell me. Do you have a family? A woman like you so dedicated to serve the NCR... Quite interesting... But then again... I've killed both men, and women serving the NCR. So, the only question I should ask is... Are you willing to die for the NCR? Because clearly, every soldier is bound to die for his and her nation. And the NCR is quite a nation of it's own in the Wasteland."

Amanda tightened her grip further, and to see the Colonel's face slightly turning purple, Amanda simply slammed her on the ground with a loud thud despite the ongoing gunfire.

Watching down as Colonel Moore coughed on the ground with a cry in pain. Amanda simply added.

"You're very lucky, you know that? You're very lucky indeed... That I was not in the mood when you just stormed my territory. Apparently... Perhaps... I'll make you an exception. You, and that Courier. I'll let the Minutemen deal with you."

Amanda stared down with Colonel Moore staring back up at her. Amanda could tell now by the eyes of the Colonel that she was starting to panic.

"General Oliver never informed you I suppose. That the NCR at California has fallen from the Enclave's endless rains of mini nukes, Minutemen mortars and Outcast pursuers. Your political leaders there were given a scheduled public execution once we kill General Oliver. New Vegas is all that's left. And you know now on how this is going to end..."

Amanda saw a fully disturbed, and grimacing look on the Colonel. Amanda frowned shorty, but then added as she noticed the gunfire all around the Camp was becoming more less.

"You are going to be an exception indeed. But no. I won't crucify you. Perhaps... Put you behind bars... Hmm... Too pre-war... But that's better than nothing. Only thing is, I'll leave that to the Minutemen to deal with the likes of you. "

"Why... Why are you doing this? If you will kill my men... Then kill me-!"

Amanda placed her hands behind her back before giving a small reply.

"I want you to suffer while hearing all of your men being slaughtered. You are not the first active in service that I've sentenced to prison. But... I will make sure that you will be the last. I'd rather keep it neutrally balanced. Nothing more, nothing less."

She watched as Colonel stared at her confused. Amanda hated that.

"Courier... Where's the Courier-"

There was a long pause. Amanda wordlessly raised a brow under her helmet as she watched the Colonel looked down on the ground. Her hands clenching into fists shortly before taking a deep breath.

"Spare... Spare the Courier... He's done a lot that the NCR can't repay services for..."

Amanda tilted her head to her side shortly.

"And why should I do that?"

She simply questioned.

She didn't get a response however, as she only watched the Colonel staring down on the ground.

"I think I get what you mean. Hmm... I can arrange that... But you will have to give me what he can't in exchange..."

She earned the attention of the Colonel who looked back up to her. A look of guilt clearly showed on her face.

The sight of dozens of NCR personnel being brutally gunned down, screams of horror, and agony was the only thing that could be heard other than plasma gunfire. AIs, and human personnel slowly began rushing at her, aiming guns down at Colonel Moore as they slowly surrounded.

Amanda refocused back on the Colonel. Clearly, she had a look of guilt as she stared back up to her.

"If this is how it is... I'll... I'll... Tell you what I know... Where the technology are... Just spare my men. And spare Courier..."

Amanda raised a brow again. She didn't needed to manipulate or torture this woman to sell out. She in fact, sold herself out for her soldiers, and even the Courier... But Amanda didn't care what was going on with Colonel Moore. She just wanted the technology for the Minutemen to posses. Then to deal with General Oliver.

Ah, the good old humane feeling... Amanda disliked that.

"Commander. What should we do with her?"

Amanda simply turned her head to the soldier that asked, before simply gesturing down at Colonel Moore.

"Take her to the brig. She's sold out to us now."

With a crisp nod, the soldier immediately grabbed the NCR Colonel before dragging her away. Plasma rifles still focused at Colonel Moore.

Watching the sight of NCR strays getting killed, Amanda turned to her head to see bodies getting dragged out of the camp, while a few already getting set on fire.

"Commander, we've pursued the NCR vertibirds. We've also sent a small recon unit to retrace their steps. See if they actually came directly from Camp McCarran."

Amanda turned her attention to another soldier that spoke. Frowning, she began to slowly shake her head.

"Call them back. I've got things settled."

"Yes, Commander."

With that, Amanda simply walked past several corpses being dragged away.

Hopping out of her power armor, she was then interrupted by another soldier who approached her.

"Ma'am, we've contacted Navarro, and Vault 0."

Amanda frowned shortly before giving a reply.

"Have Navarro stand down. Reinforcements at Vault 0 are to proceed at Freeside as planned, and I want all personnel -Midwest Brotherhood- to be present. I don't want them to feel getting left out on all this."

Amanda earned a nod before dismissing the soldier.

Heading to the communications center, Amanda routed communication to the Commonwealth. But, Amanda was very hesitant at first. Fuck... This was nothing personal. So how hard could it be?

Deciding to activate an online frequency, Amanda put the signal on private link.

"This is Amanda Amani. Your Commander."

"Captain Rufus. Castle division, Commander!"

Amanda took a pause for a moment. She was very hesitant, but it was better sooner than later...

"Commander? Ma'am?"

Amanda frowned shortly before responding.

"I need 1st Lieutenant Piper Wright on the line. It's important..."

"Yes, Ma'am! Right away!"

Amanda took a deep breath. She needed to calm down.

"Amanda. The Captain said you wanted to speak to me?"

Amanda bitterly frowned to hear Piper's voice. But, she needed to calm down.

"Piper... I... Wanted to talk to you. It's about, the Minutemen."

"You called in private just for the Minutemen? Um... Okay..?"

Amanda mentally cursed. This is already unprofessional.

"I just wanted to know how are things with the Minutemen?"

"Oh... Well... Were doing great with them. Can't blame them if they're not comfortable with the USAF, and Maxson's Brotherhood, though."

Amanda only sighed. Maybe this wasn't a good idea... Was it?

"And I'm hoping I'm not one to be blamed for their judgement toward the other factions..."

"Amanda I'm not thinking of anything line that. But I do blame Preston when things are kind of a little wacky with them here at times. He's still useless."

Amanda liked that. Wait. What the fuck?

She managed a small smile on her face. Maybe she's taken this a little far now. This is just very unprofessional now...

"I will have him relocated here at New Vegas once its cleared of NCR."

"And how would that even work out? Aren't you leaving once you're done there? Or... You'll have Preston under strict supervision?"

Amanda shortly rubbed her temples before responding.

"Yes, Piper. I'll have Preston under strict supervision. But..."

Amanda took a pause. She just had to stop there.

Maybe she's taken this 'Talk' too far now...

"Piper. Maybe we should change the subject. This..."

"This isn't about the Minutemen, huh?"

Amanda took a long pause. She didn't wanted to admit, but it really wasn't about the Minutemen. This wasn't about any at all.

"Amanda, is there something wrong?"

Amanda sighed irritably before clearing her throat. She needs to clear this up somehow... To reduce some weight, hopefully.

"Commander. Captain Finley's been contacted. Our reservists are already on their way to Freeside, Ma'am."

Amanda bitterly frowned at the interruption. But nodding her head she let the operative to give the response to Chuck.

"Reservists? Amanda? Is something... Are you up to something again?"

Hearing Piper still on the comm, Amanda pinched the bridge of her nose before sighing and giving a hesitant response.

"I've adopted another splinter Brotherhood of Steel. They now serve the Enclave."

"Another Brotherhood of Steel!? Wait, wait, wait... Of what kind? Where from? Um, what are their roles in the Enclave?"

Amanda held back rolling her eyes but gave a vague response.

"Just think about these words, Piper: I miss you."

"Wait- What? Amanda-"

Amanda immediately ended the private online frequency.

Perhaps leaving Piper distracted by her words would be wise...?

Honestly, she does.. Miss Piper's loud voice...

"Commander. Our reinforcements are headed to Freeside, Ma'am. Captain Finley will meet up with you there in a few hours."

Reported the same operator. But Amanda just simply nodded.

"Very well. But I want Colonel Moore for interrogation. Now."

"Yes, Commander. Right away. But what about Courier Six?"

Amanda took a moment of pause shortly.

"While he's at our custody, put him on prison."

"And Colonel Moore, Ma'am?"

"Same process once done interrogating. But once the Minutemen manages New Vegas, we will leave all fragments of the NCR ranks to them. Either they sentence public execution of imprisonment etc. I don't care. It's their responsibility once they take over here after us. We're not noble, but we're not butchers either."

Amanda finished before walking out of the communications center. She just wanted to clear her intentions for the people now. But her main intentions was the resources the Enclave rightfully owns.

'I need to clear things up now... For my sake.'

But it wasn't really for her... For the Enclave maybe? For Piper?

Amanda really needed to clear things up not only at New Vegas... She needs to clear up some space in her mind...

But once New Vegas s done, then perhaps she could deal with Appalachia next. Then head back to the Commonwealth. But then what? Colonel Amani? Find Shaun?

Or maybe one step at a time...

'Don't think about Piper... Not now... You'll get back to he- The Commonwealth... Just not so soon...'

Walking to her tent, Amanda sat for a moment.

It was was getting too obvious now when thinking about the NCR just earlier. They were getting desperate. Even sending Colonel Moore on this failed attempted liberation of theirs? It was just too obvious.

But perhaps, dealing with the NCR would be wise to think of for now...

But deep down, Amanda just wanted to be over it. So she can deal with Pi- Appalachia, it's nukes, territory, and establish communication there. She just couldn't look back at the Commonwealth filled with low budgeted military organizations...

But maybe at the far back of her plans, her promise on Nate can be dealt with. Maybe put Shaun postponed but keep the promise to Nate on the last. But... Nate was no longer with her. He's gone... At least his frozen corpse back at Vault 111 can be able to wait even longer than anything.

As cold as it is but that's just how she will put it on the back of her plans.

Looking at her reflection on her terminal, Amanda fixed her long brunette hair. She frowned. Could she ever blame herself for being a woman despite lacking time for such like this?

She wouldn't deny it, still. But she really can't blame herself either...

With her long brunette hair braided for now, Amanda took a deep breath before trying to keep herself calm.

She was always gorgeous. But she couldn't help but think about how she little admired Piper. Amanda bitterly frowned. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to admit that Piper is quite attractive. Amanda liked that. But at the same time... She disliked that.


"Be calm, Amanda. Be calm."

Amanda quietly whispered. But trying to keep herself calmed down, Amanda inhaled deeply before looking at her reflection one last time on the terminal.

'You're fine, Amanda. You're fine...'

Amanda mentally thought before standing up.

Seeing dozens of soldiers all around, and moving, Amanda decided to remain calm before ordering an informer to gather all of her field commanders for a meeting.

After quite some time. Amanda stood in front of a long wooden table, all around sat her field commanding officers.

Doing a quick headcount, Amanda let out a sigh of relief before clearing her throat, and began.

"This won't take long. But I've gathered you all here to announce about our dealings on confrontation with he NCR. We've been tangoed on this land for top long now. We've spent more than enough time, and we can't afford to spend more of it. Not especially now when there's a synth impostor using my name and influence into the Enclave.

I am sure you've all been debriefed about the, inner problem within our name in the Enclave."

She watched as all heads gave nods. Amanda mentally sighed before continuing.

"I won't take up much of your time, considering all of you still have duties to perform for the day. So, I will get straight to the point.

Our reservists are already on their way to Freeside. And there, we will rendezvous with them before finishing our preparations."

Amanda paused. Her green, piercing eyes began landing on each officer on the large tent.

"Ladies, and gentlemen. We will storm Camp McCarran, and take over the entire NCR camp. Until all is nothing but small fragments of the NCR. Any questions?"

Heads shaking in response. There were none. Amanda was so pleased. She liked that.

"And one last thing."

Amanda hesitantly added. She was so against this... But, just why the fuck not?

"We will have to spare any NCR personnel as possible. IF. Possible. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Just why the fuck not indeed... For Piper...?

With all officers being dismissed, Amanda let out a huge sigh of hesitance.

'I'll have to notify Chuck once I'm on Freeside...'

She mentally thought with a frown before walking out of the large tent.

Within the next hour, everything was half prepared, then came flying over to Freeside...

As she got out of the vertibird to Amanda was immediately approached by a soldier.

"Commander, we got our troops already informed. But what about Patriot, Ma'am?"

Sighing shortly, Amanda decided to give a limited reply.

"Transfer Patriot to Vault 0. I want him to be fully repaired there."

"Yes, Ma'am. We will have him transferred right away."

Amanda gave a small nod.

"As long as he recovers. Tell our technicians not to allow him to leave."

"Understandable, Commander. You only care for his well-being."

Amanda wore a hesitant look on her face by the response.

"I just promoted him to Brigadier General. I just want to make sure that our key personnel is well taken care of."

Amanda hesitantly said. But deep down, Patriot was important to her as they both started running the Enclave... It was only fair to care secretly...

With a nod recieved in response, Amanda dismissed the soldier.

Although she just didn't like admitting things, but she does care for those who's been loyal to her... Shit reminds her of that Remnant Captain. Judah Kreger.

Like Judah, loyalty means a lot to Amanda, and as far as she could see, Patriot had been the most loyal to her, with Chuck being second.

But could she bear to think about the others she thinks of? Amanda frowned shortly. Piper...

But in the end. She couldn't help but snicker herself mentally.

Of course. She left Piper with her only response for the woman to ponder of.

The could be a good a way to leave Piper occupied for a bit more...

As she was walking around while checking up on the Outcast personnel, Amanda was a bit surprised to see Arcade Gannon immediately approaching her. Great...

"Words are spreading. Seriously. Are you really going to do this?"

Amanda raised a brow with bitter frown.

"If this is about the NCR, we have things under control. Just back off."

"Hey, first of all. I have nothing against you, or anything. But I just don't want anymore casualties. Even most people don't want that either.

Heck, it's rather disturbing than a surprise when late rumours even spread about the NCR being annexed at California by this Minutemen.

Just how long, and how many more lives has to pay just to end this settled conflict with the NCR?"

Amanda firmly folded her arms before giving a bitter response.

"Until we make sure that everything that is NCR is wiped out. We may plan to spare soldiers to sentence to imprisonment, but we will leave them to the Minutemen once were done here on New Vegas. You should be thankful that I'm making arrangements to minimize casualties, Arcade."

Amanda watched as Arcade sighed. Rather, irritated.

"If that's the only way... I mean... No person is as such perfect anyway. People had, and have done things probably worse."

Amanda sighed shortly before giving a simple reply.

"The Enclave once did terrible things. Just be glad we don't snatch people to conduct experiments on.

Were no Government like the Enclave your father once served."

"I know... I'm just worried... Things are finally looking up but... Please. Just don't ruin it. What you're doing here? You're doing people a favor. Freeing them from the Bear.

I'm just trying to point out not to abuse your power... That's all."

Amanda frowned.

"And I look abusive?"

"No, that's not what I'm implying. I'm just... Trying to remind you not to follow the same things my father, and his unit did back when... People suffered already to suffer more, and more. I know I'm just a civilian to you in all this, but please. Do take my word for it. I can tell you're still a good person, especially when you did me that huge favor bringing the Remnants here? Telling you this is the least I could do to express how grateful I am from what you did."

Amanda sighed almost a little irritably. But then gave a simple response.

"I won't promise anything. But once you hear any news about Camp McCarran. We only did it to protect what belongs to the Enclave. What belongs to the Enclave that the NCR is trying to take."

Amanda watched Arcade as he sighed before getting a nod in response.

"Go take care of the sick, Arcade. Your acquaintance is needed by them not the Enclave."

She earned a small frown from Arcade before a final nod.

After hours of preparation at Freeside, Amanda was approached by a soldier.

"Commander. Colonel Moore has given the location of the technology the NCR stored away. "

"Send extraction teams to retrieve all of it. I don't want to hear any more about that woman. Just retrieve the technology."

"Yes, Ma'am. Oh, and Captain Finley has arrived with our Brotherhood reservists, Ma'am."

Amanda mentally cursed before giving the soldier a dismissing nod.

To see Chuck along with dozens of Brotherhood soldiers in advanced Brotherhood power armor, Amanda immediately walked up to the aged Outcast Captain.

"I do suppose our reservists were already briefed?'

Amanda immediately asked right away.

"Yes, Commander. And I was told about Patriot as well."

Amanda sighed shortly before giving a response.

"I want him no part of this. We started this without him. We will finish this without him, and besides... He's been through enough."

Amanda earned a small nod before a response.

"I understand, Commander. But now that we're here, and all set. Ready to follow orders, Ma'am."

"We need to minimize casualties. I kind of made a word..."

Amanda saw a smile on Chuck's face.

"You can count on us, Ma'am. We'll give the order to our troops on minimizing casualties."

Amanda just nodded. Well at least she's got it out of herself.

"Anyway, word has it on Vault 0 about Preston Garvey, and the Minutemen already on their way here to New Vegas."

Hearing Chuck speak, Amanda vaguely nodded.

"I intended to have the Minutemen here the sooner the better."

"He's still useless, Commander. No matter what the others do, he's still a liability for a Minutemen Colonel."

"Urgh... You keep telling me that, Chuck."

Amanda paused.

"But we can't object. The Minutemen appointed him as Colonel. We just have to accept it now, and make use on what he's useful of..."

Amanda roughly responded.

"But what about you, Ma'am? Alaska is still sending forth messages. Everybody agrees that you are very fit to be the Enclave General as elected-"

"That's not even necessary, Chuck. Plus, election? This isn't pre-war anymore. And that's not how promotion works..."

"Understandable, Ma'am. But they do need a leader. An example like you, Commander. Someone all of us could look up to. That's even why we integrated into the Enclave in the first place. We believe in you. You're not some shitty, medieval highness fucking people up with hierarchy. Excuse my language, Ma'am..."

Amanda took a long moment in thinking. This was ridiculous. She didn't need to be a General. The Enclave was already fine in its condition. But to see Chuck still waiting for a response, Amanda mentally cursed with a sigh before giving a reply.

"Let's talk about having a five-star General... Once the Aircraft Carrier is recommissioned for Enclave service."

To see Chuck with a defeated look on his face. Amanda knew the reconstruction isn't going to be finished soon. It would take a lot of time. A lot of time for everyone in the Enclave to wait until they finally have their 'Elected' five-star General.

Amanda mentally cursed. But in the end, she felt at ease. The NCR would be dealt with, her Oil Rig will be safe, and lastly...

"Chuck. Send a message to the divisions in the Commonwealth."

"What is it about, Commander?"

Amanda wore a confident grin across her face.

"Once we're done here on New Vegas, I want all Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel on joint military exercise with our airbase, and Castle divisions before transferring them to Appalachia to serve as our main front on whatever is there."

"Haha. That's definitely not gonna sit well with the Brotherhood in the Commonwealth... But we'll get the message sent right away, Ma'am. And what about the NCR?"

Amanda raised a brow shortly. What about the NCR?

"We will execute the bear by the sunrise. Be sure everyone is fully prepared."

I won't guarantee the next chapter to be released soon. I would still need to check back if anything is in need to be fixed on some chapters, and this one. I'll take my time.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this one, and thanks for reading.
