That night back at the Bar Sun is where our story begins...
Lucy took a sip of her beer. She looked around the bar for Laxus. She really wanted to talk to him but he wasn't there. The other members of team B were there but not him. She sighed, where did he go? She wanted to talk to him. She sat there at the bar looking glum when Levy, Erza, and Wendy came up to the bar.
"A pool?" Erza asked Levy. That caught her attention.
"Is there one nearby?" Lucy asked jumping in the conversation.
"It's a summer resort known throughout all of Fiore. It's called Ryuuzestu Land." Levy explained.
"We gotta go for sure!" Natsu said pumping his fist in the air coming behind them.
"Since it's so damn hot, I gotta agree." Gray agreed.
"Ryuuzetsu land? Sounds nice." Max agreed from across the bar.
"It's a good opportunity! Let's all go!"
Lucy was excited this was going to be a blast! Maybe she could ask Laxus to hang out with her at the park? Her stomach was doing flip flops.
"If we go, won't we need swimsuits?" Kinana asked.
"Well of course!" Laki said. "Why would we go in our underwear?"
"But is it ok to not tell Master where we're going?"
"Master took Laxus with him someplace." Erza responded.
"Just Laxus and Master? Together?" Lucy questioned. So that's where he was. She wondered what they were talking about or doing.
"That is rare." Levy agreed.
"Indeed I wonder what they are doing." Erza replied.
Lucy put her arms on the bar, leaning her head against her hands. She wondered when they would get back. She really just wanted to talk to Laxus and ask him if he would like to spend time with her at the park. That's when she heard the doors to the bar opened. She whipped her head around to see Laxus, Master, and Mavis come into the room. Her heart leapt, maybe luck was on her side tonight!
She turned around and sat there waiting, expecting him to come and talk to her. She watched him talk to his grandfather briefly before going over to sit with the Thunder Legion. While she was waiting, Natsu and her friends came over. They were wanting to ask her about hanging out at the park, just the four of them. Lucy hesitated.
"What is it Lucy?" Erza asked.
"Well I wanted to ask Laxus to hang out, but I don't know if he would want to..." Lucy said looking down embarrassed. Natsu and Gray were shocked, WHAT!? They thought.
"Well Lucy, you should ask him." Erza said smiling. Natsu and Gray blanched at that. Gray had his suspicions on why, but he was dreading and hoping he wasn't right.
"Okay, not like I have anything against Laxus anymore, but why do you want to hang out with him?" He asked. His protective older brother mode coming out.
Lucy looked away nervously, tapping her fingers together. "Oh you know, just because-"
Natsu was scowling, he didn't know why this was bothering him but it was.
"You know, it's dumb never mind forget about-" Lucy started to babble.
"Lucy stop," Gray sighed, "It's not dumb and Erza is right. Ask him, and if he says no, then we can have fun. And you'll have an answer."
"You guys won't get mad?"
Gray and Erza shook their heads. Lucy looked at Natsu, who begrudgingly shook his head.
"But! You have to make time for us." Erza said.
Lucy nodded at that, "You bet guys! Thanks!" She said, hugging them. She turned around, steeling her nerves. She was going to ask Laxus, and die of embarrassment later if he said no. But she was going to ask him! Grabbing her beer, she walked over to where he was sitting. He was sitting at the table listening to his music through his headphones while the rest of the Legion talked.
"Well hello there Miss Lucy, what can we do for you." Freed asked politely. Catching Laxus's attention, he looked up and all he saw was boobs. He sweat dropped internally. God they were really huge. He looked back up and away from Blondie.
Lucy swallowed, 'here it goes all or nothing!'
"Oh I was seeing if y'all are going to the park? The rest of the guild is going?"
"We were discussing it." Evergreen said. "Well we were," she gestured to Bickslow and Freed, "Laxus was being silent."
Laxus glared at her. She smirked at him pulling out her fan to trying to hide her amusement. "Are you going Cosplayer?"
Lucy was momentarily annoyed by Bickslow's nickname for her. She sighed, that was something that would never change. "I'm not and never have been a cosplayer." She said taking the opportunity and sitting down next to Laxus. He eyed her from his peripheral vision. He watched her as she took a sip if her drink, her pink tongue licking her lips afterwards. He internally groaned thinking of what that tongue could also do.
"Yes, that's why I came over here. If you guys wouldn't mind sharing I was going to ask Laxus if he maybe wanted to hang out." She her voice went up a few octaves. Laxus spit out his drink surprised.
"Laxus are you okay?" Freed asked concerned. Bickslow and Evergreen were shocked. Lucy started to fiddle with her hands. She was deeply regretting this."YOU KNOW WHAT! NEVERMIND! I'm sure," she said getting up and gesturing to the trio with her hands, "that y'all have a plan and I'll-" Laxus stopped her grabbing her hand. He gestured with his head for the Legion to leave. Bickslow got up quickly, and grabbed Ever and Freed's arm. Being Laxus's wingman since they were 16, he had recognized that sign of the GTFO I'm flying solo. "Don't worry! We'll give you guys some alone time!" He said dragging them away protesting. Lucy looked at Laxus, biting her lip.
"Blondie, unless you want me to start biting that lip for you, I suggest you stop." Lucy squeaked. Laxus pulled on her hand. She sat back down at the table.
"So-" He said smiling, "what did you want?"
"So," she asked shyly, "would you want to spend time with me at the park?" She asked taking a sip of her beer. It was weird she didn't know what to make of it. A wheat ale brewed with peaches is what she was told. It was slightly sweet and refreshing. She looked down at the hazy golden liquid becoming embarrassed.
Laxus blinked. "What did you have in mind?" He said drinking his scotch.
"We could ride some of the rides together? Walk around?"
Laxus paled, rides? His motion sickness was starting to kick in thinking about it.
"No!" He said a little to quickly.
Lucy looked disappointed, her head hung a little as she fiddled with a napkin in front of her.
Laxus kicked himself, "maybe not rides, rides aren't my thing but I would not mind hanging out at the park. Just have to find a different ride partner-" at that he blanched. That sounded so wrong.
"Oh! Ok!" She said with excitement. Laxus smiled at that. Lucy looked down at her lap smiling. Laxus was about to say something, when Natsu came bounding over. Bickslow trying to be a good wingman, tried to stop him. But he couldn't.
"Did he say yes!?"
As Bickslow came over to drag him away, Laxus looked around taken aback. What was happening here? At that moment Erza and Gray showed up. "Lucy, we're heading back to the inn, are you coming?"
Bickslow put his head in his hands, this was not working out.
Lucy sighed, "to answer your question Natsu Laxus did say yes." Natsu looked slightly annoyed, but it was so fast Laxus wasn't sure if he actually saw it.
Erza and Gray smiled. "Thats awesome!" Gray said.
"Well Laxus, I know that Lucy wanted to hang out with you, but I would like to request some time with her as well. If that is alright." Erza asked.
Laxus nodded, still not quite sure what was happening. Lucy asked him to hang out! He was mentally fist pumping the air. Erza smiled, this was working out nicely.
"Well, Lucy did you want to come back with us or maybe stay here a bit longer?"
"Go ahead," Laxus said reaching out and squeezing her hand. "I'll finish my drink and eat and then we'll hang out. Besides maybe you and Erza can ride some of those water slides first and then we'll hang out then." Lucy blushed but was smiling. She got up and walked with her teammates back to the hotel room to change. She had the biggest smile on her face.
"Someone is looking WAY too happy about hanging out with someone who just scowls 90% of the time," Gray said rolling his eyes .
"You have no idea!" Lucy squealed throwing herself on the bed.
Ryuuzetsu land
"WE'RE HERE!" Lucy screamed.
"It's so spacious!" Wendy admired.
"This feels great," Erza said stretching.
"Amazing! Even though it's night time, there are so many people here!" Lucy said looking around.
"This place seems to be known all over Fiore." Erza said looking around.
"They've managed to build quite an awesome place in those seven years!" Wendy marveled. Lucy was excited! "COME ON ERZA!" She said pulling her away towards a big roller coaster ride. "The sooner I get on these rides the sooner I get to hang with Laxus!"
After riding a few of the rides, Lucy and Erza were wandering around the park. Lucy and Erza decided to lay out in the sun and relax. Lucy was waiting on Laxus to get here, and it suddenly occurred to her, she had no idea how they would find one another or where they would meet up at. She was in a grumpy mood because of that.
"By the way Lucy,.."
"What is it Erza?"
"These guys are in the way."
Lucy glared into the artificial sunlight.
"Try telling that to THEM instead."
"Them" were the Trimmens. She was annoyed, currently Ren and poor bandaged up Eve were surrounding her. Lucy was suddenly very glad Erza got her- what did the bartender call it? A Suck, Bang, and Blow. It was SO heavily made different types of liquors that she was somehow able to stand them...barely...where was Laxus? She wondered...
Laxus was annoyed, he watched as the stupid trio from Blue Pegasus were flirting with Lucy.
"Hey, don't mess with me. How can you be so good looking?" Ren crooned. Laxus watched from afar, Master Mavis was talking to him but he wasn't paying much attention. He was trying to be nice and offered to help first master and his grandfather get situated at the park and then find Lucy. Well, he found her and he found her being drooled on by the Trimmens... Ok seriously, he wondered. Did that crap actually work on women? He had perfected the bad boy image, and all that entailed with the fantasy but did that crap Ren spewed out of his mouth actually work on women?
"If you would have me, I'd like to be your pet." Eve said, muffled by the bandages, but clear as day he heard that. His eyes widen, ok Eve, you do you buddy, is all he thought. When one of them went to grab Lucy's hand he had to force himself to not go on a possessive rampage like his inner dragon told him to do. Laxus mentally cheered Erza on though when she kicked all the Trimmens and Ichiya away from them. Laxus watched the way the sun illuminated Lucy's hair. And how surprisingly pale she was. He could faintly tell the tan lines from her other bikini were. He groaned when he saw the amount of under boob being showed in her swim suit. 'Claim her!' His inner dragon raged.
Laxus balked at the inner dragon in his head. What was he supposed to do? Strip her right there and have sex with her in front of everyone? The inner dragon purred at that. For a moment Laxus wondered if the other slayers had to deal with this crap? Or was his just a special kind of pervert? His eyes drifted back to Lucy and to his surprise she was staring at Bisca, Alzack and Asuka a look of longing on her face. Laxus cocked an eyebrow at her. Lucy stood there, a wild day dream had formed in her head, but instead of Alzack and Bisca it was her and Laxus with a child of their own. She had been having dreams and fantasies about that for a while now. She looked over to Laxus a look of determination was in her eyes. Laxus was silently questioning what she was going to do. Lucy took a step forward grabbing her drink. Mouth opened to say something when something in the water distracted her.
Lucy looked down into the water and was surprised when she saw Master Mavis's face distorted in the water...ghost can swim? She thought.
"What is she doing?" She asked staring at the pool. Laxus was trying hard not to look at Lucy and that skimpy bikini she was wearing. God she had to torture him further? It was pink with stars all over it and it did nothing again to hide what God had given her. And what he hoped one day he could bury his face into...again the dragon purred at that thought.
"What, you say?"
"Just what it looks like." Laxus said looking at her.
"We're keeping her company." Makarov said.
"Right..." Lucy said.
"You are. I'm leaving actually to hang out with Lucy." Laxus said getting up.
Lucy smiled brightly at this, YES! FINALLY! She thought.
"Oh no! I'd forgotten something important!" Mavis exclaimed. "We need to warm up before swimming!" She said stretching.
"Come on, everyone! Let's do it together!"
"Not me!"
"Shut up and do it, Laxus! It's the First's order! You too Lucy!"
"Oh! I would love to, but you see, I've already been drinking pretty heavily so I'll have to sit this one out. But YOU, Laxus you can totally stretch with them." She said drinking her drink. She was smirking.
"Why me?" Laxus lamented.
"Laxus, you're gonna swim too?" Bickslow asked. Walking towards the group with Freed in tow.
"Then the Thunder Legion will too," Freed said. "What the hell are they doing?" He asked stunned.
"That pose-I think they are warming up!" Bickslow exclaimed.
"As expected of Laxus." Freed commended.
"Let's join them!"
"Here goes!" Mavis exclaimed.
Lucy tried not to laugh at Laxus being forced to stretch. He did not look happy! She was almost disappointed she didn't get a good view of his ass. But seeing him stretch from where she was, was just as nice, GOD! Did those abs look absolutely delicious her tipsy hazy mind thought. Laxus gave her a look. She coughed pretending to look off to the side. She blushed a bit. She waited until they were done, feeling bold she decided to go sit down by Laxus. She wanted to pick up their conversation from earlier that day, about wearing his shirt. It seemed he did clue in to the fact it was his shirt and she wanted HIS attention. This should be easy right? She practically already admitted she liked him right? Lucy nodded and swallowed hard. Walking over to Laxus she sat down next to him. He lifted an eyebrow but didn't say anything. "This spot taken?" She asked innocently. Laxus shook his head. Lucy sat down next to him.
"So how were the rides?"
"Fun! There was this big one called the Dragon Blaster! It dropped Erza and I 20 feet then we raced through a series of dips, tunnels, twists and turns! Then there was this one called Screaming Serpents! We were swishing back and forth, sliding through the bellies of two giant sea serpents. There was fog, sounds and these lights! Then it ended with a splash as we exited through the serpents mouths!
Laxus paled listening to the rides, they sounded like absolute torture. But he tried to put a smile on his face for Lucy.
"Laxus are you ok? You look sick?"
"I'm fine!" He snapped. He inhaled through his nose, damn it! He thought. "Sorry didn't mean to snap-"
"I know, I should have stopped..rides aren't your thing right?"
Laxus cringed. It's not that-I actually used to love roller coasters just can't do them these days.
"Why? What changed?"
Laxus remained silent for a moment thinking of how to answer that question. "I did." Is all he decided to say about it.
They sat there in silence for a moment not sure of what to say. They stared at one another. God why is this so hard? They asked silently.
"Laxus I've been meaning to ask and talk-about today and me wearing your shirt and you not wanting me to partner with Natsu-"
Laxus turned to her, his heart was pounding. He scowled at that, God he wasn't some hormonal teenage boy. He was Laxus Dreyar. Woman chased him and he made their hearts pound. At least he swore that was how it had been since he was 18. Beforehand was debatable...
"I wore it because-" I like you and have this uncontrollable urge to suck your face and lick every part of your body, and then get wrapped up in this electric feeling you produce in me. That should be easy enough to say Right? Wrong. It wasn't. Whoever writes those great confession scenes in movies and books clearly didn't know what they were doing because this was hard to get out. Lucy's throat was dry. Laxus looked at her expectantly. "Well Junior you going to spit it out?" He teased. Lucy huffed in annoyance. "oh you! Jerk!" She said getting up and walking away embarrassed. Her face was a lovely shade of red.
Laxus stared at her, his jaw hanging open.
"Smooth move Laxus," Makarov grumbled. Laxus stared at his grandfather and was about to make some sort of angry retort when master Mavis cut him off. "Laxus go after her!"
He looked to Freed and Bickslow who just nodded in agreement.
"Buddy you know what you gotta do." Bickslow said.
Laxus nodded dumbly and got up. He walked around for a bit before finding her scent, which was hard in a place like a water park. He would follow the trail for a little while then get lost, back tracked and then find it. Finally he found her. And when he did his blood ran cold. He caught on to a familiar scent following Blondie but he couldn't really place who it was. When he did find out who it was he was furious. What the hell was she doing here? And how did his father know?
He hid behind a giant plaster rock- which by the way why was it plaster and not I don't know a real rock? He shook his head of that for now. Lucy was on her knees and Flare stood before her.
"You're from Raven Tail!" I thought you got caught by the Royal Guards!"
"We broke the rules," she said walking forward causing Lucy to crawl backwards. "But not the law."
By now Lucy was pressed up against some large pineapple. "We just had to answer some questions."
"W-Why are you here?" Lucy asked terrified.
Laxus growled. Over his dead body he thought. He was about to shock the ever living crap out of her when he saw Flare say she was just kidding. Lucy and him visibly calmed down when they heard that. He was surprised when she apologized for their previous battle and walked away. As Flare walked away, Lucy smiled happy with her apology.
Laxus laughed causing her to jump. He walked out from behind the rock. "You are really weird you know that Blondie? Some people wouldn't forgive someone for what she did to you."
Lucy was shocked, but she quickly recovered. "Well it's because of my so called weirdness I forgave you." She countered. Laxus looked away smiling at that. "And you'll never know how grateful I am for that Blondie."
Lucy gasped her stomach started to flip. Get a grip Lucy! She thought. But she couldn't help it she just loved that smile. She smiled. She walked shyly over to him. Laxus stood there looking at his feet for once feeling unsure of himself. "Look maybe we can start over? I'm sorry for earlier I was just teasing you." He said rubbing the back of his head. Lucy's heart fluttered in her chest. She nodded looking at the ground. They both were smiling at one another as they began to walk around the park...
"So have you ever heard of a band called Mountain?"
Lucy's brow furrowed at that, no I don't think I have?"
The look on Laxus's face was hesitant, Lucy stopped and grabbed his hand. "But tell me about them? Maybe I have heard of them?" She said smiling. Laxus nodded as they continued their way through the park they heard a familiar scream.
"What was that?" She asked as she sipped on her third drink that day, this one was called Jungle Juice. This was by far her favorite. This thing didn't even taste like alcohol. She was starting to feel it though, and man did she feel good!
"I don't know-wait that looks like Gray but he's holding on to some silver haired guy?" Laxus said drinking instead a Malibu and Coke.
"Lyon?" She said out loud. That was strange.
"We should be responsible and check this out right?" She asked.
"No we shouldn't. We should stay right here and keep on talking about music or you can talk about that manga you're reading. I do NOT want to know why Gray is going down a love slide with another man Lucy. I'll respect his life style choices, but what he does in privacy with people, or in public is his business."
Lucy laughed at this, she smiled. She was getting pretty buzzed. She leaned her head against his arm. He was savoring the moment. She was going to say something when she saw Juvia running towards them.
"Is this the "Boys Love," I'm constantly hearing about." She cried.
"What are you talking about?" Lucy asked confused stopping Juvia.
The trio all looked over to the top of the ride when they heard another scream. At that moment the big heart shaped thing that Natsu had been riding scooped Lucy and Laxus up.
How did this happen? Lucy could not tell you. Laxus had quickly wrapped his arms around Lucy when it happened to keep them balanced on the thing. Laxus was trying to not hurl while holding a screaming Lucy.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" Natsu screamed seeing Lucy and Laxus holding on to one another. "YOU IDIOT! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Laxus screamed. The moment he finally gets alone time with Lucy, Natsu screwed it up.
Laxus wanted to be cocky and say something to the effect of if you wanted to be in my arms that badly you just needed to ask but he was trying to not hurl at the moment. So he just growled when Lucy tried to adjust herself she and he felt a moment of panic but then it was replaced by the feeling of nausea so really did not matter at that point. He pleaded mentally that somehow she would understand. She pulled away from him and saw his face, he looked down at her face. Damn those doe eyes, they really hadn't changed since he went away.
"Are you getting motion sick?" She whispered loud enough to where he could hear. He just nodded in response. Lucy laughed, causing the dragon slayer to pout. And what was so funny? He wanted to know?
"So that's why you didn't want to go on any rides! You get motion sick like Natsu!" Laxus wanted to say something utterly offensive and asshole like but again the feeling of wanting to hurl stopped him. Lucy giggled, and wrapped herself around his body. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me." Laxus nodded he buried his face into the crook of her neck. "You smell good," he growled. Lucy smiled, "thank you!" She said in his ear. Laxus was trying to think of anything but the fact Lucy was on his lap, and her boobs were pressed up against his chest and the flipping in his stomach. Her smell was helping slightly. He wondered why briefly.
Lucy laid her head down on his shoulder fighting the urge to scream. She nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. Laxus growled again and it sent shivers down her spine.
She could feel his member hardening underneath her and she repressed the urge to scream, now wasn't a good time to scream about how perverse this all was.
"I guess w-we became a pair huh?"
She felt a purr coming deep from within his chest Lucy smiled she liked it. Laxus however was mentally chastising his inner dragon, now is not time you stupid scaly bastard! God but idea sounded really nice.
Upon hearing Evergreens screams they both looked over and saw Evergreen wrapped up in Elfman's arm. They looked really cute, Lucy thought. She gasped when she saw Evergreen turn him into a statue though. Ummmm that's not awkward, she thought.
"Oh Mavis! Elfman is a statue!?"
Laxus rolled his eyes, "Mavis, this has gotten out of hand." He was not surprised that Evergreen did that. She probably did it in order to hide their "not-so-secret-secret-relationship."
"You think?" Lucy said a bit sarcastically. "I wonder when they got here though?"
"Who cares?" He grumbled burying his face deeper into the crook of her neck. She felt his hot breath ghost over her skin. She shivered.
"N-No." She stammered.
"Poor Elfman." Lucy and Laxus said at the same time. He was definitely going to have to have a word with her over this. He did not need the demon on his case about this.
"So much for this ride being romantic." She said quietly.
Laxus heard that though, "maybe you should have asked someone else to go on this thing, so this wouldn't be embarrassing."
"Honestly while this is ridiculous, I don't find being with you embarrassing. Actually the opposite. I just wish you weren't so miserable. I don't care if people sees us. Wouldn't care if your dad saw us."
"Now that I would care about, he'd probably kidnap you to get back at me."
Lucy laughed at that, "probably but I know you would save me."
Laxus nodded, "you bet your ass I would..not to kill this sweet moment but when does this thing end?"
"Hopefully soon," she whispered hugging him tighter, Laxus blushed feeling Lucy's boobs pressed up against him. If he weren't so nauseous he would have enjoyed the sensation. "Blondie don't move too much," he groaned.
"Or what you'll get a bigger erection than the one you got!?" She said sarcastically.
"I'm a grower not a shower Lucy," he said into her neck. Lucy turned the color of a tomato. "Oh God! How huge are you then!?"
Laxus chuckled, "maybe I can show you when we're not in public."
Lucy gasped at his remark AND because of how cold the water was becoming..which was freezing. Laxus felt her nipples hardening against him, is she really that turned on? He wondered. Then he saw a bright white light catch his eyes. He looked over to where it was coming from. He suddenly felt this chill in the air. Suddenly everything was covered in ice.
Laxus had enough of this, he manifested enough of his powers to break free him and Lucy from the ice. Lucy moaned when she felt Laxus's electricity flow around her and through her. It was like a warm burst of heat sparking all over her body. It was a thrilling sensation that left her breathless. Laxus's eyes widened at that. "You're into some kinky shit there Blondie." He smiled perversely. Lucy blushed for the thousandth time today. "Sorry I-"
"Don't be sorry Blondie, not about that." He smirked looking down at her.
Lucy gasped when she saw Natsu jump into the air. Laxus was confused he turned around just in time to see Natsu slam his fist into the ground. "Natsu! Don't do that!" Lucy screamed.
An explosion that could be seen all over Crocus happened and in its wake it left few conscious. Natsu stood over everyone at the center of it all laughing. Laxus got up to his feet. Lucy screamed as Laxus put her down. He held his ears not realizing why she was doing it until he looked down and saw her blushing trying to hold what was left of her swimsuit together. Laxus blushed. He was thankful that no one could see her struggling to look decent. Laxus pulled her closer lifting her chin up, he looked into her eyes. "Hold on, I've got to take care of Natsu and Gray. And I'll come back." She nodded.
She sighed holding the remnants of her suit. She was grumbling about this being one of her favorite suits when she heard what sounded like the sound of skulls cracking together. Looking over she saw Laxus suddenly now in his red pants, dragging Natsu and Gray.
"First, I made it so they can't runaway."
"I'm sorry" they wailed in pain.
"I knew this was going to happen." Lucy said dejectedly. She sighed looking around for a place to call Virgo, maybe she could give her a dress she could put on top till she got to the hotel. She was lost in thought when she felt Laxus pick her up gently. Lucy gasped looking up at him she tried to wrap her arms around his neck but felt her top slip. She screamed trying to quickly grab it before he saw anything. Laxus smiled a little at this, "let's get you out of here so you're not freaking out about your uh suit."
Lucy nodded, snuggling into his chest. Laxus looked around and walked a ways away. "Where are we going?" She asked.
"Somewhere out of this water so I can teleport.."
Lucy nodded in response. She never teleported with Laxus before, she was nervous would it produce the same sensation when he electrocuted her earlier? she wondered. Laxus walked a few ways until they were out of the debris and rubble.
"You ready?"
Lucy nodded.
Lucy felt a warm tingly sensation cover her entire body. He summoned his magic slowly allowing her to get use to his magic dance across her skin. Lucy started to laugh, it was strangely pleasant sensation. It was invigorating, addictive in its own way. She did not know where she began and ended, just alive and charged. She momentarily lost her sense of sight. And her sense of touch was enhanced by ten fold. When they did touchdown on the ground. She could feel where she began and ended again. Her eyesight was still dazed. "Where are we?"
"My hotel room."
Lucy was confused as she was set down on something soft. "I'm putting you down my bed." He said gently. Lucy shivered at that, she nodded not trusting herself to speak. "I'll leave the room and you can change so you can go back to your hotel."
Lucy balked at that, "is that it!?" She asked incredulously. Her sight now fully returning, she looked at him. "Well," he chuckled, "thought you would want to call it a night is all-"
"And what if I wanted to continue hanging out and talking?"
Laxus turned to look at Lucy, "if that were the case- there's a pool and hot tub down stairs we could hang out and talk in."
"Five minutes is all I need," she whispered. Laxus nodded getting up and walking away. He closed the door to the bedroom behind him. He was taking deep breaths this was not happening. But it was. His dragon was purring at this new development. He heard the door handle turn, he turned around to see Lucy and all the blood in his body went straight south.
She was wearing a black suit that covered her entire breast but had ropes criss crossing over them and her waist and a matching set of bottoms. Laxus just stared, "is everything ok?" She asked nervous about the suit Virgo had insisted on this one. "Virgo picked it out-"
"Virgo picked that?"
Lucy nodded. "Remind me to thank her." Is all he said. Lucy blushed again. "Shall we go down stairs?" Laxus nodded.
Lucy smiled going down the stairs, let's try this again. She thought..
AN: This episode was such a hot mess in my opinion, LOL, but i loved it. There was so many great moments, Laki talking about it raining blood because men would fight over her, and how it was insane to expose your body to the sun and pay so much money for it. Juvia with the price tag sticking out! OMG died seeing Lily walking around with the kiwi juice XD Lily is my favorite exceed. How could you not love him? Especially when he says stuff like "I guess this is what they mean when they say hunger triumphs sex appeal?"
Shall I write another chapter? Idk I probably will. Who am I kidding? Lol thanks for all the follows and favorites! Guys I died when I saw y'all's reviews especially Mistress Katana love your stuff by the way!
Struggling on whether I want to keep this as a sexual tension fluff piece or make them have sex...guys it's hard I'm by no means Musicera that woman is a goddess in this ship walking among us writing smut.
Anyways see y'all next chapter!