It was a stormy evening in the Windy City. There were stark angles, creeping shadows in the buildings, the city was dense, crowded, as if hell had erupted through the sidewalks. Pushers wave to hookers, street hustlers slap high-fives with three-card monte dealers. They all seem to know each other. Several reckless teens seem to know each other as they're loitering around a statue. Yep, just another night in Chicago in 1936.
Since the Great Depression, Crime worsened, people died, but since June 1936, there have been reports of a vigilante fighting criminals and mob bosses in the dead of night, cleaning up the streets with his gadgets and utility weapons. Some fear him, but what they don't know is that this vigilante could be the only savior they need in this crime-infested town.
Suddenly, two grown men in trench coats and fedora hats walk near a bank, looking very shady indeed as they walk away...the Bank is blown up! As the bank burns, the two crooks make a break for it.
Meanwhile, in a cave, a sleek and dark vehicle ignites its engines and drives off into the night and into the heart of Chicago.
Meanwhile, in a Dark Alley, a police car was chasing down the crooks. The two crooks climbed up to a building and ran on the rooftops, hoping to be away from the danger. But unfortunately, they were wrong.
Suddenly, both crooks stop in their tracks, gasping and wide-eyed in horror as a caped, well-built figure jumps right in front of them, glaring at them.
The two pull out their guns, but suddenly, the Caped figure throws two razor-like boomerangs at the guns, knocking them out of the hands of the crooks. The Caped figure then leaped at one of them and grabbed him by the collar. He then slams him to the ground.
The remaining crook then attempts to slice the hero with a knife, but the vigilante was too quick for him as he manages to not only dodge his blows, but he manages to turn intangible for a little bit. Then turning tangible, the caped vigilante knock out the crook with one punch.
By the time the police arrived, the vigilante disappeared off into the night and the crooks were tied up, unbeknownst to them, the vigilante was watching from the rooftop of the building, with his cape fluttering carelessly in the wind. As lightning strikes, we see a good look at what the vigilante looks like.
He was a caucasian teenager, with snow-white hair, glowing Green Eyes, wearing a black jumpsuit with a white, with a green shape extending to his chest and shoulders with a DP logo in the middle of his chest, he had white jumpsuit-like leggings and boots and white fingerless gloves with black-gloved fingers, and an Eye-Piece Mask.