Bloom's on Brightfire, flying towards Dragon Island with the rest of the dragons from Berk's Arena. "Alright, everyone! We've got a plan! Draw the tyrant out, and kill her!"

Stormfly says "Easier said than done, Bloom. She's massive. If she's even got wings, I doubt they work."

Hookfang grins in a daredevil fashion, and says "Time to find out. Better to go down fighting in the air rather than in that arena."

Bloom nods grimly, and says "We'll get her attention. Lets go over this one more time. Stormfly, Hookfang?"

"Get the rest of the dragons to safety if they don't want to fight."

"Right. Meatlug, Barf, Belch?"

"Distract her, try to blind her. Lava on her eyes, gas in her nose, etc."

"Good. Alright, game on. We're here."

Bloom magically picks up the biggest boulder she can see, which puts quite a strain on her but nothing she can't handle, and drops it through the hole in the volcano the Red Death is lying in. As it falls, she calls down "Hey, you overgrown tyrant! Heads up, we're dropping in!"

Predictably - and hilariously - the large dragon looks up just in time to get a boulder smashing into her face.

Hookfang and Stormfly start yelling for all the dragons to fly out of the volcano while she's distracted and that they've come to kill the Red Death, which they all take advantage of at once - because that boulder dazed her, shutting down the mental mind-control power she has over all of them. Once she recovers, she roars in fury and breaks out of the volcano to come after them all - which doesn't quite go as planned for her, since Meatlug and a few other Gronckles that decided to join in on the rebellion immediately barf up some lava directly onto her eyes.

As she roars in pain, some Zippelbacks fill her mouth and nose with gas and light it up. And then she yells "HOW DARE YOU DEFY ME?! I AM YOUR ALPHA, YOUR QUEEN! I AM THE RED DEATH, AND YOU WILL OBEY ME!"

Bloom yells "Not anymore, tyrant! You die tonight, and your reign of terror with you!"


Brightfire roars "Bloom is my friend and ally! We are practically nestmates, and far stronger than you ever were, Tyrant!"

Bloom whispers "Time for our part, Brightfire. Catch us if you can, Queenie!" Brightfire takes off in a dive, and then she cloaks the two of them in a burst of her plasma shot. The next thing the other dragons know, the Red Death gets hit with a bright orange ball of fire as Brightfire reappears.

This continues for the longest five minutes of Bloom's entire life - and there've been some truly long examples before, but none that compare to this by a long shot - before the Red Death roars "ENOUGH, YOU INSOLENT LITTLE WEAKLINGS!"

Bloom yells "You want us? Come and get us then!"

Brightfire crows "Catch us if you can, tyrant!" They head to the Sea Stacks, and get the Red Death to crash into every single one in range. Then, Hookfang and Stormfly show up with a few other dragons and start attacking as well. A few more Gronckles plug up her nostrils as well when the opportunity presents itself, and add another layer of Lava to the pieces covering her eyes, and Zippelbacks gas her ears before lighting them up.

She then apparently gets fed up and spews all her fire at once…except nobody gets hurt. Dragons are fireproof on the outside, and it seems…so is Bloom. She knew she was more resistant to heat than most anyone else in the village, after a brutal heatwave that put Gobber out of the Forge because he couldn't cool down enough except by jumping in the ocean and got heatstroke thereby leaving Bloom in charge of the Forge, but she thought she might still be able to burn. Though, it does explain how she hasn't gotten a single burn, or even a singe, since her magic awoke. She's so going to test this out at a later date - she's also going to have to think up a reason to give everyone else if a dragon tries to burn her to death and she's perfectly fine when it stops. "PATHETIC WRETCHES! YOUR WORTHLESS! NO PURPOSE EXCEPT TO OBEY ME! AND YOU DARE TO ATTACK ME?! I AM YOUR REASON TO LIVE, I AM YOUR REASON TO FIGHT! FOR SO LONG, I'VE GUIDED YOU! WHAT WILL YOU DO IF YOU DEFEAT ME?!"

Bloom feels a familiar fury, the same fury that she felt after that first Training session when Asher groped her and then went off on her and told her to pick a side, even as the Red Death's tail gets a lucky shot and smashes Brightfire - and then the Red Death has her in one huge forelimb, and that fury goes from cold and calm to burning hot and utterly furious. It seems to explode in Bloom's chest, running through her veins in a rush of fire. She feels like she could tear this damned dragon apart with her bare hands…and then suddenly she's growing, her limbs aching, her shoulderblades splitting and cracking and in utter agony, her tailbone burning, her skin itching fiercely…and then her vision's better than ever, and she can hear Brightfire yelling and see her fighting the Red Death's grip.

She gets that urge to tear into the Red Death again, and she's so mad she simply follows through with it - like that one time she had enough of Snotlout's hitting her and grabbed onto his hair and wouldn't let go. She took a large patch of his hair out of his scalp that day, much to the shock of everyone in the nearby area, and there's unexpected consequences for this right now - namely, the Red Death suddenly gets five deep gashes in her arm and lets Brightfire go with a roar of agony.

There's no words this time, just a sense of fury and agony - and then a buildup of gas. Bloom smirks, then shoots a fireball into the Red Death's mouth with all the strength she can muster.

Good news, she blows up the Red Death. Bad news…Bloom's suddenly exhausted.

When Bloom opens her eyes she sees Brightfire hovering over her worriedly - barely, she can hardly crack an eye open so everything's blurry and dim. "Bloom?"

She feels Brightfire's mind brush her own, and sends out something like a sleepy 'Hey…'

Brightfire's pure joy makes it through the fog in her brain, and then she nuzzles her head into Bloom's body. Alright, time for a word or two… "Wha' h'pp'nd?" She meant for it to be a coherent word, but her body feels like its made of stone and her lips aren't working right.

Is this how it feels to be drunk? If so, she can't imagine why the villagers like to get that way so much.

She's starting to come around to the idea that she's drunk, because she could swear

Hey, Brightfire? Be straight with me. Did something happen in the fight? I remember something…weird…

Brightfire looks at her, and mentally asks What's weird?

I think…I think I changed. When I was falling, I hurt and then…and then I wasn't falling. And then I was heading for you and the Red Death's arm and tried to claw it…and it worked better than I thought. Also, the Red Death shrunk a lot after I stopped hurting…

There's the sound of thudding footsteps, and a familiar voice asks "Is something wrong? We heard you talking, Brightfire."

"Bloom's awake!"

"WHAT?! It's about time!" Meatlug's face is suddenly doing the best approximation of a cuddle that's possible when Bloom's still got no strength left in her body. "Hookfang, Stormfly, Barf, Belch, get your tails over here! She's awake at last!"

Moments later, there's a scrambling sound and then four other dragon heads are in her line of sight and talking all at once. Barf and Belch keep speaking in fragments, which honestly drives everyone crazy half the time and is giving Bloom a massive headache at the moment, and Stormfly yells "Alright, quiet! Bloom, how are you feeling?"

Bloom groans, and tells Brightfire Line my body's made of stone.

When Brightfire relays her message, Hookfang nods and says "That's to be expected, really. You DID drain yourself pretty well during that fight."

Barf says "Duh! We figured that out"

Belch finishes "since that fight was three days ago!"

Bloom gasps as much as she can, shock running through her, and asks "Three days?!"

"Hey, she's talking!"

Brightfire nudges everyone's heads back to give Bloom some air to breathe, and gently says "Yeah. You've been completely out of it for the past three days, Bloom. Luckily, none of us were hurt in the Red Death's explosion. Congratulations, by the way. That was both the biggest display of your power you've ever made, AND you killed a dragon that needed to go. Along with one other little detail..."

Bloom groans, and says "Back to what I was asking about before…what, exactly, happened?"

All the dragons exchange looks with one another, and then Brightfire asks "You don't remember at all?"

Bloom does the best approximation of a shrug she can manage, and says "Not a lot. A lot of pain, then I has heading for the Red Death's limb that was holding you, and then…"

Brightfire says "Bloom, I don't want to alarm you, but…youturnedintoadragon."

Bloom takes a full minute to process that, then asks "What do you mean I turned into a dragon?"

All the dragons share a look, deciding she must be taking the news so well due to a combination of exhaustion and shock, and then Brightfire explains a bit more about Bloom's magic that she didn't know - she knew she could control fire, she knew she could float things, blow them up, make them catch fire out of nowhere, etc. She did not know she could actually - literally - turn into a honest-to-the-gods dragon, though.

Apparently, that's something that nobody who learns magic can do - and she was born with magic, so its entirely different for her. According to them, she's got the soul of a dragon. And…occasionally, the body of one.

About thirty minutes after she gets some food in her, she then finally breaks down in tears about what happened on Berk - now that there's nothing more to distract her, no training to defeat the Red Death or planning out where the rest of the dragons she was controlling were going to go, there's nothing for her to focus on other than the detail that the only island she's ever known is now off-limits to her. All because Vikings are damn stubborn and can't accept that they're wrong about something!

And all that was without knowing about my magic. Don't want to imagine what they'd have done if they knew about that.

AN: Hey, everyone! Yep, this is a bit of a preview/time-filler chapter. Sort of testing the waters here, trying to gauge how much you like the idea. Details for this to make more sense:

1. Bloom and Brightfire have known each other for years. She didn't shoot Brightfire down - she didn't even want to be in Warrior Training ever.

2. Bloom's known about her magic ever since she met Brightfire. Again, for years.

3. The rest of the Village has no idea about Bloom's magic. Or - an idea i used in my last HTTYD x Winx story, which isn't dead btw - that there's dragons in the woods.

4. It's just Bloom and the dragons, here. She's an only child - basically, there's no Hiccup. Haven't decided whether or not to have Valka be pregnant with him when she gets taken or not. Up to you guys on that specific detail.

5. She doesn't have Hiccup's forgiving temperament. Stoick wants her back, he's gonna have to work for it. A lot. Because she got Hiccup's treatment by the village and him.

Anyway, tell me what you think! Enjoy!