
It was supposed to be a fairly simple operation. Go in, grab the doctor, get the hell out. At least it was until Reunion decided to throw a wrench into the gears and decided that now of all times would be the best time to attack. Dobermann cursed as she whipped another Reunion goon, sending them flying into a group of them behind him.

"Hold the line! Push them back and don't let a single one through!" Her whip cracked through the air, wrapping around the arm of another soldier that had gotten close to her and with a shout she spun him around to deliver a kick to his back, sending him into another group of Reunion troops. There was a sudden cry of pain to her right and using the brief respite she got she turned to see a reunion soldier about to stab down with his sword on someone, a member of Rhodes Island down on the ground, clutching an injured arm. She was about to react when someone else beat her to it.

A crowbar of all things flew through the air, and be it a stroke of luck or an act of expert precision, smashed straight into the mask of the soldier, embedding itself sharp end first into it. Someone walked, not ran, walked, up and wrenched it off and kicked away the soldier. It was the Doctor, much to the shock of everyone present, Reunion included. He looked around awkwardly, coughed into his hand, and picked up the wounded operator with their free hand, slinging their uninjured arm over his shoulder.

"I'll take care of the wounded operators in the back line. Uh..." He looked at Dobermann and awkwardly flashed her a thumbs up with the hand holding the crowbar. "Good job. Keep at it." Dobermann could only nod in response, not really knowing what else to do. Satisfied he nodded back and began to half-drag the wounded operator to the back, where there were already several others being treated for injuries. It occurred to her that those wounded were from the ones guarding their flanks. It also occurred to her that there were considerably less Reunion forces surrounding them compared to when they started fighting. Amiya trotted up to her, firing off her Arts and nailing one of the last few Reunion troops that hadn't retreated.

"Instructor Dobermann, the Doctor has helped take care of the enemies on the flanks. We can continue moving now" She noticed Dobermann's look of disbelief and chuckled weakly. "The Doctor didn't want to just sit down and throw orders around, so he grabbed the closest weapon he could get his hands on and started protecting and dragging away the wounded" Dobermann blinked, then blinked again, then sighed, palming her forehead.

"While I do appreciate his enthusiasm I suggest you remind the Doctor of his importance to Rhodes Island as a whole and that he should take care not to do such risky things in the future." She looked over to where the Doctor was, helping treat the ones that only required first aid while the medics handled the more serious cases. Amiya followed her gaze and smiled, shaking her head.

"I already did. And he replied with-"

"I wouldn't be much of a leader with no one left to lead now would I?"

Dobermann shook her head, though despite that she smiled approvingly as she saw the Doctor comfort one of the more grievously wounded operators while the medics did their work on them. From where they stood the Doctor seemed to say something to encourage the operator and found the strength to smile back despite the pain. It was heartening to see in the midst of all the chaos that the doctor was taking the time to take care of and look after his subordinates. It was a stark contrast to his previous behavior.

Then his head snapped to something in the distance and his hand reached for his crowbar. Faster than they could see it went flying and smashed into a drone with a gun mounted on it flying overhead. It wobbled and fell to the ground pathetically. He stood up, his stance different, almost familiar. But with a certain sense of duty to it that set it apart from his past self in the eyes of those who knew him before.

"Gather the wounded, we need to keep moving but we don't want to leave them to die. Ace, take some men with you and be the rear guard. Nearl take point, we'll rely on you to take the brunt of the fighting when it comes to it" The people around him nodded, moving to do as they were ordered, The Doctor walked over to the downed drown to pry his crowbar from its broken chassis. He turned to Dobermann with a nod.

"Dobermann, lead the way. Your the one in charge of them to begin with" At that Dobermann's smile widened and she turned around, barking orders and shouting those not wounded into action. Amiya turned to the doctor with a warm, approving smile.

"Welcome back... Doctor"

Wanted to do something Arknights related cause it's caught me in its clutches and now I cannot escape. The silly stuff will come next chapter. This was just a pseudo intro of sorts. If anyone read this then I hope you enjoyed it. If you didn't well that's another thing I failed at.

My id is Lucas#7589 for anyone curious enough to send a friend request in AK. Good luck to y'all and may the Gacha Gods be generous.