I do not own The Amazing World of Gumball.
For Gumball Watterson and Darwin Raglan Caspian Ahab Poseidon Nicodemius Watterson III, having a little sister to play with was supposed to be the best thing in the world.
Both of them really loved the idea of another sibling to play with.
But all those thoughts of excitement, left them the moment they peered into their new little sisters eyes and saw pure evil staring right back at them.
Also, throwing them both out of the car into wet cement, was also a heads up too.
For the following week, they both survived attempted assassination after affempted assassination and their parents didn't question why there was suddenly so many explosions in the house.
They refused to believe the baby was evil and never questioned if their sweet kids had it in them to actually off a baby.
So they were on their own and were pushed to get ride of her to survive.
But despite all of this, they still had a duty to be brothers.
They ran after the box they thought they put her in and risked their lives to get the box back.
They battled through a junkyard and Gumball almost died in a funerice.
But it was too late.
It was too late for them.
They didn't see her slide in behind them until it was two late.
Small pink hands pushed them with force over the edge.
Over the edge and into the roaring firehy pit below.
Their screams only brought a smile to bunny's face and than their parents showed up.
They showed up, but it was too late.
Gumball and Darwin souls had left their body and watched as their mom scooped the demon reincarnated into her arms.
And she had seen enough.
She called their full names three times.
Suddenly both of them found themselves in a basement.
"What the what?" Said ghost Gumball.
"Hello, children" said a female voice behind a cloak.
Both of them stared at her.
"Sorry to bother your miserable eternity but I was wondering if you would love to come back to the world of the living?" she said.
"Huh?" Both of them said.
"You see I'm a witch and I kind of have a knack of being alerted when somebody is about to die when I'm in the area" she said. "I watched both of you in your last week of life and I'm very appalled about what you went through. It's obvious to me that your parents didn't care for you. You told them what was happening and even if they didn't believe you, they should have put all three of you in therapy. They can afford it, they have money"
Both of them opened and closed their mouths.
"So I want to offer you both, life as my children" she said. "I'll give you both bodies. You'll have a fit dad who's also smart. You'll have me as a mother and we have money. You will never have to see Anaïs or the Wattersons again. I can teach you to be people who outfoxes your little sister in everything." Before she said. "I have slight future vision also and your family's money is going down the toilet very soon and your going to be poor"
"Poor? How poor are we talking about?" Said Gumball.
"Wearing the same outfit for years, having nothing but cheap knock offs, stealing food from birthday partys and hearing your mother crying in the bedroom every night, poor." she said, and both of them showed terrified reactions.
"Let me give it to you straight" she said. "Being alive is the only thing keeping you from being touched by the worst ghosts on the planet. I'm talking about murders, people who climb into your bed and make sure you feel their breath on your skin while you sleep, people who have been sentenced to death for horrible crimes. People who just want to watch the world burn. Do you think two unprotected little boys can run fast enough to escape ghosts who died centuries ago and are far more experienced? There are people out there who would put the fear into people like your neighbours Mr and Mrs Robinsons hearts. If you both leave, there is no police to protect you"
Dead silence.
"So, this body thing" Said Darwin.
"Oh, I just need to place an item that both of you cherished when you would alive, put a little magic, a little blood and some chanting" she said, before she did so and before their eyes, Darwin blanket and the t-shirt she managed to rescue before Anaïs could get to it, appeared.
She began the ritual that wasn't impressive looking at all and said. "I summon the owners of these items back into the living world"
And than both of them began to get pulled apart and enter a vortex of some sort.
When they opened their eyes, they saw that they were looking at at the clocked woman now from down below and than they both turned to see their new selves.
Darwin fin had gone missing and on top of his head were now orange cat ears.
Gumball felt something on his neck open and close.
He had gills!
Both of them had cool well groomed brown hair.
They stared at each other unable to speak and than they collasped because their souls had yet to stabilise in their new bodies.
When both of them came to, they were in shock.
The bedroom they found themselves in was nice.
Really nice.
Both of them had separate beds and the room was filled with cool stuff like two laptops, a computer, game consoles, toys, roller blades and skateboards.
"Who's room is this?" Said Gumball.
"Yours" said that female voice, they saw a cat with flowing brown hair come in. "My name is Loreta Queen and this will be your room from now on. This place is located just in a nearby town outside of Elmore, so you'll be expected to go to school here. I'm not going to offer homeschooling because I've seen Gumballs laziness"
And Darwin looked at Gumball who shrugged.
"Gumball, I will name you Zac Lotus Queen and Darwin, you will be going by the name Owden Moonstar Queen" she said.
"Those are some seriously cool names" said Gumball.
"Well, cool names for cool kids" she said. "Now your father will be back tonight, so until than walk through the house and get a feel. Play with your toys. You'll be going to school next Monday and you both will be put on a diet and be taught martial arts"
"Awesome!" Both of them said.
In their childish minds, they imagined learning cool anime moves.
"And in the future, when there is something called social media" she said. "Don't post anything where you fall flat on your face or reek of stupidity. It would be better to run it by me first. Coolness is destroy easily but it's very hard to build it back up again." Before she said. "Now which city or country do you want to go to for the next school holiday?"
Both of them gasped.
"In this family, we go on vacations and sometimes fly aboard on weekends" she said. "I sell an age defying cream that last a week. This way costumers keep coming back. As you can imagine the longer the duration, the more expensive the cream is. Usually when preforming magic you have to travel to get ingredients"
Before she said. "As for your father, he's a professional swimmer/ bodybuilder. He makes sure our money is behind a safe and we get special cards. Nobody is getting in and out of there without the bank knowing and if somebody else uses our card, police will automatically be contacted thanks to a chip in the card"
And than she walked out, she dissappeared before their eyes.
It wasn't long before both of them grabbed the skates and skateboard and went outside to their backyard which had gravel and tried.
Every kid in their neighbourhood fantasied about being able to ride one of these, now they could do it and there was a high wall so they still had dignity.
However within half an hour, the genes they got from their new mother began to show in their ability to adapt.
It took more to wipe them out and neither of them were crying.
When they were called in to meet their new father, they had scraps and bruises but were okay.
When their eyes landed on the fish person that would explain their fish genes, it was like looking at a beefy god, muscles everywhere and yet he was so gentle when hugging them and proceeded to play catch with them after they had all eaten.
A few days later they entered a nice elementary school and started their martial arts lessons.
They went to tournaments, they went abroad, they met famous clients.
By the time social media became a thing, things had hit the fan for the Watterson family reguarding money.
Suddenly the girl who got every thing began to be told no and did not take it well.
While she was throwing a tantrum, the family went camping and sang a campfire song before heading to their magic powered RV to sleep safely for the night and have nice breakfast in it.
They began to post on the internet when they learned how popular it was getting and exposed to the world, how they were one of the rich kids of social media.
Darwin was actually in Gumball class because he was smart enough despite his age.
But all good things must come to an end.
They graduated elementary and hit middle school at a time when Gumball was almost 12.
There was no junior high in the town they lived in however their parents refused to allow them attend Elmore Junior high so they enrolled in the nice Junior high in the town over.
For the first few weeks, they were driven there but it wasn't long before they both realised they wanted to make their own way to and from school.
And that's what they finally did.
The Elmore Junior Kids were in for a surprise when the bell rang and they ran out, only to hear heavy guitar come from nowhere.
And than both Gumball and Darwin appeared.
They both wore the best clothes, Darwin had cut his hair short and wore a hat, both of their skin glowed with good food and they were taller too.
Things seem to be in slow motion as Gumball preformed a 360 to a grid on the schools own rails while Darwin did a few jump swings and twirls.
Both of them lowered their shades to look at the crowd as they walked by before skating down the road and as they got further away, so did the music as well.
Once they were gone, they were all silent even the teachers who looked through the window.
Masami Yoshida said. "Am I the only who just saw the coolest pair of guys?"
They all went into uproar.
"They were so cool!" Said Banana Joe.
"T-There okay" said Tobias Wilson, hiding the fact he thought they were cool too.
"Oh, my stars. They have got to be the coolest pair of kids even by adult standards" said Principle Brown.
The next day, the same kids were seen again coming down the street and they were just as awesome as the first time they saw them.
This time they were without their shades and everybody could see clearly how good looking they were with the right diet.
Both Gumball and Darwin were just trying to get home, they had no idea that a whole school wanted to befriend them.
And as this was going on, nobody cared for the pink bunny who stayed behind because she didn't want to go on a bus that bullied her.
Smart and friendless.
It was like the universe was punishing her for something.
And scene!
Note: I write 'And Scene!' for style. I am fully aware this isn't how it's used. I recentally got a review from somebody who pointed out to me how to use it. I was honestly surprised to get this and there was no way to replay. So those who were wondering, I do know it belongs in a script, I just put these here as something for people to recognise me by.