Chains of Separation
Part Six: A Dream and Yet.
Kat Warrior

OK, this chapter is the longest because it's the last! Enjoy and © crud is
at the end. Kurt woke with a sharp cry and sweat trickling down his face. His amber eyes were wide open, his pupils like button-slits. He sat up for a long time, trying to calm his breathing and racing heart.

"It was just a dream," he tried to tell himself, "The most horrible dream." But he couldn't help but feel that it was so much more than that. He had seen Amanda as clearly as if she had been right beside him, walking down a narrow street. He had recognized it as the clean little alley behind the park fence and about a block away from her house.

Amanda had walked along quietly with her backpack until shadows had started chasing her. She had seen them and started to run, but it was no use. The shadows had caught up to her and covered her, sucking her into their darkness and consuming her. "KURT!" she had cried desperately as she vanished, "KURT! Save me!"


"Yo, Liz," Evan called out as he passed the furry purple girl in the hall, "Are you busy?"

"No," she replied with a shrug, "Why?"

"I was wondering if you could help me out. See, the power's out and I can't play my game."

"So you want me to be an electricity source so you can play your video game?" she asked with a smile.


"Sure! I've got respect for any guy brave enough to admit he needs help!"

Xavier smiled as he watched those two and other students walking to and fro on the institute grounds. They were all recovering nicely from Kurt's death and slowly edging their way back to normal, happy teenagers, which was a surprise since Kurt had been taken from them a week ago that day. As far as he knew, they had all handled school surprisingly well. Of course, the moment a good deal of them, like Kitty or Liz, stepped in the doors of their rooms, they broke down. Hiding their grief of losing someone so close to them was hard, indeed.

"I'm sorry children," he sighed, "But there is nothing I can do but hope that you all become stronger through this."


Kurt peered under his bedroom door to see a pair of rather large feet. Yes, someone was guarding his room. Mystique still didn't trust him, which was good. She couldn't.

He glanced once more at the digital clock by his bed and at the day calendar. It was nearly two thirty in the afternoon on a Friday. He'd been stuck in this prison for a week.

He had convinced himself that Amanda really did need him, and that escape was mandatory. Now he just had to get out. He closed his eyes and thought back to the one time he had escaped. He concentrated on the area he had been farthest from his room, and teleported.

When Kurt looked about him, he was right where he had hoped. Now he just had to find the exit. With halls so confusing as this, surely there was some sort of sign.

He grunted when something impacted with his from the front, slamming him into something warm and soft behind him.

The furry blue mutant looked up to see Blob towering over him, and almost immediately wrapping his arms around him to keep him from escaping.

"We tried once," Pierto's voice growled, "But you're just too stubborn to realize you're better off in your own room." He walked up to Kurt until they were face to face. "Now we'll make sure you stay in that room for a nice, long time. Come on, Blob, let's 'escort' him back."

"NO!" Kurt cried in protest, forcing his elbows back into Fred's stomach. The large boy grunted and instinctively released him. Once freed, Kurt darted around a corner and teleported to somewhere near his room, hoping to confuse Pierto.

He wound up just around the corner from his door, and peeked around to see that Lance was guarding the post. It was a good thing that Mystique wasn't there, or his escape would be impossible. He concentrated and teleported to a spot several yards on the other side of Lance. Maybe the exit was that way.

He teleported and ran down several halls, paying no mind to his pain or exhaustion. The only thing on his mind was saving Amanda from approaching doom. He stopped short when he spied a large door at the end of a hall way. The words "Emergency Exit" were printed neatly above its frame. He teleported to the end of the hall, and quietly tried the door.

"Typical" he murmured as an alarm started to go off. Surely everyone knew where he was now, and it would only be a matter of moments before Pierto was there to retrieve him. He pushed at the heavy door all he could and managed to pry it open about an inch. That was good news... now he could see to teleport outside it.

Within milliseconds, Kurt was on the outside of the door, trying not to admire his surroundings while escaping. The fortress really was underground, and the passages outside the building looked like a gigantic mole had dug them. At the end of one, he spied an elevator. He teleported to it, stepped in, and smacked the "Top" button as hard as he could.

Pierto came whizzing around the corner in time to see the elevator taking off towards the surface. Swearing, he took off again and reached the elevator. He smacked the "down" command several times with no result. Swearing loudly, he continued to wait for the elevator's return. He would do almost anything to get Kurt back into the fortress. After all, he didn't want to have to tell Mystique that her son had escaped.

By the time Pierto had reached the surface on the elevator, Kurt was long gone. He couldn't even find the left over smoke from the teleporting, and the smell of brimstone was faint on the air.

He shook his head and got back in the elevator. Mystique would not be pleased.


Amanda sighed as she walked along the alley behind the park on her way home. alone. it would have been so nice if Kurt was there to walk her home like in the old days, but he wasn't, and never would be again. She sniffled and wiped a tear away. She couldn't cry again. she had to be able to see to get home.

She turned her head when she heard footsteps behind her. She caught a glance of a dark leather jacket, and started running.

"Boy was that stupid," she thought as she ran, "I should have taken the main road! But no. I wanted time to think and took the back road!"

It had already been raining, and now the rain started falling harder, like bullets striking all in their path. Amanda slipped and fell, her lunch box sent flying. She struggled to get up, not worrying about her fallen lunch- pail. She could come back for it later or get a new one.

"Where are you goin', Hottie?" a gruff, cruel voice asked. Amanda looked up in terror to see a rather tall, rough-looking man blocking her path. With one quick movement, he reached down and grabbed her thin wrist.

Amanda cried out in protest and struggled all she could but it was no use. Her attacker had a firm grip on her arm.

"Stop screaming," he hissed, lowering his ugly face to her level, "No one's coming to save you."

"I would release her gently, were I you" an enraged but controlled voice commented from the shadows. Amanda and her attacker stood as if frozen in space to look at the lean, blue-furred boy with a demon-like tail and abnormally shaped feet emerge from behind some garbage cans.

Amanda's attacker stood in shock for only a moment before saying, "You don't scare me, Freak. I know that you're one of those mutant weirdoes! Well, I'm not gonna let you interfere with my plans!"

The brute released Amanda and dove for the furry blue mutant, but Kurt was ready for him. He teleported just in time, and landed on the big man's shoulders. Despite the brute's struggle, Kurt wrapped his long tail around one of his wrists, and his legs around his neck.

The large man gagged and gasped for air until Kurt leapt off his shoulders, landing painfully but gracefully on the ground in front of him.

"Come and get me," he taunted, "If you can catch your breath, you imbecile."

"You're dead!" the brute all but screamed, diving for him again. Kurt didn't even bother teleporting this time, but hopped up at the last second, landed on his opponent's head, and launched off again, sending him nose- first into the pavement.

Kurt turned and faced Amanda, panting so hard he could have hyperventilated. The pain in his chest was enough that he wanted to scream, but he bit it back. He continued to gaze at Amanda, his eyes glazed from both exhaustion and the tears threatening to spill.

"Amanda," he murmured softly, walking towards her slowly, his arms held out.

Amanda stood stiff, looking as if she had seen a ghost. She wasn't so certain that she hadn't. As he came to her, she could feel a lump rising in her throat and tears spilling, but her legs just wouldn't move. Suddenly, she felt very dizzy and weak in the knees.

Kurt grunted as he caught Amanda while she fainted. But he lifted her into both arms and held her tightly, sobbing into her silky, dark hair. He had missed her so much, and now he finally had her back.

But as much as he wanted to stand there for an eternity holding her, he couldn't. His weakness had caught up with him. He had to kneel as he prepared himself to teleport home.


Scott glanced up from his place by the fountain with Jean as he saw a familiar puff of smoke, and a figure coming with it. He stood, squinting for a moment before charging of the general direction of the figure.

"Scott?" Jean called, as she rose and started following him. She didn't ask what was going on, but searched his mind himself to discover that he had seen something that looked like Kurt's teleporting. Jean realized that his theory was right when she picked up a very familiar mental wave.

"Kurt!" Scott exclaimed upon seeing the familiar, blue-furred boy, "Kurt it really is you! Man, you look like--"

"I. know." Kurt moaned as he struggled to stand with Amanda still in his arms.

"Whoa! Easy there, Kurt," Scott protested as he eased the younger boy into a sitting position on the ground, "Just hold on a minute and we'll get you taken care of. And Amanda, too."

"I'll take Amanda in," Jean volunteered, "But I can't hold both of them. she unconscious and will be hard enough by herself."

Scott knelt down and tried to take Amanda from Kurt's arms. The blue boy whimpered and struggled to keep a hold of her. This worried both Scott and Jean. he was slipping out of coherence and possibly consciousness.

"Come on, Kurt," Scott beckoned and tried to reason, "Let Jean take her inside. We'll take good care of her."

With one last pitiful whimper and a defeated sigh, Kurt released the dark- skinned girl and collapsed on the ground. As carefully as he could, Scott scooped him up and jogged for the building.


Hank sighed as he continued working with Kurt's chest wound. The boy wasn't sedated, but Hank had done what he could and given him something to numb the wounded area. The wound, (though it had to be re-opened, cleaned, drained, and re-stitched) had been sewn together quite well before hand. Mystique had taken rather good care of him, or tried anyway. What really concerned Hank was how warm Kurt was, and the mental instability he seemed to be suffering. He was trying to toss and turn, even on the operating table, and kept calling Amanda's name.

"Kurt, calm down!" Hank instructed urgently but gently, "You're going to make this worse. Please!" He rested a large hand on the boy's forehead. He didn't have any power over mentality but he pleaded, anyway. "Calm down!"

"Amanda!" Kurt cried again, struggling. Didn't he know that Amanda was safe and sound? He had brought her there, after all.

"I can sense his distress from anywhere in the mansion," Xavier's voice informed him as the bald man wheeled into the room, "Amanda is awake now, so I think she ought to come in here. I'll have Jean bring her in."

Hank nodded and continued trying to work. Amanda might not like what she saw, but this was the only way.


In nearly no time, Jean was pushing Amanda in the medical labs in a wheel chair. Her hair was dried and combed, and she was wearing some of Jean's clean, dry clothes. She could have been walking on her own, but the professor didn't want to take any risks.

"Oh Kurt!" she cried, leaning forward just as they approached the table, "Kurt, I didn't know you were injured!" She found his large, velvety hand and took it in hers and started gently stroking it. "Kurt, you have to be calm. don't worry, I'm right here with you."

"Amanda?" he called in confusion, looking up at her with glazed, confused eyes that softened when he saw her.

"Yes," she soothed, stroking his cheek with a solitary finger, "I'm here, now. I'm alive and well thanks to you. Thank you so much. for coming back to me." she stopped and wiped a tear from her eye.

"You're welcome," he told her with a slight smile, as he reached up and softly brushed another tear off her face. He wasn't able to bring his hand back down because she reached up and held it there. His fur was so soft. so fine. it reminded her of a rabbit.

"I'm done," Hank announced, not wanting to interrupt the two young lovers, "Jean, why don't you take Amanda to Kurt's room? I'll follow you with Kurt."


Kurt couldn't help but smile with contentment once he was back in his own bed. The bed and room that were so familiar to him, and the beautiful view of the city. To top it all off, Amanda was at his bedside, holding his hand.

"Amanda. he murmured, shifting in his slightly upright position, "I. The whole time I was gone, I couldn't help but think how much I wanted to tell you that. That I love you."

Amanda was surprised a moment, but smiled softly and put her arms carefully around him, "I love you, too, Kurt," she managed without a stutter, making it obvious that she had longed to tell him the same.

There was a knock on the door, and the two turned as Kurt called out for the visitor to enter.

Liz bounded in, and looked right at Kurt. She didn't even call his name, but darted over to his bed a top speed. Kurt was afraid she would tackle him and accidentally hurt him, but she didn't. She somehow managed enough control to not do that.

She walked slowly the rest of the way to him, and plopped down on the edge of the bed, never taking her eyes off him. She, too, looked like she'd seen a ghost. She wasn't convinced it was really him until he held open his arms to her. With a heartfelt sob, she leaned into him, but avoided his wound.

"It's OK," Kurt told her, "I'm here to stay."

"And we're all very glad you are," Amanda informed him as she leaned over and planted a loving kiss on Kurt's cheek. Then she added with a smile, "We're not letting you out of our site, either."


Credits, etc: All characters but Liz, Karl, and Louis are © to Marvel and/or Warner Bros.

Note: Louis can't only change what he sees, but can make others see what he does. Not quite what Master Mind does, but very close.

Preview: Yes, a preview. I already have my next story planned! Liz starts slowly going insane, and is becoming a hazard not only to others but herself. This might sound like it's all about my character, BUT IT'S NOT! This is mostly about how Kurt sees and handles the whole thing. What do you think? Should I try writing his accent in that one? Please, let me know!