Don't Give Up

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Kingdom Hearts.



(With Harry)

Nine year old Harry was running as fast as he could. A wizard was chasing him. This was the sixth time he had ran away and like before a wizard was chasing him. He knew about magic. It was hard not to after the first five times he ran away. A witch or wizard would run after him and return them to the Dursleys. They used magic to catch him. After they returned him they would attempt to erase his memory. For some reason it never worked. Last time he had learned that if he ran through a crowd they wouldn't use magic. This time he would stay in the crowd or crowded places.

'I didn't get a chance to change. Hopefully the store is crowded or I'm screwed.' He thought.

The raven haired child quickly ducked into the store. He breathed out a sigh of relief when he noticed that the store was extremely busy. He went to a changing room. As quick as he could he removed his clothes and glasses. He changed into a pair of clothes he had stolen previously. They fit him better than the hand-me-downs. He put on a hat and sunglasses. He hated not wearing his glasses. It made the world blurry.

The hat hid his hair and his scar while the sunglasses hid his eyes. He forced himself to act naturally as he exited the store. If he ran it would make the wizard follow and if he acted suspiciously the wizard might realize he had changed his look. The wizard passed him causing the child to give a sigh of relief.

'I'll stay in the crowd until he leaves.' Harry thought.

Hours passed and Harry wandered around. The wizard searched the crowd and stores. Finally he walked into an alley and left. Harry was very relieved he had finally managed to run away and not get caught.

'Success.' He thought.

The nine year old left the street he was on. Once he was far enough away he went into an alley. He searched and to his relief it was empty. Harry took the sunglasses off and put his regular glasses back on. He sat down and ate the food he took from the Dursleys.

'I hope they don't send the man with the crooked nose. He's good at finding me.' He thought. 'No matter where I hide he finds me.'

He looked up into the sky. He loved looking at the night sky. He knew almost every constellation by heart. He gasped when he spotted a shooting star. He closed his eyes and made a wish.

"I wish I could be free of wizards and find somewhere or someone who loves and accepts me.'

Harry opened his eyes. To shock and horror the star was coming right at him. There was nothing he could do. It was coming in fast. He closed his eyes and braced himself.


The green eyed boy opened his eyes. He gasped in shock at the sight before him. A blonde haired male was laying on the ground. His eyes were closed and his chest was moving. It meant that he was alive.