Authors Note:

Hey, yeah I know this is a day late. Sorry. I'll try to get better. Anyway, my DWBW chapter is... like halfway done... I know sorry, but I'm gonna have a desk soon so I'll hopefully be able to focus better... maybe. Ugh, I'm trying. Hopefully, I can get much better at time management. I guess we'll get to see the fruits of this goal in a month though.

Anyway, I hope yall enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 2

'Bing' I look down at my phone.

'New Message'

Cannibalism: Hey Hitoshi, I just wanted to make sure you had my number.

Cannibalism: By the way this is Izuku.

Insomniac: Cannibalism?

Cannibalism: Yeah, some of my friends in class changed it after seeing me eat a cinnamon roll.

Cannibalism: I'm not really sure why they did it though.

Insomniac: Lol did not expect that

Insomniac: Then again I'm not sure what I was expecting.

Cannibalism: Yeah, I feel like I should probably change it but any time I try they just change it back.

Cannibalism: But

Cannibalism: It's better than what Ashido did to Kacchan's name. I'm surprised he didn't explode her.

Insomniac: That's the pink girl right?

Insomniac: What did she do to the walking grenade

Cannibalism: She changed his name in the class group chat to AngryPomeranian. He then wrote that she had three seconds to run and went ballistic.

Cannibalism: Honestly I'm surprised we still have a dorm sometimes.

Insomniac: Lol

Insomniac: I wonder about that for your class too. So that's how he acts all the time?

Honestly, that's actually pretty funny. I would be more amused except that it's also kind of frustrating. I mean seriously the walking bomb with anger issues is in the hero class over me? I can keep my emotions in check in most situations, which apparently Bakuhoe struggles with while just relaxing in the comments. I mean… I know I shouldn't be mad, but seriously he's gonna snap at any civilian he comes across and we really don't need another Endevwhore. Everyone knows it's the reason why he didn't get his provisional license and I could be doing so much more with that opportunity. It's just so frustrating it's like they're… I stop and take a deep breath. You need to stop going there, you're going to be a hero, you'll get your chance. Another deep breath and I look back at my phone.

Cannibalism: Yeah, but honestly I think Mr. Aizawa thinks our class is a walking hazard.

Cannibalism: I mean Kacchan has always acted that way, but it's toned down since we've started at UA. Honestly, the whole class is a mess. Kaminari frys himself at least once a week, and the Bakusquad somehow hasn't burnt down the entire building. The self-proclaimed Dekusquad breaks something once a week by accident.

Cannibalism: Last week Iida tripped over an extension cord and broke a table. We had to console him for the next hour telling him that it wasn't his fault and that it was just an accident so it was fine.

Cannibalism: That being said everyone really has good intentions. They all want to be the best heroes they can be and they aren't trying to destroy any of the buildings or tables on campus despite what might think.

Insomniac: Sounds like your class is pretty immature considering they are supposed to be the heroes of the future, the people that society is supposed to rely on.

I can feel my irritation building up. Seriously why would I send that ugh. I know I'm mad, but that's not Midoriya's fault and I'm gonna get into the Hero course at the start of next year so why am I so mad? Maybe... No, you'll be in class 2-A or 2-B when the new year starts in spring. I-

Bing...Bing… I take a big breath in and clench my shaking fist while closing my eyes. I release the breath and focus back on the device.

Cannibalism: I wouldn't go so far as to say they're immature. They work really hard to be the best they can. Plus we've had to deal with so many things that we shouldn't have. I think that it's important to remember we are still students and we are going to make mistakes. With my friends, it just happens that we are very accident-prone.

Cannibalism: That's not to say your opinion is invalid. I'm sure to an extent we are immature and we still have lots to work on and there are many ways we need to improve. We also need to prove that society can trust us to keep them safe so yeah.

I need to calm down. Seriously he doesn't need to sympathize with you. Just because he was… No, it's better this way. You're upset for no reason. I go look back to slowly come up with a response.

Insomniac: Thanks for the validation, but yeah I get where you're coming from. Just ignore me, I've got some other stuff on my mind. It's fine.

Insomniac: Ignoring my problems though, we need to figure out the coffee thing, because I definitely owe you one.

Cannibalism: Yeah when are you thinking we could get time to go?

Insomniac: Well there is this great cat cafe that's only a train stop away. We would have to get permission from or one of the teachers to go, but we can meet after class Friday and head there.

Cannibalism: That sounds great.

Cannibalism: OH NO!

Insomniac: What?

Cannibalism: I forgot I'm supposed to help clean the commons, while Kacchan and the Bakusquad make dinner.

Cannibalism: I got to go, Bye.

Insomnia: See ya.

"Well that went better than I thought"

I hear a bang on my door. "Hey Shinso, it's your turn to help prep today so you better get a move on."

"Alright, I'll head down in just a minute." First I need to ask permission for going out on Friday.

Insomniac: Hey is it okay if Izuku and I go to the Kit-tea cafe after classes are out Friday?

Dadzawa: You want to leave with the problem child?

Dadzawa: Actually, you know what? I don't care. As long as you both fill out the proper forms and have them into me before Thursday.

Insomniac: Thanks Dadzawa :P

I see him starting to type a response back, but I turn my phone off and rush downstairs before he can respond, and before my class can send more annoying people to come and get me. I'll text Izuku later about how we have to fill out the forms.

The next day I walk to the teachers' lounge to hand Aizawa the filled out forms. I knock on the door waiting for the familiar teacher's voice.

"Come in."

I open the door and see Midoriya standing next to him. He turns towards me and smiles.

"Hitoshi, I didn't know you had your forms filled out too. Or um I guess it could be something else and I shouldn't just assume you know-"

"Problem child you're mumbling" Hearing the teacher say this Midoriya face contorts itself to reflect his embarrassment, but yet he still has that smile. He rubs the back of his neck as he turns back to his teacher.

"Sorry, ."

"It's fine." It goes quiet in the room minus the clicks of the keyboard as Aizawa types something on his computer. "Shinso are you just going to stand there or do you have your forms filled out?"

"Yeah, here." He pauses his work as I hand them to him and he responds with a grunt. He takes a quick look through the forms, most likely making sure they are filled out correctly.

"I'll get both your forms in today and you'll know if you're good to go before your classes end tomorrow. Unless there is anything else you two are good to go."

Midoriya grabs my hand and pulls us both to the door saying "Thanks . See you in class tomorrow". We are out the door before he can give any response. He rushes us halfway down the hall before he lets go of my hand. "S-sorry. can be pretty intimidating." This makes me laugh a little. "What? It's true. He's a great teacher but he's still pretty intense." and that only serves to make me laugh harder.

T think its in

"Yeah Dadzawa may seem intense but he's pretty mellow if he knows you have potential."

"Y-you don't seriously call him that do you?"

"Sometimes. I bet you could probably get away with it. Considering he calls you the problem child."

"Seriously?" He's covering his face.

"Yeah but I don't think it's in a bad way. Rumor is that he's actually pretty fond of your class." I say this as I start to head off in the direction of the dorms. Midoriya rushes to catch back up with me.

We walk in silence for a few feet before he comes up with the brilliant response of "Well if I'm the problem child what does that make you?"

I smirk "Not his biggest headache"

He looks at me in utter disbelief. I start laughing again. "That is not how you were supposed to respond to that."

"But I did."

He shakes his head with a chuckle. "Okay then. Oh, I forgot to mention but some of the others wanted to meet you too since you're going to join the hero course."


"Yeah! B-but it's a good thing trust me. The girls were making jokes about replacing the and I quote 'disgusting grape' with a much better 'lavender boy' and Kaminari and Sero are trying to decide if you'd be a Bakusqaud or Dekusquad member."

"Wow didn't know they were already fighting over which squad I would join."

"Yeah" there's a brief pause in the conversation.

"Hey, Izuku?"

"Um, Y-yeah?"

"I've just alway been curious, why did you choose Deku as your hero name? I mean most people wouldn't want to be known as that."

"Actually Kacchan used to call me that as an insult, b-but it's okay because someone helped me make it my own so it's not an insult to me anymore."

"Oh." I realize it's not an eloquent response but I'm unsure of what I should even say to that, and we finish our walk back in silence. As the path splits Midoriya leaves with a see you later and like that, I'm alone to ponder the meaning of that simple phrase. It used to be an insult.