"Are you okay?"

"No I'm not okay. My husband is at my apartment with another woman."

"Well, at least you know he's there with another woman."

"Are you trying to be funny Veronica?"

"No. I'm not trying, but this whole situation is kind of funny."

"There is nothing funny about this."

"Oh come on Olivia when the general public gets the real story, it's going to be in every tabloid around the world. Can you imagine the odds of this huge cosmic coincidence?"

"This is going to ruin my career. How do I explain to my fans that an imposter has been playing my character for the last few episodes?"

"I'm sure they'll understand. You're pregnant, and you need a break."

"I guess I'm kind of scared about the opposite also. What if they're too understanding? I mean Livia is me before my pregnancy. What if they want her to stay on the show?"

"That is what you want isn't it? You're always complaining about being famous. You can let her have all of it. Olivia, you can leave everything here in California. Go to Vermont and never look back. Get your degree in psychology, and then you'll be just like Livia. Is that what you want?"

"I don't know what I want anymore."

Olivia gave up on trying to get any sleep when she kept hearing Fitz and Livia's inside jokes about their favorite books. It was so awkward. Her husband was openly flirting and Olivia was seething with jealousy. She made an excuse to leave her apartment and call Veronica. They agreed to meet at Olivia's favorite restaurant.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about with Fitz and Livia. He doesn't want her for anything more than friendship."

"Like the friendship he has with you?"

Veronica shrugged. "I guess so. It makes sense. We are still friends, but you know it's different now. I guess he's looking for that lost connection. You can understand that can't you? I mean haven't you ever had a friend that started spending less time with you when you started a relationship?"

"No, I've never had any friends."

"What I'm trying to say is, I don't think Livia is a threat to your marriage."

"Livia needs her own relationship."

"I don't know if she's ready for that."

"I'm going to find her a man."

"Really? Who are you going to hook her up with?"

"There's a new guy on the show. His name is Curtis Pryce. They might be good together."

"I haven't watched the last few episodes of the show, so I don't know who he is."

"How dare you not watch my show."

Veronica laughed, "Maybe I'm tired of seeing you and your double have pretend sex with my fiancé every week."

"It's just acting. You know that, and Fitz doesn't have anymore episodes this season."

"I know you two are only friends. I'm not jealous of your contractual relationship."

"Maybe I will take your advice and go back to Vermont. I can raise my baby with my husband and never look back."

"I will be back in Vermont with my Fitz in a few months, so we can still hang out a few times a week."

"I don't think we're going to have time for anything when the babies get here."

"So, are we going to let the world know the truth? Because if we are, I need to call Fitz now. He needs to prepare for this. We also need to get Nika out here."

"Yeah, we are making the announcement. I'll have Draya contact my publicist to schedule an interview with a magazine."

"Great. Now go home and be with your husband. Be nice to Livia. At least until she finds out if her foot is broken or sprained. She can't run off with your husband if she can't walk."

"You are so not funny."

"Then why are you laughing?"

"Because you are right."

Olivia needed a good laugh. She grabbed her car keys. "I'll let you pay the bill."

"That's fine."