OK Chapter 3 is up and out, hopefully I did much better this time around than the original
Ten days had passed since Rias and Sona had removed Issei Hyoudou's Sacred Gear and presented it to Naruto where he had been accepted as the new Welsh Dragon Wielder. Surprisingly the Red Dragon Emperor had said Issei's body wasn't suited enough to use without crippling him in the long run unless he trained hard enough, but seeing as his mind was usually on women it was highly unlikely to happen. Now the group was preparing to fight against Riser in a unofficial Rating Game.
Grayfia stood before Naruto, Asia and the two peerages. Next to her were Sona, and Rias' parents. Grayfia cleared her throat, "As you all know, this fight was meant to be between Naruto Pride and the Peerage of Riser Phenex. Unfortunately we cannot allow for the fight to be a one vs 15 to commence as it would simply be too unfair. However, seeing as the marriage between Rias and Riser Phenex was the subject of the challenge it has been permitted that Rias Gremory's Peerage to join to even the odds of the fight a bit. Remember, anyone of Rias Gremory's Peerage is merely a support fighter and cannot fight Riser as he is Naruto's enemy." She informed them.
"Hmph, and this lowlife will soon regret trying to challenge the might of the Phenex family." Riser snorted out.
"Actually there were other reasons for this particular arrangement. If you win then I will gladly reveal them to you." Sona said smiling, "But, for now I wish both teams a good match and good luck." she said before she and Venelana left in their respective transportation circles.
Before she left Grayfia looked to the group of teens, "There are only ten minutes left until the battle starts," she informed them. "Have all of you finished your preparations?" when everyone nodded she continued. "Please remember that the great Devil, Lucifer-Sama, will be observing the battle." she said.
Rias raised an eyebrow. She also looked more than a little annoyed. "Oh? So my dear onii-sama is going to watch us, then?"
"Eh?" Asia looked confused. "Onii-sama?"
"The president's older brother is none other than the Demon King, the great Maou, Lucifer-Sama," Kiba supplied helpfully. Thanks for stating the obvious.
"WHAT!?" Asia's reaction was very much an overreaction. "But I thought Buchou was from the Gremory household!" she said in worry.
"The original Demon King died during the war between the three factions," Naruto informed a surprised Asia, who did not know Naruto had this knowledge. Rias was just as surprised as well. "However, the Devils need their King, thus, it was decided that the Devil with the greatest strength would be crowned the new Demon King. The one given the title of Maou is considered the strongest alive, having succeeded the four founding Maou's: Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan and Asmodius."
"So...basically, what you're saying is that Buchou's brother was chosen as the next Demon King?"
"More or less," Naruto said shrugging, "Sirzechs Lucifer, the Crimson Satan, is Rias' brother." he stated.
"huh, so you took those lessons to heart after all. I didn't know you were paying attention." Rias said smiling.
"When you said it might come in handy later, I had no choice but to pay attention." Naruto said.
"Ok, so everyone is gone so I have informed Grayfia of a certain item you'll need and she has allowed meto teleport it into the arena. You'll need to get closeenough to Riser and call it to you. But other then that, you're on your own Naruto." Rias informed him as he nodded in response.
"Rhitta awaits her Master's call, so I will be prepared to call it." he said.
Grayfia cleared her throat, "The time is near. Everyone, please step into the magic circle where you will be transported to the arena that the challenge is taking place in."
Everyone got up and walked into the glowing red circle that appeared on the ground. Naruto kept one hand on Asia's shoulder as Rias walked up to him. She did not do anything, but she was still closer to him than everyone barring the small, white-haired first year. There was a flash of light before Naruto and the others became suffused in color. Their forms dissolved only to reform seconds later as they found themselves standing exactly where they had been before.
"U-U-Uh Buchou, I think something went wrong. We're still in the club-room. Did the spell not work?" Asia asked the redhead.
"Greetings everyone." The familiar voice of a certain maid sounded from the speakers. "I am Grayfia, a servant of the Gremory Family. I have been charged with the honor of refereeing the match between Riser Phenex and Rias Gremory. Please note that my master, Sirzechs Lucifer-Sama, will also be observing this match. After taking in the opinions of both Riser-Sama and Rias-Sama, we have decided to use a replica of Kuoh Academy, the school that Rias-Sama attends in the human world, as the battlefield."
"What does she mean by replica?" asked Asia.
"Take a look outside." Rias said smiling at her bishop.
She looked at Rias oddly for a moment, but soon followed her advice, opening one of the shutters that kept the window closed. What she saw would forever be engraved in her mind. The ground of Kuoh Academy looked the same as always. The beautifully crafted Western style building sat in the middle of a grassy field surrounded by a fence, lush trees and more buildings. Everything looked exactly as it always had.
Except for one difference.
The sky. It was completely white. As far as the eye could see, stretching across for miles, was a pure white sky. It didn't even look like a sky, just a blank canvas that God had forgotten to paint on when he made the world.
"That sky shows that we are in an alternate dimension created by Devils to host the Rating Game." Rias explained as she looked at Issei's shocked face.
"Impressive," Naruto whistled as he took a look outside as well. "Creating an alternate dimension is very difficult, at least for humans. The fact that devils can do so and make it look so realistic like this is pretty amazing if I say so myself."
"Does that mean there are humans who can create alternate dimensions?" asked a curious Kiba.
"Some," Naruto answered, "But it's a very rare ability most often limited to those with Sacred Gears, but there are those that can learn to do this without one like the Wizard Faction." he told the [Knight] honestly.
"Both parties have now been transferred to their respective strongholds," came Grayfia's voice once more. "Rias-sama's team as well as Naruto Pride is located in the Occult Research Club-room. Riser-sama's team is in the Student Council room. To promote your Pawns, you will have to proceed to the opponent's stronghold. As this is a challenge between Naruto Pride of Sona-sama's peerage and Riser Phenex of the Phenex Clan there are no retirements. Fight smart, and fight well."
"Naruto," Rias grabbed the teen's attention. She held out her hand, showing a small ear bud resting on her palm. "This is a communicator. It will allow everyone to keep in touch at all times."
"Thanks," Naruto said as he put his hand in hers. It lingered for a moment longer than necessary before he grabbed the communicator and put it in his ear.
"So, who's getting deployed can't play around here." Kiba said.
"Kiba is going to go to the old schoolhouse, that is where Riser is likely to send some of his own pawns." Rias said.
"Alright, and seeing as there are no retirements means I can really show off." Kiba said grinning.
"Don't think it will be that easy, Kiba-san." Naruto chided the boy. "You have to remember that in order to get to the schoolhouse, you will more than likely have to go through at least several of the douche-bag's servants, each of which will most likely be a Bishop, Knight, or Rook. They'll be guarding against intrusion."
"You also have to remember that Riser's Pawns will also be trying to enter our territory," Akeno added. "And seeing how Riser's got a full set, it means we'll have to deal with eight Pawns as opposed to our zero that he'll have to take care of."
Kiba nodded his head, "I see your point."
"Don't worry too much," Naruto grinned, slapping the boy hard enough on the back to make him stumble. Kiba glared at the teen, who pretty much ignored it. "Rias has likely got a plan for dealing with the Fried Chicken's peerage. Have a little faith in her just like she does in you, alright?"
At the mention of their president, everyone turned to Rias, who had taken to sitting behind the desk.
"Our first task will be to take out Riser's Pawns," she told them. "He has eight of them, and it will be problematic if he manages to promote one of them, much less all eight of them, into Queens."
"You seem awfully calm about all this..." Kiba mumbled, obviously not seeing how someone could stay so calm when they were on the cusp of a battle that would determine more than just who won and who lost. Rias was fighting with her hand in marriage on the line and Naruto's own freedom. How could anyone be calm with that kind of pressure on them?
"The battle has just started," Rias said, sipping at a cup of tea that Akeno had prepared for her. "Rating Games like these tend to take a long time. There is no point in worrying right now when we have only just begun." As she spoke, Akeno walked up to the desk and placed a sheet of paper, which displayed a map of the school, on it. It was a very simplistic map, using different colored blocks to represent sections of the academy. "The enemy base is the new school building," Rias began, pointing out the large block that represented the building in question. She then began moving her finger across the board until it was pointing at a patch of yellow. "Going through the quad is the fastest route to get there, however..."
"It's in clear view of the new school building," Koneko pointed out.
"Yes," Rias nodded. "And because of that, the risks are far too great to go through there."
"Then maybe we should go through the track and field grounds behind the new school building?" Kiba suggested.
"A sound idea, but one the enemy is likely expecting," Naruto spoke up. "I wouldn't be all that surprised if they stationed both Knights and Rooks at that clubhouse right there." He pointed towards the orange block with the word clubhouse written on it.
"Naruto brings up a good point," Akeno sounded a lot more serious than usual. "That's a very obvious first move. We would be walking into a trap."
"Buchou," Kiba got everyone's attention. "We could get closer to the new school building by going through the Gymnasium. Perhaps we should head there first?" His index finger landed on the two purple squares that had the word Gymnasium written inside of them. "It's close to our base, and at the same time, we can gather more information on our enemy."
"Intelligence on our enemy is something we're lacking right now," Naruto informed Rias, "Information is something we'll need if we want to have any hope of fleshing out a plan to fight against Riser and his peerage."
Rias considered all the thoughts being given to her. "In Chess terms, the Gym is at the center of the board. The first side who takes control of it will certainly have an advantage." She leaned over the desk. "It's decided then. However, I think a powerful Rook, rather than an agile Knight, would be best suited for this test."
"In an enclosed space, a heavy hitter will definitely have an advantage," Naruto agreed.
"Alright, let's get going. We have to get Naruto and Riser to meet. If we can get Riser to admit defeat then it means we can all leave soon." Rias said. "To start things off, we need to protect our front line. Kiba, Koneko, I want you to set some traps in the forest surrounding the club-room."
"Yes, Buchou."
Before Koneko took off to do her assigned duty, Naruto stopped her. As she looked up at him with her large, amber eyes, the blond carefully reached into her hair and found her ears. After her initial stiffening from the contact, the first year student eventually relaxed and let out a soft purr.
"You'll be careful out there, right? You are only one [Rook] and they'll surely come for you first as you hold the most strength. So you have to fight smart, alright?" asked Naruto.
"Don't worry," Koneko nuzzled her head against his hand. "I'll be careful." she just felt so calm whenever she was around him for some reason.
"Alright then. Good luck."
"Rias, I'll be heading out as well, stay safe for me." he said as he ripped his necklace off his neck.
"Alright." she responded.
"There's the gym," Kiba, and Koneko all saw the Gymnasium looming over head. It was a large, rectangular building with a rounded roof similar to a military barracks that housed soldiers. The walls were cream colored and made of brick, while the roof was made from steel instead of tile.
"I'll go on ahead while you head inside," Kiba told her, getting a nod from Koneko. As the Knight of their group sped away, the Rook made her way inside of the Gym.
"Man, this is a really good replica," Koneko admitted murmured as they stepped inside. It was dark, most of the lights were out, but she could still make out enough of the room to see that it looked exactly like the original gym it was made to resemble. It had everything his gym had. Even the items strewn about the inside looked just like all of the stuff Kuoh Academy's gym possessed.
"I can get up to the stage from here," Koneko pointed to a set of stairs. Saying this, she walked up the stairs and towards the curtains that usually hid the stage from view.
Just as she was about to head forward, Koneko halted at the edge of the curtains and crouched down. "This smell? There's someone here...the enemy."
"We know you're there, servant of Gremory!"
The Nekoshou walked further onto the stage, out into the open, and took note of the four standing below.
"Three Pawns and a Rook," Koneko studied the four in great detail, Let's get this over with." she declared.
Meanwhile, Naruto was engaged in a viscous fight against the supposedly weakest member of Riser's Peerage as well as the second [Rook] Xuelan herself. Naruto had summoned the power of his curse out and threw a large ball of flame at the two and watched as they leapt out of the way. Naruto grunted as the blue haired Mihae smashed her staff into his face and stumbled back. This sucked, he was currently at apower level of roughly 28,800 and these girls were roughly at 29,000. While it wasn't much of a difference it was still noticeable, "Dammit, looks like I have no choice, Crazy Prominence" Naruto declared as flames exploded off his body.
"Mihae-chan watch out!" Xuelan cried as she dodged out of the way and landed beside the building where one of Naruto's flames struck the wall and exploded causing it to crumble down upon her body.
Mihae slid away into a clear zone and smacked away one of the balls of flame, "This power, it feels familiar tome." she said to herself.
"This curse is nothing but a burden. I will assure you that you have not seen anything like it." Naruto said as he raised his hand p, "With your friend preoccupied with freeing herself from the rubble, I will focus on defeating you here and now, Cruel Sun" Naruto declared as the ball of sun-fire blossomed into existence above his palm.
Koneko grunted as she smashed a [Pawn] of Riser's into the dirt, down for the count at the moment. She had already beaten the rook and two of the Pawns, but she was exhausted from such a rough battle. So that left only one option, retreat to the outside. And with that she took off.
"Hey, get back here!" the [Pawn] yelled out as she gave chase.
As soon as they cleared the imaginary safety line, Akeno, who had been floating above the Gym waiting for them, raised her hand high into the air and let loose with an intense blast of lightning as she gave a cry of, "Lightning Spree" and watched as electricity danced through the air towards her target. Koneko watched in awe and more than a little shock as the brick and cement that made up the replica exploded outwards, along with millions of glass shards as lightning rained down on it in an almost unending bolt. If she had to describe the scene, she would have to say it looked like Zeus or some other lightning god had gone to town on the building after it offended them due to its lack of aesthetic appeal.
By the time Akeno was satisfied that her job was done, there was nothing left of the Gym but a crater. A really big crater several hundred meters wide and a couple meters deep. The entire school building was destroyed. Decimated. In other words, it was reduced to less than a pile of rubble.
Mihae looked at Naruto who was breathing roughly as he tried to gather some form of energy and shook her head, "I don't get you." she stated, "You challenge our master, and yet here you are fighting his weakest pawn like a chicken. I mean, what's up with that?" she asked.
"Dammit, I was to arrogant and got caught." Naruto growled.
Mihae shook her head, "No matter, I'll just end it here and now." she said as her hand glowed with magic, "Jack" she said as a small beam of pink magic shot out and struck Naruto's boy.
The second the light hit Naruto, the blonde found his body moving of its own violation, "W-What, My body is moving on its own?!" he cried out in shock.
"As a descendant of the great Gowther himself, I have inherited his talent in magical spells and diffusion. I have deduced that your Sacred Gear is in fact not actually a Sacred Gear but a Lost Grace once used by God in the Holy War some three millennia ago. This Grace seems to be a semi-sentient as it has not appeared in anyone in history except one mortal man, and his name was Escanor Pride. His power is very much like your own in which it increases all forms of power in the body up until high noon where the power quits growing and then begins to lower itself until nightfall where it dissipates completely. Seeing as you hold this power, I will use my full strength to bring you into the clutches of defeat." Mihae told Naruto.
"Please don't do this, I don't want to fight you." Naruto grunted as he tried to resist the spell to no avail.
"I am sorry, but I am unable to do that." she told Naruto as she raised her hands and encased them in magic energy, "Nightmare Teller" she intoned as she placed her hands across both sides of Naruto's head.
Naruto was suddenly sucked into his mind with a gasp as he is suddenly trapped in a never ending white expanse, "Naruto, that shall be his name" a feminine voice said.
Naruto looks around in confusion, "W-Whose voice is that, whose calling my name?" he asked.
"Naruto, a good name indeed." a masculine voice agreed as the white expanse changed to show a hospital room where a beautiful redhead held a small golden haired bundle while a large blonde stood over the two with a smile on his face.
Naruto felt his eyes widen in shock, "Father... M-Mother?!" he exclaimed in shock. He had only seen them in pictures that he had been given by the orphanage when he moved out, he had never heard their voices personally from what he could remember, only dreaming of what they sounded like. Looking to the bundle he gasped, "A-And is that... me?" he asked in shock at seeing himself as a newborn.
"Naruto-chan, please grow up into a nice strong person." his mother told the little bundle that was himself with a smile on her face.
However he wasn't able to keep pondering at the sight as it soon changed to a view of him roughly a couple months before he met Sona-sama and the others. One of the older boys had gotten jealous that Naruto was given a little bit more attention. The young boy had waited until they had all been taken to the park and proceeded to drag Naruto into the woods so he could release his frustrations on him with some of the older children. He had grabbed a large branch off the tree and proceeded to smack him with it repeatedly, "You cocky brat!" he yelled out as he continued to hit Naruto.
"Ouch, please stop." Naruto pleaded.
"I don't care! Why are you the one that the matriarch dotes on repeatedly?!" he yelled out.
"D-Daymond-san please." Naruto asked again.
"Damn you!" Daymond cried out as he smacked Naruto again.
"Ok Daymond, that's enough, not even we did it this much." a young male said as he stepped forth.
"Yeah man, cut it out." another young teen said as she too pleaded with Daymond to stop.
However, Daymond didn't stop and proceeded to hit Naruto harder and harder with each swing, "Damn you! Damn you!" Daymond yelled as he raised his hand again.
However, before he could hit Naruto on the swing down, Naruto's hand shot out and grabbed his arm and begun twisting it, "STOP HITTING ME!" he cried as Daymonds arm finally snapped causing him to cry out in pain.
This of course shocked all of the teens surrounding them as they all cried out in shock, "You monster!" a young male cried out.
"H-He hurt Daymond for no reason!" the young girl exclaimed as the adults came running over to see what was going on.
Naruto however, had went to his knees and covered his ears to try and block out the images of his past, but they wouldn't vanish. It was then that the Matriarch had kept him locked in his room whenever adopting parents came for children and only let him out when the weekends came. He had met Sona on such a weekend and had soon been turned into a Devil where Sona's Mother had brought him into her home as a pseudo son even though she never adopted him. After all, she used magic to erase five years of memories about Naruto from all of the patrons minds.
He had went on a long training trip to try and find some measure of control over his curse, and barely succeeded in doing that. Suddenly the vision of terror turned into a time when he was roughly sixteen and he was talking to Sona-sama. It was near nighttime and he was back to being his normal self. He gulped as he looked to his master of eight years, "S-Sona-sama, a-aren't you afraid of me?" he asked her.
He had asked her this several hundred times over the years, but she had never answered him as she always changed the subject. However, Sona's eyes gleamed with passion as she looked at Naruto, "Now why would I be afraid?" she asked in return, "Fear is an emotion brought on by ignorance of misunderstanding." she told him honestly as she smiled at her [Rook] kindly. She spoke on to elaborate, "Besides, more importantly, that mysterious aura you have going is alluring enough as well as attractive in its own way." she said kindly.
Sona-sama's sister, Serafall Leviathan, came over later that night and saw Naruto sitting at the dinner table alone, sighing as he messed around with some broccoli. She walked over and pushed his plate away causing him to look at her, "Oh-ho, seems somebody's in love with So-tan." she said smiling at him, for once not accusing him of trying not to steal her sister away from her.
Naruto gulped in surprise, "I-Is it that obvious?" he asked her.
Serafall merely gave a light light, "yeah, actually, it is." she said as she sat on the table.
Naruto sighed with a smile on his face, content with knowing that he wasn't so easily hidden with his emotions, "I guess I am, after all." he said, "Just seeing Sona-sama makes my heart pound and flutter in excitement. Just hearing her voice makes my heart want to dance." he admitted before saying, "And it's not just her, but I have come to love Tsubaki-san, Akeno-san and Rias-san as well. Just being near them makes me glad to know that I am accepted for what and who I am." he said.
"Oh, is this the regular excited that shows you had a good time, or is it the excited excited Naruto-chan?" she asked getting a red faced Naruto to cry out in embarrassment for such a comment.
This scene suddenly changed to look like a dark blue/purple expanse with just him standing alone in the vast void. However this suddenly changed to reveal Sona herself appearing behind Naruto, "So you're in love with me are you?" she asked getting a startled gasp out of Naruto as he turned around and seen her smile at him.
"S-So-Sona-san, when did you get here?" he asked her.
Sona suddenly got in his face as her look changed into a sinister look, "Unfortunately I am unable to give my entire being to somebody with no future waiting for them." she said to Naruto causing him to gulp.
"S-Sona..." he said.
"Your curse will always follow you around like a tumor, which cannot be removed." she told Naruto, "Eventually, it will end up consuming you. Gnawing away at your body as it tries to devour your life energy, and then upon doing that, it will consume your body." she said to him as Naruto's astral form begun to crumble away causing him to cry out in shock, "And even then you will die alone and unloved, forgotten by the world at large for being so useless to it." she said as Naruto finally disappeared.
Mihae lowered her hands down with a sigh, "And now you will never return from the abyss from which your mind is trapped." she said to Naruto.
However, she never expected for Naruto to respond as he spoke up, "I'm well aware of that, Sona-sama. But, tha's fine by me." Naruto admitted to himself.
"What do you mean?" she asked him in confusion.
Back inside of Naruto's astral prison, Naruto was walking forward without hesitation, calmly accepting the fact that his love would never reciprocate his feelings, "Because you were never meant to walk by my side. Because, you're the sun itself, and have illuminated my life that had once been shrouded by darkness that never ended." he thought to himself as the dark plane begun to glow in front of Naruto a the light turned into a astral projection of the sun itself, and inside that sun was the image of a smiling Sona Sitri as she looked at him with a kindred smile upon her lips.
-Play; Escanor Theme-
In the real world, Naruto's school uniform begun to bulge as his power begun to expand in his body, "Mihae-san, what you placed upon me isn't despair." Naruto said as his uniform top ripped away as his muscled form ripped its way out of the jacket, "It's a shimmering ray of hope." he declared boldly as he grew taller right in front of her very eyes. Reaching his hand out he continued his spiel, "Now, I'll allow you to atone with your flesh, for the great sin of toying with other's heart's." he commanded as the rest of his shirt and jacket vanished as it was burnt by Naruto's sheer bodily heat he released.
"This is a most unexpected result." Mihae said as she looked at Naruto in confusion, "Who would have known that the images he saw in a artificial mental world would have such a impact in the physical one?" she asked herself.
"Naruto!" Kiba gasped out in shock as he watched Naruto transform before his very eyes.
Xuelan pushed a slab of concrete off her body with a gasp, "Man it was staring to get stuffy in there." she said with relief as she felt the cool air, only to gasp as she looked at Naruto and felt his power, "W-What the!?P-Power Level 68,800, wait a second, who is this guy?" she asked in shock.
-In the viewing area-
Lord Phenex looked on in shock, "What? What's with that transformation?" he asked himself.
Lord Sitri, who had only met Naruto around dinner, was no different, "What kind of insane transformation is this?" he demanded.
Grayfia looked on with impressed eyes, "In terms of power he's barely surpassed Sairaorg Bael himself, intriguing." she admitted.
Sirzechs nodded in impressed awe, "Indeed, he may actually be a lot stronger. No wonder Rias said that there was no Devil alive who could match him except us Satan's." he said.
-In the arena-
Mihae felt it click in her mind as to why he stopped growing, "I see, you've only quasi-transformed so you're nowhere near your true level. And you won't be able to maintain that form for long either." she said as she jumped back away from Naruto as he swiped at her.
"This should be more than enough to do what I must." Naruto said as he released the item in his grasp.
Said item happened to land on Xuelan's head where she reached up and took it off, "Huh, a rosary?" she asked in confusion.
Sliding to a stop, Mihae saw that Xuelan held her greatest treasure, "Give back my mother's rosary!" she demanded, "HAVE SOME GATLING JACK!" she yelled as she pointed her hand at Naruto and shot small beams of magic energy at Naruto, only for Naruto to easily leap up into the air out of harms way.
Xuelan cried out as she ducked down, "This is insane!" she cried out.
"Mihae-san stop now!" Kiba cried out to her.
Naruto stopped ascending into the sky and raised his arm up, "Hear me, and obey my will, DIVINE AXE RHITTA!" he commanded as he clenched his fingers into a claw-like form.
A distance away the large axe shook in place before it ripped itself out of its hiding position and took to the sky.
-In the observation area-
"Hmm, what's this?" Grayfia asked as she saw the weapon approach.
Sirzechs however felt his eyes widen in shock as he looked at the weapon, "B-But that's-" he didn't get to finish as Naruto caught the one handed axe in his hand with a resounding, "CLANG~" before looking down and giving a command of, "Sacred Treasure: Release" and suddenly a new star was born as he brought forth all the power he could bear from his weapon.
And just like his ancestor had done before, Naruto's power had garnered anyone and everyone's attention much like his great ancestor had long ago. Kiba felt himself looking up at Naruto with wide eyes, "The sun... but there's no sky here!" he exclaimed.
Akeno felt herself squint as she looked at the incredible light Naruto was releasing, "What in the hell is he doing?" she asked.
Koneko grunted as she felt the incredible heat, "He... can't be!" she grunted out, her sentence not making any sense as she could properly form it.
Grayfia felt her eyes widen in shock as she stood in front of her husband with other Devil's Standing up as well, "Lucifer-sama, you need to leave. This Magic Power rivals your own!" she said urgently.
"It's incredible, this seemingly young devil has magical power equivalent to Lucifer-sama's own!" Lord Phenex said with wide eyes.
"Impossible!" Lord Sitri exclaimed.
-Back in the arena-
Yubelluna, who had been about to attack Akeno, stood beside the hybrid with wide eyes filled with awe, "Hey, what are you about to do?" she asked as she looked at Naruto.
Akeno gulped as she looked up at Naruto, flecks of golden light flowing into the blade of his great weapon charging up his attack to incredible levels Sirzechs could only dream of achieving, "That devastating and unparalleled power, and the heat emanating from Naruto's body is capable of incinerating everything around it." she told Yubelluna honestly, "The Divine Axe Rhitta's special ability is called Charge and Fire. It can absorb all the blistering heat emitted by Naruto, allowing him to harness it and unleash it at will." she said as the flecks of light filtered into the blade.
Yubelluna called her wings out and went to try and stop Naruto, but Akeno was quicker and tackled her to the ground, "Let go of me! If he unleashes that attack every one of us is gonna get killed!" she cried out.
Akeno looked up at Naruto and calmly said, "You'll have to trust Naruto, Luna-san." she said quietly.
-Viewing area-
Now look at this, that's what I call a unexpected comeback, it's what a rating game is all about!" Ajuka said excitedly.
"Man you really are getting worked up over this kid aren't you?" Falbium said.
"How could you not, his power placed him up here with us!" the green Satan said.
-in the arena-
Naruto finished charging his magic and called out, "For the great sin of toying with other's hearts, you will now atone with your flesh!"
Mihae calmly called on her magic, "Challenge accepted." she responded, "Golden Bow Gertrude: Automatic Tracking Mode: Blackout Arrow" she called out as a bow of golden magic manifested and a ball of energy charged up at the tip of the bow. Naruto and Mihae seemed to have a staring contest and it was here that Mihae released her arrow at Naruto.
However as this happened, Naruto swung down with a loud, "Hrah!" and the intensity of his magic flared up causing all of the young devils to cry out in shock and pain as Naruto's energy grew all the more powerful. However, it wasn't Mihae he was aiming his strike at, but a shocked Riser Phenex who had no way of getting out of the way just as the fire descended upon his terrified form with a explosion of energy. As the light from Naruto's power died down, smoke quickly filled the air causing the devils to cough before they looked up to see a golden arrow of energy embedded inside Naruto's shoulder before it faded away as he fell to the ground.
"Looks like I win." Mihae said as she allowed her magic to fade away, "Xuelan, please return my mothers rosary to me." she said.
"U-Uh yeah, here ya go." the girl said handing it over.
Kiba snarled as he looked at the young woman, "You call this winning, are you insane?" he demanded as Naruto groaned to sit up.
Mihae shrugged, "I was only stating facts, he's down, while I'm still standing." she stated.
"Mihae-san, how could you do this?! Can't you understand what's inside Naruto's heart?" he demanded.
"Inside Naruto's heart? Not really no, I haven't known him that long so I can't really understand. Though from this series of events there's no question hewas furious at me." she said.
Kiba growled as he pointed in a direction, "Can you say the same thing after seeing that?" he demanded as the smoke begun to clear where he was pointing, "That's what Naruto's real intentions were and what he was trying to show you what was in his heart!" he yelled as both Xuelan and Mihae looked at where he was pointing where they felt their eyes widened when they saw a glowing Riser Phenex laying on the ground in defeat.
'For the great sin of toying with other's hearts, you will now atone with your flesh!' Naruto's voice rang through their minds.
Sirzechs cleared his throat as his voice spoke through the arena, "Riser Phenex has been defeated and therefore retired. The winner of this Rating Game is Naruto Pride!" he announced proudly.
And there you have it. I know I skipped over/around/ignored most of the fights but I wanted it to get straight up to Naruto going full on Escanor with his beliefs for his friends hearts and so I just decided to do it like this. Please leave a LIKE/FAVORITE/FOLLOW as well as a really lengthy REVIEW and I will see you all soon.