For the next few minutes the large group comprising of mostly Humans and a Zero. Follow their robotic guide through the icy wasteland. "Man, this is great! Now that I've met seven mighty Vault Hunters, I can finally join the resistance in Sanctuary, take vengeance against Jack for killing my product line, and repair my central processor so I stop thinking out loud! I wonder what it's like to have a belly button." Claptrap wondered the last part of his exposition to himself.

Looking over his shoulder, Salvador asks Gaige, "You think you can fix his... whatever he said so he can keep nonsense like that to himself?" Much to his dismay she shakes her head no, "I never met a Claptrap in person before till meeting this one. I would need the blueprints, parts, and the right tools. Which no doubt won't be easy to obtain as Hyperion stopped making the repair kits when they ended the product line."

"Makes you wonder what did Jack do to have every single one killed. The annoying robots were sold throughout the entire six galaxies and as much as they didn't want them. All the major corporations bought at least a few thousand to help out with mundane tasks." Axton explained to the group. He still remembers when he and his squad returned from a mission and entered into their barracks. Only to find The Claptrap unit assigned to keep the place orderly and clean dead on the floor.

Raven mutters, "Whatever he did. It clearly worked, they're all gone." Underneath the Lance-man helmet, the eighteen year old's face is crestfallen. "Except for this one." Maya added to the conversation and then says. "I'm curious how he survived."

Before any of them could ask the robot the question. The blue image of a young woman suddenly appears right in front of them, causing the large group to stop dead in their tracks. The woman smiles kindly, "Don't bother asking, he won't remember. I'll explain everything soon, but know this – you're alive for a reason, and I… am here to help you."

She then disappears, leaving the shocked Vault Hunters alone. None of them could find their voices to comment on what just happened, everyone except for Krieg that is. The Psycho grabs his head and lets out a deep growl. Causing everyone to snap out of it and turn to face him.

"NO! NO! NO! DON'T WANT ANOTHER VOICE! DON'T WANT! DON'T WANT!" Everyone save for Maya took a big step back from him. Ready to defend themselves if he would to attack. "Easy there big guy. We all saw her, you're not alone." The Siren spoke in a soothing tone. He looks at her with his one glaring eye. Seeing the blue haired female's eyes become soft and blue painted lips shift into a small comforting smile. He begins to calm down.

After a long second. "So... is he good?" Asked Axton. Maya glances at the former soldier and answers his question. "Yeah, for the moment. But we should probably find some bandits for him to kill. There's definitely bloodlust building up within him."

Salvador asks how can she tell. "By looking into his eye." This answer only seemed to confuse him. "In some cultures/ The eye is the window to the soul/ One look into it and you know the individual's intentions." Informed Zero.

"Oooooooh," The Gunzerker now understood, "That's something the priest in my hometown would say, or something like that. But I usually ignored her." Just then Claptrap yells at them to gain their attention. They see the Hyperion robot got pretty far and only stopped when noticing they weren't following him anymore. So running over to catch up. The large group resume their trek through the snowy winds.

The blinding snow was becoming annoying to the warriors. It also didn't help that some of them didn't have any kind of protection for the eyes. "I wish the winds would stop so we can see where we are going." Said Gaige, though mainly to herself. As if by some unseen force had heard the red head's plead. Visibility became much more clearer when the snowy winds started to die down. The eighteen year old smiled, "That's much better." With the winds no longer hindering their vision, the seven Vault Hunters see they're now only a few car lengths away from Claptrap's home. A door was built into the ice wall surrounded by junk.

The robot stops and turns around to face the group. "Before we head inside, I have something for all of you." The small compartment all Claptrap's are built with opens up and he digs around inside for something.

After a bit he holds out seven ECHO devices. "Here - take this ECHO communicators that I totally didn't loot from any recent corpses! It has everything Vault Hunters will need to fight against someone like Handsome Jack." Taking one each, they start to familiarize with the gadget. When done, they walk over to the front door.

The outdated machine stands a few feet away from it, "Aaaaaand open!" He exclaimed. The door's scanner scans Claptrap with a blue holographic light. A second later the entrance opens up. "Just a little added security. Gotta keep those Bullymongs at bay, or they'll rip your eyes out!"

Entering inside, all eight of them walk down a long hallway. Raven took notice of a few dead Claptrap units stuck in the walls. She found that to be very creepy. Eventually the hallway ends and the seven warriors find themselves in what they can guess is the living room. Up ahead is lit furnace. Axton, Gaige, and Salvador run up to it to get warm.

While Raven, Maya, Zero, and Krieg take a look around of the place. It's clear the ice made home isn't well kept. In the corners are piles upon piles of junk, dead Human bodies, and dead Claptrap bodies. "Sorry about the mess. Everything Jack kills, he dumps here – bandits, Vault Hunters, Claptrap units…"

"You soundly weirdly ok about it." Maya said to him. "Well that's only because my programmers made this my default tone of voice! I'm actually quite depressed!" When hearing that, Raven couldn't help but feel sorry for the little robot. Depression isn't normal for his kind.

"Now, the creatures around here are dangerous, none more than this Bullymong named Knuckle Dragger – killed everyone I know. Anywho, I keep the odd number of seven pistols in the cabinet over there for emergencies, but in here, we should be pretty safe!" Suddenly in the distance a loud roar can be heard, grabbing everyone's attention.

From the large hole in the ice ceiling, a massive four-armed creature climbs down into the place by the metal chimney. Since the other three Vault Hunters by the furnace were unprepared to be attacked by really anything so soon. The animal was able swat them away with no trouble and grab Claptrap with its lower right arm.

It then climbs up the chimney a bit, when high enough it pulls out Claptrap's eye. "MY EYE! AHHHHHH!" Claptrap screamed out in pain. Having what it came for. The creature drops the robot and leaves the place through the same hole in the ceiling. Running over to her fallen friends, "Are you guys ok?" Raven asked in concern.

Salvador sits up, rubbing his aching head. "Yeah, dumb animal caught me off guard." Axton and Gaige sit up as well, seemingly fine too. Right then a sound of something crashing was heard. They all look to where the sound came from and saw that it was Claptrap tripping over a pipe.

Zero walks over to the yellow machine and helps him stand on his one wheel. "Don't move, come over here Gaige. We need to know the damage." The red head jogs on over and takes a look at where the eye used to be. "Nothing major is broken and the wiring is surprisingly intact. If we get the eye back and find someone who knows their way around a Claptrap. He'll be fine."

"Guns, the guns in the cabinet." He muttered weakly. Maya steps in front of the cabinet he mentioned and opens it. Inside are standard Dahl pistols. Grabbing the firearms, she then gives her allies each one. Next they start looting the place for anything of worth.

After a minute the place has been picked clean of money and ammo. Before any of them could plan the next course of action. The mysterious lady from before shows up again. "Once upon a time, four Vault Hunters changed Pandora forever. But their time has passed – thanks to Handsome Jack. Pandora needs a new heroes. I know that you seven are those heroes." She said with a smile.

Right then it was Axton who took that moment to talk to the lady. "Hey there. They are allowed to correct me on this but, we're far from being heroes. Sure we're not down right evil, but still. We're here to get revenge on Jack and to open the Vault before he does." No one did speak up to correct him.

"Heroes or not. Your quest to take down Jack will still free Pandora from his grasp. No longer will the people feel fear, long abandon settlements will once again have people living in them. Normalcy, or as much normal Pandora can get, will return." Once finishing her sentence, she leaves them alone.

"Apart from the excruciating pain, this is great! I've been waiting for mighty Vault Hunters to help me reach Sanctuary! I will be your wise leader, and you shall be my fearsome minions! Ahahaha!" Claptrap laughed, crashing into a wall in the process. He seemed to ignore the fact Axton was talking to someone other than him or the rest of the Vault Hunters. "Augggh." The Gunzerker groans, "We're gonna be stuck with this toaster for a good while. I can tell."

Gaige puts a hand on his shoulder. "It's ok Sal. Once we reach this Sanctuary, we can split off from him. But for right now, enjoy seeing him crashing into stuff." Right on cue the yellow robot smacks into the poker table where four dead Claptrap units are playing a game. It made the Pandora native snicker.

Eventually Claptrap exits the place by going through a him shaped door. A second later a large metal back door opens to the frozen wasteland outside. Maya peers over to the furnace and sees Krieg cooking a Human foot over the fire. "Come on Krieg! We're heading out!" The Psycho looks at her then back to his meal. With a grunt he throws the thing into the fire and gets up. Walking over to where she and the others are.