Took a hiatus from Arknights, writing, and so and so forth. So if there are any drops in the quality of my writing, I do apologize.
But yee. I'm back.
"I must be hallucinating."
"Doctor, I'm seeing the same thing that you are. You are not hallucinating."
"Nonsense my little bunny. I am obviously hallucinating. Closure must have snuck some raw Originium into my breakfast today."
"Doctor, I'M the one who was in charge of breakfast this morning. I served you your breakfast. Not to mention the fact that I'M the one Dr. Kal'tsit asked (read: ordered) to watch over you today. And please have more faith in Miss Closure; she's not one to sneak Originium into anyone's meals. And for that matter, why would YOU know what the effects of eating Originium ar-?" Ansel was cut off mid sentence when Doctor made a 'shhh' with his finger, the hooded man staring intently at the target of his woes. The pink-haired Cautus gave a sigh as he continued to stand, too tired to argue any more with his questionably competent superior.
"If I am not hallucinating and this is real, then we are in a Catastrophic situation!" Doctor's visor glinted in the ambient light of the Rhodes Island Men's closet, a fist trembling in unrestrained fury. "Our safe haven has been invaded! A true beast has locked her claws into the sacred sanctity of this precious holy ground! Our manliness as men is being put into question!"
A finger pointed at the lioness who was lazily resting on the sofa before them. Doctor quickly retracted the appendage back into the safety of his cover, the medical professional trembling in place as he hyperventilated.
"It is a miracle that she hasn't seen us yet! Truly, Perfumer was a genius for gifting us this amazing plant!" Doctor patted the plant affectionately, to which Ansel could only sigh again.
"You know she can see us Doctor."
"Pish posh! That's impossible. You, maybe, but me? Absolutely ludicrous! This cover is absolutely impeccable!"
"I can see you," the lioness stated, a light amusement coloring her voice.
Ansel rubbed his forehead to stave off the growing migraine that was threatening to overcome his sanity, making a promise that when this was all over, he'd immediately go to bed after his shift ended. If this is what Dr. Kal'tsit had to deal with on a daily basis, then Ansel couldn't help but feel the respect for his mentor grow astronomically. Was this some sort of secret method that Kal'tsit used to train her interns to appreciate her even more?
If so, it was definitely working.
...he needed more sleep.
"Well, Doctor. What in the world are you going to do? Sitting behind that fern isn't going to do anything."
Doctor gave an inquisitive look towards Ansel, eyes practically glowing red from behind his visor.
"Is that so? Then what do you suggest, little bunny?"
" could just ask her to leave?"
At that, all froze still.
Doctor remained silent for a while, with Ansel feeling an insurmountable amount of dread building up from within him. Every inbred instinct in his body was practically screaming at him that something was coming. Something incredibly dangerous, so terrifying that he should quickly evacuate from the area at once.
With second after painful second, Doctor quietly rose from behind his plant, all pretenses of fear now absent from his stance.
"...what have I been doing? Such an was right before me this entire time..."
Ansel let out an involuntary squeak when he was subject to the intense gaze of the Doctor, both hands clamped right on his shoulders.
"Ansel! You truly are a genius! It is true; I must properly communicate to resolve this situation! This problem can only be resolved if I respect our intruder- no, our friend's customs to the fullest extent! I've been so blind as to not attempt to understand her, so I shall rectify that mistake right now!"
The pink bunny blinked slowly, before coming up with a response.
Doctor swiftly turned towards the resting lioness, before walking towards her, a burning purpose behind each and every step that he took. It was only at that point that Ansel regained enough of his composure to address the dread that he was feeling at that very moment.
"Erm...Doctor? What are you planning?"
"I read in an article that Victoria is a society that prides strength above all else. Considering Siege's background, it is only right that I match my strength against hers!" Doctor flashed Ansel a thumbs up, a manly confidence burning from within him. "It is my duty, as the leader of the Rhodes Island Men's Club! I must use my incredible manliness to lead my men into the darkness ahead! Let my sacrifice provide you purpose to move forward!"
At that, Doctor pointed at the attentive Siege, conviction layered in his voice.
"Now, Siege! I challenge you to a dual of strength! I have beat mighty devils, dragons, doggies, and kitties alike! Let the name 'Doctor' be burned into your memory, for our battle shall be legendary! Here I come!"
Amiya: Attention all Personnel of Rhodes Island.
Due to... unfortunate circumstances, Doctor is currently suffering from a concussion and will be unavailable for consultation for the rest of the day.
Please also be aware to watch your footing for your own safety, especially in small rooms. Small objects can become hazards if left on the ground, especially small potted plants. Simply picking up a stray object and placing it in an area that will not cause an accident can be an enormous factor in keeping your fellows safe from any unfortunate circumstances.
Let's do our best to make Rhodes Island a safer place for everybody!
Kal'tsit: Doctor, your office is fixed now. Now finish your work.