Seabrook. It was a perfectly planned community, where belonging is everything. They were a strong, united, and tight-knit community. And that's a good thing, since it wasn't always that way. There was a time when they had to protect ourselves.

Legend had it that when the first settlers came to Seabrook, they found wild beasts with sharp claws lurking in the forest. It sparked an epic battle. Seabrook settlers bravely fought off the monstrous attack and discovered a powerful energy source. Realizing they discovered a precious resource, they safeguarded it from the beasts. They weren't going to let anyone steal their treasure, so they hid it.

The town prospered and grew rich by harnessing the precious energy source. Seabrook benefited greatly as it grew strong, happy, and unified. The beasts were a distant memory. Seabrook forgot monsters could be real.

Until clearly, they were.

Who would have thought that an accident involving lime soda would set off the apocalypse? And when the contaminated green haze blew west, people were not happy. It turned them into zombies. Brain-eating zombies.

They were dark and gory times. They built a big barrier to protect them from the zombie hordes. Safe at last, Seabrook could finally get back to their perfect lives.

A lot had changed since they built the barrier 50 years ago. Science found a much better way to deal with zombies. Sure, zombies had to wear government-issued coveralls, they had a curfew, and, for a long time, they were forced to stay in Zombietown. But, thanks to a thick metal bracelet called a Z-Band that delivered a dose of soothing electromagnetic pulses, zombies were able to live without craving brains.

For the first time in Seabrook history, the City Council allowed zombies into regular high school. They may have been restricted only to the basement, but a zombie named Zed changed that with a little football magic. Although zombies weren't supposed to leave the basement, Zed had managed to join the football team with some begging and pleading and an intense try-out (with a little help from a Z-Band glitch).

The first game hadn't gone as planned. His Z-Band worked perfectly, and he was trampled. He'd only been allowed on the team with hopes of finally getting a victory. But they were down nearly forty and everyone—humans and zombies alike—blamed him. If he screwed it up, it'd be back to square one for the zombies.

Halftime had come and Zed snuck away from the locker room to find his best friend, the only person who could help him in the situation. "Eliza, I need you to disable my Z-Band."

Eliza had scoffed. "Yeah, no, I'm sorry. I'm not letting you talk me into doing this."

"I just need a little zomboost, okay? Like what happened at try-outs!"

"Because that wasn't almost a total disaster?" Eliza had asked. "Yeah, no, I'm not doing it."

"Look, you...You already jailbroke your Z-Band to play video games."

"This is different, okay? This is ludicrously dangerous!"

"If I win this game, that's good for us. And that's good for zombies, and isn't that what we need?"

Eliza had rolled her eyes, but she caved. He used his zombie strength and won just about every game. It pissed off a lot of the humans, sure. And some (Bucky Buchanan, cheer captain) had tried to expose him for 'cheating' and failed, getting his cheer minions detention. Zed got his comeuppance though, a little thing called Z-Band poisoning.

Things had worked out in the end. A lot more had changed for zombies in seven months. Everyday was better than the last. Seabrook was getting rid of all of its old anti-monster laws, so now Zombietown was open to everyone.

And business was booming.