PP- Hi! And welcome to today's newspaper.
Me-who in the holy heckaronies are you?
PP-Your NOC, idol, and favorite pig in the world. Peppa Pig. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh
Me- Crap on a stick this isn't going to end well
PP- Doesn't matter, we want Keefe. Not you.
No need to ask Peppa, because here I am. Better then ever. With today's newspaper sections! Wait...I feel like I'm forgetting something.
Thanks to everybody who reviewed! :)
A very obsessed fan-girl-Thanks for the suggestions! Maybe I took them *wink wink*
KotlcExpert521- Thank you for the repeated support on ma story!
Lots of people like my newspaper, huh?
Stuff a sock in it, Keefe.
Anyway, with all of that BORING into stuff done, it's on to the REAL DEAL. Some sections you know, some that you don't, I bring you...
Biana Vacker
After my amazing section of last week's newspaper, Keefe's decided to hire me as his professional fashion passion newspaper writer! Because honestly-my sections are the most important. Who even CARES about "being the king of good hair-landia?"
Oh wait-did I just spoil something?
Um...just don't look at that last part, guys!
Anyway, this week's fashion trends are IN! Take a look, Lonely Level Ones, and maybe we can hook you up with somebody. Because nobody says no when you look this good.
Crop top-tunics are in! Suggested to have a black or white undershirt under the cropped tunic, you'll look so glam. Cut your tunic in a straight line half an inch above your belly-button. (Mid-length sleeved tunics work best.)
Let's not forget the newest trend of the season, leggings! Comfy and fashionable, and stylish! They look best with lace cuffs at the bottom, and diamond studs along the side pockets just below your waste. Buy 'em now!
Lastly, we've all been to Rimeshire our fair share of times, picking up the newest gadgets and such. So just the normal lacey snow boots are in and better than ever!
Thank you Biana for the lovely section.
*Keefe yawns*
What's next?
Oh right.
Dimple Dude's Devices
Hi there.
Um...I recently got my own section in the paper. But I did not agree to this name. *epic keefe glare* Anyway, we're selling the coolest gadgets at Rimeshire. Make sure to check them out!
Intruder Imparter
The intruder imparter is a device that can be installed into any imparter and can be used to see the last three calls that imparter has made. The length of the call doesn't matter! Thirteen lusters each!
Mind-Boggling Lense
Glasses that can pop out from an ear-piece and take information on anybody you see. This includes estate, family name, siblings, ability, and much more. Eighteen Lusters.
Done with pretending your levitation/telekinesis is strong enough to play Fly-ball? (a sport where you use levitation/telekinesis to try to keep a ball off the ground) Well, the Yeet-ball can stay up and off the ground without any telekinesis needed, and has an attachment piece to your ear that does as you wish. Get it now for Forty Lusters.
Wow, Dex is pricey.
But that sounds kinda cool.
But now, we have…
Everybody's favorite section! This one!
Anyway, we took a break from Sailing Ships Vs Failing Ships last time, so we owe you double. Here you go!
Sailing Ship #1- Chandelitz
In the past they've had some trouble. But through Fitz's cooperation, they were able to make it work. Three claps for Chanel!
Sailing Ship #2- Keefoster.
We all knew it was going to happen. And Foster finally admitted! Maybe I'll make it a new part of the newspaper next week if the public wants. *glares at readers*
Failing Ship #1- Fedex
Oof, Fitz had to tell Dex that he liked Chanel. That's harsh. Dex is heartbroken. Emo-Dex will return in the next paper. (Maybe…?)
Failing Ship #2-Stensi
Stina-Jensi just didn't work out well. "Too drooly for me!" "Too stuck-up for me!" That was the end of that.
LGBTQ ship #1-Marellinh
They were featured recently, and still are together and amazing. Marella's fire burned the steel in Linh's eyes, and Linh's water drowned the fire. They're a perfect match.
LGBTQ Ship #2- Stiana
Never thought I would say this, but Stina and Biana are actually working out pretty well. They're both on the pretty side (I can't believe I just said that) and they really fit well together. Miracle families!
And...that's going to be it for this paper. Thanks for reading, and review to choose things for next week's paper. Buh bai!