Foxfire Gazette (2.0)
HI everyone! Our fellow Foxfire Gazette hasn't updated and it's killing me! So…
Make up my own Foxfire Gazette!
Keefe's ships-
Recently there have been some...romantic changes.
No, I'm not talking about the Fitzphie break up. But that was pretty cool. But today, we're taking it from the top with the newest section of the Foxfire Gazette- LET THE SHIPS SAIL!
We all know it's going to happen. So, why let Foster keep neglecting me? Ouch. So, we really need to get her out of denial. Teach me how to do it, Fitziepoo!
Bangs Boy & Marella
Bangs Boy needs a feisty girl that can threaten to burn his bangs off. And who else but the pyrokinetic?
Fitziepoo is always doing puppy-eyes when he sees Linh's water tricks. But the Keeper Crew is always clueless when it comes to love. But Linh needs to see the *dreamy sigh* beauty in his teal eyes that you can just sink into because there's a whole ocean in there.
I'm disgusting myself.
As I mentioned, there was recently a Fitzphie dramafest in the house! So why not examine it?
Fitziepoo's eyes filled with tears. "What do you mean "just friends?'
Foster sighed. She scratched her head. "Well...thing is, I've recently found a new interest in ice-blue. Teal is...uh...not my thing anymore."
Fitzy gasped. "But-I love you!"
Foster turned away. "You keep claiming that whether I ruin Oralie's life is your choice because it affects your "perfect Vacker reputation."
Fitzy pouted. "It does! Being a bad match would ruin my life forever!"
"Didn't Alvar already do that?"
Fitzy died then out of pure pain and depression.
I know I'm not nearly as good as the original writer. But thank you for reading! Please review and let me know if you want me to continue!