A/N: I just wanted to start off by saying that I am most definitely not one that is incredibly knowledgeable of the Fate series, so please done chastise me about anything I get wrong. So, I just wanted to let you all know this beforehand.

Also, there might be some made up weapons. Finally, the story starts off immediately off with the first cross over, and also, each world will have a good number of chapters to each of them.



Ren Emiya, a descendant of one of the participants of the Fifth Holy Grail War, could be seen stepping out of a portal into a forestry area. This was indeed true, he was a direct descendant of one of the people that participated in the Fifth Holy Grail war and also holding the ability to use something called Magecraft.

Magus, that is what Ren Emiya is. Magus being individuals that practice the art of Magecraft, a form of magical science, or you could say he would be more considered a Spellcaster. This reason being that he didn't exactly follow the way of a Magus, he only perceived it as a useful tool and has no interest in finding out the truth about it all.

Ren Emiya was a young male around the age of fourteen or so. He had beautiful fair skin and a lean yet built body, he had straight black hair with vibrant red bangs and crimson red eyes. His clothes consisted of a tight black t-shirt that stuck to his body, along with a red crimson mantle on his right shoulder that had a golden intricately designed shoulder pad on it.

He also wore a pair of tight black pants and tall white metal combat boots with black soles, and finally, on each of his arms were black metal arm guards that went from his wrists to just below his elbows. While this wasn't exactly much of a normal attire, it was normal to him considering his life style and what he did.

The reason for his current situation was that he was testing out a mystic code that he had created over the expanse of a good number of weeks, something that allowed him to travel across the many different worlds in the multiverse. He honestly thought it wouldn't end up working, but it seemed that it did.

"To be honest, didn't think it would work on the first try." Ren muttered as he looked around at his surroundings in confusion. He definitely knew that he was in a different world since everything around him was not releasing familiar energy signatures, it was all completely foreign. Though... there was something strange, it felt completely artificial. "What the?"

Ren narrowed his eyes when he noticed something in the corner of his eye, it appeared to be a transparent grayish box of sorts at the corner of his peripheral vision. He was confused as he focused on it, trying to figer out what in the world it was, he knew for a fact that it was never there before.

Was it some effect for coming to this world?

"Wa-!" Ren flinched slightly when the box expanded to reveal it was now a GUI of sorts with all kinds of information being displayed. He had not expected it to suddenly do this, and his surprise was justifiable. He then narrowed his eyes at what he saw. "Wait... This kind of stuff looks like... a game menu. Where in the world am I?"

Ren looked at the GUI menu to see that it was displaying things that RPGs would normally show you, was he in some kind of game world? He knew of the existence of VRMMORPGs since it was something that was going under production in his world. Was this a world where they're already a thing and on the market?

That would explain why he felt that the world around him felt like of artificial, it was probably all just coding or something. He knew that he would end up encountering strange worlds if his mystic code were to work, but this was certainly something he wasn't expecting to find himself in, at least not so soon.

"NewWorld Online? I guess the name of this game." Ren muttered as he crossed his arms. He had looked at the top of the menu to see the words that he had just said on the top, which he could only assume was the name of the game as it also sounded like the name an RPG would have.

He then directed his attention down to the menu's main contents, to which he slightly widened his eyes at what he saw. He really didn't know what to think about what he saw since he rarely ever played RPGs, he knew the here's and there's but nothing too major. The information he saw made him give a slight chuckle though.

NewWorld Online


Name: Ren

Level: 250?

HP: ?/? [▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅]

MP: ?/? [▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅]

Status Points: ?

[STR: ?] [AGI: ?] [INT: ?] [VIT: ?] [DEX: ?]

"It seems like this game can't properly gauge me, understandable." Ren chuckled. Considering that he wasn't a 'player', at least he assumed that there were people around the world playing this game, then it was understandable that they couldn't read his 'stats' since he shouldn't even have them in the first place. "Two hundred and fifty, huh? Is that good or not?"

Ren seemed to mutter as he looked at the place that stated the level of his character, which had displayed as [250]. He had no idea if that was a good level in this game or not, different RPGs work in many different ways, so he had no benchmark to compare to that to see if it was a good level to be at or not.

For all he knew, he could be weak as hell here. Plus, it seemed like the system couldn't even tell if that was indeed his level since it had a damn question mark next to it.

"Hold on, I better make sure that I can still use my Magecraft." Ren realised as he quickly held his hand forwards. If he couldn't use his powers, then this could end up very bad for him, he didn't know the dangers of this new world. True, his physical and mental abilities were very abnormal that he could rival servants and beyond, but, he didn't know how strong other worlds were so having his weapons would be optimal. "Trace, on!"

The magic circuits within his body flared up and flowed with overwhelming power as bright vibrant blue lights sparked into existence around his body as strands of its made their way into the palm of both of his hands, he then gave a small cry before his hands released a small burst of energy before he clenched both of his fists. When he did, he swung both arms outwards as two items began to form in each hand.

His right hand was forming some kind of golden light while the left was a black and red light, the blue vibrant lights of energy still dancing violently around his feet and reaching into the sky as they soon exploded upwards with a small cry from Ren. A light covered the area before it started to slowly fade.

As the light faded, Ren could be seen standing tall in the same spot but with two weapons down occupying both of his hands. His right hand being occupied by a beautiful white small sword with a shining blade, and in the right was a blade that contrasted the other and was black in colour with a red honeycomb pattern on it.

"Kanshou and Bakuya: Gān Jiàng and Mò Yé!" Ren had called out as he flicked both of the blades around each of his hands. Both of them releasing a beautiful soft yet dense energy, he looked at them with a smile as he seemed happy about the results he got. "Perfect, it seems that it's working just fine."

The ability that he had just used was something called Tracing, which was something that his Great Grandfather used in the Fifth Holy Grail War. It was an ability that allowed the user to conjure a copy of anything in which the user had seen, and his Great Grandfather's main weapons was something he had definitely seen before, along with many others too.

The two beautiful blades that he held were none other than Kanshou and Bakuya, 'married' twin swords that represented Yin and Yang. They were weapons forged by the blacksmith known as Gān Jiàng. They were also the main weapons that his Great Grandfather used in his many battles.

"Now, to see if I can still do this." Ren said as he twirled his weapons around before facing towards a group of trees near him. He narrowed his eyes before letting a small smirk don his face as he then reeled both of them back. He then threw them forwards as they spun rapidly while soaring through the air. "Triple-Linked Crane Wings!"

The swords cut right through the wood of the trees with such sharpness it was as if he were cutting through butter, maybe something even weaker than butter. The sword, strangely, were acting like boomerangs as they continued to circled around and slice the trees into tiny pieces of wood that scattered to the ground.

Ren then projected two more of the same blades before tossing them forwards, with another pair soon following as well. He watched as the six blades danced around the area in front of him, mercilessly slicing through the trees with complete ease. It brought relief that his powers seemed to be working properly.

He waited before the blades stopped and flew on back towards him, to which he easily caught them. He smiled at the work before both of the blades in his hand disappeared in the form of particles as he pocketed both of his hands, it seemed that his powers were working just fine, which was a massively good thing for him.

He would keep the most powerful and dangerous weapons in his arsenal under wraps, he would only bring them out if he deemed it necessary. Now, he wondered where other 'players' were, if this world was truly a video game branching off from this world's reality then there was bound to be other people.

"Alright, next order of business. Finding a possible nearby established civilisation, and then figuring out more about this world." Ren said to himself. It was crucial that he learnt more of this video game world, it would certainly help him in the future if he was going to be thinking of staying for a bit.

Plus, there were other things he needed to consider. Them being that he needed a way of identifying a player from an NPC, which were character's from the game and weren't actually people from the real world. Unless there was something that would help him with that, then there is not much he can do about it.

Nevertheless, standing here right now was not going to help him situation. Ren bent his knees slightly and got into a running position as he felt the magic circuits in his legs flare up intensely, the prana flowing into his legs as they felt as if they were getting stronger and pulsing with power.

With a single step, he ended up travelling a bit over ten meters as he just continued to run at unimaginable speeds through the area. He smiled as the reinforcement boost he put into his legs were working as fine as ever, it seems that even in this game world, his powers are not going to end up being limited.

It had been around an hour since Ren had arrived in this world and not much has really happened, aside from the fact that he has managed to finally find some form of a settlement in this world. It looked to be simple town from the rather old times, maybe in the medieval times of the world.

Though, he doubted that they wouldn't have things like magic, considering that this was a game world where magic was pretty much a certain factor for RPGs, some games being based on sci-fi but most being mainly fantasy. While it wouldn't be raw mana use from the old ages, it was still some form of magic.

He could now be seen presently walking through the town as there were all kinds of people around, both male and female and some wearing armour. It really did seem to be a strange game world as he occasionally heard talk about things like level and stats as well as talk of the real world, also considering the strange looks he got.

The clothes he wore weren't exactly what you usually see in games like this, the only thing about his attire that was probably somewhat normal to see in this type of setting was the mantle that was on his right shoulder. Other than that, his other clothing parts were that of the modern world, which was unusual to find in a place like this.

Though, the good thing at least that came about finding this place was that he now knew that there were other people and that it was indeed a game world he had found himself in. Another positive thing was that he found out that he didn't need to worry about who was a player of NPC, he could see their names as well as health above their heads.

He didn't know if this was a normal thing in the game as some games don't have this so you are kept in the dark, it added some impact into the game. So, he decided that it would be best that if he were to end up making contact with people, he should introduce himself normally just in case something like knowing their names without asking is a normal thing.

He never knew, it might not be and he could end up having some strange assumptions placed onto his person by the other people. Anyway, he was moving around right now trying to see if there was anything for him to do, he had heard about quests, though considering he wasn't exactly a 'player' he doubted he could do those.

"But, that doesn't mean I can't kill monsters. Hmm..." Ren muttered to himself as he scanned his eyes around the area. While he wouldn't get the rewards that palyers would if they were to kill the monsters for a quest, he assumed that this was because he wasn't registered exactly as a player, so the game functions won't work so much for him.

As he had made his way here, he had made sure to slow down as to not attract any unwanted attention. Though, considering this was a game, he could probably somewhat get away with using a bit of his speed. Also, as he made his way here, he had encountered all kinds of monsters.

They were all small and weak though, ranging from bugs and small strange animals. He assumed that there were of course stronger monsters out there, since this place seemed to be the kind of place that people on the lower levels would be at. The equipment that he saw people wearing were mostly rather novice, and from what he could tell, the equipment that they all were wouldn't even be ranked in the ranks of Noble Phantasm.

He would honestly say that they were all in the F-Rank, if that was even a thing.

As he fought the monsters that he ended up coming across, all it took to defeat them was a weak punch before they died, he wouldn't be surprised if he could kill them with a small poke. The only thing that he really bothered with picking up after killing them was the currency, the other stuff he couldn't really care about.

"Hm?" Ren stopped as something caught his attention. He looked to his right as he stopped walking to see that there were two girls seemingly standing around at the main part of the town, both of them looking quite similar to each other, twins perhaps? He noticed that they also held rather concerned looks.

"What should we do, Big Sis? You said that we shouldn't buy weapons that are too expensive, so what?" The girl that had white hair with pink streaks had asked the girl next to her, which she had called Big Sis. So, Ren could only assume that they were twin sisters with a small age difference, considering how similar in age they looked.

"Well... We do need to be able to afford potions for later, though it might be difficult to fight without good weapons..." The older girl, who had black hair with green streaks, had replied as she seemed to be thinking. "I suppose we should buy weapons, though potions are also really important... hmmm."

"Come on, can't you decide already, Big Sis!" The younger of the two complained as she pouted towards her older sibling as she grasped the girl's shoulders and shaking her slightly. The older sibling seemingly panicking a bit as she couldn't make up her mind, causing Ren to sweatdrop at the scene.

"Jeez, does it take this much thought for people to play games like this?" Ren wondered quietly. He wasn't really one to play many video games, but he did know some things at least. Did it truly take this much thinking of what to do in RPGs? He then decided to help, so he went on over to them as they were still talking to each other. "Excuse me?"

"E-Eh?" The white-haired girl jumped slightly at Ren's voice as she turned around to see him walking over before stopping in front of them. He crossed both his arms over his chest as he noticed how they both seemed reasonably surprised by his sudden appearance. "Wh-What is it?"

Now that Ren could get a better view of them, the both of them seemed to be around his age or so. They both wore what he assumed was probably the starting gear to the game considering how basic it looked in response to some other people he saw around him, so it was a valid assumption.

"Well, I just kind of noticed how the both of you looked troubled over something." Ren answered, causing the both of them to blink simultaneously. The girl's looked at each other for a second before turning back to him as he continued. "So, I was just wondering what was going on. Is there something the matter?"

"W-Well, we're just having some difficulties..." The younger of the two girls had replied to him in a slightly shy tone. She then widened her eyes as something seemed to completely strike her, as if a realisation had just hit her. "O-Oh, I almost forgot! My name is Yui, and this is my big sister."

"It's May, nice to meet you." The older of the siblings gave a small bow as Ren did so in return. He then found himself needing to return the call, since it was basic common courtesy that everyone should know about. "It's nice to meet the both of you, my name is Ren. So, what is this about difficulties?"

"It's just that we're having a bit of trouble with managing our money, Big Sis says that we want to save off of getting weapons since we would need it for potions." Yui had explained while gesturing towards her sister. Though May then added. "That's not the only problem though, we are also wanting to level ourselves, but it's getting difficult..."

"Mind elaborating?"

"Well, it's because the enemies around these parts aren't giving us much to level with, but the monsters that can are kind of too hard for us right now..." May explained. Ren seemed to understand now, it seemed that they wanted to get stronger but couldn't because the monsters that would give them sufficient experience to increase their level.

"I see, so that's your problem. I assume that grinding around these parts aren't exactly fast anymore, huh?" Ren smiled. They both nodded their heads at this, it was a common problem that some players usually had in games, to which they had to resort to grinding on the weak enemies and could take countless hours. "How about I help you?"

"Eh? Really?" May asked in surprise. They both seemed rather surprised about his sudden declaration, was it not normal for people to help others like this? If they were having trouble, he didn't see the problem in lending a hand. Ren nodded his head at this as he then added.

"Since you guys are having trouble leveling, I can help you out on taking out tougher opponents. It will allow you to deal with that currency problem you have as well as getting stronger." Ren stated. The cash dropped by the monsters would be good for both them as well as him, they could take the rest if they wanted, he doubted there was anything that would be worth his while.

"What do you think, Big Sis?" Yui asked her older sibling as the girl in question seemed to think about it. They could tell that Ren was a nice person, lending his assistance to them after seeing their predicament. Plus, who were they to say no to his generosity? May nodded her head as Yui smiled. "Alright!"

"We certainly thank you for your help!" May said with another small bow as Ren just waved it off as nothing, there was no need to thank him. Ren then decided to ask something, something that was rather important if they were going to be doing this. "What monsters are you thinking of fighting?"

"Well, Big Sis and I have heard of a nearby lair of sorts belonging to some monster, though we don't know what it is." Yui explained. This caught Ren's attention, this sounded like it could be fun. "People said that you could get some good skills and equipment from it if you can win."

"Alright then, sounds like a plan. Then we'll go for that." Ren nodded. Finding where it was was going to be no problem as he had figured out he had more than just his status screen, but also a couple of others like a map, so he just needs them to tell him the general direction and off they go. "Do you guys have weapons?"

"Well, we have these hammers that we got from the start." May said as both of them then brought out rather huge hammers that were probably the same size as the three of them. Ren looked at them to see they were probably made of wood, and ranging in the F-Rank of Noble Phantasms if there was one. "I see."

"While the hammers may be a bit on the weak end, Big Sis and I have focused solely on only maxing out our attack." This seemed to catch Ren's attention as well, that was a rather unique gaming style. Normally, players like to make certain character builds with them leveling certain attributes, not only one. "What's the downside here...?"

"Well, it's just that since the both of us don't have any skill points in the other aspects, we are rather vulnerable and slow since we have no agility..." May explained with a flushed look on her face. Ren sweatdropped at this, they were certainly unique players, that was for sure. Yui then stated. "Though, we can compensate with our strength!"

"I see, so you both are rather slow and defenseless." Ren nodded in understanding. He wasn't the type of person to judge on how someone did things, and he was certainly not going to start right now. "I guess I'll cover for the both of you during the battles. So, do you know where this monster is located?"

"From what we heard, I think I remember people saying it was a forest cave entrance in the east quite a bit out." Yui explained. Ren seemed to understand as he pulled up the map, he looked at the tree-covered areas and determined that it had to be within somewhere within the vicinity he was looking at. They should just start looking.

"Alright then, we should start looking for it then. The sooner we start, the sooner we can finish." Ren stated. He then began to walk in the eastern direction, though stopped immediately after hearing the voice of Maya calling out to him. "W-Wait! We can't go as fast as you!"

Ren turned around after hearing this, only to sweatdrop immensely at what he was seeing. He walked only for like five seconds with his speed kept at a minimum, and it seemed that the girls were having difficulty keeping up with him. They were already struggling to get to his position from the short distance between them.

"Jeez, you guys weren't kidding about your agility..." Ren muttered with a blank look on his face. He walked back over to them as they both slumped their shoulders, with flushed looks donning their faces. Ren then held his chin in thought, there had to be something he could do. "Well, I guess I have no choice."


"Kya!" Both of them gave their own cries as Ren ended up swinging May onto his back with her arms wrapped around his neck, and then swooped Yui up off her feet and into his arms as he carried her princess styled. They looked at their current positions and could feel their faces heating up every second.

"Hold on tight, it'll be faster if I carry us. I can run much faster than you two." Ren chuckled. They didn't complain as they felt Ren bend down, ready to start his sprint. With a burst of strength, he bolted off into the distance as they both gave their own cries of surprise and also a bit of fear at the speed they were going.

Despite Ren not actually trying to go fast, it seemed that this speed was rather crazy for them as he assumed that this speed must be quite high in the game. Whatever, the faster he got there, the better, he just needed to make sure to hold back enough to not completely show his capabilities to everyone.

For now, defeating this monster was the current priority.