Foreword: This is my first attempt in writing a fanfic with the intent of seeing it through. The concept of this fanfic was inspired by the Assassin's Creed franchise. I am writing this for fun, so forgive me for any historical inaccuracies and any OOCness I may make. In any case, thank you for reading.
Disclaimer: If you're reading this, you sould know that MHA belongs to Kohei Horikoshi.
Izekial looked up to the starry night sky. All of the stars were out and there was not a cloud in the sky. He took a breath as he laid on the grass, taking in the beautiful sight.
"Nope," he thought to himself, "it still hurts"
Izekial looked down at the large open wound on his left side, his blood staining his plain emerald and red robes.
He would have stopped the bleeding, but his left arm was laying 2 meters away from him and his right arm was nowhere to be seen. His legs were fine, but he has barely enough energy to stay conscious, let alone stand.
In the distance, he could see the darkness engulfing everything. This was not the usual darkness the night brings; the kind that brings serenity. This was the darkness that corrupts, destroys, and has no other purpose or end.
And it was getting closer to him as each moment passed.
Izekial then noticed that someone was standing over him. He looked back up and saw a familiar round face topped with straight, shoulder length hair.
"Yicho," Izekial addressed the sorceress. She said nothing, opting to continue staring into his eyes as the darkness continues on its path.
"After everything I've done." Izekial said, enduring the pain with each breath, "Every effort I've given, every sacrifice I've made, every plan I've executed. It.. i-it..."
"It wasn't enough." Izekial cried, tears beginning to run down his face, "I failed everyone. I'm sorry...I'm sorry."
"It is not your fault, Izekial," Yicho said in a soft, comforting voice, "I have warned you many times before that all attempts to stop the darkness will be in vain. This world was destined to be destroyed by it."
"But why?!" Izekial asked, "Is this how the story ends? With us entering the dreamless sleep as everything is consumed by chaos and ceasing to exist?!"
Izekial started coughing blood, his vision starting to become dark. Yicho then sat on her knees and brought his head to her lap.
"No, this is only the beginning," she explained, stroking his hair, "This world be remade in the light, and you will face the darkness and chaos again. Not in this life, but someone else's."
"Who's?" Izekial sighed with his last breath as the darkness was now upon both of them.
Yicho leaned down to his ear so the darkness can't hear.
"Izuku Midoriya."