By the time the feast came to an end, the night sky was lit by the four brilliant moons, and Harry felt at ease. Most of the children were all in bed, with parents having led them off at differing times in the night.

The two daughters of the Chief, Slywannin and Neytiri, had both still been up, but Harry believed that have been because Eytukan just couldn't say no to them. However, it also didn't seem to be that big of a deal, as, from what Harry had understood, Slywannin was almost ten, only four years away from the age of majority for Na'vi.

Harry has been initially surprised by the large gap between human and Na'vi majority, but it was easy to see when he looked at Slywannin, who already acted like a human teenager. She was polite, but an air of maturity and seriousness seemed to surround her. That could have simply been because she was taller than he was, but Harry somehow doubted it.


"Ah, Haurri, you have to return soon, yes?"

Turning to the Chief as he walked up behind the wizard, Harry nodded solemnly. "As much as I enjoyed this feast, I need to return to my ship and prove that you all are not directly dangerous to them."

The Chief nodded and squatted down next to him, somewhat lessening the drastic difference in their two heights. "Yes, I understand. Would you like an escort back? Our forests are dangerous to those not accustomed to them."

Harry thought back to when he was racing through the forest with Tsu'tey on his tail. He hadn't had trouble with any predators then, but what Eytukan said was true. Harry knew little of the dangers of Pandora, and what he didn't know to be cautious of, he couldn't shield from. Smiling up at the massive blue leader, Harry said, "An escort would be greatly appreciated, if someone would agree to lead me. For all of my magic, I am unsure I could ward off all the dangers you speak of."

Eytukan chuckled before he stood up from his squat, his feathery ensemble fluttering at the force of it. The Na'vi hummed as his tail languidly flicked from one side to the other. "Unfortunately, I cannot offer Tsu'tey's aid. He should already be retired for the day, as he is still young. ...I do believe one of our hunters would gladly join you, however. I shall be back in a moment."

Harry nodded in gratitude as the giant being fluidly turned and stalked off, going deeper into the trunk of the Home Tree.

It was only five minutes later that the Chief returned, followed by a male Na'vi of comparable age who held a strong and indifferent disposition with a few scars visible along his lanky blue body. There was a bow slung across his shoulders as well, but a small smile lifted his sharp features.

Eytukan stopped before Harry again and introduced the male as Brinthon, an accomplished hunter and teacher of the Na'vi.

Harry smiled before he realized that the Na'vi greeting he had been exposed to so many times that evening was most probably appropriate for the situation. The wizard brought a hand up to his brow before letting his fingers fall to point at the hunter as he intoned, "I see you, Brinthon."

It must have been the correct thing to do, Harry realized with no small amount of relief, as the hunter chuffed and smoothly signaled the same to him, saying, "And I you, Haurri."


Harry smiled as he ran through the trees of Pandora, taking delight in the wind whipping through his hair as he jumped from tree to tree. The wizard enjoyed his small moments of weightlessness and couldn't wait to explore more of this alien moon.

Harry's interest piqued most whenever he spotted Brinthon though, as the Na'vi male off to his side leapt through the trees so smoothly it looked as if he were flying. Harry couldn't even hear Brinthon's feet on the branches. Or, at least, he couldn't hear them over his own loud footfalls.


The wizard twitched at the sudden loud noise, but stopped as soon as he landed on his next branch, noting that Brinthon was standing on a tree adjacent to his own, watching him.

"Distribute your weight evenly on the base of your feet when you land. Step on the mossy parts of the branches too. You could wake the whole forest with the amount of noise you make."

Harry looked down sheepishly, noticing that his combat boots were indeed only on solid bark. Looking at the branches around him more closely, Harry started to spot the layers of moss Brinthon was talking about. Surprisingly, the moss didn't look too wet to be dangerous to land on, but Harry bent down to take his boots off just to be sure.

Tying them together and putting them over his shoulders, Harry took off running without warning. The wizard smiled at the quiet smushes of the moss underfoot and snickered when he managed to hear the surprised grunt that escaped Brinthon before the Na'vi male darted through the trees to catch up.


Harry and Brinthon spent the rest of their time traveling through the forest either playing an odd game of tag or learning. The tag was fun and thrilling, but Harry liked hearing what Brinthon had to say more. Whenever one of these moments happened, the Na'vi male would stop Harry with a word or two, and then proceed to point out something. These somethings were either tips to help him with his technique or warnings about dangerous creatures, like a zize or a nantang- a huge orange wasp and the gray tiger that had destroyed the rover, respectively. Though, when Harry had gotten a look at the nantang further, he realized that it more closely resembled a furless wolf than a tiger, and it had six legs instead of four.

The creatures Harry saw under the guidance of Brinthon fascinated him, and filled his mind with wonder. Every crazy animal they came across reminded Harry of all of Hagrid's mystical creatures.


Alas, even with Harry's reduced speed, the trip from Home Tree to the ship was only roughly an hour, and it came to an end much too quickly for Harry's liking. The night was still young and brilliant, but the wizard sensed that they were closing in on his shuttle quickly.

Dashing in front of the Na'vi hunter, Harry signaled for him to stop in between pants for breathe. Normally, running for an hour wouldn't be much of a problem for the commander, but when an exopack restricted oxygen flow, it was hard for Harry's body to keep up with the energy he was burning through.

Magic does wonders for recovery though, and, within a minute or two, Harry was back to normal. The small man straightened his back to look up at the towering form of Brinthon, and he smiled at the hunter's curious look.

"The humans landed up ahead. I'm not sure how they would react to your prescence, so I stopped us here. You can go back to Home Tree if you." Harry lied, trying to make his words sound less like an order and more like a suggestion, even though he truly did not want his fellow travelers to see the huge being. The wizard knew exactly how they would react, and it would not be nice.

Brinthon did not seem keen on leaving though, as the behemoth said, "It is no problem. I would prefer to see these Sky People myself, to learn their movements. My chief and I will be heeding your warning. We will be ready, should they become our enemy."

The wizard sighed softly and nodded. It was not a bad thing to do, and he would have done the same thing himself, were he in the Na'vi's position. It was just rather cumbersome, and Harry could already feel a headache coming on.

"Alright then," Harry said and jumped down to the forest floor, landing with a soft 'thump'. "But," Harry added when Brinthon jumped down beside him, "you have to follow me at a decent length. I don't particularly want the humans to see you."

The Na'vi male easily nodded and stood still while Harry began trudging through the dense foliage of the forest in the direction of his ship.