Been a while since I uploaded but I randomly was listening to music and thought about these two cuties and knew I had to write ;-; I love this pairing so much x)))

Disclaimer: 18+ boyxboy, gore (skip the first segment if gore bothers you).

Ch. 4 Crossing Boundaries

"My my, how on Earth did you find your way here little lion," a cold, cruel voice rang out through the empty halls of the cathedral. "You must be so scared, here all on your own," a path of eerie red light lit the way ahead of Anduin, up towards the cathedral and towards the voice… Anduin shook his head, looking down at the ground. None of this is real Anduin. It's N'Zoth, he's just inside your head, he can't hurt you here. Shrill piercing laughter danced in Anduin's ears, echoing powerfully across the room. Anduin put his hands on either side of his head to block out the sound and closed his eyes. He found comfort in the familiar blackness of his eyelids and settled down against the wall as the noise of the vision appeared to die out. See? It's nothing, there's nothing they can… "Well, that's just cheating," Anduin opened his eyes to see a woman enrobed in typical Black Empire garb staring down at him. "I'll take these…" She reached down to Anduin's face, her fingers coming ever closer to his eyes…

"Wait- stop! Get away-" Anduin tried to move, but he was stuck in place, watching her fingers come closer, and closer until… with a horrible ripping sound, the woman hooked her fingers underneath Anduin's eyelids and tore them away from his face. Blood filled his vision, the heat of it irritating his eyes and causing him to panic. It hurt. It hurt horribly. Blood flowed down his face and into his mouth, his eyes were on fire- they stung from being open too long. Muscles instinctively tried to close them but were unable. Whimpering and wounded, the lion curled up, looking up at the woman fearfully.

"Tsk tsk." She shook Anduin's sticky blood from her fingers, his eyelids falling to the stone floor accompanied by a shower of crimson droplets. "You shouldn't have struggled…" She gently put a hand on the side of his face, wiping some of the blood away from his pale cheeks. "Guards!" She barked suddenly, making Anduin jump. "Our dragon bait is here." Dragon bait? She must be talking about Wrathion… Two monstrous Tauren clad also in typical black empire attire entered the room, each weaving an arm underneath one of Anduin's and lifting him until he hovered a foot above the ground. Slow, lazy drops of blood dripped from his wounds down his blood-covered eyes and onto the floor. "You better hope your beloved gets here fast, little lion," beloved… Anduin thought bitterly to himself. She takes me for a faggot too, then. But... I'd do anything to see Wrathion right now… Wrathion… please… "Oh dear, he looks like he's about to faint, take him to the palace."

"Yes, Dark Inquisitor Xa'nesh," one of the Tauren's grumbled with a thick Shath'Yar accent. A bright, cruel smile, canines sharp as needles, was the last thing Anduin saw as he drifted out of consciousness, his vision bathed in red.

"GUARDS!" The high priestess screeched, carrying Anduin's limp body as best as she could up from the catacombs, mad laughter ringing in her ears as she channeled words of warding and light under her breath. "GUARDS, COME QUICK!" She emerged from the cathedral and out under the night sky.

"What seems to be the-" The first guard started.

"Call the royal guards! NOW! This is serious!" she snapped, looking down at the Anduin's face and desperately searching for some indication of consciousness. Shit! This can't be happening! How did N'Zoth… The first guard kicked the second one awake and told him to run while taking the prince's limp body in his arms and starting off towards the palace. "Tell Mattias to contact Magni immediately!" She screamed after the two, gathering her things and pulling a cloak over herself.

Standing in Silvermoon, Wrathion raised his eyes to the star-speckled sky and frowned. Something feels wrong. His wings agitatedly twitched under his cloak, one even poking its way out against his control. What's going on…? He tried to move his wing back, but found he had no control over it. What…? I haven't had transformation control problems since I was young… His wings suddenly extended to their full span, startling a few of the guards standing nearby, who readied their weapons while eyeing him suspiciously. "A- fuck…" he said under his breath, scales pushing through his skin and pushing against his mandible. There was an audible, terrible snap, and then more, as his dragon form overwhelmed him against his will. It hurts- fuck what the fuck- The guards, now openmouthed with horror, watched as his wings lifted his broken, bleeding body as he grew in size to a monstrous black dragon. When Wrathion opened his eyes, he was about 100 feet above the ground. This is wrong I'm… bigger now? His wings, now responding to his command, spanned easily an extra 10 feet. Why did it happen so suddenly like that? Is this because of N'Zoth's corruption? Why would… He reared his head back and roared, a fierce plume of fire escaping between his massive bloody teeth. The guards had, by now, abandoned their post, no doubt calling for more help.

"Wrathion! Wrathion are ye there?" A voice echoed from within Wrathion's head, causing him to wince. Ugh, I'll NEVER get used to that. Wrathion remarked to himself.

"Yes- fuck- yeah I can hear you Magni, what is it?" he half growled, irritably. His bones still hurt from his transformation and he longed for nothing more than to just curl up in the warm, Azerothian sun and bake on the rocks like the Qhiraji in Silithus.

"We've just received report thae the King has fallen inta some kindae trance? Shaw asked me ta reach out te you since it looks similar ta what happened earlier..." What? Again? Anduin? Why is N'Zoth targeting him so much? What the fuck did he do? Wrathion struggled to think with the pain and Magni's voice nipping at his psyche. "The high priestess found him at his parent's grave in a trance, she's really worried…" His parent's grave… Wrathion imagined his lover, frail, alone, in danger. Well shit. I'm sure I'm the last person he wants to see right now… "Plus… Shaw mentioned he said your name in your sleep…" Wrathion blanched, desperation tearing away all his prior inhibitions. Oh my god…

"Yeah- I'm going now, I'll be there in 30 minutes." He shook his head and turned his massive body towards Elwynn Forest.

Anduin awoke, shivering, to a dark, cold version of his own bed. He reached up to his face, desperately remembering the absence of his eyelids, and- to his despair, was met with half-dried blood covering his cheeks. 'Fuck… fuck.." He said to himself, suddenly alarmingly aware of his dry, itching eyes and his raw wounds. He curled in a ball and rocked himself slowly, tears pooling in his wounded eyes and diluting the rich red of blood in his vision.

"Awake, are we?" A sultry, feminine voice whispered to him, from the darkness.

Anduin, startled and afraid, turned his head desperately, looking for the source of the noise.

"Shh… shh… I'm not here to hurt you. Though you smell delicious…" The voice continued, as a small void elf female emerged from the shadows. There was something disturbing about her voice- like it was being distorted through the filter of a humanoid and not really there. She chuckled slightly, sitting at the side of the bed and laying a long-clawed hand on his leg. "Cooperate and your eyelids may be the only thing you lose here, nod if you understand." Anduin was silent, staring at her in disbelief, his pain distorting his thoughts.

The woman sighed, lightly pressing her nails into Anduin's skin and drawing rivulets of blood. "I said, nod if you understand," she repeated, slowly pressing her nails in deeper. Anduin gasped in pain and nodded sharply. "Don't struggle, you will only hurt yourself more, dear child." Anduin nodded stupidly, his hand reaching towards hers, as it was still digging into his skin. She hissed, the sound inhuman in her mouth. "My name is Vexiona of the Twilight Dragonflight, and I'm here for information, love," she smiled, revealing pointed dainty teeth. "Tell me everything Wrathion knows." Wrathion? So this is about him, not me?

"Everything he knows about what?" Anduin choked on his words, shivering heavily in the cold room. She hissed again, obviously annoyed with him.

"About N'Zoth, what did he tell you?" Anduin closed his lips, biting them. I shouldn't tell. My death means nothing… I shouldn't. I won't betray him. "Anduin, Anduin… don't be difficult, it's for your own good."


Irritated at his continued silence and the pitiful noise of his ragged breathing, the woman slapped him, claws out, causing deep gashes across the side of his face. Anduin screamed in pain. "TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW" She boomed, gripping his throat.

"Wrathion!" Anduin screamed. "Help me Wrathion!"

Wrathion shivered as the words rang through his mind, sharp, focused, clear. It was Anduin. Anduin was in pain. Anger coursed through his veins and he flew with new vigor, cutting through the trees and reaching Elwynn forest. His long dark shadow cast across the front of the palace as he fell with full force and violently transformed back to half-human, his eyes and snout remaining draconic, but his size becoming more manageable.

"Where is he?" He hissed at the guards, his voice sounding more beast than human. The guards clamored out of his way, only stiffly pointing towards the private corridors. On all fours, as a half drake, he ran through the throne room and to the very room where they had their fallout… where Anduin had shoved him away and broken Wrathion's heart. The pain slowly melted away his rage, and he seemed to lose more of his draconic features the closer he stepped to the fateful room. He rested a half clawed hand on the door and gently pushed it open, walking inside to be greeted by Mattias Shaw, a Priestess from the cathedral, and several elite SI:7 guards. Wrathion wordlessly took his place at the bedside, and looked down at Anduin's pale face, grimacing in pain and terror. He touched Anduin's hand and brought it to his face, kissing it softly. Mattias gave one of his agents a knowing look, almost an "I told you so." Wrathion hissed at him softly.

"I won't tell you… anything…" Anduin rolled fitfully in his sleep. Wrathion gently grasped him by the sides of his head.

"Anduin, I'm here. I'm here." Anduin's voice went silent for a bit before he started up again.

"I won't tell you anything about him! It doesn't matter what you do!" His voice raised. "No… what are you doing with that? NO! STOP! WRATHION! HELP ME! SOMEBODY!" He screamed- bloodcurdling horrible screams. The screams of a man being tortured. "SHES GOING TO KILL ME! HELP ME!" Wrathion blanched, unsure of how to respond but one thing standing out in his mind. It's not Anduin they want. It's me.

"Stop." Wrathion said, looking at Anduin, and realizing why he had been afflicted. "Whoever you are, I'm here. Wrathion of the Black Dragonflight. Just stop." Wrathion's heart dropped, his soul sensing the danger he was in. Is this how my father felt? Knowing what he was going to become and having no way to resist? "Give him back to me and I will meet your demands." Heavy silence. Anduin's breathing returned to normal. A full 5 minutes passed, Wrathion's body finally fully relaxed, and he shrugged his shoulders to hide his wings, much to the relief of the others in the room. "Leave us please, he's okay now."

"Wrathion, you know we can't just-" Mattias started.

"Leave." There was a distinct sharpness in his mouth that inspired the group to move. A minute later, he and Anduin were alone. Just like that day. He put his head in his hands, dread filling his mind. What have I done… Oh god…

Underneath him, Anduin stirred in his sleep, suddenly gasping for breath as he was returned to his rightful dimension. Wrathion didn't move, massaging his temples slowly and sighing. I could really go for a smoke right now. He stood and turned, not willing or able to face Anduin after what had happened between them. "W-Wrathion?" Anduin called out, sending pangs of emotion through Wrathion's body. Anduin reached out to him, grabbing him by his shirt. "Wrathion is that you?" Anduin said, tears rising in his voice, "Please talk to me, please," He was shaking.

"Yes, Anduin, it's me," Wrathion whispered softly, hurt clenching around his throat and threatening to suffocate him. "I'll leave you alone. I just came to help, I won't try anything."

"Please don't leave me," Anduin said pitifully, the tears he had struggled to hold back exploding at once, relief mixing with pain and desperation. "She took my eyelids- Wrathion please… stay…" He was sobbing now, full-on.

"Anduin?" Wrathion turned, looking down at him and seeing his panicked expression. Took his eyelids? What is he talking about? Did they torture him? Pangs of emotion filled him once more as he saw Anduin's desperate eyes. "Shh, I'll stay. I'll sit with you." Wrathion returned to his former place, watching Anduin out of the corner of his eye but refusing to make eye contact. A heavy silence settled on the room, to the point that Wrathion thought Anduin had fallen asleep again.

"Wrathion… how long have you had feelings for me?" Anduin asked, surprisingly seriously, his voice devoid of disgust. Wrathion looked at him then, surprised and curious as to why he asked.

"What? Why are you even asking?"

"Did you think about kissing me?"

"I suppose I did…"

"A lot?"

Wrathion blushed. "I-"

Anduin maneuvered his way towards him, "Did you think about doing other things with me too?"

Wrathion met his gaze with disbelief, "Where is all of this coming from Anduin? Are you still half asleep? Did they tell you to ask me these things?"

Anduin grabbed him by the neck. "Answer me." Wrathion felt pangs of arousal course through his veins.


"Like what?"

"Anduin…" Anduin tightened his grip on Wrathion's neck, it wasn't to a painful extent, but enough to put some pressure on him.

"Answer me, you bastard."

"Well things like… touching you…"


"Getting sucked off by you…"

Anduin laughed slightly at that. What a stereotypical teenage boy answer.

Wrathion blushed angrily. "What's wrong with that?"

"What else?"

Wrathion eyed him distrustfully. "Sucking you off." Anduin averted his eyes, feeling himself get aroused at the thought. "Listen. Enough."

"Is that all?"

"All? Is that not enough for you?"

"Well can… how do men… even do it?" Wrathion blinked 10 times, in total silence.

"Excuse me?"

"How do men have sex? You've done it before right? Or can they not? You just suck each other off?" Anduin was becoming angry with Wrathion's attitude and at his own arousal.

"Why does it matter?"

"Because! Because…" Anduin paused. Wrathion looked at him pointedly. "I've been thinking about you too…" Wrathion's eyes widened in shock. "Like.. kissing and stuff… before I got taken by N'Zoth I was thinking about our kiss and I kind of masturbated to it and then… when I was over there or wherever I was they kept saying you were my beloved? And I just got really confused and I felt like I should talk to you about it, even before I guess I always kind of had weird thoughts-" Anduin rambled, obviously still only half there from his expedition to the other side.

"You masturbated thinking about me?" Wrathion said slowly, confused and excited by the prospect.

"No. I mean yes but don't get any ideas."

"Did you cum?" Wrathion leaned closer to him, his breath warm on Anduin's skin.

"N-no…" Anduin said.

He's always been terrible at lying. "Oh? Then what's the problem?"

"I want to know."


"Just tell me!"

"No. Why would I?" Anduin suddenly and angrily grabbed Wrathion's face and kissed him, hard.

"Because I think I might like you! I don't know anymore okay! Just-" He shoved Wrathion away and put his head in his hands.

"Things not going well with Taelia?" Wrathion physically felt himself regretting his own jealousy as he brought the girl up.

"Well no. Not that that's any of your business."

"Maybe you just need another girl."

"Wrathion. Don't play stupid. I haven't thought about a girl the way I think about you ever, not even close. I don't know what… I don't even think I'm gay. I just like you… I don't know… does that make any sense?" He grumbled to himself, falling down onto the bed. Wrathion watched him closely, forgetting everything else about his fucked up life for a moment and losing himself in the moment.

"Then, you wouldn't get mad at me if I kissed you right now?"

"What are you talking about? Of course I would."

Lying, lying, little lion. Wrathion laughed softly. "Okay, then I won't." A minute of silence passed.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try."

"Oh?" Wrathion climbed into the bed and on top of Anduin, pinning his arms to the bed. "I won't stop if you tell me I can start." Anduin closed the gaps between their faces and kissed him again, desperate and excited by the prospects of what was to come.

I tried to add a little bit of good at the end to balance out the bad at the beginning x) sorry if the gorey bits grossed any1 out. Sex (sexy? Unsure if they will rly fuck) scene coming out next chapter! Stay tuned folks.

P.S. I read every review and I love recieving them, please consider supporting me by leaving one!
