Hello everyone! I haven't written any stories (in general or on this site) in years! When I was recently playing BFA's new expansion I thought that Wrathion and Anduin would be a fun character pairing to explore: so here we go!

Warning: Mature themes (boyxboy, boyxgirl, sexual content, graphic imagery, gore)

An Old "Friend"

"Your highness, Mattias Shaw and Valeera are coming to report their findings on N'Zoth's corruption soon," an elite guard reported as Anduin absentmindedly reclined on his throne, his thoughts weaving through all of the difficulties the kingdom and Azeroth were currently facing.

"Valeera? Mattias? Oh- well, that's great," he said, a bit of cynicism poisoning his worlds that stung at the guard. As the words left his mouth, he raised his eyes to meet the two master spies. I hate that they never make any noise when they move. It's unsettling. "Well?" He said in a booming, proud voice, a voice he hoped stood strong in comparison to his father's, the greatest king of all time.

"The spies have disappeared again, my liege," Mattias said softly, knowing the response he was about to elicit.

"MISSING? Again Shaw? Do you think I have infinite resources to provide you with fodder you can just LOSE when we're fighting a war on multiple fronts? I swear if you don't-" Anduin's rage frothed to the surface. He was getting desperate. The threat of N'Zoth was ever-looming and more dangerous than perhaps any other threat the world had ever faced before. The burden he held on his shoulders was crippling him, slowly bending his spine and aging his face.

"Anduin. Please," Valeera said, rather sharply, "if I may." Blood elves. Anduin thought disdainfully. "Speaker Magni is coming to pay you a visit. He's bringing a new… advisor… apparently one knowledgeable about Old god corruption." Anduin sat up in his chair, placing his heavily armored hands on the arms of his throne.

"Who…?" Anduin began to question just as the loud thudding of stone and expensive clacking of shoes snuffed out all of the noise in the echoey chamber. Anduin narrowed his eyes, seeing the mass of black curls and gorgeous red eyes approach him up the steps. No. Magni wouldn't have… "What is the meaning of this?" Anduin bellowed, standing and putting his hand on the hilt of his sheathed sword. "I'll have you put in prison- I'll..."

Wrathion approached the king, confidently, like he always had been. He annoyed Anduin to no end. "Anduin… it's been so long," he said in that silky, exotic voice that made all of the girls sway, as he extended his arms invitingly to the lion fuming at the throne. Unable to contain his rage, despair, and surprise, Anduin wound up and punched Wrathion as hard as he could in the face. "You- you killed my father- you fucking-"

"Anduin- please," Magni raised his hand to interfere, but Valeera gently rested her fingers on his shoulder, stopping him.

"I suppose I deserved that," Wrathion said, in that same stupidly confident voice that made Anduin's blood boil even more. As he turned back to face the prince, holding his injured cheek in his hand, Anduin violently thrust his hand up to Wrathion's delicate throat and crushed it with all the force he could muster.

"I'm not some stupid kid anymore Wrathion. You are addressing a King. I'd kill you right here if it weren't for Magni being here to stop me. I don't know what the hell he was thinking, bringing me some good for nothing whelp. A black dragon, at that, and a betrayer. You-you're just like your father-" Anduin stopped short, seeing the disdain in Wrathion's eyes at the comparison. He gently loosened his grip. "Wrathion I didn't…" Wrathion gently put his hand on the one at his throat and lowered it.

"You have grown, little lion," he said softly.

"He's here to help, Anduin. Please, just hear him out." Magni murmured. But Anduin didn't hear him, his eyes were locked in place, those gorgeous red pools entrancing him, speaking to him. He felt Wrathion's anguish and his fear. He's scared. He's scared the same thing that happened to his father is going to happen to him… Sympathy arose in Anduin as he stared at those puppy eyes. Then, all of a sudden, he was freed- Wrathion was as ostentatious as ever before, and Anduin's rage once again rose inside him as he remembered the role Wrathion had played in his father's death. It was as if nothing had happened, and nobody in the room acknowledged that anything had transpired. What was that? Anduin thought to himself.

"My father used to be the protector of Azeroth, and when I say I'm following his footsteps, it scares me as much as it does you," Wrathion said, rather theatrically. "Neltharion was a good man, tainted by the lure of ancient magics until he became unrecognizable. Though I fear little in this world, the old god's corruption is especially potent on the Black Dragonflight, and I have no desire to follow my father's path of lunacy and darkness."

Annoyed, but also attentive, Anduin watched the man's face closely, looking again for that odd connection they had shared earlier, and becoming confused when not finding it. What was that? Some kind of dragon parlor trick?

"Seeing as I'm more at risk than your average Joe, I've been studying," He continued. Anduin raised an eyebrow at that, causing a twinge of irritation to flash across Wrathion's face that Anduin found immensely satisfying. "I've been studying how to resist it," Wrathion repeated. "Shall we?" Wrathion asked, motioning towards the palace gardens with a grandiose sweep of his arm. Anduin huffed to himself, turning and leading the way as Wrathion, Valeera, Mattias, and Magni followed.

"So," he said, turning to Wrathion as they reached a dead end. "Can you just tell me what I'm supposed to do? My armies-"

"Will be useless." Anduin reddened, enraged at the pompous response.

"What do you-"

"N'Zoth will strike here," Wrathion said, placing his index and middle fingers against Anduin's forehead. A twinge of emotion ran from Anduin's head to his feet at the touch, an emotion he couldn't particularly place.

"Y-you presume to touch a ki-" Anduin started, angry and confused before Wrathion gently put his fingers over his lips and turned him to face the other way, out towards the kingdom. Anduin inhaled sharply, and Wrathion grinned at the reaction. I'm going to kill him. I'm going to-

"Look, my King," Wrathion said with an edge of playfulness over Anduin's shoulder. Anduin looked out over the beautiful, serene calmness of Stormwind. A light breeze fluttered through the trees and ruffled the banners in the distance. The cathedral chimed 4, and Anduin felt his malaise wash away.

"N'Zoth will manipulate your emotions, memories, everything, until you-" But it all faded away. Everything, everyone. As Anduin looked over his Kingdom, a dark terrible storm manifested above his head, seemingly of magical origin.

"Shaw, alert the-" Anduin said, turning back towards his party, but stopped short when he saw nobody there. "Shaw? Valeera?" He strode back towards the gardens, looking around desperately. "Wrathion this isn't a fucking joke," he snapped. No response. That same tame, fluttering breeze tickled at his hair as mad whisperings filled his mind. Give up hope little lion, the predator has become the prey. All will fall under my all-seeing eye. Anduin's vision clouded with thousands of purple eyes, all staring widely at him, deep into his soul. It's too late. It has already begun. Against his will, he turned, as though being guided by some unknown force, back towards his city. Anduin gasped- everything in flames, the cathedral being demolished by some terrible, huge monster. His eyes wide, he began to panic. "Guards- guards come qui-" his throat constricted on his words, his terror paralyzing him. He closed his eyes tightly, bracing himself for the worst. You will die alone here, watching your father's precious kingdom burn.

"Anduin! Anduin!" Wrathion's voice called out. Anduin's eyes flew open. It was just as it had been before, the calm breeze, the 4 o'clock midsummer laziness that comforted the soul and settled the nerves. Anduin placed his hand on his chest, breathing heavily, his free arm reaching towards the ground as he slowly fell, coughing horribly.

"Your highness!" Magni called out.

"GUARDS!" Mattias screamed, rushing back towards the palace. Wrathion, unalarmed, gently wove his arm under Anduin's as he fell, catching him halfway down.

"You saw it, didn't you?" He said, voice devoid of all characteristic flamboyance and cheerfulness. "This is the power of an old god, the power to create new realities that break the mind and cripple the spirit." Anduin, gasping, looked at him fearfully. Shaw returned, with a ridiculously oversized party of guards that cluttered Anduin's view.

"He's alright," Wrathion said, concern mildly playing in his voice. "I'll take him to his chambers, he'll need to rest." Wrathion looked down at Anduin, a familiar, gentle longing filling his chest. He's still so… fragile…

"I don't know I think he might need to-" Mattias started, worried.

"It's alright, Mattias, I'm fine. Wrathion's right, he's right about everything. And as much as I still want to execute him myself… we need his help," Anduin said, weakly. "I'll talk to him in private, we'll get this sorted out." Wrathion locked eyes with him, gently charming him. You'll be alright. Anduin noticeably stiffened, his eyes narrowing in confusion as he looked into Wrathion's. I'll take care of you. Anduin stood, shoving Wrathion away from him. What the fuck was that? Again? Is he doing that? And if he is, WHY is he doing that… and if he is… Anduin looked at Wrathion, disgust edging at his mind. There's no way he…

"Let's be off, your majesty," Wrathion said impatiently, seeming upset at something. Anduin strode back towards the throne room, his mind feeling fatigued and bent out of shape after the vision he saw. Wrathion followed him at a short distance, as though he were his shadow. After continuing that way for some time, Anduin reached his private chambers and stood impatiently while Wrathion opened the door for him. I feel uneasy. Anduin entered. He removed his gloves as Wrathion watched him, and then undid the clasps of his shoulder pads.

"Wrathion, what was that earlier?" Anduin questioned, peering into Wrathion's eyes so as to possibly glimpse the strange phenomena once more.

"What was what, exactly, my liege?" Wrathion responded coldly, removing his own gloves and sitting in a chair across from where Anduin was standing. Maybe I was imagining things? I mean there's no way! I heard his voice! I felt his presence… another strong twinge of some foreign emotion burned at the edges of his mind.

"Nevermind. I'm sure I didn't imagine it, but I suppose I can't force you to say anything." Anduin said curtly, removing his shoulder pads and resting them on the chair. "Would you like a drink?" Anduin said, undoing the clasps of his chest plate before discarding it, all the while looking at Wrathion inquisitively.

"A DRINK? Don't tell me you've grown enough to hold your drink?" Wrathion laughed, remembering how fussy Anduin was as a child, even with the communion wine at the cathedral. Anduin blushed angrily.

"I told you before and I'll tell you again," he said, angrily fumbling with the buttons of his undershirt, "I'm not a child anymore." Wrathion struggled to focus as he watched Anduin undress, his soft pale skin looking as delicate and fragile as a woman's. "I'll get you one," Anduin said, as he discarded his shirt on the chair and walked over to the alcohol cabinet in his room. Shirtless, he removed an aged bottle of whiskey and poured two glasses. Wrathion bit his lip, old feelings arising from when they were younger- before he knew what anything meant.

"Anduin I…" He started in a moment of passion, but quickly retracted, realizing how stupid and out of line he was being.

"What is it now?" Anduin snapped, turning to him and handing him the glass.

"It's good to see you." Anduin started at him silently, taking a quick sip of the alcohol and tugging the ribbon out of his hair.

"Well, it's NOT good to see you." Golden strands of hair, slightly curly from the sweat accumulated by wearing armor, fell softly, framing his face. Wrathion laughed softly.

"Anduin, I know you're not going to forgive me so easily…" Wrathion started as Anduin removed his belt, trailing off as he watched the young king.

"I'm not going to forgive you at all, period. So just put that out of your mind and worry about the N'Zoth problem." Anduin rummaged through his things, finding a thin undershirt that suited his fancy and pulling it over his head. "Speaking of which, what exactly is your plan?" Anduin finished the alcohol and poured himself another glass.

"Speaker Magni and I have discussed much before my visit, he's decided to take up arms to defend Azeroth." Wrathion took a long sip, and swirled the whiskey in his mouth, watching Anduin's chest rise and fall as he breathed, his nipples slightly visible through the thin fabric of his undershirt. He's driving me crazy. "We plan to maintain the titanforges as safeguards for the chamber of heart, and open a tenebrous gateway."

"A gateway? For what?" Anduin questioned, finishing his second glass and removing his heavy boots. "Ugh, doesn't all of this armor get on your nerves? I'm still getting used to always wearing it…" Anduin grumbled, half to himself. Wrathion laughed.

"The difficulties of being new to the throne... " he said, before continuing, "the gateway… the gateway would allow us to season our heroes. To monitor them in areas of varying corruption so as to increase their endurance. To aid in this endeavor, I aim to obtain corrupt black dragon scales to fashion cloaks…"

"Corrupt black dragon scales?" Anduin said, alarmed, as he poured Wrathion another glass. "You're going back to... " Wrathion looked up at the king with pain-filled eyes.

"Yes, Blackwing descent…" Anduin fell silent, resting a hand on Wrathion's shoulders in solidarity. Though he still resented Wrathion immensely, he too knew the pain of visiting a father's grave.

"The gateway you spoke of, and the corruption resistance, how are you planning to mobilize that against N'Zoth?" Anduin turned and started pacing slowly around the room, deep in thought.

"We're going to Ny'alotha." Anduin spun on his heel and looked pointedly at Wrathion.

"No… you madman!" Anduin started, exasperatedly, "we can't afford to lose you to N'Zoth Wrathion, your power, in the wrong hands…" Wrathion gently rose from his seat, setting his empty whiskey glass down on the side table next to the chair.

"I won't fall like my father did," Wrathion said, taking a step closer to Anduin and looking down at him. "I won't."

"Wrathion… how can you be sure? You don't even understand their true power…"

"I'm sure!" Wrathion barked, his voice filled with a desperate anger Anduin had never heard before. Anduin lowered his eyes.

"I know you want to avenge your father, but charging headlong into this…"

"I said I'm sure." Wrathion said coldly, backing Anduin into a corner and placing his hands on either side of his head.

"Wrathion?" Wrathion blinked, realizing how close they were. He smelled an unmistakable blend of whiskey and Anduin's sweat that clouded his vision and made him dizzy. The arousal he had forgotten about earlier again became painfully noticeable to him.

"Anduin…" The blur of whiskey numbed his senses as he leaned down and kissed him firmly. Anduin struggled under his lips, but the kiss had fully entranced him, and Wrathion pushed even closer. He broke the kiss, his lips still close to Anduin's, tasting his breath and the whiskey from his mouth. "Anduin I've always…"

"What is fucking wrong with you?" Anduin violently shoved the black dragon away from him, wiping his mouth with disgust. "You.. what? You're gay?" Wrathion's face darkened with pain, and he stepped away from the king to retrieve his gloves. "Wrathion what the hell is going on? Are you serious? What made you think…" Anduin fumed, the taste of Wrathion dancing on his lips making him nauseous. Gay… gays go to hell… this is unnatural, this isn't right… "Wrathion! Explain yourself!" Anduin took a step towards him, but he was already leaving the room.

"Goodbye, Anduin." He said coldly, a strong painful edge to his voice sharpened by the whiskey he drank.

"You stay the fuck away from me faggot, you got that?" Anduin yelled after him, hurt and confusion along with strange sympathy bubbling in his heart.

"Get some rest." The door shut behind him, and Anduin was left alone. He rushed to the bathroom and scrubbed at his mouth, desperate to get the taste off his lips. The heat of it, the passion, had been overwhelming. Anduin was overcome with emotions and in his weakened state, he broke down. Falling to the floor, he held his face in his hands, sobs wracking his body. N'Zoth, seeing Wrathion again and remembering his father's death, the vision… it was all too much.

"Anduin?" A voice chimed from down the hallway. Taelia.

"Taelia…" Anduin said weakly, as she rushed into the room.

"Anduin! What in god's name happened?!" She lowered herself to the floor in front of him, and took his sobbing frame into her arms. "Anduin?"


Please leave a comment and let me know what you think so far! I hope you're as interested in where this goes as I am! :)
