Note: Hello everyone! This is your friendly-universe rodent and I would like to welcome all of you to something that's been cooking in my brain for a while.

Though I love the original Spyro trilogy and its Reignited remake, lore has always been one of my greatest weaknesses, so I just had to go digging around for some – and lo behold I stumbled across a Reddit post about the Machinists, a dragon group originally intended for the original Spyro games but cut out due to time constraints.

Then one idea led to another and well here we are. Enjoy!

In an age beyond time, the world knew only chaos - for the world knew the elements that comprised it as powerful and masterless, all life left at the mercy of nature.

But all changed when the Great Mother Serpent, wounded and ailing, descended from the Skylands to seek sanctuary for the unborn eggs upon her back. From these very eggs sprung forth the world's first dragons, creatures of untold elemental prowess.

Seeing the state of the planet, she used what remained of her strength and magic to teach her children how to tame the elements so they could ensure all living things existed in harmony.

However, she did not take long to realize the different talents among the dragons and so chose six among them, one for each element save for darkness, to establish their own guilds and preserve an aspect of draconic culture in her stead.

Ignitus, master of the arts and founder of the Artisans.

Atma, oneiric sage and founder of the Dream Weavers.

Volteer, scientific genius and founder of the -

Terrador, general of unrivaled courage and founder of the Peace Keepers.

Cyril, mage of untold prowess and founder of the Magic Crafters.

Agwé, shamaness of deepest wisdom and founder of the Beast Makers.

Together, these six clans became the Dragon Realms and the Great Serpent passed away upon what would become Dragon Shores.

As centuries passed, the presence of the guilds brought exactly what their Mother had desired - until one dragon, arrogant and cruel, chose tyranny over peace in belief that dragonkind deserved to rule rather than protect and left only destruction in his wake. With words of silk and desires of sin, he swayed many dragons to accept his poisonous thoughts.

To remedy this nightmare, the Founders banded together and combined their powers to banish The Fallen One and his followers beyond the heavens, restoring balance and peace to the world.

However, some legends speak of a seventh dragon chosen in secret long ago by the Great Mother Serpent, a hero of shadow to unite the Founders' clans should The Fallen One ever rise again. Few believed such tales for they deemed the leaders enough, the Seventh Dragon nonsense, and the guilds' bonds unshakable.

History suggests otherwise.