(Disclaimer : I own neither Steven universe or My Hero academia)

"I don't want tO TALK ABOUT IT." Steven yells the gems trailing behind him as he steps onto the warp pad his skin shifting to pink, matching energy smashing into it as the warp pad begins to flow "Steven!" they exclaim lunging for him but far to late his eyes meeting theirs for what might be the last time as hes engulfed in a pink beam of energy leaving a shattered warp pad behind. Garnet drops to her knees as the future she had seen shatters, all of the paths ahead being Steven free.

"No.." she says softly hanging her head her as three lines of tears flow from beneath her visor.

"NO!" she yells slamming her palms into the ground cracking the floor punching it over and over again until amethyst and pearl grab her arms.

"He's gone." she tells them in the way she had told them of roses death years before and pearl lets out a heartbreaking wail as she seems to collapse under her own weight amethyst rushing forward her door opening and slamming behind her.

A pink beam of energy appears in the sky throwing Steven out violently, his skin still pink as he quickly assesses his situation bringing his feet under him as he slams into the ground digging into the pavement as he tries to slow to a stop, dropping to his knees as soon as he has stopped. Whatever the warp pad had done had hurt, it felt like it was tearing him apart. He hears a yell and brings up his shield in time to block a foot from above pushing away a beautiful woman in jeans and a shirt with a set of large bunny-like ears.

"Come quietly kid, and I won't have to hurt ya. It's my day off and I don't want to spend too much time on this."

"Just leave me alone" he says looking around dodging another kick grabbing her by the ankle throwing her into the sky watching her, ready to catch her if he needs too jumping back as she comes down her feet cracking the cement under her as she launches at Steven spin kicking testing his reflexes as he dodges forming a shield effortlessly taking her hit head on his feet digging into the pavement as he holds her back.

"Humans shouldn't be this strong. Somethings off' he says softly her ears flicking

"You're no joke are you kid, power and skill why'd you bust the road up?" She asks stretching to prepare for a real fight if need be.

"I … fell from the sky, i didn't mean to break anything i was just catching myself" he tells her. "I'll pay? Maybe, this stuffs crazy expensive isn't it?" he asks and she blinks.

"This was you falling, how strong are you?"

He shrugs.

"Never tested it, anything that I've needed to lift I've been able to." She whistles impressed

"Turn yourself in, and we can sort this all out. You don't seem like a brat"

"Cant, I have stuff to do."

he jumps sailing through the air turning to see her following after him. Steven suddenly changes into a quick fall letting her sail past as he lands in an alleyway pulling off his pink jacket and folding it holding it under his arm, As he walks out into a crowd pulling out his phone and calling pearl the number not going through, he hangs up dialing amethyst with the same results finally calling Connie and the call going through fast.

"Mcronalds this is Gregory, how can i help you today." he hangs up opening an app 3 colored diamonds appearing on his screen, he taps yellow his phone making a tone before saying no signal

"Oh no." he presses the blue diamond symbol and gets no signal again. "Come on white…" he mutters under his breath as he pressed her button and once again nothing.

"Somethings wrong." he says looking up a world map finding an extra continent . His eyes widening as he types in the coordinates for the temple looking at a satellite feed finding a lighthouse but no temple looking at both kindergartens finding nothing but a desert and a grass field with a single house on it. He closes his phone a hand grabbing his shoulder, Steven flinching spinning and punching Rumi in the chest sending her flying through the front of a shop the crowd separating Steven putting his jacket back on not wanting to lose it, while Usagiyama gets to her feet holding her chest, finally understanding how strong the teen in front of her actually was.

"That was a good move, you're reflexes are awesome and that quirks no joke"

"What's a quirk?'' he asks, looking her over making sure he hadn't hurt her.

"Your quirk, everyone knows what a quirk is.' she deadpans

"Quirk means power then?"

"Yea kid, were you raised under a rock."

"No, I was raised by rocks," he pauses, hearing an explosion.

"That's not good." she says looking to the sky.

"I'll surrender, let's go check that out."

"Can't do that, they'll fire me."

"Fire you? Your job's more important than whatever that is?!" he scoffs

"I'm going. If you want to capture me you'll have to follow." and with that he jumps into the air towards the noise before she can reach him

Steven floats in the air watching a man covered in muscle fibers wearing a shredded shirt smacking away a man wearing only sleeves with caution tape around his wrist catching the foot of a massive woman in a white and blue body suit.

"Giant woman." he says under his breath before he's pushed forward in the air catching himself, a pair of arms wrapping around his shoulders as Rumi uses him to stay in the air.

."Oh shit that's muscular." she says looking down at him.

"How strong are your legs?" he asks her, quickly coming up with a plan .

"Strong enough why."

"I'm going to throw you, can you knock him over if i get you going fast enough?"

"I like it." she says, grinning at him as she takes his hand Steven spinning twice and throwing her the wind whipping around her as she slams her feet into muscular's chest sending him flying Steven following it up by plummeting like a comet increasing his fall speed and planting his feet into the man's chest crushing him into the pavement and jumping back landing near the heroes.

" You need to stay out of this!" Mt lady yells at the number five hero, her eyes coming to rest on Steven.

"You brought a child!?" she yells dumbfounded

"This is the kid who broke the street a few blocks over, he's no slouch."

"Damn kid, that hurt. You pack a punch." muscular comments his broken muscle fiber cocoon receding..

"And you can take one pretty well, give up there's no reason to fight."

"There's always a reason to fight kid." he coughs up black sludge his eyes widening.

"Not now ya bastards!" he yells as the black sludge flows from his mouth surrounding him and pulling him away.

"NO!" Steven screams, his skin turning pink as he launches himself forward, the street exploding as he crosses the distance almost instantly, narrowly missing muscular . He scans the area before letting the pink fade away using the dust to press his phone into a cracked wall licking his hand to heal the crack turning and walking out of the dust and over to the bunny hero.

"I said I'd turn myself in."

"You did." she says, impressed by him sticking to his word

"Who are you?" one of the news reporters asks as they crowd around him.

"What's your quirk!" another asks.

"I'm Steven universe."

"So, when did you get a sidekick?" mt lady asks walking up to Rumi

"I didn't, I met the kid 20 minutes ago in the rubble of the street, I think he might be stronger than I am" she looks over to see Steven being put into the back of a police car.

"Can you fill out you're report first, i need to make a phone call."

"Yea, sure i'll go first."

"I owe ya one." she waves ducking into an ally and pulling her phone out of her pocket dialing the number for U.A.

Steven sits in an interrogation room with his wallet having been confiscated. He had shoved his phone into a crack in a wall near the scene and healed the crack over it, he wouldn't risk losing it.

"We searched for you, but you don't seem to exist."

The officer sitting across from him says.

"So you can't hold me then?" he says hopefully and the officer snorts.

"The opposite actually, we can't let you go."

"Actually, I have a few questions for him myself' an overly happy voice says as the door opens to a white bipedal animal.

"I know what you're thinking, is he a mouse or a bear?"

"Actually I was wondering if your fur was soft?" Steven admits.

"It is!" he says a bit too happily.

"I believe that you were brought here in that pink flash yes?'' Steven nods.

"I was."

"Young universe here helped prevent muscular from killing anyone today, and pro hero Rumi has suggested him for u.a, and given his performance i and the hero commission wholeheartedly agreed. Assuming he can pass an entrance exam."

He walks over to the table setting down a stack of forms.

"now as you do not seem to exist, and after of course answering this fine detective's questions. You will need to fill out these forms."

"Of course." Steven agrees not unused to filling out paperwork having helped run little home school.

(Authors note: I am currently reworking this story a bit, sorry for the inconvenience.)