Chapter sixteen: The book of war: Preparation

All For One had never expected for him to be caught so soon. He always knew that eventually the heroes would kick his ass and lock him up at Tartarus. A prison where Criminals and monsters were only kept in there. Shigaraki would take his place as the new symbol of evil and bring fear to both his allies and enemies alike. Alas, he was foiled. All because of him.

"I'm impressed, Hiashi," All For One spoke to himself, sounding impressed. "Plotting against me and managing to convince Kurogiri to join you,"

He chuckled darkly. He always had a soft spot for people with gifted tactical abilities and critical thinking. But this man, he was no "favorite" of his.

"But I have faith in my league that they will foil your plans," he spoke madly to himself. "I gave your son the hard drive that contains information about you."

"I swear to you this," he spoke. "I'll never let you get close to young Midoryia."

Hours before Training camp raid….

Toshinori never felt desperation before. His dream was to save people. Yet he didn't felt like a hero, no more like the opposite. A villain. He ruined the dreams of a young kid. To make things worse, his mother died, and was, well, forced to become a villain with nothing to lose.

"Are you okay?" Mirio asked his All Might.

All Might was brought back from his thoughts.

"I'm am sorry young Togata," All Might coughed. "Listen could we talk in my office?"

Mirio eyebrows were raised. He knew something was going on, just didn't know what.

"Of course," he politely agreed.

Mirio had arrived in All Might's office. It was a standard one. There was a couch next to a wall, windows which could let you see the entrance, and a desk along with a chair. Overall it was decent.

"Please sit down young Togata," All Might offered.

"Thank you,'' Togata accepted the offer.

All Might was preparing himself for what he was going to say. After all, he was gonna offer his quirk….

"So did you wanna talk about?" Mirio asked. "You did sound pretty serious."

"Ah yes!" All Might was caught off guard. "Young Togata you are currently still doing the internship with Sir Nighteye, am I not right?"

"Yes?" Mirio confirmed not knowing the reason behind the response.

"Well after some consideration, I want to explain my quirk to you." All Might explained.

Mirio's eyes widened. Now he knew what he meant.

Current time….

The league of villains was not ready for war. They didn't have a choice, even if they released Katsuki, they would be raided by heroes.

It was a matter of time before they arrived.

Katsuki pushed back and forth, trying to escape from the damn chair he was tied in. However, one look from his childhood friend, and he was a pale ghost.

That one look was enough to extinguish his rebellion against his captors.

"Were done for, we're done for, we're done for-" Spinner stopped.

"Hey we'll be fine, Spinner," Izuku reassured him.

"Yeah, your right kid," Spinner agreed with him. "I guess I know why Stain likes you."

"We'll just have to embrace for what's coming," Mr. Compress tried to "reassure" the younger members.

Kurogiri never thought he would ally himself with him.

"Doctor Ujiko, how long till the Nomu is complete?" Hiashi asked the good doctor.

"80% done," the doctor said. "By the time All For One is imprisoned, the Nomu will be ready."

Hiashi had a grin on his face, before reverting back to his serious expression.

"Kurogiri," he asked.

"Yes, Hiashi?" Kurogiri answered calmly.

"You should go back," Hiashi recommended. "I and the good doctor will take care of things from here."

"Wish you just call Doctor Ujiko, not "good doctor"," Ujiko sighed knowing he had good intentions. "But Hiashi's right, Kurogiri, you should go back. It would cause suspicion."

"Yes, right away," Kurogiri said with obiedence.

"And Kurogiri," Hiashi said.

Kurogiri glanced at Hiashi.

"Please make sure the league doesn't know any of this, even my own son." He sighed.

kurogiri chuckled.

"I won't."

The league was now growing impatient of Kurogiri. Where the hell is he? Did he just bailout? All of these questions were answered when Kurogiri jumped out of the portal he made.

"Sorry I'm late," he apologized smoothly.

"Where do you go?" Izuku asked with suspicion.

Kurogiri didn't want the league to find out he was a traitor, so he lied.

"Master has sent me somewhere."

Izuku wanted to press further, until Shigaraki stopped him.

"We don't have time Midyoria!" Shigaraki exclaimed, reminding him that time was running short.

Knock, knock

"Hello, this is Pizza-La Camino store."

Everyone stood silent. Then….


The entire front wall was crumbled as Kamui Woods used his quirk to wrap everyone up. Dabi was about to use his cremation quirk, only to interrupted by kick in the face by Gran Torino.

"It would be wise to not use your quirk," Gran Torino warned.

Izuku using his hand formed a knife.

If only fate would be on his side, then, Gran Torino wouldn't also kick the knife, which disintegrated.

"You have a lot to answer for your crimes, young man!" Gran Torino sounded more scolding than a warning. "You can run any more villains," All Might said in a grand voice.


Izuku knew things were gonna get worse.

To be continued….

A/N: I know things massive didn't happen, but I promise that the next chapter will be exciting (I will try my best at least).

I think it will be a two-parter. It would depend on the length. Also, things will run differently than in cannon, you will see...