Inside her cupboard, little four year old Rose Potter was silently weeping in despair after the most recent berating from her uncle. She had just burnt her cousin's bacon and received a two-hour crash course on why she was a worthless freak that should be grateful for the honour of cooking for them. This was a commonplace occurrence for her but it did not hurt any less that her family kept doing this to her nor did it give any semblance of hope to her situation. She was a freak and always had freakish things happen to her. Her useless parents had died in a car crash just so she could get enslaved to the Dursleys. Rocking back and forth, she mumbled her daily mantra to herself and winded herself down to comforting embrace of sleep.


"FREAK! WAKE UP! The neighbours are getting suspicious that they have not seen your worthless freakish self for a few months! You will be going to the park! Is that clear?" Screamed Vernon after banging on her door repeatedly.

"Yes Uncle" was the reply, just withholding a Sob at her dismal situation.

Getting up, still dressed only in her red skirt and green top, she picked herself up and got out of her Cupboard. Making her way towards the door she made her way over to the park. Dudley and friends were already there when she arrived.

"Oi, Freak wanna play a game?"

A game? Rose wondered. They have never played any good games with her before. Maybe her Uncle convinced him to play a game with her for the neighbours' sake?

"Yes Dudley, I would like to." was the cautious reply.

Dudley led her towards the back of the park where the bushes obstructed the view of the adults.

"This game, we will be the Witchfinders and you will be the witch. STONE HER!" Screamed Dudley

Before she could do anything a bombardment of stones came racing towards her. Bruising and getting a squeal of pain wherever they impacted. The throws were relentless with no care for her wellbeing. And why would they care? She was not human! She was a worthless freak and everyone told her so! Crying again as they continued to throw stones relentlessly she internally screamed even louder.

"Look at the worthless freak boys, she cannot even take a couple of stones! Keep hitting the Witch!"

With a brainless chuckle and incompetent obedience that only a pack of baboons could display, they continued to lob stones and the freak. When blood began to trickle leak from multiple impact points, everyone apart from Dudley stopped. Staring confusedly at the others, Dudley inquired about their reasoning.

"Oi boys, why ya stopped?"

"Big D mate, maybe we should stop ey? The freak has learnt her lesson."

"No! My Dad said that the freak should learn her lesson for being a witch! Overheard him telling mum I did!" bellowed Dudley.

"She seems in bad shape, maybe we should.."

"Enough! I'll show you how it's done boys! Interrupted Dudley.

Laughing to himself, Dudley continued to lob stones while the others just watched on, not willing to go against the boss but not willing to help her. Dudley was assured he was doing the right thing! His dad was never wrong!

Rose could not take much more, this was terrible! This was nothing compared to being starved or shouted at! She could barely even form a coherent thought. Never before in her life was she this bereft of relief from the pain. She screamed one word before the abyss of the void consumed her thoughts.



Dagobah 17BBY

A small green creature was sitting atop a rock in the murky forest of Dagobah. Yoda he was. The Jedi GrandMaster of once the peacekeepers of the galaxy. But now, GrandMaster Yoda, was reduced to meditating to himself in his exile to continue his studies and gain knowledge of the force.

As he was meditating on recent events. The force was deeply saturated in the Dark Side on this planet. It did not dim the Jedi GrandMaster, but it was still an oppressive feeling. One that Yoda believed he may never get used to, not that it was necessarily a bad thing to not become complacent with. The Emperor had defeated Yoda and caused his current exile. Pondering over the Emperor, Yoda was overwhelmed with a scream in the force. A cry for help from a distant planet. A plea for assistance from an extremely powerful force user. Yoda sighed to himself and let a single teardrop down his face. He could not leave this planet yet. It was not time. He resigned himself to know that the force was punishing him for his failure by providing him with knowledge of those he had failed.

Shaking himself out of these murky thoughts, the Grandmaster made his way back to his home.


Imperial Star Destroyer Cascade 17BBY

Darth Sidious. Dark Lord of The Sith. Emperor of the Galaxy. Master of the Inqusitorious. And the undisputed most powerful force user in the universe was irritated. Once again, he was reminded of his apprentice's failure on Mustafar when he received a report that Darth Vader was unable to kill a lone Jedi master and was only saved by his StormTroopers. Pathetic! Such Raw potential was wasted by his apprentice's arrogance. He stretched out with the dark side of the force to the rest of the galaxy, searching once again for another to take his apprentice's place. Not that the Emperor held much Hope, it would be Milena before another as powerful would come, but he would wait, he was Immortal after all. Suddenly, his forcesight was pulled into a vision.

The Emperor was staring down from his Throne. Looking down he could see Lord Vader incapacitated on the ground with multiple lightsaber wounds and other unidentified injuries. His helmet was off and his face was covered in blood. Feeling his eyes roam he saw a young woman kneeling before him, presenting her with the helmet and lightsaber of his apprentice. Looking upon the woman he could feel her power. More powerful than Lord Vader and yet, somehow more exotic. He was brought out of his musings by the woman below.

"My Task Is complete My Emperor, your former apprentice is dead, I stand ready to obey your will."

Ripped from his vision. The Emperor almost cackled with glee but he caught himself, it would not do to when in front of so many people. Reaching out with the Dark side further he tried to scry for this woman.

After a few minutes, he could hear a plea for help far into the unknown regions. So, his future apprentice was a young child now? This could not be any better! He could mould her into a perfect extension of his will!

"Admiral, prepare to depart!" instructed the Emperor.

"Yes your excellency, what is our destination?"

"I will input it myself, this is a classified mission Admiral!"

"Of course your excellency!"

A few minutes later, the massive Star Destroyer entered Hyperspace towards the unknown regions, whatever previous task the ship had forgotten.